4:12pm Jan 15 2012
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[[ ... ]]
Monday had come waay to fast for Markus as the vampire walked out to his motorcycle. As he straddled the seat, he started it up and was soon speeding down the road to the school. It had taken the vampire several moments to find an open spot before he parked and turned off the purring machine as he slid down the kickstand. When the bike started to lean, Markus got off the bike and readjusted the backpack as he walked up to the schools main doors.
Another boring day, Markus thought.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:26pm Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 4:28pm Jan 15 2012)
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After typing his name with shaking hands, I noticed some peculiar things. The only thing that was the same between the Markus Taen I knew and the Markus Taen on the screen was that Athens was in Greece. That was the only thing. I swallowed nervously, quickly copying and pasting everything - though there was only one or two links on this subject - I saw on a document and printing it out. Maybe I was missing something, that I could read later on. Sticking the printed papers in my back pack, thinking about showing them to Adam tomorrow, I put the bottle back upstairs and told myself not to think about what I've just learned in the passed ten minutes.
I shook the paranoid thoughts from my head as I put the papers back in the back pack, grabbed my books, and walked into my first class.
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5:02pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus had been stopped in a rather obscure corner of the school by a group of girls. It appeared they were fawning over him and other things that he didn't understand about the female population. But he knew he didn't want them, he just wanted one; Paradise. Respectfully declined them all, he slid through them and walked off towards his first class. The bell rang just as he entered the room.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:09pm Jan 15 2012
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As I sat down, I saw Markus walk through the classroom doors. My heart kicked into double time for various reasons before I looked back at the teacher as he started his familiar greeting to the classmates.
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5:40pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus slipped into his seat just as the teacher began to greet the class. He stole a sidelong glance at Paradise when he heard her hear beat in double time.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:53pm Jan 15 2012
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During the rest of the class period, all I could think about was how to put the information that I found on the internet together. The weird thing was, there was only one Markus Taen that showed up. There wasn't a huge list of thousands of people by that name. And I couldn't help but believe it was talking about the Markus Taen close by me. I swallowed as I tried my best to concentrate back on what Mr. King was saying. But, just when I let my mind ease on the subject, the bell rang. I immediately got up, just like everyone else in the class. Avoiding Markus's eyes, I walked out of the room with the rest of the students.
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5:58pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus frowned when Paradise left without meeting his eyes. Something was definitely up. Furrowing his brows together as he stood up and followed her to their shared next class.
[[ Blarg... [[
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:10pm Jan 15 2012
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[[ Can I just time skip to lunch so that she can talk to him? :DDD ]
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6:11pm Jan 15 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:19pm Jan 15 2012
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It was all I could do not to glance at Markus through out the rest of the classes. I knew that if I tried looking at him, I either, wouldn't stop, or just ask him right there what was up. All these emotions being buried were just making me want to scream. That was when I realized I had to talk to him. When the lunch bell rang, it was the first time I was more then happy to go to the cafeteria and search for him. As I walked into the cafeteria, I started nonchalantly looking at all the tables; looking for Markus.
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6:23pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus was sitting in a corner of the cafeteria, his hands holding another Greek book in his hands. His crimson eyes flicking across the page as he absorbed the story. His other senses were closed off so he did not hear Paradise enter the giant room.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:25pm Jan 15 2012
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The second I saw Markus reading, I didn't hesitate to walk over. I sat down across from him and gently tapped his foot with my own under the table to get his attention. "Hey." I said, trying to act as normal as possible. Not like I had just stalked him on Google that weekend.
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6:28pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus twitched slightly when he felt a foot connect with his and when he heard Paradise's voice. Closing his book slightly, he glanced at her and cocked his head to one side. "Hey," he said wearily.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:42pm Jan 15 2012
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Seeing as I didn't want to get right on the topic, I tried to let the conversation go slow. "How are you?" I asked with a fake smile to cover my nervousness.
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7:01pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus was puzzled by her question. "I'm fine," he said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:15pm Jan 15 2012
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"Good..." I said, leaning against the table and avoiding his eyes once more. If I looked at him, I was afraid he'd see the suspicion in my eyes. Call me out right then and there and say that he knew how Adam and I went to his house. I shuddered at the thought before looking at my fingers and trying to avoid the topic that I had came here to talk about. "Do anything over the weekend?" By this time, my voice was monotonous as my mind was in another world. Wondering how I'd ask him the more important questions.
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7:22pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus shook his head. "Slept mostly. School interrupts sleep pattern," he said. Cocking his head a little more, he recalled what else he did. "Also tried to learn English... By something called the Rosetta Stone?" That learn a language easy thing the TV was always advertising.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:25pm Jan 15 2012
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For the first time in a long time, an actually laugh escaped my mouth. "Yeah... I know what your talking about." I said, smiling up at him before finally trying to get around the topic. "So, uh... I know this is random but is it possible for high school students to go into... Military? Army? That sort of thing? It's for this research report..." Oh gosh, that was the worst possible way to get on the subject.
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7:33pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus felt his stomach heave slightly when he heard her laugh. It sounded so pure and carefree. The vampire yearned to hear her laugh again. But at her question, he paused to consider it. Was it? "Yes. It is," he said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:45pm Jan 15 2012
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"So... Do you know anyone who's gone in the army?" If he asked why, I would just say it was for the report again. That was the only answer I had, and I truly hoped it was enough so that I wouldn't get caught.
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