9:04pm Jan 29 2012
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[[ ... O_O_O_O_O What do you mean? ]]
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9:09pm Jan 29 2012
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Like... It'll make her feel good despite the fact she is loosing blood. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:21pm Jan 29 2012
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[[Oh. I've never heard of that. Lolll.]]
I had been expecting gut wrenching pain when I felt Markus's teeth sink into my neck. But, it was surprisingly the complete opposite. The corners of my lips curved upwards as my fingers tugged at his hair. It was like I almost completely forgot he was sucking my blood. "Mmmm..."
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9:30pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus held Paradise close as he continued to drink her blood. As he drank, he kept an hear on her heartbeat. Just to make sure he didn't over do it and kill her. Why? Because he needed her. Paradise made him feel... normal. Like he wasn't a vampire. Markus needed that in his life.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:36pm Jan 29 2012
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The small smirk turned into a wide grin as I felt him hold me closer. "Markus..." I whispered with pleasure as I pulled him tighter.
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9:49pm Jan 29 2012
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As Paradise spoke his name, he could hear the pleasure rolling in her voice. He could also feel himself becoming full and instantly panicked inside. Had he taken too much blood? Wait... No... There was her heartbeat. Beating steadily against his chest. Letting out a small groan, he pulled backed, his fangs retracting as he did so before licking up remaining blood before rasping his tongue over the puncture wounds.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:54pm Jan 29 2012
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I opened my eyes as I felt Markus pull away. As if I had been holding my breath the whole time, I let out a deep sigh. That smile stayed plastered on my lips as I felt him lick at my wounds. It was then that I remembered where I was, and what we have done. Reality was hitting and for the first time I didn't feel afraid. Markus was better and we may have a slight chance of coming out of this alive.
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10:02pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus let his head rest against the futon when he had finished healing up the punctures on her neck. He felt better. Immensely so. But what about Paradise. Licking his lips of the stray blood, he leaned up and nuzzled against her cheek. "You should get some sleep. Rest will help," he murmured in her ear.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:05pm Jan 29 2012
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"Okay." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head on his chest. "Don't leave." I was too tired to realize that he couldn't if he tried, before closing my eyes.
[[Going for the night - for real this time. Baha. ]]
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10:10pm Jan 29 2012
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Markus grinned slightly and held her close as he rested his chin on top of her head, breathing on her hair. With her in his arms, he shifted awkwardly to a more comfortable position. His back to the stairwell that led upstairs. "I can't leave even if I tried," the Greek murmured as sleep soon enveloped him.
[[ XD
Goodnight~ ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:55pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 4:56pm Jan 31 2012)
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I don't know how I woke up, with the silence of the ba.sement and the darkness of the room. I opened my eyes to see myself still beside Markus on the futon. I smiled up at him before having my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. Soon, I could see a little bit from the window that was starting to show the sun peaking through. Through out the week of my running away, I had realized that this was the safest time. For me, anyways. It would be the perfect time to find my own food and come back to Markus before dark. I gently unwrapped Markus's arms, and slipped off the futon quietly so that he wouldn't wake up. I went to the window I had climbed into just yesterday, and glanced back at Markus one more time before jumping up, and climbing out of the window. Hoping the search for food would be easy so I could come back soon.
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5:56pm Jan 30 2012
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[[ I don't know what's wrong with my post. O_O. ]]
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7:09pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 7:09pm Jan 30 2012)
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<br><div>OoC;//</div><div><br></div><div>I can still read it, CH. No need to worry.</div><div><br></div><div>BiC://</div><div><br></div><div>Markus woke slowly to the sound of Paradise leaving. He stayed still and kept his chest moving in a rhythmic patter that indicated sleep. But when he heard her leave through the window, Markus slowly swung his legs around so his feet were flat on the ground. Leaning forward, he ran a white hand through his silvery hair and sighed. He hoped she would be alright.</div><div><br></div><div>The door atop the staircase suddenly opened and <i>she </i>walked down the steps. Markus snarled on the inside, but he kept his head bowed in subservience. "Hello my Mistress," the Greek said, his throat constricting as he spoke it.</div><div><br></div><div>She didn't answer, just walked towards him and placed both hands on his face before lifting his head so he could look at her cold, emerald eyes. "Hello, my Prize," she responded before gently placing a feather light kiss on his lips.</div><div><br></div><div>Markus's crimson eyes widened, but he did not pull away. He just waited there until she went back upstairs. Then, he wiped his lips with the back of his hand, nose crinkling with disgust. "Hate her," he muttered in his ancient tongue.</div>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:09pm Jan 30 2012
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<br><div>[[ DX Its happening to me too... ]]</div>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:17pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 4:55pm Jan 31 2012)
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I ran in panic the second I had climbed out of the window and closed it behind me. Food. Where would enough food be that could help me stay with Markus in the ba[injection]sement? Of course, I could always find more food once a week, but, honestly, I hated being out here. And Markus was healthier now. He'd be able to get us out of this problem now. Finally, I came to a house and hesitantly came inside. No one was in sight. I walked to the kitchen, and quickly opened the refrigerator. Grabbed several bags, I packed up as much food as I could. It was surprising how sweaty I was from my panicking. It was just so scary coming out of the ba[injection]sement... Finally, more then five plastic bags was filled. I ran out of the house immediately, and going right back to the house that Markus was at. When finding the window, I tried my best to be quiet as I opened it and jumped inside. The second the window was closed again, I set the bags down and already found an apple to eat; seeing as I was starving. "I did it." I said with heavy breathing to Markus from how frightened I was out there.
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7:17pm Jan 30 2012
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[[Everyone is having the problem. When I asked on the glitches category in the forums, someone said that Pat is doing security stuff and profiles and posts are being affected. He's trying to work on it. D: ]]
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7:41pm Jan 30 2012
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<br><div>It hadn't taken Paradise long to come back, Markus reflected as he watched as she climbed back inside the ba[injection]sement. Though, he watched as she pulled an apple out of her backpack before devouring half of it. She greeted him with an "I did it," and he smiled.</div><div><br></div><div>"I can see that," he replied. Then, he patted the edge of the futon. Indicating for her to join him.</div>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:41pm Jan 30 2012
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[[ I saw the post. I just wish he'd get it done a bit faster! ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:45pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 4:55pm Jan 31 2012)
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[[I know right? I'm not replying to half of my Rp's because it's so annoying. ;-; ]]
I smiled at Markus's gesture to the futon before walking over and sitting down next to him as I took another bite. I mumbled gruffly as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
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7:52pm Jan 30 2012
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<br><div>[[ I wants it fixed nao... ]]</div><div><br></div><div>Markus wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her lose to him. "I know. I know. Because I plan on challenging her tomorrow," he said with a grin.</div>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.