4:34pm Jan 22 2012
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Instead of going to his next class, Markus went to the bathroom and locked himself in one of the stalls. Once the flimsy door was closed, he leaned against. His breathing ragged and his fangs poking at his lips. Closing his glowing eyes, he attempted to steady his breathing. But couldn't. Paradise's scent had gotten to him again. And he was certain that if he stayed at her neck any longer, he would've bitten her.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:39pm Jan 22 2012
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Markus didn't come to my next class. And, surprisingly, I found it no shock. He just admitted some pretty far - fetched ideas to me, and I was closer and closer to figuring out what he was. I had an idea, of course. But it was so... Wrong, it was sick. During the rest of my class, I found myself listing everything I've found out about him on a piece of paper, trying to get an answer. But I only got one - that one sick idea I had. Even Adam had said something about fangs - right? Maybe he hadn't imagined them? I shivered, scribbling everything I had written down in fear that I was right.
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4:59pm Jan 22 2012
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[[ Can I time skip to after school? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:00pm Jan 22 2012
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[[Haha, sure. :) ]
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5:17pm Jan 22 2012
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[[ Yes~ ]]
Markus had stayed in the bathroom for the rest of the school day, trying to get control of his more bestial side. But he had failed miserably though. He could still smell Paradise's unique scent, driving him even more over the edge. When the final bell had run, Markus whimpered softly and let his silver hair fall into his eyes.
Outside in the halls, Markus could hear the students leave their last class. Their excited chattering also reached him. Eventually both faded and Markus decided it was time to leave. Slipping out of the bathroom, Markus stalked down the halls with a predatory grace only an apex predator could match.
Walking up to his motorcycle, he straddled the seat and started the bike up; listening to it purr to life beneath him. Pulling out of the parking spot, Markus left without a backwards glance.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:19pm Jan 22 2012
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[[Gotta go~ I'll reply maybe later tonight. ]]
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5:21pm Jan 22 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:34pm Jan 22 2012
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Markus didn't show up the rest of the day. I had no idea where he'd gone, but I hoped I hadn't upset him with my questions. Well, I really wasn't really that worried about it. The things that I got out of him were worth a little agitation from him. When leaving the school doors, I was invited by the cool wind. With a shiver, I zippered my jacket and started walking out of the lot. I really needed to get my license or something.
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7:36pm Jan 22 2012
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Once Markus was free of the lot, he went home and dropped off his backpack before heading out again. He drove back to the decrepit house and parked across the street. He turned off the bike and just sat there for a few seconds... Minutes actually. The condition ran through his mind until he got it to what he wanted. With one final sigh, he got off the bike and entered the house.
"Markus of Greece, welcome back. You have thought of your condition, yes?"
Markus inclined his head slightly. "I have. You shall not harm anybody in attendance at Park-Rose Highschool."
"Why should I d- You've gone soft haven't you, Markus? I've heard what you did in your younger years. Today actually. It amazes me how fast the inquiries go out and come back with tales of brutality."
The Greek narrowed his eyes and curled his upper lip into a snarl. "Lifetimes upon lifetimes ago. They killed my maker."
The other was silent. Then; "Fine. I will honor your wishes. But only if you win. If you loose..." The other trailed off. Markus growled. "But, we'll think of that when the time comes. When and where?"
Markus tilted his head to think. "This weekend. The abandoned warehouse at the other edge of town. Keep to the woods to hunt. The town is not yours."
The other growled. "Fine."
The albino smirked, then left.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:39pm Jan 22 2012
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[[Ahahahaha. Where should I time skip? ]]
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7:45pm Jan 22 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:49pm Jan 22 2012
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[[Ahh. Like, I meant, you said they'd take Markus. That's not yet? o-o If not, can I just do tomorrow? I have no creative ideas, bahahahahahaha. ]]
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8:03pm Jan 22 2012
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[[ That is when they fight though. They are just setting up when and where. I told you it'll take place over several days. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:46pm Jan 23 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:27pm Jan 23 2012
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[[Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ]]
Thankfully, today was Friday. Giving me a boost of happiness that I needed as I walked down the hallway and too my first class. At least I felt better then yesterday, with thoughts of Markus keeping me up. I mean, thinking about what we've been talking about lately. Not just him though. No.No.No. I went to the back of the class, and sat in my usual seat. Once again having a fleeting moment of confusion as I watched Adam, before turning my head to the window.
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5:40pm Jan 23 2012
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Markus woke up feeling anxious for tomorrow. It would be when he would fight that woman in charge of the Shianru Coven. With a sigh, Markus rolled out of bed, showered, and dressed before leaving for school. He was on his bike and out of the lot within a few minutes. The vampire arrived at the school three minutes later. He had been speeding like a drunk person... If he could get drunk.
Once parked, Markus bounded up to the school and entered the building. He also made it into first period just as the bell rang.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:47pm Jan 23 2012
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I watched as Markus came through the doors, ignoring my heart's reaction once again, and keeping my mind focused on what he was doing. Seeing if anything he did could prove that I was wrong about who I thought he was. No one else saw the fangs. No one else saw the 'power' Adam had told me about. Honestly, Adam could always have some hallucination issues, while Markus was just... Normal. Of course, take out the leather jacket, motor cycle, and bird. Then he'd be normal. I frowned, feeling like all my work on figuring him out would be for nothing if that was the case. Still, shivers came down my spine at thinking that Adam could be right. Especially with what Markus was telling me at lunch yesterday. Living many lifetimes? Fighting evil? I felt nauseous at the thought. That so many things pointed to that dreaded idea.
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6:05pm Jan 23 2012
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Markus sat down and leaned back in his chair before yawning widely. He half-covered his open mouth. But his fangs poked through. The tips gleamed slightly in in the florescent lighting. He was tired since he didn't come home until late when he went out for a failed hunt. Closing his mouth, Markus sank down and crossed his arms against his chest.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:10pm Jan 23 2012
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That happiness that I had that morning drooped to fear. And that nausea came back even worse. Did I have the same mental issues as Adam, or were those fangs? I let out a deep breath, mostly to calm how fast my heart was pounding, as I covered face in my hands for a moment. I needed to think this through one more time, before jumping to conclusions. But, no matter how I tried avoiding the facts, I knew what I saw. I knew I was right. I forced myself to turn my head to the window the rest of the period, feeling confused, scared, And still sick. I swallowed, thinking it couldn't be harmless to leave school early.
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6:30pm Jan 23 2012
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Markus blinked slightly as he smelled fear coming from Paradise. What was she afraid of? Then, another scent came to his attention. Confusion. Now he was a little confused. But he let it sit n the back of his mind as he watched the Mr. King walk into and give his usual monotone greeting.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.