9:21pm Jan 3 2012
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Markus caught the broom without looking at it. His training as a soldier had taken over and he held the broom like one would hold a sword. Blinking his eyes once, he snapped out of it before setting the bristles on the ground. Leaning the handle against him, Markus slipped out of his leather jacket and set it atop his backpack. With another grumble, Markus glanced around as he looked for the best spot to pile all the general trash, dirt, dust, and other things. When he had found a spot, he started to sweep.
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9:27pm Jan 3 2012
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Adam watched Markus as he grabbed the broom. Those teeth weren't his imagination. And how quickly Markus got him to almost fall to the ground in their little 'fight', wasn't normal. He had to be hiding something.
As Markus's back was toward Adam, he slowly, hesitantly walked over to his belongings. First, he slowly put his hands in the leather jacket's pockets, seeing a box of cigarettes inside. Setting it aside, he - oh, as slowly as he could as to not get caught by Markus - opened the back pack. Only one thing was inside. A notebook. Oh, this had to be good. Again, slowly, he took the book out and opened it just a crack. It wasn't in English. That had to mean it was something personal. An eager smile came to Adam's face as he put the note book under his own plaid jacket, quickly closed the back pack, put the cigarettes back in Markus's leather jacket pocket, and went on with the cleaning. Only thinking about what was in that note book the whole time.
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9:37pm Jan 3 2012
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Markus continued to sweep the floors. He had made several big piles and frowned before glancing at Adam. Seeing the boy's back, Markus leaned the broom against the table and held out his hands as a twister of wind encased the trash and funneled it into the closest trash cans. He preformed it several more times before starting to sweep again. Once he had several more piles, he did the wind trick again and continued with his job.
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9:45pm Jan 3 2012
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The time didn't go by slowly, but finally an hour went by and Adam was done with his 'half - baked' job with the cleaning of chairs and tables. The second he was done, he didn't say a word as he walked out the door with the note book hidden in his jacket as he wore it. He was too eager to see the notebook to even get his back pack from up stairs. He had to get home before he'd explode with this anticipation. When he got in the drivers seat of his car, he quickly opened it with eager, shaking hands. This was definitely not English. He'd try to figure it out on the internet tonight. And, with that, he set the note book on the passengers seat with the jacket on top - he couldn't help but feel paranoid. Markus was... One of those creepers that seem to see anything and everything. - and drove home. Speeding 10 miles over to get home faster.
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9:58pm Jan 3 2012
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Markus finished as soon as Adam had left. He turned his head to tell him so, but was surprised into seeing that he was the only being in the room. With a shrug of his shoulders, he placed the broom back into the closet where it came before heading back to his backpack and jacket. He quickly slipped on the jacket, but took a moment to shorted the straps on his backpack and slipped it on before walking out of the cafeteria -- then the school -- to his bike waiting in the student lot. Once the black machine was on and purring beneath him, the vampire rode off the school campus towards home.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:58am Jan 4 2012
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[[I'll timemskip to next day or something when I get back on. :) ]]
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1:48pm Jan 4 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:53pm Jan 4 2012
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It had taken him almost all night but finally had all of the note books pages scanned - and translated. And the rest of that night was spent with Adam reading it over and over and over again. Half of it didn't make sense. Paradise was in there, some what. His new days here and who else he met. And... Adam was in there. Which was what he kept reading over for the most part. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he looked back at the English teacher that was waiting for the rest of the class to come in for class to start. Since him and Markus have to clean the cafeteria every day after school now, Adam had permission to come back with his class mates instead of sitting at the office doing work. Part of him wished he was back in the office alone, so he could figure out what to do with this journal of Markus's. How to expose him. Anxiety swallowed him whole as he kept the back pack hanging on his chair - Markus's journal hidden with all of his other books and scraps of paper. Was Markus serious, what he wrote about Adam? How he deserved death? He gulped nervously. Markus truly was a freak. One with fangs, deadly words, and odd features. He shivered at just the thought of Markus's face when they had first 'fought'. The door opened but Adam only saw Paradise walk through as she scurried to the back as the rest of the class talked among - st themselves. Maybe she'd help Adam with a plan to expose this Markus guy? The quiet ones were always the most deceiving. Like Markus for example; deceiving us all with hiding who he was. With that thought in mind, Adam turned on his charismatic charm and got up from his desk, picking his back pack up and sitting next to Paradise; ignoring her confused ex pression. She was probably guessing why he was even by her, after getting him and Markus in trouble yesterday. Oh yeah, Paradise would so help to pay back what she did.
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6:48pm Jan 4 2012
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Markus walked into the class room just as Adam decided to move closer to Paradise. His seemed drawn into himself; like he lost something important. His silver hair seemed a bit ruffled and a few strands stuck up in odd directions. In fact, the Greek seemed extremely... Tired. If that word would be best to describe a vampire who spent all night looking for his missing journal instead of sleeping in his bed like any sane being would do. But no. He had gone out of his way to find something he probably misplaced.
Though, Markus didn't feel like that was the case. He felt like it was stolen. But he didn't know when. The vampire sighed and slid into an empty desk. Then, he set his arms on the flat surface and rested his head on them. His crimson eyes fluttering closed.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:08pm Jan 4 2012
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The second he sat next to me with that charming smile on his face - at least he would be handsome if he wasn't such a jerk, altogether - I knew Adam wanted something. "Paradise, have I ever told you how special and sweet you are?" Alright, now I wanted to vomit. What was he saying? "Uh... Well no." I said monotonously while I stared at the teacher, acting like I didn't care about a word he said. But I was dying to know what he wanted. The next thing I new, his knuckles traced my cheek, as his eyes studied me. Why was he looking at me like that? "You are. Be a shame if someone used it against you." He whispered, and I bet it was just to get me attracted. Or at least feel... Good. It wasn't working. Kind of. Right? I looked over at Markus as he sat down. So the one guy in this whole school notices me - is actually flirting with me. A bonus. - and I'm still wishing Adam left so Markus could sit here. Oh, but I couldn't help but start to break down some walls at what he said. Maybe words just easily got to me. "Adam... What do you want?" I asked, for him to get to the point so that I wouldn't start liking this attention. The teacher started talking and Adam hesitated. "Why don't you meet me after school? Maybe go to that new bar a little bit away from here." I frowned at him, feeling uncomfortable. Why would I meet him anywhere? And I was the last person you'd see at a bar. No way. No. And if I was caught? Oh, I'd die. "Adam, go back to your right seat, please." I heard the teacher say before I could respond. Adam got up from his seat and put his hand on my shoulder, lingering there until I looked back up at him. When I did, he traced my cheek with his knuckles again. "Just come. It's not like we'll be drinking. I just can't be seen at the cafe close by. That's not my kind of place." And with that, he walked back to his right seat.
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7:30pm Jan 4 2012
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Markus had cracked open one eye and watched the interaction between Paradise and Adam. The open eye narrowed into a crimson slit and a rumbling growl rose from his chest as he felt his canines elongate in his closed mouth. How dare he! Especially when Paradise didn't want his touch on her skin. In the end, the teacher managed to get Adam to go back to his original seat and his low growling ceased, but his fangs remained full in his mouth.
Oh, this mortal boy was so going to die.
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7:48pm Jan 4 2012
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Adam new exactly how to get the girl - Wait... What was her name? - to cooperate. At first she didn't like it, but he could see just how easy it was to get her attention. The loser never got the attention, he wasn't surprised from the start. A smile came to his lips as he sat throughout the rest of the period. He almost completely didn't hear the bell ringing because he was so caught up in thinking up a plan. And Paradise - Right, that's her name. - would be the icing on the cake. It was only of how to get her to meet him, willingly. And to go along with the plan - willingly.
The whole time during class, all I could think about was what Adam wanted. It had to be something important, if he was willing to actually talk to me nicely like that. My faced burned as I thought back on the conversation. Did he really think I was 'special' and 'sweet'? Or was that just a hoax to get what he wanted from me? I couldn't stop thinking about it, and part of me was already thinking about meeting him after school. I mean, who cares if it's a bar, right? I wouldn't dare do anything stupid. We'd go in, talk for a couple minutes, and leave. As I started walking out the door, I saw another charming smile from Adam as he walked out. Was I actually... Liking it? Of course not. Guys didn't want anything to do with girls like me. I shouldn't be stupid. I frowned as he walked out, completely confused.
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8:22pm Jan 4 2012
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When the bell rang, Markus moved from his seat and walked over to Paradise. He lightly touched her arm with the tips of his white digits to get her attention as he strung the strap of his backpack over one shoulder. "Paradise," he murmured in his heavily accented voice. He cocked his head to one side as a look of concern etched across his features.
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8:27pm Jan 4 2012
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When Adam had touched my cheek, I could feel myself blush. But, I didn't feel that intriguing, breathless feeling that was almost impossible to explain. If I was correct, that was exactly what it was as I felt Markus's finger tips touch my arm. And it only made it worse, how he says my name. "Oh... Hey Markus." I said, trying to keep 'cool'. I bit my lip and smiled, now even more confused. Why wasn't he mad that I had gotten him in trouble yesterday? "Did you need something?" I asked, thinking that he wouldn't want just casual conversation with me.
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8:38pm Jan 4 2012
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The vampire's brows furrowed together. "Adam, he is troubling you?" he asked, taking his question slow as to not mess up the wording that was sure to be botched in his horrendous English.
[[ Blarg... ]]
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8:44pm Jan 4 2012 (last edited on 8:45pm Jan 4 2012)
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Could I really be that transparent? "Uh...Not troubling, parse..." Was I serious? About to let out my thoughts to a guy with a motorcycle? Oh, but his accent made him so sweet... "No." I said quickly, to cover up what I said before. But, immediately regretted it. With a irritated sigh at how this wasn't going well, I added, "Would it be stupid to meet a guy like Adam somewhere outside of school?" My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to find a decision before he had to answer. I probably sound so stupid.
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9:01pm Jan 4 2012
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Markus felt like he had been slapped when she said "No," the first time. But when she added her question about meeting Adam somewhere outside of school and how stupid it would be, the vampire frowned. "It would be stupid," he intoned.
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9:07pm Jan 4 2012
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The answer wasn't something I wanted to hear. Mostly because I knew Markus was right. Well, what if I wanted to be stupid, once in a while? I was the loser around here because I wasn't stupid. I was always doing the right thing. Maybe meeting him somewhere was not as bad as Markus thought... "Really?" I shrugged, trying not to act like I didn't take his advice. I couldn't help it, my heart was set on going after I thought about it. "Well... I have to get to class. Thanks." I said before turning around and heading to Science.
[[Ah. I gave you nothing to reply to, sorry. D: Time skip to whenever - if you want to. :) ]]
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10:45pm Jan 4 2012
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Its fine. I'm impatient so Imma just going to skip to after school. :3
Markus watched Paradise leave to go to her next class. He frowned slightly, then shrugged before following her to the next class.
The rest of the day passed in a blur, and remarkably Adam-free for him. So, when the final bell rang, Markus quickly walked to the cafeteria to at least start cleaning the dirty floors again. But this time, he parked his backpack and jacket on a table closer to where the people bought their mortal foodstuff. Grabbing the broom from the closet, he began to work as he hummed a Greek battle hymn under his breath.
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5:49am Jan 5 2012 (last edited on 5:49am Jan 5 2012)
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One day of leaving the cleaning to Markus wouldn't hurt, right? Adam smiled to himself as he walked down the hallway, finally seeing Paradise at her locker. He left her alone all day, so that she would suspect anything fishy going on. Leaning his hand against the lockers next to her, Adam smiled down at her and said, "Do you have an answer?" He didn't have enough time for all the sappy words to get her to go. He just needed to hear a 'Yes'.
The second I heard Adams voice, I jumped. I already had an answer, but I was so nervous just to say it. "Uh... Well, you see..." I finally turned to him to see impatience reading his ex pression. He seemed to be in a hurry. "It's a yes, if... If we meet at the park instead." He rolled his eyes but I was planning on standing my ground this time. "We'll see." He gave me a scrap of paper that had his number on it, and said, "Call me tonight, and I might change my mind." He said before walking away. I noted that he didn't walk to the cafeteria, but to the exit doors of the school. "Okay." I whispered though he was already out of the building.
[[And, again, I give you nothing. After school, I'll do something else for a post. :) Haha. ]]
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