6:33pm Jan 23 2012
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[[ Omggggg. ^^^ 600th post~ ]]
The rest of the class period, I barely remembered. I watched Mr. King as he spoke, though my mind was else where. Chills ran down my back as I paled, just at thinking about it. Markus and his... Things. Fangs. Whatever they were. It wasn't normal. Once again, the bell made me jump from me being so out of it. Grabbing my things, I rushed out of the doors.
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7:03pm Jan 23 2012
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When the bell rang, Markus saw Paradise make a mad dash for the doors. He blinked his eyes. Whaa? With a faint shrug, Markus followed after everybody else had left.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:08pm Jan 23 2012
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I avoided Markus, which was becoming a routine, through out the rest of our morning classes. It was ironic, really, that we had every class together. Another sigh escaped my lips as the bell rang, signaling lunch. How was I to act like I wasn't suspicious about him being something so... Unreal, and that everything was fine? Dreading these next 45 minutes, I walked down to the cafeteria, trying to shake off the fear that has followed me since this morning.
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7:28pm Jan 23 2012
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The lunch bell rang and Markus sighed. It had seemed that Paradise had gone out of her way to try to avoid him throughout all their shared morning classes. Would she be willing to have him sit with her during lunch? He didn't know, but as he entered the cafeteria, he walked up to her hesitantly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:30pm Jan 23 2012
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I stared down at my hands as I sat where I had sat yesterday. Maybe I shouldn't have sat here. Maybe I should have stayed at the library like I used to before Markus came around. I looked up from my twiddling thumbs to see Markus coming towards me. With a fake smile, I hoped he didn't noticed how I paled, before saying a small, "Hi." It only came out as a shaky whisper.
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7:42pm Jan 23 2012
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She paled. He saw it. It was only slight, but she paled nonetheless. Though when she greeted him with a shaky whisper, he instantly became worried. Leaning across the table slightly, he raised one hand to let his fingers brush across her forehead. "Are you alright?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:49pm Jan 23 2012
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The second his fingers pressed against my forehead, I scooted away away from the table to where he couldn't reach me, abruptly. A gasp that reminded me more of a hiss came through my trembling lips. As though I thought he was going to hurt me. When gaining my composure, I wiped my forehead as if I was disgusted with him touching me, and scooting back to the table. "I'm fine." I said through my teeth, though I just felt more sick and pale. This guy was proving himself more and more to be a vampire. No matter how crazy or stupid or immature it sounded, it was the truth. And I couldn't look at him the same anymore. He wasn't the sweet - yet slightly quiet - Greek who knew how to make a girl's heart stop when trying to speak English correctly. Now he was just a monster to me. If this theory of mine was right.
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8:17pm Jan 23 2012
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Markus flinched away when the hiss-like gasp escape her lips. She had also scooted away from the table. No... From him. He pulled his hand close to him before letting to drop as he straightened up. "I see," he murmured as he slumped his shoulders slightly; making him look defeated and without purpose. Without another word, Markus slipped his hands into pockets and walked out of the cafeteria.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:22pm Jan 23 2012
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I watched Markus leave the cafeteria, ignoring the guilt that played at my heart. He deserved it. If I was right about what Markus was, that meant he wasn't an innocent, naive little adolescent. He meant it when he said he fought evil, and he's seen things far worse then I have. He could get over a little rejection from someone like me. But, as the image played back in my head the rest of the 45 minutes, I felt worse and worse. Maybe I should some how ask him about it, without making conclusions. But if he found out that I knew, if I was right of course, would he hurt me? I shivered once more, not so sure how to handle this situation anymore. It was either hurt him, or hurt me.
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8:29pm Jan 23 2012
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Markus had went to the library after leaving the cafeteria. He had found a secluded corner in the back and parked himself in it. Who needed females anyway? He had already been broken by them in the past. They were all a bunch of liars and backstabbers.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:38pm Jan 23 2012
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Feeling slightly miserable, what I've been feeling all day, I left the cafeteria once I heard the bell and followed others up the hallway. Again, I kept my eyes more to the ground just in case Markus was around, avoiding him was my only option at the moment, and grabbing my books for my next class.
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5:15pm Jan 24 2012
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[[Post show. ]]
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6:15pm Jan 24 2012
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Markus didn't feel like going to his next class. Or the rest of them either. He stayed in the library, feeling more and more like getting this fight over and done with. Yea, he had a major death wish at the moment. The vampire yawned again, his lips curling up into a snarl as he exposed his fangs to nobody in particular.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:23pm Jan 24 2012
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[[Time skip to... After school? ]]
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7:27pm Jan 24 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:36pm Jan 24 2012
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Finally, the last bell rang, signaling my last class was over. I sighed, feeling relieved as I grabbed my things and left the class room. Markus didn't come to any of the classes again. Was just not wanting to be touched by him that big of a deal? Telling myself I shouldn't be guilty for such a thing, I went to my locker to start putting my books away.
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7:51pm Jan 24 2012
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Markus got up and left while the bell was still ringing. He had used his vampiric speed to get out of the school and to his bike in an instant. Once he was sitting across the leather seat of his bike, the vampire started it up and left.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:58pm Jan 24 2012
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I saw Markus on his bike just as he left the lot. I frowned, wishing I could go back to where I wasn't so nervous, scared, and even disgusted, by him. How could I not be? If I was right, he drank actual blood. I'm still weird-ed out that he did it right in front of me. I sighed, as I also left the parking lot - once again cursing my father for not letting me get my license.
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2:37pm Jan 25 2012
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When Markus came back to his apartment, he parked the bike and sat there for full on three minutes before he heaved a heavy sigh. Turning the purring machine off, the vampire swung off and walked into the building, then, heading to his own small apartment. When he entered, he was greeted in a fury of white feathers as Riiva lit down on his shoulder and gently nipped the lope of his ear.
"Hello to you too, Riiva," the vampire said as he closed the door and set his backpack on the table in front of the crouch he crashed on. Leaning back so his head was on the armrest and one arm was in between the cushions and his skull, Markus stroked the white raven with his free hand in a soothing rhythm. Eventually, sleep came and embraced him in their darkness.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:52pm Jan 25 2012
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[[ When should I time skip? ]]
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