10:56pm Jan 15 2012
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[[ Sure... After school perhaps? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:02pm Jan 15 2012
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I wasn't the most appealing person to talk to the rest of the day. The conversation with Markus brought me a headache, worse then any before. By the time the bell rang, I was surprised I wasn't screaming at the top of my lungs throughout the class. I left the room without one hesitant step before going to my locker while glancing around me. Ever since I became suspicious of Markus, I felt a little bit more paranoid. I shivered, just at the thought of him - which has been happening a lot lately. Slamming my locker, I grabbed my back pack - remembering the pages I had printed out - and walked out the door.
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11:15pm Jan 15 2012
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When the final bell rang, Markus walked to the cafeteria with a weary step in his gait. He was starting to get tired of this and was already thinking he learned his lesson. No starting fights in school. Wait until the final bell rings and fight dirty on the street. With a sigh, Markus parked his stuff at a random table and collected the broom. Twirling it around in one hand as he looked around the room, Markus summoned the wind and the strong breeze propelled the dirt, dust, and food crumbs from the floor into the trash cans. But before it dissipated, the breeze swirled around the vampire; playing with his silvery hair and whispered in his ear.
Markus smiled sadly. The wind carried the voice of his maker. The first woman besides his mother he had ever loved.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:31am Jan 16 2012
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Adam walked into the cafeteria, a frightened look on his face. Ever since Paradise chose to not believe him about seeing what he saw, he's been paranoid about everything. If Markus was able to... Move things like that, with just holding his hand out, what else could he do? A shiver ran down Adam's back as he went to the cleaning supplies and started doing his job. "How long do you think we're going to have to do this?" He asked Markus. Adam wasn't really against talking to Markus, or at least having the same attitude about him that he had before. He felt more of a... Surrender coming to him, knowing what Markus was able to do. Another shiver before adding, "I think we've both learned our lesson."
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3:30pm Jan 16 2012
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Markus ignored Adam at first as he twirled the broom in his fingers. Honestly, the boy should just go ask the principle. Gods if he knew. But when the other spoke for a second time, Markus bobbed his head in agreement. He had learned his lesson; that was for sure.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:36pm Jan 16 2012
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"So are you willing to tell me that we both know something is different about you, yet? Or will I need to shove the proof in your face?" Adam asked as he walked to the next table to clean.
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3:54pm Jan 16 2012
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Markus scowled. His crimson eyes narrowing. "Proof? What 'proof'?" he asked, adding air-quotes when he repeated the word a second time. The broom made a soft brushing sound as the bristles made contact with the floor.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:54pm Jan 16 2012
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Adam's face paled. Why had he said that dreaded word? "Well... J-just your teeth."
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3:56pm Jan 16 2012
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Markus paused slightly. "My teeth? What about my teeth?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:57pm Jan 16 2012
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Why was Markus going to make him say it? It was enough that Adam had saw it. "R-remember... Y-you have those... Things. Fangs. You showed m-me..."
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4:04pm Jan 16 2012
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Markus acted like he was puzzled. "Fangs?" Then, he snorted and cracked a small smile. "Impossible."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:08pm Jan 16 2012
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"N-no. We're not doing this again. We both know that I saw them." Adam said though he still felt himself start to think this was all paranoia and suspicion of nothing. Maybe he hadn't really seen the fangs. Maybe what Markus said about him in the journal was just a way to let out his anger - not actually hurt Adam physically. Maybe the reason why Paradise hasn't come to Adam with any information was because she didn't find any. Maybe Markus was just as normal as a albino could be.
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6:21pm Jan 16 2012 (last edited on 6:22pm Jan 16 2012)
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Markus chuckled. "Not 'we'. Not 'you'. You didn't see anything, anói̱to thni̱tó agóri," he said.
[[ Markus called Adam a stupid mortal boy. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:22pm Jan 16 2012
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I stopped my cleaning and looked back at him. "What did you say?" I asked, referring to his last part in Greek.
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9:07pm Jan 16 2012
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Markus smirked. His lips twisted into a semi-evil smile. "Stupid. Mortal. Boy." Came his reply.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:09pm Jan 16 2012 (last edited on 9:10pm Jan 16 2012)
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I frowned and mumbled, "You're no better."
[[Sorry. Fail. ]]
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9:19pm Jan 16 2012
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Markus only chuckled a bit evilly and shook his head. The bow was right. The vampire was no better since he was a bloodthirsty monster of the night.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:22pm Jan 16 2012
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"What? Got nothing smart to say, Mr. Tough Guy?" Adam asked, feeling a bit more confident. This guy wasn't all that, right?
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9:29pm Jan 16 2012
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"I've got plenty to say. Just not in this tongue," Markus shot back, his crimson eyes narrowing as he twirled the broom so its bristles were above his head.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:33pm Jan 16 2012
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[[Ahhh. 400th post~ ]]
"Sounds to me like you're just a load of talk, Markus." Adam said with a roll of his eyes.
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