7:21pm Jan 20 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:24pm Jan 20 2012
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I had tried speaking to Adam a couple more times that day, until he finally just explained that he didn't want to talk to me anymore. That the thing with Markus was over. I had to say, I was a bit hurt and shocked too. That also meant that Markus lied to me about what happened last night. I sighed in irritation as I grabbed my books from my locker. Why did he have to be so hard to read? If he was just a little more transparent, all the questions would be answered. What happened last night with him and Adam. The bottle of blood. Everything.
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7:35pm Jan 20 2012
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[[ I have a quasi-idea rolling around in my head for what happens next...
And Principle needs to tell Markus to stop. :3]]
Markus, relieved to be out of classes, walked down to the cafeteria. To clean the floors. Again. This time he hoped that the principle would be down to say that they didn't need to do it anymore. Parking his stuff on a random table, he retrieved the broom and started to sweep.
Only after he used the wind to place most of the dirt, dust, and food crumbs into the trash cans.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:48pm Jan 20 2012
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[[Lololol. Quasi-idea? What's that? And, alright. I completely forgot about it, anyways. O_O ]]
Adam hesitantly walked into the cafeteria, keeping his gaze averted on his fidgety fingers. "Markus... Principle told me to tell you... We don't have to clean the cafeteria anymore." Without waiting for a response, he walked quickly out of the cafeteria.
[[Ahh~ Fail. ]]
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7:58pm Jan 20 2012
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[[ Its like half an idea. ]]
Markus paused. Then grinned. Well, he had already started. Might as well finish.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:59pm Jan 20 2012
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[Oh, lol. What is it? And, I dunno what to post. :D ]]
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8:29pm Jan 20 2012
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[[ Well, a coven of younger vampires roll into town and want to make it "theirs". However Markus, being the old vamp that he is, steps in and demands they move since he has already claimed the town as "his". Now this takes place over the point of many days. Eventually, the leader of the coven challenges Markus for the right of the town. Markus knows he can take the young leader on, but when the whole coven attacks him, he manages to take down a few, but is quickly subdued and captured. Instead of killing Markus, the leader collars the older vampire and keeps the Greek as a prize.
I was also thinking that Paradise could get closer to figuring out that Markus is a vampire. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:40pm Jan 20 2012
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[[ Ooohh, I like it, alot. xDDD Do iiiiit. |D So, since it's my post, is there a certain place you want me to time skip so you can begin that^^^^? ]]
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8:41pm Jan 20 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:46pm Jan 20 2012
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[ Alright. :P ]
Lately, I was actually beginning to enjoy coming to school. I had Adam to talk to, when I felt like I was alone and looking like a loser, and Markus, who was just always nice to talk to. But, yesterday took away any interacting I could have with anyone. Adam tells me he doesn't want me around him anymore. And, Markus admits that he's hiding something - and it isn't just a normal kind of secret that every ordinary student has at this school. So now, talking to Markus directly was kind of creeping me out - even if he didn't seem like a criminal or anything. I sat in my usual seat in the back of the classroom for my first period class. I wanted to believe this thing about Markus wasn't as big as I thought, but as I kept thinking back at the journal, 'drinking blood', and Adam's change of composure after the night with Markus, 'big' wasn't a good way to describe it anymore.
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9:05pm Jan 20 2012
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That night, Markus had sensed something off about the town. Something did not feel right. And he intended to find out what. But when he woke up the next morning, the off feeling had increased. Making the vampire edgy and anxious. He had driven to school while keeping an eye on his blinds.
Something was wrong.
And he didn't know what.
He bit back a snarl when he parked in the student lot at school. If it wasn't for this Hades-dammed place, he could go investigate. Though, he felt it could wait until after school. But hr still walked through the halls with a tense back and weary gait.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:10pm Jan 20 2012
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The teacher walked inside the classroom the second I had gotten my book out. I frowned and reluctantly put it back in my bag; nothing was going for me lately. "'Morning class..." Ah, that ritual didn't get old to Mr. King.
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9:12pm Jan 20 2012
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Markus walked into the classroom when he heard Mr. King give out dull morning pleasantries. Without a word in the teacher's direction, Markus quickly took his seat in the back; still tense and stiff.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:18pm Jan 20 2012
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I frowned as I watched Markus curtly walk into the room. I guess today wasn't his day either, by the looks of his mood. My thoughts were interrupted as Mr. King started his lecture, tempting me to just fall asleep.
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9:20pm Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 9:20pm Jan 20 2012)
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Markus pulled out his journal and began to write again. This time, he skipped forward several pages and started to write in his Ancient Greek tongue. He reflected on how he felt this morning and what it might've meant. Though, whatever it was, Markus did not like it already.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:24pm Jan 20 2012
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I couldn't help but have my gaze turn to Markus as Mr. King droned on about something I didn't remember learning. He was writing in that journal Adam had. I frowned and looked at Adam sitting in the front. When did he give Markus the journal? That night. When he got the stitches. Ohhh, something really did happen that night. I looked back at Markus, wishing he was closer so I could see what he was writing.
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9:28pm Jan 20 2012
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Markus didn't bother listening to Mr. King. He just kept scribbling down words in his ancient tongue as he attempted to sort out what might have happened. Or what did happen. The breeze this morning had smelled a bit sour. Smelled like death. Markus furrowed his brows in thought.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:34pm Jan 20 2012
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I found myself tuning out every word Mr. King said, as my eyes stayed trained on Markus. Whatever he was writing, must be pretty important. He seemed to be too in his writing to notice any of his surroundings. Before I knew it, the bell rang. I was in such a daze, I jumped at the noise before grabbing my things. Walking fast to catch up with Markus, I grabbed his arm just in case he was about to walk out, and stood in front of him. "Hey... Are you alright?" Though I couldn't be more frightened when he acted this way, it seemed like every time I was upset, he read right through me and asked me what was wrong. The least I could do was do the same for him.
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9:40pm Jan 20 2012
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When the bell rang, Markus twitched slightly. With a grumbled curse, he slid the journal and pen back into his backpack and moved towards the door. But before he even made it, he felt a small hand grab his arm to make him stop. Then, he saw Paradise come around to face him.
"Hey... Are you alright?"
Markus furrowed his brows. Was he? "No," he responded. "Something doesn't feel... normal today." He closed his eyes briefly and shook his head before he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:45pm Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 9:45pm Jan 20 2012)
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I took my hand off his arm, and frowned at his response. Honestly, what he said confused me. Did he know what was abnormal about it, but couldn't tell me because of what he was hiding? Or was he just able to ... Sense when something bad was about to happen? Either one was just plain weird. "Everything's been fine, for me..." I said, trying to not start snooping again with his mood like this. But how else was I too respond? "Maybe you're just having an off day?" I said with a small smile, trying to comfort him some how.
[[Ahhhh. 500th post~ ]]
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