2:23pm Jan 5 2012
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OoC:// Its fine, CH.
BiC:// Markus had finished sweeping the floor when it became clear to him that Adam wasn't going to be coming to help. The Greek snorted with disgust as he moved to put the broom away before gathering up the items to clean the tabletops and chairs. He started with the ones closest to the doors. Wiping down the tables first, then the chairs before moving the seat of the chairs up onto the clean table so the backrest was pointing down and the legs, up.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:43pm Jan 5 2012
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Part of me had wanted to run to the cafeteria, see if Markus was down there, and ask him what I should do. He wasn't known for 'great advice' but at least he would be someone who was honest with me. And I didn't really know if Adam was just being deceiving instead of honest. But, instead, the rare - stubborn side of me chose to kick in as I told myself that everything would be fine. Now, I sat on my bed, staring at my cell phone and the small scrap paper Adam had given me. It's been taking five minutes now, and I still was mustering up courage to dial the number and find out what was up. Finally, with a sigh, I grabbed the phone and quickly dialed the number before I changed my mind. The first ring didn't have to ring all the way before Adam answered. Like he was waiting for the call to come. I don't know if that was good or bad. "Hey Ad-" Adam didn't seem like he felt like being that 'charmer' as he cut me off with an irritated voice. "I changed my mind. You're right, the parks better." And with that, he hung up. I stared, dumbfounded, before finally putting the phone on the receiver.
The wind was picking up again, and I sat on a wooden bench, trying my best to keep myself warm. Was this Adam's plan? Get me to go to the park, just to have me sit out in the cold? But, finally, I saw him walking up to me with a more intense look on his face. That was my cue to get to the bottom of this and... Go home to my nice warm bed; where I usually am at 5:00 after school. When he came up, I chose not to say anything. He seemed like he wanted to get to the point also. But the second we were close enough to talk, that stupid, charming smile became plastered on his face as he touched my cheek once more. "Sorry to keep you waiting out in this weather." And with that, the conversation began.
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7:27pm Jan 5 2012
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Markus had finally finished cleaning the tables and the chairs. As he put the cleaning stuff away. he glanced up at the closest clock. His nose wrinkled slightly. It was already five-ish. Closing the closet, he retrieved his belongings. But before he left the cafeteria, he gave the room a cursory once-over; just in case he missed something of relative importance. But he didn't see anything. With a sigh, he left the cafeteria and the school all together.
When his bike had started up and purred softly beneath him as he rode it off the school grounds, the vampire decided to take the scenic tour back to his appartment. It had been a while since he been out to explore a new place. So, why not start now? He had very little homework. Well, just math since it was pretty easy to understand even with his limited English vocabulary.
Turning down one street, Markus rode past the park and was surprised to see Paradise... With Adam. He growled low, the wind taking it from his throat before the sound could travel very far. Narrowing his eyes, Markus exerted his influence over the wind and made it so it curved around him, hiding his scent from any animals that dare be curious enough.
He parked the bike in an empty spot and dismounted. But he leaned against it so his back faced the two with his head turned towards them so he could still hear what they were talking about.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:09pm Jan 5 2012
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"...you wanted to talk to me?" I asked as I tried turning the conversation from him and his 'sweet talk' and random touches to my arm and face, to the actual reason why we were here. Of course, since I'm not used to being treated this way, I had no idea if I was supposed to like it or feel uncomfortable. Honestly, it was a little bit of both. "Paradise..." He started, taking his time as he smiled down at me. It only made me wonder what he wanted from me. "I found something the other day, from this little friend of yours. Markus. Remember him?" How could I not? That feeling came back, the one that came when he touched me, and I could feel my face turn red from more then just the weather making me cold. "Well, of course." I said with a shrug, urging him to continue. Adam seemed hesitant all of a sudden. "You have to promise to keep this between me and you. Just us. I chose you because I knew you'd be able to keep those pretty lips of yours, shut?" Couldn't he just stop on the weird way of saying his compliments? "Okay. I promise, I'll keep it between us." I said quickly, anxious to find out what all the fuss was about. Adam didn't say a word as he brought out a journal, and put it in my lap. He scooted close - so close our noses were merely touching. "A notebook...?" I said, keeping my head down so I wouldn't have to remind myself that I liked being so close. "Yes. It's Markus's. It's his journal. Paradise, if you read the stuff in there, it would... Blow your mind." He said, caressing one of my cheeks to force me to look up at him. "Unbelievable things. You'll think I'm crazy for saying this, but... I don't think he's all that together. Normal. I think he's hiding something." Well, of course he is. He's a new student here and he's not stupid enough to tell the whole world his secrets. "I have secrets too, Adam. That doesn't mean I have problems." I looked down at the notebook. Oh my, did I want to read it. I couldn't help it, as I opened the book. "It's..." "Greek. (I think) He probably purposely did it in that language just to stoop anyone who would try to read it." I rolled my eyes and looked back up at him - ignoring his closeness. "You're ridiculous! Maybe He's more comfortable with Greek then English. Ever thought of that?" I couldn't handle how stupid this was as I kept my notebook at my side and started getting up, "And, I'm giving this back to Markus." I said before getting up, just when I heard, "I translated it on the internet, Paradise. You have got to read what it says." The way he said it. As if true fear were in his tone. It brought chills down my spine as I turned around. "What do I have to do with this?" Adam smiled before taking my hand and having me sit back down next to him. "I need you to get close to him. As in, find out everything you can. Even try to date him, if you were willing to go so low as to do it. He probably trusts you the most, and since the note book won't say enough to prove that he's not... Normal, we need him to say more. The plan is perfect!..." He kept trailing on and on about how I could 'nonchalantly' ask Markus certain questions that Adam took the time to write down for me. Getting close to Markus? Couldn't be that bad, right? And then just tell Adam what he says? Even though it sounded okay, it seemed so wrong. But, wasn't I supposed to not be such a doormat? Wasn't I supposed to change, anyways? This was the perfect way to start. "So... Are you in?" I looked down at the journal, before whispering,
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8:42pm Jan 5 2012
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Markus didn't like this conversation at all. His entire stance grew rigid and still. So, Adam had found his journal and translated the Greek words within. He silently cursed the three Fates at his mistake for using modern Greek instead of the ancient one had had grew up with. His upper lip curled into a growl.
The worst thing was, was that Adam wanted Paradise to extract more information from him to fuel the boy's growing obsession. To Hades with this! Markus let out a fierce hissed whose sound closely resembled a cat's. Stupid mortal boy.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:48pm Jan 5 2012
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The second I said it, that I agreed to do it, I felt sick to my stomach. Was being not - pushover - like supposed to feel like this? "Great." I heard Adam say. Before I knew it, I felt his lips pressing against my cold cheek. I stood still, not knowing what to do with such a gesture. "I'll see you tomorrow." And, with that, Adam was gone. It was only then did I realize that Adam had kissed me, so he could take the journal from my hands. My mind being to busy concentrating on not doing anything stupid while him being so close, like sneezing or coughing, etc... I didn't even realize it slipped right from my fingers. I frowned before sitting back on the bench, wishing I had never come out here.
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8:59pm Jan 5 2012
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Markus got back onto his bike and let it roar to life; letting the wind carry the sound. Instead of its usual purr, it was a throaty roar. This time, he drove back to his apartment without so much as a backwards glance. Tomorrow... Oh, tomorrow would be a whole different story all together.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:06pm Jan 5 2012
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As I started slipping off my jacket the next morning by the lockers, I felt a piece of paper in my pocket. I opened it up to see a couple questions that Adam wanted me to answer. He had given me to paper last night when he was ranting on about what Markus said about him. I shuddered, not wanting to think about what I'd agreed to do. All last night I was thinking about how the only reason I was trying to do this was so that I wouldn't be such a goody - two shoes, push over. But by doing this, and only doing it to satisfy Adam and maybe changing myself a little, aren't I being a push over? So, the rest of the night and all this morning, I finally chose something that I wanted in return once this whole thing blew over and we find out nothing is out of the ordinary with Markus. Whatever we find out stays between us. If something really freaky does come up, we can't tell anyone. That was what I would get if I kept going with this. And, if he didn't agree, all I had to do was tell him that I will be backing out of his little 'plan'. I haven't seen Adam yet this morning, so I chose to wait in the classroom. After grabbing my books, I headed for that room, still feeling sick inside.
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3:20pm Jan 6 2012
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Markus was already sitting in their shared English class, leaning back against his chair with the book Iliad in his pale hands. His crimson eyes flickered across the page as he read the Greek words in its dactylic hexameters scheme. As he turned to the next page, the Greek didn't even see Paradise walk into the classroom (that isn't powerplaying, is it?).
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:07pm Jan 6 2012
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[[ No, you're fine. :P ]]
The second I saw Markus as I walked through the classroom doors, I stopped. Was I supposed to sit next to him, or make things less suspicious by talking to him outside of class? It would be way out of character for me to choose a completely different seat, so I chose to just say hello - to make him not suspect anything. "Hi Markus." I said, a soft smile on my face. I tried telling myself that I was only talking to this motor-cycle riding guy because I agreed to do it for Adam. But I could at least admit to myself that I was doing this because I actually wanted to get closer to him. I don't know why, probably because when I talked to Markus, I felt more comfortable.
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4:44pm Jan 6 2012
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Markus paused in his reading and glanced at Paradise for a second before his crimson eyes went back to the words on the pages. "Hello," he said a bit coolly as he flipped the page again. He knew he was giving her a rather cold shoulder, but he could go into icy if he wanted to. Vampires were unnaturally good at doing this. But she didn't deserve it. Adam was forcing her to get more dirt on him since Markus scared Adam to Tartarus and back.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:02pm Jan 6 2012
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My heart slammed faster at my chest, at his response. With a frown, I hesitated on saying something else before choosing not too. This was not the time to talk to him, I presumed. I walked over to my seat, and sat down. What was wrong with Markus? I looked over at him, completely confused. Had I done something?
My thoughts were interrupted when the teacher came into the room. "'Morning class..." And the class began.
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5:12pm Jan 6 2012
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When class had started, Markus lowered the Iliad slightly and glanced at Paradise through the corners of his eyes. She looked completely confused by his response. He shrugged one shoulder. Oh well. Though, now it was his turned to look slightly puzzled. When should he tell her that he knows what Adam wants her to do? Oh, Hades, this was troubling. So, he decided to keep his lips sealed until he could figure out a way to confront Adam and tell him to stop it. Then, he pulled the book back up and continued to read.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:19pm Jan 6 2012
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The rest of the class period went by slowly as I waited for the arrival of Adam. The rest of the period was mostly filled with lectures from the teacher about dis respectfulness from the rough housing going about in the classroom or from just not listening to him teach. One of the lectures was meant to Markus, ironically, for reading a book during class. But, finally, the bell rang, and I immediately left the room before I couldn't fight the urge anymore to ask Markus what was up. Quickly going to my locker for my books for my next class, I started searching the halls for Adam. So, that was it? He wanted me to be his little messenger - find out things about Markus, and then tell him by actually going to his house, while he stayed home all day enjoying himself? Who knew this 'getting to know Markus' would be such work. I rolled my eyes before going to the bathroom to text Adam from the number he had given me. Hey, where are you? After waiting a couple moments for it to send, I went back out and went to my next class.
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5:43pm Jan 6 2012
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Markus had ignored the lecture as he continued to read his book. But when the bell rang, he placed a marker in it before closing it up. He place the book into his backpack before zipping the main pocket closed. The vampire stood up, slung the backpack over one shoulder, and left to go the his next class.
He arrived shortly before Paradise and sat down in the back of the classroom. But this time, he didn't pull out his book. He leaned back in the chair and extended his legs out before him whilst crossing his arms against his leather-clad chest.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:50pm Jan 6 2012
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My eyes glowered at Markus as he walked in. I chose to believe that I did nothing to make him so cold with me, but it kept bothering me anyways.
My phone vibrated, and I guessed it was Adam. Quickly before the teacher would come in from wherever he was, I took it out of my pocket and read the message. thought id stay home 2day. hav u talked 2 markus yet? If there was one thing that truly annoyed me, it was 'Text Talk.' I rolled my eyes and replied back quickly. Yeah. He seemed to act a little distant when I tried. I'll try again though. I chose to not go into detail in a text as I typed before pressing send and putting the phone back in my pocket just as the teacher came in.
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6:00pm Jan 6 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:01pm Jan 6 2012
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[[You can time skip to whenever if you want. <33 ]
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6:11pm Jan 6 2012 (last edited on 6:16pm Jan 6 2012)
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When the bell for lunch finally rang, Markus could feel his stomach grumble as he headed to the cafeteria. He could also feel his jaws start to ache as the thirst slowly took him. Oh, Hades. He stopped right outside and gently massaged his throat; it had begun to constrict. Markus sighed. Well he would have to go hunting again tonight before his thirst made him go... berserk. With a faint grimace, he slipped into the cafeteria and went to go get some food.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:14pm Jan 6 2012
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[[Wait, what? :) ^^ ]]
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