10:22pm Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 10:22pm Dec 31 2011)
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Just as I had gotten my books for U.S. History, the bell rang. The ringing was starting to get old, annoying, and obnoxious. Hopefully I'd get used to it by the end of the year. The hallway was quickly crowded, and I tried my best to squeeze my little self through any space that I could fit. "Sorry... Sorry... Sorry..." I kept saying every time I bumped into and almost tripped someone. I almost apologized for someone tripping me, from getting in the habit of it. And, finally, I could breathe from that suffocating hallway as I opened the door to the History room. I felt a bit less claustrophobic as I did a small nod to my History teacher and went to the back seats.
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10:34pm Dec 31 2011
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With the help of a friendly female, Markus was finally able to figure out what his next class was. U.S. History. Great. Something useless. With a sigh of disgust, Markus headed towards the classroom just as the second bell rang. Signalling the start of the class. The vampire huffed. Oh well. He honestly didn't care if he was late as he walked into the classroom.
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10:39pm Dec 31 2011
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The History teacher gave Markus the look that the Science teacher had given him and I that morning. I didn't hear any more snickers about his appearance or accent. Maybe Adam was just one of those 'sponge' students. Where he sucked up all the students and they followed him. I rolled my eyes at the thought of Adam, before getting out paper and pen to take more notes. History was my worst subject, and I had to keep my grade up in this class.
[[ Lalala. /Fail. ]
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11:25pm Dec 31 2011
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Markus didn't see the teacher's looked and sat down in an empty seat in the middle of the classroom. He set the journal on the desk and leaned forward slightly to set a protective barrier of his arms around the bound paper. Even though the contents written in it were in Greek, he didn't want somebody to take the chance to take a picture with their phones and get it translated on the web.
Though History tended to be one of his favourite things back in Athens, if it wasn't Greek, it didn't show any interest towards him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:26pm Dec 31 2011
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[[Time skip to somewhere? ]]
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11:29pm Dec 31 2011
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Sure. How about to after school?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:49pm Dec 31 2011 (last edited on 11:49pm Dec 31 2011)
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The rest of the day went by like it usually did... Slow. I still tried my best to stay away from Markus without making things noticeable. Either way, I felt bad for 'ditching' him in the first place. I doubted he thought twice about me though, since girls have been all over him after lunch. Not that I minded. That meant that I didn't need to feel as bad while trying to stay away. You'd think I would feel relieved from school being over, but I wasn't. The text message I had gotten during lunch, wasn't a sappy one from my mom like it usually is. It was a very curt message from my father, stating that he was leaving town for a couple nights. This was the reason why my parents got divorced in the first place. He was a workaholic, and on top of that, he had horrible communication skills. You'd think he'd know a little sooner then now that he had to go on a business trip, leaving a teenage daughter behind. The resentment lay deep for my father - and my mother. Maybe that's why I tried being so nice to others, to erase that mess. After grabbing all the things I needed for homework that night, I put my gloves, hat, and coat back on and started out the door. Running right into Adam. "Oh hey, sorry." I said with a smile as I readjusted my backpack on my back. Maybe he was just rude during lunch, because he was embarrassed about getting in trouble? That was my only excuse to be nice. Adam didn't respond to me, instead, walking ahead like we didn't even run into each other. "No, really. It's fine. I'm alright." I mumbled to myself with a roll of my eyes before walking out the school's front doors.
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12:23am Jan 1 2012
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School was over. Finally. With a sigh, Markus walked out of the school. Ignoring the pleading eyes of the girls -- though he did think a few of them might make a good blood-doner just in case he got hungry during school -- he walked over to the student lot; looking for the motorcycle his brother let him use. Finding it was easy. Since it was the only one there. Slipping his journal into a small saddlebag on the side, he straddled the seat and pulled out the keys before starting it up.
The machine purred to life beneath him and he drove it slowly out of the lot.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:31pm Jan 1 2012
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When I had walked outside, I made sure to stay on the edge of the lot. So Adam wouldn't think about doing his stupid tricks again. Or, maybe, I was just paranoid. As I started walking, I saw someone on a motorcycle drive out of the lot. The white hair was all I needed to know it was Markus. You see, that was another reason why I shouldn't be friends with him. Guy + motorcycle = Not good. Ever. Ever. Ever.
The walk home was much more difficult then the walk to school. It started getting much more windy as I was half way there - and my hat blew away 3 times. The third time I had to run and catch it, I had to run over someone's lawn. The second my foot stepped on the snow - covered grass, the owner of the house came out, yelling. I was too scared to get my hat, so I walked the rest of the way with my ears frozen.
But, finally, I was in the warm environment of my home. I replaced my jeans with sleepy pants, and changed my shirt with a camisole. I turned on the t.v. in the living room before making some hot chocolate. This was probably my favorite part of my dad not being home. He never let's me drink - or eat - in the living room. I guess I could be a little 'rebellious'.
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7:50pm Jan 1 2012
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[[ Post show.]]
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8:03pm Jan 1 2012
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The ride home had been... uneventful. In fact it was down right boring. But he liked the feel of the self-made wind in his hair as he sped down the road. It felt good to feel the wind when it wasn't under his control. As soon as he got home, he place the journal in his room and stuffed some more bills into his wallet before heading out again.
He headed towards the local convience store and bought two packs of cigarettes. Throwing away the empty one, he pulled one out of one of the new packs and quickly lit it up. Taking a long drag, Markus puffed out the acrid smoke. At least this would keep his thirst from driving him berserk while he hunted in the city's night scene. Though, he finished the cigarette fast and slipped it into one of those trash cans specially made for the nicotine death trap.
When he had some school supplies -- mainly notebooks and folders -- he slipped the bag into a leather saddle bag and lit up another smoke before riding downtown.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:09pm Jan 1 2012
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[[ *Writers block.*
What would be a 'good' reason for Paradise to go out? Yeah, I dunno. Baha. ]]
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8:12pm Jan 1 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:13pm Jan 1 2012
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[[Do you mind if I time skip? :) ]]
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8:17pm Jan 1 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:25pm Jan 1 2012 (last edited on 8:25pm Jan 1 2012)
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[[K. :D ]]
"... Adam isn't coming back to Park - Rose anymore..." Oh, I couldn't help but eaves drop on a couple of girls as they gossiped by their lockers - close to my own. "No. I heard that was just a rumor..." "He deserved what Markus did, anyways..." The conversation turned to Markus, and I chose not to listen. In Adam's defense, worse things have happened in a school then 'starting a fight'. Weird how Markus wasn't even getting in trouble for the incident yesterday. He may not have been the one to start it, but wasn't he the one who attacked Adam? If anyone was to be expelled, it should be Markus. The thought stopped me cold as I grabbed my English binder. What did I have against Markus, really? A lot of people were very much like him, yet him, personally, is who I keep telling myself I need to stay away from. It was almost as if I actually wanted to be around him, but was keeping myself away by finding every fault I could in him. I pushed the thought aside, not wanting to dwell on the possibility, before going to class.
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8:35pm Jan 1 2012
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Markus pulled into an open parking space at the school's student lot. After turning it off and putting down its kickstand, he eased himself off the leather seat of the bike before loosening the straps on his backpack. Which was now filled with the notebooks and folders -- and his own personal journal -- he got last night. He also felt confident that he wouldn't cause any trouble today if trouble wanted to find him. The reason, he had found a nice meal at one of the clubs. Markus licked his lips in remembrance as he walked into the school building, slipping one hand in his pant's pockets as he opened the door with the other.
The Greek had sensed the bell had not rung yet and half-jogged to get to his English class. But as soon as the bell rang, he entered the room with a sigh. He was going to get this bell schedule down... As soon as he learned his own without having to ask anybody for help.
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8:43pm Jan 1 2012
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It was like a routine now. The second Markus came in, half - some thought of him as another student now. Not the new kid. - of the students looked at him. "Hey, you hear about Adam?" One of the students asked with a small chuckle. "You got out of that one easy." Another added. You shouldn't have gotten out of it. I thought disgustedly to myself. The second I did, though, a pang of guilt slammed at my heart. I've never thought this bitterly towards someone since... My parents. It was like to pay up for my rude thought by looking up at him and giving him a small wave. He was a nice guy. Even though he had that Godforsaken motorcycle. Why was I all of a sudden judgmental? I was officially torn.
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9:17pm Jan 1 2012
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Markus cocked his head to one side; interested. "No. What happened?" he asked, his Greek accent making his speech sound a bit choppy. Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw Paradise give a little wave. He blinked his dull crimson eyes at that. Then, he gave a lopsided smile and offered her a Greek salute. She seemed a bit friendlier today then she did yesterday.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:30pm Jan 1 2012 (last edited on 9:30pm Jan 1 2012)
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"Principle is thinking about expelling him. He's still unsure though." A lot of other comments about how he should be expelled passed around the class. I felt like I was the only one hoping the principle changed his mind. "Everyone's been wanting to show the guy a lesson, and you finally did." A lot more cheers passed around the room, and I felt bad for Adam. These were his friends? I rolled my eyes, before getting out a pen and paper for notes before class started. And, what was Markus to them, now? A god or something? That was even more irritating. Weird, how they judged him about how he looked when they first met him, and now it's like they'd do anything for his attention. Just because he 'beat up' (Which was the rumor now, going around school.) Adam. What low-life's. It was like Mr. King already knew what the class was talking about as he came inside, so he sternly looked at everyone and said, "Get in your seats. Class is starting."
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