4:55pm Jan 25 2012
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[[ -shrugs- Since Markus is feeling a bit suicidal, he might actually challenge the coven now instead of tomorrow in the roleplay. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:02pm Jan 25 2012
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[[Lolololololololool. Do you want to do that now, then? If so, you can go ahead. I have nothing to put that's not just... Nonsense. :) ]]
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5:04pm Jan 25 2012
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[[ But I like your nonsense.
-just realized how weird that sounded- ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:05pm Jan 25 2012
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[[Ohhhh dearrr... That's just... Weird. Bahaha. xD
Anyways, is that what we'll be doing? :DDDDDDD ]]
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5:11pm Jan 25 2012
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[[ Uh...
-scratches head-
Since Markus will fight them tonight, maybe Paradise could hear them? The newlings be noisy anyways. Only Markus has true, quiet grace when fighting.
XD -shot- ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:22pm Jan 25 2012
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[O_O_O_O Never thought of that. Let's do that.~ ]
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5:24pm Jan 25 2012
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[[ Alright! -air punch-
Your post. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:28pm Jan 25 2012
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[[ Oh, sorry; got confused. D: ]]
Closing the door behind me, I looked in surprise to see my father in the living room. The television was on, though I could hear his snoring from the entrance. I shook my head, trying to keep my thoughts from saying anything but wrong things about my father, before walking up to my room.
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6:55pm Jan 25 2012
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Markus woke up to darkness. Only the faint glow of the outside lamp-post signaled that he wasn't dreaming... Or dead. Night had fallen and the Greek smirked. Right now, he was feeling very suicidal. Maybe the woman wouldn't mind. Markus moved into a sitting position before standing up. Riiva was no where to be seen, giving Markus the impression she went somewhere.
Markus left through the window and once his feet touched the ground, he moved like the wind. Running insanely fast towards the house where the Coven was staying. Bounding up the steps on the porch, he entered the house and closed the door with a bang behind him.
"I move the challenge to tonight. That means; right now, vrikólakes," the Greek sneered. As he saw dark shapes rush toward him, Markus bolted back out onto the street.
After a few blocks, Markus stopped and turned back around as he caught the noisy youngling by the throat. "Too loud. Your prey would have already escaped you," the Greek hissed as he exposed his fangs. The gleaming white canines flashed for a second before burying themselves in the fledgling's throat. Within a few seconds, the other was on the ground. Head torn off and bloodless.
Markus's white skin was now stained with dark crimson blood.
"NO!" the woman shrieked as she lunged at him; having just exited the house. Markus chuckled darkly and dodged with ease.
Markus slipped his hands into his pockets and quickly took out another young vampire that was fool enough to attack him. More blood stained his skin and made his silvery hair slick. His lips twisted up into an endless sneer. "Your fighting. Losses happen. Especially when in a Coven," the albino snarled as he took off again; quick as the wind.
The woman shrieked again and followed suit. Her coven following her lead.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:15pm Jan 25 2012
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[[Sorry... Can I have her notice it now? D: ]]
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7:16pm Jan 25 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:28pm Jan 25 2012
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[[Stupid freaking google chrome crashes any time I try posting something. Eating my post and stuff. Now I gotta use IE. Joy.rnAnyways, Going off for the night; too irritated to post. ]]
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7:30pm Jan 25 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:24pm Jan 25 2012 (last edited on 8:26pm Jan 25 2012)
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[[So, yeah. Like I said, I have to use IE. So sorry if it looks all weird with the alignment not on 'Center'. I'm going to miss my italics :c Excuse the fail and maybe spell mistakes, seeing as IE doesn't have spell check. There is nothing I hate more then retyping an eaten post. ]]rnI tossed and turned in my bed, not able to fall asleep. Taking a glance at the clock, it read 2:57 am, I tried laying on my back. Though the weak attempt to sleep still was an unsuccessful one. "Ugh..." I grunted to myself in irritation. Why did I have to be such a jerk to Markus? If I had just acted normal, I would be able to sleep now. But, no, I was too busy thinking about what I'd done that I couldn't fall asleep. I bet Markus was happily dreaming in his bed, no worries. No thoughts of Paradise Smith. I rolled my eyes at the thought, before closing my eyes once more to try to fall asleep. That was when I heard a noise out side. My window was cracked open so I could hear almost anything with this tiny, quiet neighborhood. Not able to handle my piqued curiousity any longer, I got out of bed with my pajama outfit, grabbed a jacket and went outside. Hoping to see if was just a couple of people passing by. Seeing no one around my house, I couldn't help but grab my shoes, close the front door, and, ignoring my own protests, I walked down to the side walk to see what was up.
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8:29pm Jan 25 2012
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Markus had already taken down several of the young vampires. But he was quickly tiring. Now, he was doing everything he could just to survive. His clothes were ripped and a lot of his own blood stained his skin; the wounds already healed. In fact, he had already been forced to use his Wind abilities to slice up a few vamps.
With a warning shriek, Markus dodged the vampire it came from as he continued to flee.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:46pm Jan 25 2012 (last edited on 6:49pm Jan 26 2012)
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I heard a cry close by and I found myself running as fast as I could around to the corner. Though, the second I turned, I skidded to a stop, forcing my body to fall to the ground from the ice under my feet. I ignored the pain in my back as I saw the scene before me. My heart raced a little faster. Bodies lay on the ground, headless and bloodied.
Feeling like I was about to get sick, I panicking-ly came to my feet while trying not to slip on the ice and kept my eyes on anything but the bodies. This was dangerous, I should be in my bed, hidden and safe in my room so I didn't end up like these dead guys. Not out here, vulnerable, wherever this killer was...
I swallowed, realizing I had just been calling Markus a killer in my thoughts. He couldn't possibly be the one causing this ruckus. And those deaths. I felt tears burn at my eyes just at the thought, before turning my back from the bodies and holding my stomach just in case I'd get sick.
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7:13pm Jan 26 2012
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Markus stopped when he smelled a familiar scent. Paradise? His glowing crimson eyes widened somewhat. What was she doing out here? Did their noise wake her up? What if sh--
His thoughts trailed off as he felt thing ram into his shoulder. The Greek let out a surprised cry as his back connected with a wall not to far away. He slid down it and when his shoulder hit the ground, Markus sprang back up to his feet. His crimson eyes pulsating in their glowing as he snarled; baring his four fangs.
The wind jumped to him, surrounding him in a mini-cyclone; whipping his blood-stained hair around in his rage. Hissing a sentence in ancient Greek, Markus leaped forward his mouth open so the tips of his fangs sliced through the skin of the closest vampire; ripping the throat open. His wind sliced and diced the rest of the youngling.
Another snarl ripped through his chest as he grinned. But thoughts of Paradise came back to him.
Was she hurt?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:22pm Jan 26 2012 (last edited on 7:22pm Jan 26 2012)
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I had heard the cryrnagain, and wasn't thinking straight as I turned around. Another look at thosernbodies and now I was done. I went to my knees by the lawn of a house,rnand threw up everything in my stomach. I groaned once finished, wiping my mouthrnand getting up on wobbly legs as one of my arms held my aching stomach. Maybe I should just gornback home. But, hearing the cry madernme worried. What if I was the only one that was hearing this yell? If somethingrnhappened to this person, I would be the one to blame. It wasn’t the best excuse but it kept me going as I kept my eyes downward whilernpassing the bodies, and running as fast as I could to the sound of the cry.
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7:42pm Jan 26 2012
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[[ This post be derping. ]]
The newling vampires help back and Markus took this chance to catch his breath. But he did not relax. Though he had managed to feed on some of the vampires, the wounds he had substained sapped at the blood he had swallowed. So now, he could feel the hungry gnawing at his stomach.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:43pm Jan 26 2012
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[[ Ahhhh. Where is he? Like, on a street? Hiding behind something? :D ]
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