5:37pm Jan 29 2012
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I smiled as he fell to my lap. I put one hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me. "Where am I supposed to go?" I said in a mere whisper, my lips turning to a frown. I was supposed to leave, that's what. If they came down to Markus, they'll notice me in a heart beat. I'd be dead.
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5:54pm Jan 29 2012
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As soon as he felt her hand upon his cheek, he glanced up at her. "Stay here," he suggested. "I'll protect you. I can hide your scent. But there is no food down here." Reaching up with one hand, Markus cupped her cheek and pulled down so he could brush his lips and fangs against her lips.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:58pm Jan 29 2012
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I willingly leaned down to press my lips against his own, but I winced back slightly when I felt his fangs. "I die either way then. Out there or in here." I whispered against his lips, as a tear trickled down my cheek. Ignoring his fangs this time, I kissed him harder on his lips.
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6:18pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus wiped away her tear with his thumb moments before she started kissing him harder. He growled at that and quickly flipped his position, causing Paradise to lay flat across the futon. Resting his arms on either side of her, the vampire brushed the flat of his fangs against her jawbone.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:23pm Jan 29 2012
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I gasped as I felt Markus's fangs on my jawline. "Markus..." I whispered, putting my hand on the back of his head. Knowing he was a vampire made things completely different about this situation. "D-don't, Markus..." I said, hoping he wasn't doing what I thought he was going to do.
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6:32pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus didn't hear her. His only thoughts was her heart pounding in her chest and the pulse of the vein and artery in her throat. He pulled back slightly to bare hid fangs in such a manor that would be followed by a strike. But, the Greek resisted and snapped his jaw together with a hiss before resting his forehead on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:39pm Jan 29 2012
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My heart started beating faster as I saw his jaw open. I couldn't scream, because it would draw the attention of another vampire. I couldn't fight because it would only make him hurt me more. I closed my eyes in relief as he resisted, though my fingers let go of his hair. "Have they... Given you anything to eat? Is that why you were about to..." How could I stay here, if Markus was such a threat?
I gently pushed Markus off of me before sitting up and looking at the window on the other side of the room. I was going to have to leave.
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6:59pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus scowled when he saw Paradise sit up after allowing her to push him off. "They haven't fed me since they captured me. Small bits of blood from her don't count," he growled as he bared his four white fangs.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:01pm Jan 29 2012
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"Then I can't stay here." I said, looking back at him. "I'd die anyway, seeing as I wouldn't eat." I should have gotten up from the futon then. Went to the window and left the town as fast as I could before I died from the starvation that I already had from a week of no good nutrition. But I couldn't move. I couldn't leave Markus here. I was torn.
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7:11pm Jan 29 2012
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"You could fill a backpack with food. I won't go anywhere. I can't go anywhere," Markus said as he picked at the chain with disgust. Then, he moved his hand to rest it lightly on her thigh. "But... I can't tell you... what to do."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:15pm Jan 29 2012
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I smiled at his touch, thinking through his suggestion. Maybe it could work. "I'll go when it's light out." I hated being outside when it was dark. Every little sound caused my heart to jump. I put my hand over the Markus's hand; wishing that everything could be back to normal. "How long do these things last?" I asked, looking at him. "With all these vampires...?"
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7:35pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus sighed. "Until I can challenge her again," he replied simply as his thumb caressed her outer thigh.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:37pm Jan 29 2012
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"How long will that be?" I asked, hopeful it would be soon. Not that things would go back to normal. Everyone I knew from before was dead and gone; except Markus. Things wouldn't go back to normal, but I'd be safe.
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7:48pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus shrugged. "When I get my strength back and when this chain and collar are off," he said. "But to get better, I need blood. They do not feed me." Scorn filled him as he spoke his last sentence.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:56pm Jan 29 2012
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My shoulders slumped at the realization that he wasn't going to get better without food. His kind of food. Blood. "To get better, you need blood. And once you're better, you can get out of this. And... We can leave." I said, before looking up at him. All he needed was blood. Maybe... Before he could tell that I had an idea that he might protest too, I grabbed his shirt, pulling him to me before kissing him roughly. Last time we kissed, he ended up almost biting me. My as well make it fun while it lasted, before my idea could come through. I changed our position, forcing him to lay back so I could lay atop of him. Grabbing his cheeks with both of my hands, I forced his face to be pressed against my neck. "Just do it..." I said with my breathing heavy. "Do it before I change my mind."
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8:18pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus was surprised by the roughness of her kissing. But, he soon wrapped his arms around her. When she straddled his stomach, he propped up one heel against the edge of the futon so his leg was against her back in case she slipped off the back. Soon, his face was in the crook of her neck.
"Just do it... Do it before I change my mind."
The Greek bl[injection]inked. She wanted him to feed off her. Gently cradling her head in one hand, he opened his mouth, pulling back his lips to expose his fangs. As carefully as he could, Markus sunk his teeth into her neck. Her sweet blood welled up before trickling down his throat.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:29pm Jan 29 2012
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[[ Gotta go. I'll reply tomorrow~ ]
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8:30pm Jan 29 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:01pm Jan 29 2012
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[[Poofed back on for a second. I'm not really good with these kinds of parts, which is why I failed with Adam. Seeing as if she screamed, would the vampires hear? That's just a factor I didn't think of when I had Paradise do that. Anyways, so can you time skip to where he's done, because I fail at those scenes involving my character being bitten. I never know how to put it. D| ]]
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9:04pm Jan 29 2012
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It'll probably be very pleasurable for Paradise.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.