Vampire (Dragon) x Human (CH) Romance

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6:54pm Jan 11 2012

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[[ Adam could've seen the wind moving the gross floor-stuff. ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:56pm Jan 11 2012

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[[Ohh. I didn't want to say that because I thought you purposely said '...wasn't too obvious or suspicious...' meaning you didn't want it to be noticed. 
Alrighty. I'll edit my post. ;D ]]

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7:12pm Jan 11 2012

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7:19pm Jan 11 2012

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Markus glanced at Adam when he heard his disbelieved, stammering "What?" The boy's reason to said "What?" made Markus shake his head. So? He saw worse things... been through worse. Replacing his white hands on the neck of the broom, he moved to sweep up some more dirt.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:22pm Jan 11 2012

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Whew. He didn't suspect anything. 
With a sigh, I quickly, and inefficiently, finished the rest of the chairs. Not even thinking about cleaning the tables. I grabbed my things and literally zoomed out the door, to my car, and sped to Paradise's house. 

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7:32pm Jan 11 2012

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Markus waited until he heard Adam's footsteps fade into the distance. He twirled the broom up onto his shoulder with the bristles above him. He held out one hand and the wind immediantly picked everything up -- that was one the ground -- and deposited it in the trashcans.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:36pm Jan 11 2012

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The second I saw Adam come out of his car with that determined ex
pression on his face, and the purposeful walk to the door, I knew something serious happened. My dad was already in bed upstairs, so I didn't have to worry about him wondering who Adam was. 
I said as I opened the door. 
Adam walked in and made sure I closed the door before saying, 
"You're not going to believe what I saw today..."
And with that, he explained to me everything that happened. From the conversation to... Whatever Markus was doing to the dirt. 

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7:44pm Jan 11 2012

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With everything put away, Markus retrieved his stuff and walked out to his motorcycle. Once he started everything up, he sped out of the parking lot as he drove through downtown before heading up to his apartment.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:49pm Jan 11 2012

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The blood in Markus's home was a big shock. But this... was unreal. The last ten minutes of Adam staying, he was trying to persuade to me that he wasn't imagining things. And I tried believing him, I truly did. 
But, using some kind of 'magic' and moving the dirt... Wasn't very realistic. 
As I watched Adam leave my home in disgust, I tried to explain that he had no proof. That he couldn't go to anyone else and see what they'd think. This was a delicate subject, and it shouldn't be ruined by his ill - temper. 
I watched him speed away out of my street. First blood, now apparently 'able to move dirt'. Who was this Markus guy? I frowned, walking up the stairs and too my bedroom. I was going to need a good nights sleep if I was even thinking about dealing with Adam tomorrow.
Or dealing with Markus.

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7:57pm Jan 11 2012

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[[ Time skip to next day~ ]]

Morning again. And another day of school. Until he happened to look at the calender on his refrigerator. Huh. Today was Saturday. Scratching his head slightly, he yawned and stumbled over to the only couch in the room before crashing on it. Morning nap time. Oh yea. Markus liked this better.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:04pm Jan 11 2012

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[[Gotta go.]]

I had planned on sleeping in today, as in hide away from my issues the whole day, but I couldn't help but notice the odd stench in my room. 
From Markus's stupid bottle. I shivered, not wanting to dwell on it before getting up and grabbing the bottle. 
Maybe it wasn't blood. Maybe I was feeling sick for nothing. That stupid, irrational part inside of me told me to drink it and see if it was. But, I couldn't do it. I wasn't that risky. 
So that's when I found out what I planned on doing today. Figuring out what the substance was...
Or finding someone stupid to drink it for me. 

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8:08pm Jan 11 2012

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[[ D: ]]

The soft beating of wings alerted Markus to the arrival of his birdie friend. He didn't moved, and he let her land on his chest before he felt her beat nip the tip of his nose slightly. As if to say; "Wake up Markus."

"I am awake," he murmured in his ancient tongue. "Just resting for a few more hours."

This got a small caw from the raven. She did it several more times and Markus realized she was chuckling. Even if it did sound a bit more twisted.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:38pm Jan 14 2012

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[[ Bump...? -headtilt- ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:12pm Jan 15 2012

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[[Sorry. Went to a memorial yesterday + I am back to the 'Only online on the weekend' stuff. D: 
So, if Paradise typed 'Markus Taen' in google, what should she find? :D ]]

"Gotta go..."
I heard my dad mutter to me as he walked out the door. My elbow leaned against the kitchen counter by the sink in disgust. So, this was how it was going to be? Separate lives living in the same home? I rolled my eyes and went back to doing the dishes. Who cares about dad. I had bigger plans today. 
After finishing the dishes, I made sure that my dad was surely out of the drive way before running upstairs, grabbing the bottle, and running back downstairs to my laptop. After clicking the Internet Explorer icon, I sat on a bar stool by the island in my kitchen and thought. How to figure out what this was, was probably the most difficult part. 
Finally, I realized I could always just describe what I saw, and see what Google gave me. I doubted it would help, but I took a shot. 
After typing some, I waited for Google's response. The hair on my neck raised as I cringed. Something about blood was up and I quickly took off the tab before any more could be read. I sighed and covered my face in my hands. 
Okay. So, if it really was blood, the question was, why did Markus Taen have it? I looked up at the screen, when something came to my mind. When I typed my name on Google - long ago, when I was curious as to what it would say - it new everything about me. Where I went to school, How old I was, what my mom's name was, where I worked... Everything in my life.
So, what would it say about Markus Taen, the quiet, introverted, ill -tempered new kid? I swallowed nervously, afraid of what I'd find, before typing his name in Google. 

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3:17pm Jan 15 2012

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[[ Absolutely nothing. He stayed well out of the public eye and erased all this information from Greek records. 

Buuut.... To keep the roleplay interesting, she should find his birthdate and his deathdate. 19 BC and 1 AD respectively. And his list of military achievements since he was in the Athen's army when he lived.

And I am not sure what to post since Markus is still sleeping... o3o]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:53pm Jan 15 2012

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[[Alright, I'll do something like that. Thanks. :D
 But, before I post, we should figure out how they should run into each other today. Seeing as I'll get writers block also after writing what she finds on Google.
 Like... Both could go to the mall. Or some store. That's a little cliche, so I was thinking something that had to do with what she finds on Google, but we can cross that out since she can't go anywhere for the things above. ^^ :D
Unless she looks for the grave of Markus Taen, and for some reason, he's there too? D: And Paradise goes just to see if the date is the same or something.  I dunno. ]]

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3:57pm Jan 15 2012

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[[ But if she went to find his grave, it would be back in his homeland of Greece. So that would be a little impossible since it would just be empty...


I dunno... ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:59pm Jan 15 2012

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[[Yeah, after I posted that, I realized that last part didn't make any sense. Bahaha.

Well, other then that ^^^ I dunno either... D: ]]

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4:05pm Jan 15 2012

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[[ Confrontation at school~ ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:06pm Jan 15 2012

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[[Ohh yaa, she can come up to him then. ^^
You can time skip. :D ]]

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