Vampire (Dragon) x Human (CH) Romance

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7:44pm Jan 26 2012

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[[ Yea, is on the street. ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:49pm Jan 26 2012

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Finally turning the corner, I once again slipped on the ice but kept myself on my feet. It was then that I was reminded of the pain in my back. I slowed down, trying to catch my breath. 
I looked up to see Markus, and my heart stopped. 
"M-M-M... M-Markus."
I said, finding myself backing away from him. 
"What's going on?"
I said worriedly, still breathing heavy and my heart racing as I was realizing that Markus was here. 
When I had just vomited over seeing the dead bodies just several seconds ago.

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8:09pm Jan 26 2012

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"M-M-M... M-Markus."

Markus froze. His limbs stiffening up as he turned his head slightly to gaze at Paradise with his fiercely glowing crimson eyes. He let his lips fall over his fangs; covering them. At her confused question, Markus let his eyes flick over to the shadows where he was sure the other vampires were watching as they shifted their focus to her.

"Paradise," he spoke, but he flinched slightly when it came out a bit harsher than he realized. "Leave. Now."

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:20pm Jan 26 2012

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"Not until I know what's going on."
I said through clenched teeth as I kept my distance from him. I realized then that I probably looked like a mess. Coming out of bed with pajamas, tear - stained cheeks from the vomiting, and, I probably didn't smell the best either from that vomiting. 
"D-did you see..."
I said, feeling my lower lip quiver as I thought of the bodies. 
"What's going on?"
I said, stomping my foot as I looked around; feeling as though something wasn't right about any of this. 
Well, no duh. 

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1:53pm Jan 27 2012

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Markus opened his mouth to speak. But a sudden black blur zoomed towards Paradise. The Greek snarled something in his ancient tongue before bolting after the blur, passing it, and scooping her up into his arms -- holding her tight -- as he ran.

"To time to explain. You need to be inside," he whispered in the softest of tones.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:43pm Jan 27 2012

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Before I knew it, I was in Markus's arms. I don't know what I saw before he picked me up, and I doubted I wanted to know. 
"W-what was that?"
I muttered though didn't protest as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

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5:28pm Jan 27 2012

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"A vampire only a few decades old. Very uncivilized too," the Greek mumbled back to her question as he continued to move away from the other vampires. He dashed between houses and soon found his way to Paradise's house. Stopping on her back porch, he gently let her down and narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the bloody hand prints on her skin and pajamas. 

"You should take a shower and get ride of those," Markus advised before he was gone again.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:37pm Jan 27 2012

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I know it wasn't necessary, but anger boiled my blood as I turned around to see Markus gone. So many questions ran through my head, and only one thing I was sure of now. 
I was right. Markus had even said something about a vampire. He was a vampire, fighting them too.
This wasn't my battle, and seeing as the chances were too great with these 'vampires', I'd do as I was told. 
I ran inside, though I looked out the window once the doors were locked. 
Vampires. In my neighborhood. 
And Markus was fighting them. 
A shiver ran down my back as I looked down at my clothes. Blood was stained though I didn't care. With one more desperate glance out the window to see if I could spot Markus - though I didn't - I walked up the stairs and took that shower he suggested me taking.

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5:39pm Jan 27 2012

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[[ -headdesk-

I can't think at the moment. Going to go take a shower so I can think. ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:48pm Jan 27 2012

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[[Take your time.~ ]]

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8:27pm Jan 28 2012

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[[ Sorry for not posting at all today! I was at a friends house. ]]

As soon as Markus had left Paradise, he was blind sided by a vampire and tackled to the ground. The Greek struggled to get off, but another younger one had come to help his comrade. He snarled, bared his fangs as he summoned up a breeze. But it soon turned into a whirlwind. Before it could do much damage, a kick landed itself on his temple.

Markus blacked out for a few seconds. Though, when he came to, he was staring up at the woman's smug face. He bared his teeth into a snarl. "We've already won. Now, you're mine," she said as another kick found its way to his temple. Making him black out again.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:34pm Jan 28 2012

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[[ I was so used to writing Markus, I actually posted on another role play, calling the guy 'Markus'. The person was like O_O. 
Anyways, yeah, you're fine. <3 
Should I time skip to tomorrow? ]]

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8:38pm Jan 28 2012

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[[ Sounds fine with me. ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:41pm Jan 28 2012

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I twiddled my fingers anxiously as I sat in my first period class. I was going to stay home today, but I had to see Markus. 
I had to know if he was alright. 
And, once knowing if he was alright, I was going to question him more then I had ever done during lunch. 
I waited anxiously for him to get here, as I stared at the clock. Willing it would go faster so that I could see that he was alright from last night.

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8:56pm Jan 28 2012

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Unfortunately, Markus didn't go to school that day. He had just woken up from his brought-on unconscious state from the woman who was Coven leader. In fact, he had woke to a feeling of something encircling his neck. Like a collar. As he glanced down, he realized it was a collar. A silver-steel mix. He snorted. Silver didn't hurt him all that much. He wore pure silver earrings.

Then, he noticed the chain coming off the collar. Long, it was. His eyes followed the li[injection]nks until he found it was welded to a metal chair fashioned into a throne-like seat. Crudely made though. Like it was made out of found scraps and other useless ob[injection]jects. Realization suddenly dawned on the old vampire.

He was going to be kept as a prize.

Or a slave.

Personally, he felt the "prize" option was just as bad as being a slave. No freedom. No free will. Having to call that... woman... "Mistress". Markus growled and moved into a sitting position with his legs crossed native american styled. Death was a much better option than this.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:18pm Jan 28 2012

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Markus never showed up. Through out every period of class, I would stare at the class room door anxiously, but Markus never showed up. 
Finally, during lunch, I thought that enough was enough. 
The only reason why I had come to school was to talk to him, and if he wasn't here, then I was going home. 
I told a white lie, telling the school nurse that I wasn't feeling well. She gave me permission to leave the school after calling my father for clarification that I was aloud to leave. 
I hadn't heard anything about the bodies. Or the cries last night. Everyone acted normal during school. No one said that they heard something weird, or saw some weird things happening on the street. 
It was as though no vampire battle ever happened. 
I shuddered, as I walked faster. Having no desire to see those bodies again, so I took the longer route.

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9:32pm Jan 28 2012

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[[ Now I don't have anything to post... ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:33pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 9:33pm Jan 28 2012)

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[[Me either...
What had you planned on happening once he was taken? :D ]]

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9:34pm Jan 28 2012

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[[ Haven't thought that far yet. ^^; ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:37pm Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ Oh. ;-; Well...
 Seeing as Markus lost, they'd probably start taking over the place, right? o-o ]]

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