9:39pm Jan 28 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:44pm Jan 28 2012
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[[ I forgot where I was going with that. Anyways, I'm off for the night. Maybe we'll think of something tomorrow? If not... Well :c ]]
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9:46pm Jan 28 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:38pm Jan 29 2012
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[[ I mean, we could always time skip to like a long time after, the town how ever these vampires had wanted, somehow Paradise lives through it and finds Markus hidden? Sorry if that's cheesy. It's all I could think of. But, if you don't want to keep this going, I won't be offended. Just let me know~~ ]]
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2:40pm Jan 29 2012
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It was quiet. Markus liked it. Leaning against the wall closest to him, the vampire closed his eyes. Where was everybody else in the Coven? Probably gathering their dead and burning them outside of town. A smug smirk curved Markus's lips. Yea... That was probably it. He had taken out a big dent in her Coven. Then, something else dawned on the vampire.
Everybody at Park-Rose would not be safe.
Markus swallowed.
Paradise would not be safe.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:40pm Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 2:41pm Jan 29 2012)
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[[ -devours second post-
Uh, that does sound good. But I posted something too...
666th post~ XD]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:49pm Jan 29 2012
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[[ hahahaha, we got to the 666th ^^^^ So, will I be time skipping now to like... A week or two? ]]
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2:54pm Jan 29 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:11pm Jan 29 2012
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My throat was dry and my lips were cracked. My feet ached from all the running I had done in the past week and my knees were scraped and covered with sticky blood from all the times I've fallen. It was yesterday that I came right back to my house. It was then that I realized that this whole week, I had been running in a circle around the neighborhood; when I've been trying to leave the town. When I had walked home from school just last week, everything seemed fine. It was the next day that I wished never happened. My father never came back from work, and once I realized what was happening, I knew he'd never come back. Eh. I'd hated him so much, it was like a blessing that he was gone. My back ached from how I was hiding in a tree. I doubted this was the smartest place to hide, but it was in the middle of the night, and it was too late to find a better hiding spot. A couple tears escaped from my eyes as I realized there was no point in hiding. I was going to either die now or later. And, I was guessing it would be soon, seeing as I hadn't slept for very long last time I thought I was safe. All those people from school that I had just passed by. All the family's that I've seen around the neighborhood. Markus. They were all gone. Dead. I was stupid, really, to do this, but the fact that I was one of the few left brought me so much fear that I did it anyway. I jumped from the tree, and hesitantly came to the side walk. Houses were trashed from the inside out, and some lawns were drenched with blood. I swallowed, forcing my feet to go forward; jumping from any sound that broke the silence.
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3:26pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus was now locked up in the ba[injection]sement of the house the Shianru Coven had taken over soon after they had killed the family living in it. A mother, a father, a teenage daughter and son, and their infant babe. Markus had felt his throat constrict when he'd seen it, reminding him of of his thirst that had never been fully quenched.
Stretching out on a futon the coven provided for him, he let his hands rest under his head as his crimson eyes watched the ceiling. The chain connected to his collar was attached the floor somehow. But personally, the Greek didn't want to know.
With a sigh, Markus closed his eyes and turned his head slightly so when he opened them, he was staring at the door to the main floor. Oh merciful Artemis, he was so hungry.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:41pm Jan 29 2012
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[[ If Paradise went through the back door, would she be noticed? Or maybe she could just go through the back window that leads to the ba[injection]sement? ]]
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3:48pm Jan 29 2012
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[[ Back window to ba[injection]sement. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:58pm Jan 29 2012
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I had to find a place to sleep. Or hide without having the bark of a tree irritate my skin. I wiped my cheeks from the shed -ed tears from before. I heard another noise from around me, and feeling paranoid, I ran as fast as I could to the closet house. I didn't care if it was the wind, I had to hide somewhere. None of the lights were on, but I had to get out of the open. These... Vampires could see me, and I needed a hiding spot. I chose to sneak around the back of the house, finding a window that led to the ba[injection]sement. I smiled, finding it perfectly set up just for my benefit. I opened the unlocked window, and quickly climbed inside. The window sill was so old, it was much more rough and scraped at my already wounded knees. I hissed from the pain before jumping to the floor of the ba[injection]sement. I quickly jumped back up to close the window before smiling.
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4:11pm Jan 29 2012
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The slightest of pressure change made Markus glance from the door to somewhere else in the ba[injection]sement. It was followed by a hiss of pain and the sharp tang of the blood-scent. Markus moved to a sitting position, mouth open slightly and fangs extended. Underneath the blood-scent, he smelled something familiar.
As he shot off the bed in surprise, the chain jingled against each other, but just one word escaped his lips; "Paradise?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:22pm Jan 29 2012
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The second I heard chains rattle, I thought this was the end. I thought that I had chosen the wrong route to a safe place, and that those vampires from before were here to kill me. But, as I heard my name called in the darkness, I realized I knew that voice. There was a vampire in here, but the only one I could smile with. More tears bit at my eyes, but they were happy tears. "Markus!" I said, so sure it was him. I ran right until I saw a figure next to what looked like a bed. I also saw something around the figures neck, the other side of the chain connected to the floor. I knew it was Markus, and the second I saw him, I ran to him like he was my last life line. Wrapping my arms around his neck, ignoring the chain, I held on tight. "I thought you were dead..." I whispered in his ear before peppering his face with kisses. Oh, I couldn't help it. I thought I was all alone. Everyone dead. And yet here he was. He'd know what to do. He'd keep me safe.
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4:47pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus stumbled back slightly when her weight slammed into her. He wrapped his arms tight around her and managed to capture her lips as she peppered kisses on his face. His eyes became hooded slightly as he moved his own kisses from her lips to follow her jawline before working down her neck. "Paradise. I've missed you so," he murmured against her skin all the while.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:53pm Jan 29 2012
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I held Markus tighter, feeling as though if I even loosened my grip a little bit, he would disappear. Finally, though, I unwrapped my arms and looked at his chain. Loving how the skin on my neck tingled from his lips. "Markus, what's happening? Why are you...?" I pointed to the chain that was wrapped around his neck.
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5:19pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus breathed a sigh when Paradise unwrapped her arms. When she gestured to the chain, he sat down on the futon and motioned for Paradise to do the same. "I'm a "Prize". Kept because the leader of this Coven beat me," Markus said with a sigh as he rubbed his temples.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:26pm Jan 29 2012
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I sat down next to him, sighing in relief. Futons may not be the most comfortable, but better then a tree. "So, what are they going to do with you, if you're this 'Prize'?"
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5:34pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus bared his fangs slightly. "They keep me more as a slave though. But I don't know." Letting his lips recover his fangs, the vampire leaned over and let his head rest on Paradise's lap; her scent wrapping around and soothing him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.