10:22pm Dec 30 2011
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[[ Bahaha. Time skip >> After class? :D ]]
I was surprised that none of the students passed out from talking so much about the new kid; it was like they never took a breath. Every time Mr. King turned his head, there they were, staring, or being stupid and actually laughing... Like Adam. I was starting to feel a pang of sympathy for Markus. The rest of the class period, I had wished I was more out - spoken. I truly would have said something. But any time I tried telling myself I could, I chose against it. Finally, the bell rang. I took my time putting my English notes away, since last time I tried getting out of the class first, the stampede of seniors trampled me. It wasn't one of my favorite memories, and my ankle still hurt sometimes from the incident. After collecting my things, I started going right for the door, but ran right into the new kid instead. My hazel eyes widened in embarrassment, "Oh...Sorry, Markus." I said, giving him a shy, quick smile before walking away, avoiding conversation. I was trying to find decent friends, not ones with black outfits, white hair, and red eyes. But, I could at least try to be nice, right? Something any one else in the class was lacking majorly.
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10:41pm Dec 30 2011
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Markus had waited for the crowd to thin after leaving the room and stood up when it seemed opportune. He had just about made it to the door when he paused to take out his schedule to see what he had next. Though, the albino didn't have enough time to read it since he felt a small body run into his back. Immediately, their scent washed over his senses. Whoever it was, they smelled like sweet female, strawberries, and ambrosia. It was a delectable combination that made his mouth water and his fangs re-elongated -- it had taken almost all class to get them to retracted.
"Oh... Sorry, Markus." came the embarrassed apology.
The vampire turned around to face the girl. Sadly, he didn't even know her name. Though... "It be fine. Was my fault. Shouldn't have stopped in middle of everything," he said, his English not perfect.
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10:49pm Dec 30 2011
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The second I had started walking away from him, I heard Markus respond. I don't know why I was surprised, probably because when I apologize for bumping into someone in the hallway, they tended to just nod their head and be on their way. Not having the heart to keep walking without at least introducing myself, I turned around, and walked toward him. This time, I didn't force a smile to try to be friendly, but a true smile came to my lips as I heard him speak English. Or at least try. It was a good thing that Adam was gone, or I would be hearing that stupid laugh again. "It's fine. I should have introduced myself, anyways." I said, a nervous laugh escaped my lips before adding, "I'm Paradise."
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11:00pm Dec 30 2011
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Markus cocked his head to one side. Paradise? Such an odd name. In fact, he spoke it once just to hear it roll off his tongue, though to him, it sounded like he slaughtered the name since she said it so... perfectly. He frowned slightly and furrowed his brows together. He would attempt to get her name correct. Even if it did take all year.
"It is a pleasure to meet you... Paradise."
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11:09pm Dec 30 2011
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I was just about to ask him what his dominant language was, if English wasn't, but the hallway was almost scarce, and I didn't want to be late for Science. "What class do you have?" I asked, hoping it was somewhere close by so that I wouldn't have to feel guilty for leaving him to go to Science instead of helping him find the room.
[[ /Fail. ]]
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11:18pm Dec 30 2011
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Glancing at his schedule, the vampire cocked his head to one side. Reading English was so much harder than speaking it, that much was for certain. Growling softly under his breath, he scratched his neck before finally giving up. So, he turned the list to Paradise and pointed at the second period class name.
"That one. English easier spoken. Reading..." he trailed off and shook his head, indicating that it was a bit harder for him since English wasn't even his native tongue. Nor was it even regular Greek (but he picked up on it through time since it stemmed from the ancient tongue it originated from).
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11:33pm Dec 30 2011
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For a long moment, I, myself, was confused about what he was trying to say. Finally, I understood that he couldn't read the English on the schedule. I smiled, and looked down at his schedule. "Oh, you have my Science class." I said, looking back up at him with another smile before motioning for him to follow.
The Science room was all the way on the other side of the building. I bit my lip in worry as I checked the clock on the wall. We were right on time, and thank goodness, Miss Richardson was lenient about tardiness. I found the right door, and opened it, just in time to see Miss Richardson stand up from her desk to come to the front of the class room. Miss Richardson lifted her eyebrows at Markus and I, and added, "Just in time. Take a seat."
Again, I was in one of the back rows. I started walking towards my seat when Miss Richardson gave a friendly greeting to Markus. With that, she told him to find a seat, then she started speaking to the rest of the class.
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11:41pm Dec 30 2011
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Markus followed Paradise to the correct door and nodded his head at Miss Richardson's friendly greeting. As he walked towards an empty desk at the back of the room, the vampire folded his schedule and slid it in one of the back pockets of his pants before sitting down and moving into the same position he had been in when he was in Mr. King's English class.
As the class went on, he thought of how Science had advanced over the years. First, people thought of it as magic or the Gods preforming Their will on them. Then it moved to being an archaic practice thought to be used by witches. Then as a budding art. Now, all this modern stuff with technology the vampire still hasn't gotten the hang of yet.
His stomach growled in a remainder that he needed to feed soon or he wouldn't be fit to be around mortals. Markus sighed and rubbed his temples. Today, after school, he would go hunting.
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11:44pm Dec 30 2011
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[Time skip to lunch? After schooool? ]]
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11:46pm Dec 30 2011
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11:48pm Dec 30 2011
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[[ ^^ Did you wanna just keep going with the classes? :D ]
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11:51pm Dec 30 2011
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[[ Sure. And give Markus a chance to interact with Adam. -evil smile- ]]
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12:02am Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 12:02am Dec 31 2011)
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[[... Bahahaha! ]]
As usual, I wrote every thing that I thought was important down as Miss Richardson lectured. In her Science class, she was more in to us interacting then her teaching, so her lectures only lasted a couple minutes, then she put us off in groups to try learning on our own with the packets that she hands out. I ended up being paired with one of those girls that reminded me of Snooki. And, Markus was with Adam. I rolled my eyes, thinking to myself how stupid a move that was for Miss Richardson. I had no idea if Markus was the type to lash out, but if he was, we were in for a big scene with Adam as his partner. I could already hear Adam asking - no, teasing - him about why his eyes were red. I sighed inwardly, tempted to turn around and at least tell Markus to ignore his rude comments. But, I knew that would just end up with Adam having something smart to say back at me. So, I read the first question on the packet - seeing as the girl I was paired with, didn't want anything to do with me, so she started talking to her friends beside her. - and tried to get my mind off of the two guys behind me.
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12:08am Dec 31 2011
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As soon as Markus was handed the packet for a group activity and paired with the Adam kid, his mood immediantly went sour. His fangs were still elongated when he met with the younger boy to do the paper. He had managed to keep a pen inside his jacket somehow and quickly wrote his name down on the space provided; in Greek of course. Then, he rolled up the packet to keep anybody from noticing.
Though, when the boy teasingly asked him in a rather rude and sneering tone why his eyes were red, Markus considered what would happen if he simply snapped the boy's neck. Instead, he pinned a glare on the boy that seemed to cut daggers into Adam. "Albino," was his only answer.
Yes. He was born an albino.
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12:21am Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 12:21am Dec 31 2011)
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Though I tried as hard as I could to focus on the first question in the packet, Markus's response forced me to listen intently. "Yes, I did not notice." I heard Adam say, as he tried imitating how Markus speaks English. I sighed once again, not at all excited for his response. Just when I thought maybe Adam learned how stupid he was being, by the silence, I heard him keep going. He was cracking stupid jokes about albinos, still talking like he had no idea how to speak English. Practically mocking Markus. Gosh, Adam was just plain stupid. I felt my cheeks heat up, being embarrassed for Markus. "Adam, cut it out..." I said quietly - I couldn't help it if I wasn't threatening - though at least I tried. I heard Adam mumble something under his breath before going back to his jokes.
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12:39am Dec 31 2011
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Markus growled. Growled like a full out predatory animal. But he didn't show his fangs. Not yet anyways. This kid was just getting on his nerves and he wanted to send his soul to Hades so the god could punish him for all eternity. But he pushed down that urge and growled to him in Greek; "Pó̱s tha sas arései an xafniká éprepe na mátho̱ mia diaforetikí̱ gló̱ssa diaforetikí̱ apó af̱tí̱n pou megálo̱san me to. Tha í̱tan exairetiká dýskolo, nai?" As he said this, the vampire leaned forwards; towards Adam. His crimson eyes flickered with some darker emotion than what could be humanly possible before he smirked.
It was a kind of smirk that could send chills down spines and wonder the sanity of the person who gave it. For Markus, the smirk was a bit of mad hunger. And he risked a bit of fang by flashing his upper set slightly. But he really just wanted to snarl at the boy; show him all his fangs and watch him quake with fear. His crimson eyes narrowed as he actually considered it. Then, he said in almost perfect English; "You have no idea what it is like to be me, boy."
The emphasis on the last word was demeaning, like Markus thought he was a slave or something similar. That and Markus was almost two thousand years older than the little smart-@ss.
[[ What he says; "How would you like it if you suddenly had to learn a different language other than the one you grew up with. It would be extremely difficult, yes?" ]]
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9:10am Dec 31 2011
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Miss Richardson was so oblivious to the scene as she sat at her desk, grading, but everyone else in the class either had their eyes glued to Markus and Adam, or was secretly listening without turning, like myself. If Adam wasn't such a jerk, and absolutely craved any kind of attention, this wouldn't be happening. I couldn't handle the anticipation any longer as I turned around just when Markus finally responded to Adam. No one understood what Markus had said in his other language, and I, personally, was glad. To be less 'in tune' with the two, the better. Though I was trying so hard to be nice, I couldn't help but feel frightened at Markus's ex pression. Even Adam started getting freaked out. Maybe if he didn't have the albino characteristics, it wouldn't be as terrifying or demonic. I had almost fully forgotten that Markus had red eyes when I was talking to him, after English. Mostly because I avoided his eyes, anytime I had the chance, so that he wouldn't see my forced not - freaked - out ex pression. It was almost as if the 'audience' all leaned in, in anticipation for Adam's response. It was like I was the only one who found that the scene was getting out of hand, so I rolled my eyes slightly and turned back around, trying to go back to work. What if this was due in the end of class? If I failed, it would ruin... I shuddered, not finishing the thought that motivated me to almost forget about the scene... Until I heard that cocky laugh from Adam, again. "I'm kind of glad I'm not you, Mr. Pale." I covered my face in my hands. Adam was so stupid. Was I the only one that saw Markus's ex pression and wanted to cowardly scream and run? "... you're all acting like a bunch of first graders..." I mumbled to myself quietly about the two behind me, and the audience, as I rubbed my temples. Them watching and chuckling when Adam said something stupid was only making the scene worse.
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12:42pm Dec 31 2011
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"I'm kind of glad I'm not you, Mr. Pale."
Oh, that was it. Markus's smirk twisted into a snarl as he lunged at the mortal. The desks shrieked against the linoleum floors as he tackled Adam to the floor. His fist had wrapped itself in the front of the male's shirt as he straddled the male's waist. The vampire's other hand had curled into a fist and he poised it; ready to attack. A slight breeze had taken up to twirl around his leather clad arm.
His lips curled back as he bared his fangs. His silvery hair falling down so body else but Adam could see them.
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12:58pm Dec 31 2011
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I would say I was surprised at Markus's reaction, but I wasn't. What Adam had said was going way too far - and none of it was even funny. But that didn't mean I wasn't frightened from Markus. It was like I was the only one scared, while everyone else was laughing. I scooted my chair forward so I wouldn't be anywhere near the scene as my heart raced faster. A lot of the students shrieked at the sudden tackle, and that was what got Miss. Richardson to look up from the desk. Her calm ex pression changed to pure anger as she saw what was happening. "Wh-Wh-What is ..." I heard Adam from behind, and I hesitantly turned to see Adam almost as pale as Markus with fear. Some kids faces were purple from holding in their laughter. Adam, the terrify-er, now the terrified. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Curse my compassion. "Alright, Alright. Get up, Markus." Miss Richardson said, her hands on her hips with a glower at the two boys. I turned my back on the two, not wanting to be in the middle. It was official. I couldn't find anyone decent in this school.
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1:39pm Dec 31 2011
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"Alright, alright. Get up, Markus."
Markus blinked his crimson eyes slowly and closed his snarling mouth as the teacher -- Miss Richardson -- broke through his rage with only her voice. Just two simple sentences that radiated calmness and irritation at the exact same time. It reminded him of his mother. With a small smirk, Markus lowered his poised fist and the breeze surrounding his arm dissipated while he let go of Adam's shirt. Then, he slowly stood up, but he kept his eyes locked with Adam's; as if daring the boy to do something... anything.
Once he was flat on his feet, Markus too several steps back and slid his hands into his pockets before switching his gaze to Miss Richardson. Then, he tilted his head down and glued his eyes to the floor; an attempt to look sheepish. "Sorry for disrupting the class, dáskalos," he murmured.
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