7:47pm Jan 15 2012
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"My father was in the army when he was my age," the vampire said his voice turned soft as he recollecting past memories.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:50pm Jan 15 2012
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Oh, I was getting some good information. Why wasn't I writing this down? I put a finger up in his direction, telling him to not keep going, before grabbing a notebook and a pen. After writing down everything he had already said, I said, "Okay. So going in the army runs in your family...?" I asked, my tone suggesting that he keep going.
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8:07pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus bobbed his head. "All the males where. They had war experience. But I didn't. Just training. Hard training."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:10pm Jan 15 2012
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"What did you do, for training?" I asked, not looking up from my notebook but dying to see his reaction to my questions. Maybe my 'research report' really was a good way to go.
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8:30pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus shuddered. "Cruel things. Hard things," he said. Then, in a softer tone, he added; "Good thing they aren't used in this day and age." He suddenly remembered the whip-lashes whenever he did something they didn't like. Or just because of the colour of his skin.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:36pm Jan 15 2012
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My pencil stopped slightly as he spoke. I don't know why, but the topic made me just want to know everything about Markus. I admit it, Adam was right. Markus is hiding something. But, did that mean I had to find out, just to expose him? What if I wanted to find out, just to... 'Know' him? I looked back up at him, coming back to reality and remembering where I was, before asking, "Right. Good thing." After writing some more, I looked back at him. "So... Has anyone else in your family, maybe a long time ago, been named Markus Taen?" Now, I know I was doing well. I slowly, discreetly, got off the subject of war, and came to the next odd thing that Google had said. Markus Taen's birth and death date. If Markus had someone long ago who he was named after, that would explain the death of the other 'Markus Taen'.
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8:50pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus froze. Yes, froze when he heard that. He was the only one with that name in his family. The vampire was also pretty sure his crimson eyes were wide with shock. He didn't answer; just gazed at her in shock.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:55pm Jan 15 2012
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I frowned as I looked up to see he hadn't answered. After waiting a moment, my own eyes became as wide as his. Mostly in impatience. "No?... No one? Ever?" A chill raced down my back as I thought about that. That meant, whatever I had seen on Google, was most likely about him. How was that possible? Markus Taen, on Google, was supposed to be dead a long time ago.
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9:16pm Jan 15 2012
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Was Markus's stunned reply.
[[ Blarg.. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:23pm Jan 15 2012
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I swallowed, trying to keep my own shock hidden. "W-why are you looking at me like that?" Of course, the information was a shock to me, but if Markus already new, he shouldn't be as shocked now. And with his eyes red, making them widened only looked more frightening then he looked when Adam gets him mad. Unless I had said something wrong that triggered a nerve. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked as I looked up from my notebook.
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9:31pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus blinked once, his eyes returning their normal size. Glancing around quickly, he leaned across the table. "No," he said as he rested his arms on the flat surface.
[[ -eye twitch- Cannot think... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:36pm Jan 15 2012
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[[Lol, you're fine. :) ]]
I frowned, his reaction only making me more suspicious. Just in case my questions got to far again, I said, "Alright. Just let me know if I should stop." Before jotting down, with a shaking hand, about how Markus was the only Markus Taen. "So, how long did you say you lived in Athens?" My hand stopped writing as I realized that I went to specific. Google had said he went to the Athens army but did we ever speak of it? No, we only spoke of him being in Greece. "Uh, I mean, anywhere in Greece, really. Athens was just my... First guess. Since that was the only place I really know of... There." I swallowed, feeling my face pale as my voice shook with my lame explaination. So maybe this wasn't turning out good, after all.
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9:47pm Jan 15 2012
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If Markus was a different colour besides pure white, he would have paled several shades. How did she get this information? Markus was almost certain he destroyed everything about his past after he had been made vampire. But still, he offered Paradise an easy smile and waved off her uneasiness as his own grew. "I did live in Athens. And I stayed there until I was seventeen." Total lie.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:50pm Jan 15 2012
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I smiled up at him, thankful he wasn't freaked out at my knowing he was in Athens. I sure would be creep-ed if someone knew something like that about me. "What did you do after you left, again?" I asked. The note book was put back in my bag before I looked back at him. I wasn't really talking to him now as an interrogation, but more to keep the conversation going. I didn't want to creep him out with me writing down everything he said.
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10:19pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus shrugged. "Moved to America," he stated simply. And he also met a person who claimed to be his older brother in a past life, but he wasn't going to mention that.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:25pm Jan 15 2012
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I stared at Markus for a long time, still feeling shivers down my spine. He was the only Markus Taen. The Markus Taen on the internet, was over 50 % chance him. I swallowed nervously, before a chuckle escaped my lips, "I'm sorry. You're just so quiet, that asking you questions like this was the only way to at least get to know you."
I shrugged, looking back at him; hoping he bought my next lie.
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10:32pm Jan 15 2012
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Markus half-shrugged. "It be fine. People get to know each other through questions. It is how relationships are built," he stated.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:34pm Jan 15 2012
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I smirked at his response, glad that he wasn't suspicious yet. "Good. I'm usually not nosy."
[[Ahhh. Fail. ]]
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10:45pm Jan 15 2012
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The vampire just grinned.
[[ I be more of a fail. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:46pm Jan 15 2012
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[[Lolll. Time skip to... Somewhere? ]]
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