7:59pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 4:53pm Jan 31 2012)
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[[ Me too. o-o ]]
I smiled in relief. Everything was going to be okay. Markus was going to challenge this vampire and we'd be able to leave. "What happens if she beats you?" I asked, looking up at him. I hated to be the negative one here, but we had to figure it out sooner or later.
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8:08pm Jan 30 2012
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<div><br></div><div>[[ I want to add to Markus's abilities, but I'm afraid what the post'll look like if I edit it. ]]</div><div><br></div><div>Markus snarled. Crimson eyes narrowing as they started to glow faintly. "She won't. I have something hidden up my sleeve," he said.</div>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:10pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 4:53pm Jan 31 2012)
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Posts: 7,283
[[What did you want to add? :) And, it wouldn't hurt if you tried it now. Because once the coding is fixed, it'll go to normal automatically.]]
"And what's that?" I asked, feeling a bit better about my doubts.
[[ /fail. ]]
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8:15pm Jan 30 2012
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<br><div>[[ I'd rather wait. ]]</div><div><br></div><div>Markus grinned slightly. "You'll find out when the time comes," he said.</div>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:17pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 4:54pm Jan 31 2012)
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[[Haha. K. :) ]]
I was going to frown at him for keeping it from me, but seeing his grin made me smile as well. "Fine." I said, before finishing off my apple. "So... What do we do until tomorrow?"
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8:26pm Jan 30 2012
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[[ DX Can't think... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:28pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 4:54pm Jan 31 2012)
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[[ Me either, that's why I had her ask that. xD But, when I'm stuck and have no more ideas, I time skip. ~Hint. Hint.~ ]]
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8:30pm Jan 30 2012
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<br><div>[[ Time skip = YES~ ]]</div>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:31pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 8:37pm Jan 30 2012)
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[[Great. :D Getting off for the night. ]]
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3:32pm Jan 31 2012
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[[ Apparently the coding is fixed. We just need to go back to the posts that suck and edit them then save without adding anything to them. :3 ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:53pm Jan 31 2012
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[[Oh, okay. Good. :D It's your post, Dragon. :))) ]]
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4:56pm Jan 31 2012
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[[ DX ]]
Markus woke with Paradise in his arms, his chin resting gently on her hair. Glancing towards the small windows, he could see some of the sunlight pour through the glass. He smirked, big and wide. Oh Hades yes. Today was the day that he finally took on that horrible woman. And he felt extremely cocky about it as well. For he had something that she had no clue about.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:14pm Jan 31 2012
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I opened my eyes to the sunlight coming through the window. I smiled as I felt Markus's arms around me, though quickly took the giddy smile off my face before looking up at him.
"Hey." I said with a more tired smile before shifting off his chest and sitting on the edge of the futon.
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5:20pm Jan 31 2012
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[[ I saw. Get Norton. It helps loads. ]]
After hearing Paradise's voice, Markus shifted his arms slightly as she moved to the edge of the futon. He extended on hand to rub his thumb across the small of her back. "Kali̱méra, omorfiá mou," the vampire said softly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:25pm Jan 31 2012
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[[I have Norton for scanning, but you have to pay to have it actually fix problems. And my parents don't know about the crashing. So. You can connect the dots, bahaha. ]]
I turned to Markus, chills running up and down my back. "What did you say?" I asked in a whisper.
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5:28pm Jan 31 2012
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[[ Then pay for it to fix the problems. They aren't going to go away after you scan for them. ]]
Markus smirked. "I said; 'Morning, my beauty,'" he replied as he shifted into a sitting position as well.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:30pm Jan 31 2012
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[[Lololol, I know. But, when my dad finds out, he'll flip. Like scary flip. So I'll just stop going on it until my mom figures it out. ]]
My cheeks turned red, wishing I hadn't asked. "Oh... Well, good morning." I said, before getting up and finding a granola bar from the bags of food I had found.
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7:04pm Jan 31 2012
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[[ Why would your dad flip? You just protecting your computer against Viruses and Trojans that coule potentially harm your comp for good. ]]
Markus's lips curved up into a smile when he saw her face turn red. Then he stood up and stretched his arms slightly before moving over to the ba[injection]se of the stairs. He slid his hands into his pockets and leveled his crimson eyes on the door.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:15pm Jan 31 2012
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[[Apparently, we're in a lot of debt. He get's upset just because my mom buys tooth paste two dollars more then others. So, I don't think I want to hear his mouth about paying 60 dollars to fix my computer. D| ]]
I turned my head as I heard Markus's foot steps. "Where are you going?" I asked with a tilt of my head before taking a bite of the bar.
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7:22pm Jan 31 2012
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Markus did not look at her when he just responded with a, "Waiting."
[[ Blarg... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.