3:24pm Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 3:24pm Dec 31 2011)
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I kept my back from the now - finished scene behind me. I was fine with just listening to the scolding from Miss Richardson. "What were you, raised by animals?" She started, her hands on her hips, not even close to done with the scolding. It was like, the second after Markus's apology, though, Miss Richardson's scolding vanished. Personally, I thought it was the accent that softened her. Either that, or her normal laid - back, 'chill' personality. With a defeated sigh, she did a small nod at Markus, like he did nothing wrong, then glared at Adam. "Adam, this isn't the first time you did something foolish..." Something stupid, too. I thought to myself with a roll of my eyes as Miss Richardson went on with her scolding. I couldn't help it anymore, as I turned around, once again, to see what was going on. The second I turned around, I noticed somethings odd. First, some of the girls weren't laughing or scared about Markus anymore. They were looking at him, almost in a... Admirable way. How shallow; looking at him differently because he tackled the 'jerk'. Secondly, when Adam usually got in trouble, his face would turn red from holding in his laughter. But, now, his face was still pale with fear, his eyes wide and still staring at Markus, like Miss Richardson wasn't even speaking. In the middle of Miss. Richardson's lecture, he jumped up from the floor and pointed at Markus, that frightened look on his face, still. "He's a... A freak. Did you see his-" Oh, we were all dying to know what he was talking about but Miss Richardson cut him off and sent him to the office. I finally looked up at Markus, but immediately drew back my eyes and turned around.
[[ You can have the bell ring or whatever. I didn't know what else could happen. ^^ :DD ]]
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4:35pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus watched Adam leave the room for the main office. A low, rumbling growl reverberating in his throat. But once the boy was out of the room, he glanced around to see the other girls staring at him with awe in their gazes. He became slightly ruffled by this since he only had people look at him like he was a monster. Which he was. And he looked slightly uncomfortable by it all. Feeling the tips of his ears burn slightly, he reached down and picked up the packet and pen that had dropped when he had upturned the desks.
He could feel Paradise looking at him and when he glanced towards her, she turned around so her back faced him. With a heavy sigh, he moved to pick up the desks and make sure the rows were straight.
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5:14pm Dec 31 2011
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When Adam left, it was almost as awkward as it was when we all first saw Markus. I heard Miss Richardson sigh and grumble a quiet, ".. don't know what I'm going to do with that boy..." before walking back to her desk. "Sorry for the disruption, class." She said, her voice strained like she was still a bit irritated from the incident but trying to contain herself. "Keep going in your packets and finish the rest for homework." I sighed to myself, thankful that it wasn't due at the end of class, before looking back at my packet and finishing. And, still, the whole room was silent.
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5:32pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus froze. Finish for homework? Oh, Hades, this was never going to happen. He couldn't even make out half the words on the packet. Sinking back into his desk, he rubbed his temples and muttered a short prayer to Zeus. This was going to take forever... Or he just won't do it.
Yea... Just go with the last option. Don't do and accept the consequences tomorrow during school.
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5:42pm Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 5:42pm Dec 31 2011)
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There were about fifty questions in the packet, but when Miss Richardson assigns so much, she usually is lenient about some of them. Half of them are usually bonus, she just never tells us which ones. So, by the time the bell rang, I had about twenty questions finished. I quickly wrote in my planner to finish the rest, making the assignment underlined to show how important it was to finish, and started to leave the classroom. That's when I remembered Markus. I slowed, torn between letting him find his own class and helping him. The thing was, I didn't want to be his 'friend'. Again, I was looking for decent ones, not ones like... Him. But, he has no one else to help him... I sighed. Again, curse the compassion I had for anyone and everyone. Even the bad guys. I turned around and came up to him. "Hi." I said, biting my lip. Maybe the other girls in the class will help; maybe I wasn't needed. "Need help finding your next class?" I asked, a bit quieter, mostly because I realized that it wasn't a 'maybe' about the other girls. I had heard one talking about him on their way out the door. He'll be fine, he won't need me. Too bad I already offered, or I'd be out of this classroom and bolting to my next class so I wouldn't be late, by now.
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6:30pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus had been idling twirling the pen in his fingers as his crimson eyes stared into nothingness. When the bell rang, he put the pen back in his jacket and folded the packet in half. The way that made it look like a hotdog bun. Of course, he took his time since he wasn't exactly sure where he was going next. With a sigh, the vampire stood up as he pulled out his schedule.
He had just unfolded it when Paradise came back up to him, causing him to bl ink in surprise. Markus had thought that with his little spectacle with Adam. Then, he nodded and handed her his schedule. "Yes," he said quietly as he did so.
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6:39pm Dec 31 2011
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It was like anytime I looked at him, or talked to him, he seemed surprised. I took the paper from Markus's hand and looked down at his classes. ... "Oh... You have..." Every class with me... I thought, feeling quite irritated. How was I to stay away from him, if he was in every class with me? "Math. With me. Again." I said, before handing him the schedule again. "It's just a couple doors down this classroom. It has some Math sign on the door, so you'll know the second you see it, which one it is." I would have walked with him, but I had to get my math books. Oh, to bad. With that, I did a small shrug and left the class to go to my locker.
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6:48pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus was very interested to hear that his next class was with her again. His crimson eyes sparkled slightly and when he blinked, the sparkle was gone. He nodded at her instructions and watched her leave. As he refolded his schedule and slipped it back into his pocket, he walked out of the Science room to the Math one she had pointed out. Sure enough, it was easy to find.
Though, he cocked his head to one side and ran his white digits through his silvery hair before he entered the classroom.
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6:56pm Dec 31 2011
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If there was one thing I wished I could change about me, it would be how I never wanted to hurt anyone. As in, anyone. Just knowing that Markus was in all of my classes meant that I couldn't just avoid him. Unless I completely disappeared like I tried doing with the rest of the class. Maybe I was making a big deal about nothing. I tended to do that a lot. After grabbing my math books, I couldn't help but slam my locker. Why did I have to be so nice? Couldn't I just treat him the way everyone else was? Was - past tense. Some of them were actually liking him now for tackling Adam. With a irritated sigh, I walked to the Math classroom, just when Markus disappeared inside. After waiting a moment, so he wouldn't notice me when I walked in, I walked inside too, and walked to the back row where my assigned seat was - again.
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7:13pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus had taken a seat at the back. But at the opposite end of the classroom as to not get Paradise into any more scenes. Just in case one did happen to break out again. As he waited for the class to start, he reached into the pocket of his jacket where he found the pen to check to see if the sword hilt was still there. It was. So was an empty pack of cigarettes. His crimson eyes narrowed as he pulled it out of his pocket only to glare at the empty box and crush it before placing it back inside the pocket.
"Need more..." he murmured to himself.
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8:15pm Dec 31 2011
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[[Hehe. So, major writers block. Time skip? Lunch? After school? Usually that's my answer when I have no other ideas. ^^. ]]
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8:15pm Dec 31 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:22pm Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 8:22pm Dec 31 2011)
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I felt bad for avoiding Markus like I had the rest of the morning of school, but I couldn't help it. He wasn't the kind of guy I wanted to hang around, and I don't know why I didn't notice it before. The bell rang as I was in Health Class, and I, quickly, walked out before being noticed by anyone. I had to admit, Adam not in my class made things much more... Plain. When he wasn't being stupid, flirty and immature, he actually was one of those fun kind of guys. Part of me was tempted to see if he was still in the office. Maybe I could get him some lunch, since they probably won't let him leave to get his own. The lunch bell rang through out the hallway, and it was like the whole crowd of kids cheered like they were being free'd from prison. I chuckled to myself at the thought before heading to the cafeteria. I had some extra money, so the thought of getting something for Adam was still on my mind.
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8:50pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus was one of the last people out of the Health room. Paradise would be long gone to lunch by now and besides, he had a particular feeling that he should just avoid her for the current moment. He paused outside door for a second and gently messaged his throat. A clear indicator that his thirst for blood was getting stronger. But maybe he could stave it off a few more hours with some food. In fact, he did have twenty bucks on him. Maybe he could get some food and go to the school store to get a journal; just to keep him occupied throughout the rest of the day.
The vampire figured that was a good plan and followed the stragglers to the cafeteria before getting in a relatively short line as he pulled a ten out of his ragged leather wallet.
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9:08pm Dec 31 2011
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Since I was one of the first out of the classroom, I made sure I was one of the first in line in the cafeteria. I ordered two meatball subs - that was the lunch meal, today. - and I felt heat rush to my cheeks with embarrassment as the lady asked, "A little much for a little thing like you, ain't it?" A shy smile teased at my lips as I said, "One of them is for someone else." And before the conversation could keep going, I payed for the food and walked away. I left the lunch room and walked to the office. When I came in, I smiled at the girl behind the counter as a greeting after her own, and asked where Adam was. After explaining why I was asking, she took me to a room where they usually put kids that were kicked out of class. The room should have been made only for Adam, since he's kicked out of class the most. "Hey." I said as the lady walked away. Adam gave me a weird look, like the last thing he wanted was for me to be by him. Was I really such a push over, actually buying his food, yet letting him look at me like that? "Here." I said more quietly as I handed over the food. His eyebrows lifted in interest and took the odd ex pression off his face and smiled. "Thanks." Well, I guess it's true. The way to a man's heart - or boy's, in this case... - was through food. I stood there for a moment, awkwardly as he ate, until he finally looked up at me with that weird ex pression again. "Well... You can go now." I frowned, though held my tongue like I always did around Adam. Once more, my cheeks turned red at the comment, probably from embarrassment. "O-okay?" I said, more confused then hurt about where this was going. I bought him food, and he kicks me out? I left the room and started walking out of the office. I had planned on staying with Adam the whole lunch period. But, seeing as he was more of a jerk then I thought, where was I to go? The cafeteria wasn't my kind of place. Way to crowded, and the last time I tried going down their, I ended up by myself the whole time. I guess I am just reaping what I sowed. I thought to myself. I left Markus to sit by himself, and now I was rejected. I deserved it anyways. While beating myself up on even thinking about leaving a new student on his own, I stumbled upon the library. Maybe, they'd let me have my lunch in there? I was on the librarian's good side, since I always came in asking what novel I should read next. I walked inside and found a table to sit at; already itching to look around at the new books in stock.
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9:20pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus had basically gotten a few miscellaneous bits of food that he knew would last him until he could hunt the night time city. He found an empty table and quickly devoured the food. His still elongated fangs were flashed for a few bits before they were safely inside his mouth again. The drink was chugged and as soon as his food was finished, he gathered up the garbage and threw it away before painstakingly inquiring a staff member if there was a school store. There was in fact.
Up in the library.
He quickly thanked the woman before asking where the library was after explaining that he was new to the school and that this was his first day. After he had the directions, Markus walked out of the cafeteria with his hands in his pant's pockets. His tongue rubbed up against his fangs as he headed towards the library.
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9:33pm Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 9:33pm Dec 31 2011)
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"I'm sorry, hon. All the new books are in those boxes on top of the shelves and won't be taken down for a while. " My shoulders slumped as the corner of my lips did. Every time I look around at the current books on the shelf, I don't find anything that I liked. And every time the librarian got new books, I fell in love with all of them. "Can I... At least take one down?" I asked, though, inside, I was pleading. After a moments hesitation, she sighed, "Fine. The ladder is in the back." I smiled excitedly - It was easy to make my day, - before running to the back to find the ladder. I took a bite of the meat ball sub as I walked by the table, then took the ladder to the shelf and climbed up. "You know, Paradise, you're lucky..." I heard the librarian by her desk. "... Not many kids your age find a love for reading. At least not like you have." I rolled my eyes. Her tone was one of admiration. But in the eyes of my classmates, I was a nerd that has to have a new novel in my hands every... Week. As I grabbed one of the box's, I didn't realize how heavy they would be. I felt the ladder tip and I gasped before holding on to the box for a full 10 seconds before being sure that the ladder wasn't moving anymore. After being secure, I tried grabbing the box again and slowly went down the ladder. "I got it..." I whispered to myself as a victory before setting the heavy box on the table next to my food.
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9:58pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus wearily entered the library. The reason being? He had scented Paradise and wanted to give her a wide birth. Though, he had quickly spotted the school store and Paradise. He stopped, and quickly pondered all possibilites of getting to his target without being seen by the girl who was scared of him while the rest of the school seemed to admire him. Admire? Damn. He needed to fix that. Then, he slipped through her field of vision with his inhuman speed.
He slowed down when he was in one of the isles and walked into the school store before asking for one of those journals. Paying three dollars for it, he exited the store and settled down in one of the back tables before pulling out the pen from his jacket and opening it to the first page.
"Σήμερα ήταν η πρώτη ημέρα ενός άλλου γυμνάσιο. Πήρα σε μια πάλη με έναν θνητό αγόρι. I αντέδρασε υπερβολικά λόγω έλλειψης αίματος και αυτό με έκανε νευρικό. Ελπίζω ειλικρινά να μην συμβεί στο μέλλον βλέποντας ότι γνώρισα μια κοπέλα. Το όνομά της είναι παράδεισος. Ήταν καλός μαζί μου, όταν όλοι οι άλλοι ήταν κουτσομπολιό και τα πειράγματα. Αν και, έχω την αίσθηση ότι δεν θέλει να είναι γύρω μου. Νομίζω ότι φοβάται εμένα. Αλλά έχει βάσιμο λόγο να είναι έτσι. Είμαι ένα τέρας .."
The pen that had been scratching on the paper paused as he read over what he wrote in Greek. His crimson eyes blinked once and he set the pen back down to scratch out another paragraph.
"Θέλω να είμαι με καλύτερους όρους με τον Παράδεισο, αλλά δεν έχω ιδέα. Ίσως ο αδελφός μου θα μπορούσε να με βοηθήσει με αυτό. Θα του ζητήσω επόμενη φορά που τον βλέπω. Ποια θα είναι μετά πάω απόψε κυνήγι. Δεν νομίζω ότι μπορώ να πάω μια άλλη ημέρα για αυτήν την ασιτία που διαρκεί για μήνες. Θα πρέπει να πάρει στη συνήθεια της σίτισης weekily. Δεν καθημερινά. Και δεν θα σκοτώσει τους ανθρώπους Είμαι σίτιση από."
Again, he stopped and glanced up when he thought he heard something fairly close. Cocking his head to one side, he shrugged it off and went back to his writing.
"Εκτός αν συμβαίνει να είναι ο Αδάμ. Αυτό το παιδί πρέπει να πεθάνει. Και προτιμότερο σε ένα σκοτεινό δρομάκι που δεν έχει καμία σχέση με μένα. Φυσικά, πολέμησαν και του έδειξα τα δόντια μου. Αλλά, δεν νομίζω ότι θα το έλεγα σε οποιονδήποτε χωρίς να φέρουν την ένδειξη "τρελός". Αν και, αν δεν έρθουν μετά από μένα, μπορώ να πάρω τον πάντα προς τα κάτω. Δηλαδή αν δεν πιάσουν από τον αδελφό μου ... Είναι ο τύπος που θα συντρίψει οποιαδήποτε διασκέδαση θέλω. Stupid παλαιότερα, για χορτοφάγους βαμπίρ."
With that paragraph finished, he closed the journal and clipped the pen in it before standing up and pushing in the chair. Not wanting to risk running in Paradise on his way out, Markus used his vampiric speed to get to the library's entrance/exit.
[[ If you want to know what it means, you can just copy and paste it to Google Translations. That is where I got it from. :3 ]]
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10:11pm Dec 31 2011
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In the end of my little 'mission' I found more then five books that I was already eager to start. My mind was so focused on the books that I hadn't realized that the librarian had come over to me and asked me a question. "Pardon?" I asked. "Why are you spending your whole lunch period up here with an old woman, when you could be with your friends?" She repeated. It was a more of a 'up in the air' question that she didn't expect me to answer. I shrugged and did a small laugh. The way she put the question really made me sound like...
A loser. Chilling with an old woman during my lunch period. I sighed and grabbed all the books that I wanted and put them in my bag. My cell phone vibrated again and I ignored it. Mostly because I guessed it was my mom. "Well... Class is about to start. I'll see you later." I said with a small wave towards the librarian before leaving the room and going to my locker.
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10:17pm Dec 31 2011
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Once Markus was as far away from the library as physically possible while still being in the school, he took out his schedule and furrowed his brows as he attempted to figure out the next class. But for the life of him, he could not. Damn his inability to read English. He growled and folded the paper once before sticking it into the journal he had just bought. Then, a thought came to him.
Could he get a lady in the office to translate his classes into Greek? Or would he be doomed to be English illiterate for the rest of the year. With sigh, he glanced up at the nearest clock.
What time did the bell ring?
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