4:20pm Jan 17 2012
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[[ I wonder who is going to get the 666th post... ]]
"Is that a challenge?" Markus asked and he surveyed his work before turning his attention to the mortal.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:54pm Jan 17 2012
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[[Oh dear... Only you would think something like that. ]]
"Listen..." Adam said, looking back at him with a cocky look in his eyes. Again, for some reason, he was feeling more confident. Like, since Markus wasn't saying what they both knew, he was a coward to Adam. "I wouldn't want to challenge you, because we both know I'd win. So I wouldn't waste my time with ya'. "
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7:11pm Jan 17 2012
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[[ Yeppers. ]]
Markus turned towards Adam then and strode up to him before tapping the boy on the chest with the neck of the broom. The force of the tap [[ hope this isn't powerplaying. ]] was enough to make Adam take a few steps back. "When your done, meet me in the warehouse near the outskirts of town." His crimson eyes narrowed slightly as they began to glow. "Come alone."
With that Markus, placed the broom where he retrieved it and collected his things before exiting the cafeteria.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:15pm Jan 17 2012
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Adam's heart raced faster as Markus came toward him. He'd forgotten about those eyes. That ex pression... A shiver ran down his back as Markus disappeared out the door. Though he couldn't help but be eager to go. Maybe he'd figure out what the punk was hiding tonight.
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7:39pm Jan 17 2012
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Markus was on his bike and out of school grounds in a flash. He arrived in the parking lot of his apartment building with the intention of sleeping before he faced Adam.
[[ Blarg... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:45pm Jan 17 2012
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It took Adam another 45 minutes to finish cleaning, and even then, he did not try hard enough. He kind of just wiped the things around, not doing much, truly. Eager, and quite frightened, he grabbed his back pack and headed out the door. Markus had said to come alone. But... Just telling someone where he was, if he didn't come out in a certain amount of time, wouldn't hurt, right? Grabbing his phone, the first person he thought would be perfect to call was Paradise. She was suspicious that something was up, so she'd understand Adam's situation and how he couldn't back down. "... What?" He heard her shocked voice on the other end after he told her what happened. After many protests, Adam said where his location would be, and if he didn't come by her house in an hour, that's when she should be worried. He hung up on her, cutting off more protests and insults about how stupid he was. Walking to the car, he was more then ready to meet Markus. He sped out of the parking lot and straight to where he was going to meet him.
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8:16pm Jan 17 2012
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The nap Markus took was very fitful. The vampire woke when he felt talons move gently across his chest. His crimson eyes slowly opened and he saw Riiva perched on his chest, looking down her white beat to fix her black eyes upon him. Then, she squawked and nipped the tip of the vampire's nose.
With a caw, Riiva took off as Markus sat up on the couch, running one hand through his tangled silver hair as he stood up and stretched.
"Adam on his way?"
The she-raven bobbed her head as soon as she lit down on the window pane before taking off again. Markus followed suit. Since the window was facing away from any busy place, he could vault through it with ease and land on the ground below. Once his feet were firmly on the ground, Markus took off. Running like wind towards the warehouse he told Adam to meet him. And as he ran, the vampire smirked. This was going to be fun.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:20pm Jan 17 2012
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Adam felt his hands shaking violently as if he were freezing as he came up to the old warehouse. For a long time, he couldn't get out of the car. All he could do was sit there, waiting to see a sign that Markus was there. He gulped, knowing that Markus probably wouldn't come out. Slowly, with hands shaking even worse, he opened the door and stood on wobbly knees. Another gulp before walking behind the warehouse. Everything felt a bit more eerie now. It was only 5 or 6 o clock, but by winter time, it gets dark by now. He jumped at every small noise as I stayed where he was. Waiting anxiously for Markus to come to end him from this agony.
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8:41pm Jan 17 2012
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Markus arrived shortly before Adam and was watching the mortal, smelling the uneasiness. His smirk transformed into a smile. A twisted movement of his lips that allowed him to reveal his fangs. He walked instep behind the boy, keeping his steps silent as he followed in stealth. Finally, when Markus realized that Adam was so frightened he jumped at even the smallest noises, the vampire decided to speak.
"Welcome to the darkness of the night," he hissed. Even though he kept his tone normal, it came out like a rushed whisper.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:51pm Jan 17 2012
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Just when he told himself he should run to his car and drive away, a voice came from behind. Adam gasped and jumped as he turned around. "Oh gosh... It's... It's just you." At least that's how he felt before he had a better look at Markus. He didn't look like the guy that was just cleaning with him at the cafeteria. "Man... You're such a freak." He said through his teeth as he noticed how Markus looked with his white hair and crimson eyes, which was enhanced by the darkness. (I dunno if that's true. If you have white hair, I'm guessing you can see it clearly in the dark. I dunno. :D ) "Out of all the places, you wanted to meet here?" It wasn't a question he was actually finding the answer too, just said out of irritation. "It's giving me the creeps." He whispered, crossing his arms and finally finding some courage to look back up at Markus.
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9:12pm Jan 17 2012
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Markus sneered. "You said you could take me on. You said you could win. Want to try that out now? No teachers. No rules," the vampire hissed as he started to circle around Adam. Much like one would circle around a cornered prey. He could still smell the frightenedness Adam held in his scent.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:13pm Jan 17 2012
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"I can take you on. And I can win. But... Dude, you're really creepin' me out." Adam said, the shaking from before not decreasing.
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9:18pm Jan 17 2012
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"Then what are you waiting for? Hades to die?" Markus asked, still sneering. He stopped his circling and crossed his arms against his chest. "I'll even let you attack me first."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:28pm Jan 17 2012 (last edited on 9:30pm Jan 17 2012)
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Adam was still debating on ditching the place, letting Markus tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6MTMyMzc6NDp3aW46M2Q3NzFiOTM1MmNkYzEzZThmOGViM2MxYzA4YWMwNTc6ei0xMDQyLTE1ODAyOnd3dy5yZXNjcmVhdHUuY29t">win and surrendering, to save his life. But, why would he let his dignity, pride, and ego be kicked off him and stomped on? No, he couldn't lose his dignity with someone like Markus, it's happened enough times. "You know... Maybe we shouldn't..."
[[I avoid violence in my role plays because I'm horrible at roleplaying it. So bare with me fail attempts at trying, k? :) ]]
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9:30pm Jan 17 2012
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((-Lurks- Sorry. I'm loving this))
In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.
2:43pm Jan 18 2012
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The vampire waited until the last moment before his entire being faded out of existence in front of Adam's eyes. He reappeared behind the boy with his hands in his pockets and a bored ex pression on his pale white facial features. "You call that a punch?" Markus asked as he feigned a yawn; the tips of his fangs showing behind the protective barrier of his lips.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:48pm Jan 18 2012
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Adam's fist was just about to meet Markus's face, when, before he knew it, his punch met nothing but air. "What the..." He mumbled, following Markus's voice and turning around. "What was that?" Adam spat out with irritation before running for him again.
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2:54pm Jan 18 2012
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Markus didn't answer as he saw Adam rush for him... again. The vampire waited until the boy was close enough before jumping up, over the boy; spinning in mid-jump and landing without a sound. "Are you just going to keep rushing me?" the vampire asked. "I can easily dodge those."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:58pm Jan 18 2012
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An angry growl came from Adam's throat before looking back at Markus. "There's something weird about you..." He said through heavy breaths as he pointed accusingly at him. Honestly, he was just talking to himself. Trying to figure out what it was that he's been trying to find out all this time. Once more, he raced toward Markus, determined to get him this time.
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3:08pm Jan 18 2012
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Markus narrowed his eyes slightly when Adam rushed him again. Honestly, was this human just stupid? Rush attacks would not work. Pulling his hands out of his pockets, the vampire sprang forward. Reaching out with one hand, Markus wrapped his fingers around Adam's neck as he forced the human to the ground. Kneeling over the boy, Markus leaned in close.
"I'd thought this would be fun. Now, its just boring," the vampire hissed.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.