11:54pm Jan 1 2012
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Markus cocked his head to one side, the smile still plastered to his face. He had basically tuned out the rest of the cafeteria noise so he could only hear Adam. And his frightened little heartbeat. The rapid fluttering within the boy's chest. "Really? What did you see?" he asked as he took a step towards the other male.
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12:01am Jan 2 2012
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I could see Adam start to breathe faster, worry coming to his face as Markus took a step closer. "Your teeth. Those... Those fangs. I saw them. I'm not crazy!" The next thing happened in a bl ink of an eye. As he said the last part, Adam ran towards Markus and tried shoving him back. I gasped and slid back a bit in my chair, hoping this wouldn't turn out the way I new it would.
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12:11am Jan 2 2012
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Markus allowed Adam to shove him back. But the smile on his features faded into oblivion. Calm had replaced it. The detached kind. "Never said your cazy," Markus said as he move with vampiric speed. He had hooked his leg at the knee and swept Adam's legs out from underneath him. Though, before the male could split his skull open on the hard flooring, Markus snatched a fistful of the male's shirt. Keeping him suspended off the ground.
"Paradise," the vampire said, his tone just above a whisper. "You can leave, I will not stop you. I also... understand if you do not wish to see me... anymore." He had spoke this without looking at her, already apprehensive on what she might be thinking.
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1:13pm Jan 2 2012
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The second Adam was about to go head first on the cafeteria's tile, I jumped from my seat and looked around for someone to help. Except, the students around were walking over, not to help, but to encourage. I almost didn't hear Markus, as he said my name. The rest was almost tuned out as some of the students started screaming the familiar chant, "Fight!... Fight!... Fight!..." And, so on. I quickly left the scene by running out the cafeteria doors. Looking for someone to stop the madness going on in the lunch room.
Before he knew it, Adam was almost about to hit the ground, though felt a tug at his shirt. Why had he even picked this fight? He gulped, just about to tell Markus, he 'won' and that he was giving up, when he heard the chant. Oh, he couldn't help it. Show the students that he could beat this Markus guy up. Now how to get out of his grip? He started squirming around in an awkward way, trying to have his grip slip.
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9:11pm Jan 2 2012
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Markus held fast as Adam attempted to squirm his shirt out of the vampire's grasp. His nose wrinkled in the beginnings of a snarl now that he sensed Paradise had left. As his crimson eyes began to glow, he finally heard what re-invigorated the male. The rest of the cafeteria chanting "Fight!" Narrowing his glowing orbs, Markus finally curled his lips back into a snarl as his four canines slowly elongated into sharp fangs.
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9:20pm Jan 2 2012
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The squirming didn't help. Adam could feel Markus's grip on his shirt only tighten. If squirming made it worse, he had no other idea on how to get out. As he turned his head to glare at Markus, that was when his urge to scream failed to be hidden like it had in the classroom with their first fight.
Seeing those teeth... It was inhuman. Adam's bellow echoed all through out the cafeteria before the words, "Okay... Okay... Don't hurt me... I surrender... Don't.. Don't..."
That was when an idea hit him. If Markus was one to fight, then Adam would have to get him in surprise. Maybe even somehow get some kind of picture or something of those teeth to show people like Paradise that he isn't who you think he is. But, for now, he would surrender to the monster with the fangs. "Please... Let me go..." He whimpered, ignoring the chuckles and remarks like 'loser' from some of his classmates that were chanting.
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9:33pm Jan 2 2012
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Markus cocked his head to one side. Should he let his prey go? Prey... He thought of this mortal as prey. As he should. Though, it also meant that he was starting to loose his human rationality. Something he couldn't afford to loose again. But, Adam had already admitted defeat, even though he didn't smell like a person who had been defeated. Still, Markus let go of the shirt and closed his mouth slightly to hide his fangs.
Then, he took several spaces back with his vampiric speed as he kept his eyes on the downed mortal.
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9:39pm Jan 2 2012
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Finally, Markus let go of the grip on Adam's shirt.With a small huff, he got up and brushed up his shirt before glaring back at Markus.
He ignored the remarks that still went on around Markus and him, and glared at Markus with his fists clenched. "This... This isn't over." And before any more remarks could be said on the subject, the principle came in, with a frightened Paradise behind him. "Whats going on here?" The principle asked furiously, as he walked over and squeezed passed the crowd. Then he turned his back on Markus and Adam and spoke to the audience. "Leave the cafeteria or each and every one of you is suspended... Now!" He roared at the rest of the students, and they all quickly filed out.
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9:53pm Jan 2 2012
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The roaring principle made Markus flinch. His glowing eyes dulled and he could feel his fangs retract back to their normal canine state. He had heard what Adam had said before the principle came in with a frightened Paradise trailing behind. The Greek smirked. Oh, this would never be over.
As he watched the audience of students flee the cafeteria, Markus moved back to the table and closed the journal before placing it -- and the pen -- back into the backpack before setting in the chair. He turned towards the principle; ready to take anything the new male had up his sleeves.
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6:39pm Jan 3 2012
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Adam crossed his arms as he stayed standing where he was. Trying to keep any dignity he had left, as he waited for the students to file out. "This is the second time you boys have had it out - in only two days, time!" The principle said, changing his bellowing roar to just an intense tone. As he paced a moment in thought, he looked at both Markus and Adam. "Do I really have to go down to making you two do community service for you to understand how irresponsible and unnecessary your behavior is?" He looked more at Adam then at Markus, seeing as this is only the second time Markus has gotten in trouble, and Adam is... Twenty times, that. The principle was one of those guys that had a lot of grace, and it took a lot of wrong doing to get an actual punishment from him. "...both are seniors - going to be in college next year! At least I hope so..." He also tended to babble a lot in his lectures. "... Anyways, the rough housing has got to stop. Do you understand?..." And, so on. In the end, without giving Adam or Markus a chance to say anything, the principle concluded that they would be cleaning the cafeteria together every day the rest of the month.
[[Hey. I won't be on as much since school started today. I don't know if I told you that yet. ^^ And, I know that's a stupid 'punishment' but I needed a way for Adam to get the journal, so... Yeah. :DDDDDDDDDD ]]
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7:52pm Jan 3 2012
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Markus stiffened and growled softly. A mutinous Greek sentence rumbled deep in his chest as he gave a side long glare at Adam. He crossed his arms against his chest. This was not going to be fun. Why did Paradise have go to and get the principle. He glanced at Paradise, and let his gaze soften somewhat. She only did what she thought was right so he couldn't blame her for it.
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8:02pm Jan 3 2012
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"Alright. Starting today, you will be cleaning the cafeteria after school until it's sparkling." The principle turned around, did a slight nod at Paradise before saying, "You may all go back to class." And with that, he was gone.
During the whole speech, I was twiddling my nervous fingers so fast I don't know how they didn't fall easily to the floor. "You may all go back to class." He had said. I did a small nod back at him as he walked out before looking at both Markus and Adam. "Sorry." I said quietly though my apology was genuine. I heard Adam scoff, but I hadn't really wanted the apology to be for him anyways. It was for Markus. "Next time, why don't you let us handle it, darling?" I heard Adam say in a harsh tone. I frowned, this time not able to hold back what I usually hold back. "You know what would work better? Next time, you not acting stupid." I glared at him before grabbing my things. Immediately my glare softened; I couldn't be hateful for that long, it was just how I was. I still wanted to ask him why he was freaking out with the whole 'wrist' situation, but I wanted to ask without Markus around. "See you in class." I said, though it wasn't meant for Adam. Before walking out of the cafeteria.
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8:15pm Jan 3 2012
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Markus gave Adam one last glare before he swung his backpack up onto one shoulder before exiting the cafeteria to go to his next class. He muttered Greek curses as he went, not liking the situation at all.
[[ Blarg... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:16pm Jan 3 2012
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[[Time skip to after school? ]]
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8:18pm Jan 3 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:23pm Jan 3 2012
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Everyone seemed on edge today. Even the teachers. It was like the little 'fight' with Markus and Adam was a warning to everyone else not to mess with the staff at all. Now that school ended, I was tempted to go to Markus - even though I had nothing to say. But, at the same time, I knew this was the perfect way to stay away from him. Fighting the urge to find Markus, I went on my way out the school doors just as Adam was walking in - a glower covering his face as I walked by.
Adam rolled his eyes just as Paradise walked out the door. The whole reason why he was in this mess was because he thought Markus was going to bite her wrist with those... Those... Adam shuddered as he walked through the cafeteria doors, not wanting to dwell on it. Maybe, somehow, he can have Markus do all this cleaning stuff and he can get out of there before he notices.
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8:47pm Jan 3 2012
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When the final bell, Markus slipped the shoulder strap onto his leather-clad shoulder. He sighed and slipped his pale digits through his silver hair. Time to go to the cafeteria and clean it. The vampire snarled gently to himself. That was slaves work. But this wasn't way back when, and he was living in the modern era where men could clean as well. With a deep sigh, Markus entered the cafeteria. Let the torture commence.
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8:50pm Jan 3 2012 (last edited on 8:50pm Jan 3 2012)
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Just as Markus came in, Adam turned away from him. As if the last thing he would want to do was look at him. "Here's the deal." He said, his stance of 'confidence' only making him look cocky. "We clean, not talk. I have no desire to talk to you." And, with that, he started searching the closets for the cleaning supplies.
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9:03pm Jan 3 2012
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Markus was slightly amused by this. The boy just contradicted himself. "You just did," he murmured as he set his backpack on the closest table, leaving Adam to search for the cleaning supplies.
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9:07pm Jan 3 2012
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His hands stopped abruptly as he searched. Markus had mumbled something. Good thing he didn't hear it well enough. He took off his jacket and set it on the table where Markus had set his back pack. Taking the broom, he threw it over too Markus; giving him the dirty job of cleaning the floors while Adam cleaned the tables and chairs.
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