6:53pm Oct 8 2011
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Cassie decided it would be some good "me time" to drive through the forest. She took a right at a certain red light and came along the road which led into the forests. She took in the scenery and it took her breath away. There were so many trees and not many people knew about this place, except for those that lived here. The trees and grass were all covered with snow and ice. There were little icicles hanging off of the trees and rocks. She knew though that she should watch the road. She watched as two cardinals fluttered together around her car. They followed her and were playing together. They suddenly landed on a tree up ahead. Suddenly, a wolf ran in front of Cassie. It stood in the middle of the road. She panicked and slammed on the brakes, but the ice made it impossible. She swerved off the road and into the ditch. There was nothing but silence in the forest now.
The wolf that had stood in the road ran over to the car and gnawed at the door, scratching at it and howling. The wolf pinned it's ears back in worry then decided to run back to the police station. She knew the girl needed help. She scratched at the sheriff's door and howled. The police were terrified at first, but suddenly realized that something was terribly wrong. They followed the wolf to Cassie and immediately called the paramedics, trying to see if Cassie was OK. She was unconscious, but but barely breathing. They checked the i.d she had on her, and immediately sent an officer to the address stated. Officer Stanford raced back to the said address and knocked on the door.
"This is Officer Stanford! Said lady of the house, Cassi S. Johnson has been in a serious car accident!", he shouts once more.
7:01pm Oct 8 2011
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Kasey heard a knock at the door the voice of a police man and opened the door, "Wait what happend to her?" Kaseyed asked as he tried to register what happened. Once the officer repeated what he had said before Kasey got in his car drove to the hospital the nurse let him into Cassie's room. He stood in the doorway watching as doctors attched needles and breathing machine to Cassie. After they left Kasey slwoly made his way to the side of the bed. He took one of her hands gently in his and sqeezed it a bit hoping it might wake her up but it didn't work. His breathing was staggered but not as much as Cassies was. She was breating rough and shallow her face was scratched up and signs of lots of blood were there too. His eyes watered a bit but he sqeezed them shut.
7:24pm Oct 8 2011
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Cassie looked a little rough. she had numerous scratches on her face, and few bruises on her arms and face. She had cuts on her arms and a few broken ribs. Then her baby doctor came in. He brought in an ultrasound machine and looked a bit panicked. " I hope what was supposed to happen didn't", he whispered under his breathe. The poured the liquid onto Cassie's stomach and ran the machine over her stomach. He looked a bit frustrated but couldn't find anything. He left the room after cleaning her off, in a silence. All the doctors left the room and left Kasey and Cassie together. In the corner though, sitting quietly in the chair, was the wolf who had saved her. He had a golden medal around his neck, for bravery and heroism. He sat up and looked at Kasey, then yawned and tucked his muzzle under his tail, curling up. He was a rather big wolf, bigger than normal size. He just lied there, waiting for Cassie to wake up. The wolf looked sad, almost as if sorry for what he didn't mean to do.
7:34pm Oct 8 2011
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Kasey didn't notice the wold untill it moved. He looked up to see it in one of the chairs acting as if it were normal to have a large wolf in a hospital. At first Kaset thought it was someones dog that had wandered into the room by mistake but that looked to be a pretty big dog and then he realized that he was in the same room as a wolf. It looked cute and menicing all at the same time. Kasey was too scared to move and abcentmidedly started sqeezing Cassies hand but quickly let go when he realized when he was doing. Kasey noticed the medal around the wolfs' neck and figured it had some how been domesticated. Kasey couldn't believe what he was about to do next. Maybe it was because he was just so desperate to have someone as a friend other than his parents and soon to be fiance but he stood up and patted the foot of Cassies bed. It had to be more comfortable than trying to fit it's giant body onto a tiny chair and Kasey knew that if it had a medal and was alowed in a hospital that it had to have saved her life, "You want to lay down here?" Kasey asked his voice shaky and cracked both from nervousnes that the wolf might dicide to be hungry and that Cassie was in pretty bad shape.
8:21pm Oct 8 2011
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The wolf noticed Kasey's hand movement and watched him intently. He could sense Kasey's fear, but didn't understand why he was afraid. He moved his body around and jumped onto the bed lightly, barely making a sound. For such a big wolf you would think he would make a lot of noise, but was so swift and silent with his movements. He licked at Cassie's hands and whined a bit, wagging his big tail. Cassie then began to awaken and shook her head lightly. She looked at the wolf. "You...", she whispered. The big wolf gave a huff and wagged his tail more. "You saved my life...", she began to cry. She looked over at Kasey and thought about the baby." Oh my God...the baby. What about the baby!?", she began to panic. The doctor came back in with the machine. "I will try once more...", he nodded. The doctor poured the gel onto her stomach as the wolf sat quietly watching. he shifted his weight up closer to Cassie's stomach and layed his cold nose on it and wagged his tail. The doctor began to move the machine around. He muttered to himself and grabbed his chest." Oh thank you Jesus...", he spoke. He looked at the screen and showed them both the baby's head. The wolf huffed in excitement.
8:28pm Oct 8 2011
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Kasey held his breath as the wolf jumped onto the bed and as it licked Cassie but was releaved when Cassie woke up. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and looked down at the wolf at the end of the bed witha small smile. Kasey watched as the doctor did the ultra sound and smiled a little bigger as he saw the babys' head apear on the screen. He looked back down at the wolf that had saved both Cassies life and the life of their unborn child. "I'm so glad the wolf was there." Kasey said to himself. He put his hand on Cassies stomach once the doctor had cleaned the goop off. "I'll be right back." Kasey said to both Cassie and the wolf before he left the room. A few moments later he came back in with a pack of ham that he got in the vending machine in the basement. They had practicly everything in the vending machine here. Probably for the pregnant ladies and their cravings. He gave the ham to the wolf wondering if it even ate ham.
8:50pm Oct 8 2011
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((It's dinner time for me so I'll be back in about an hour, hour and a half at the most.))
9:27pm Oct 8 2011
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Cassie smiled and patted the wolf's head. She knew how gentle he was, and yet shocked at how domesticated he acted. She payed it no mind and continued patting him, without hesitation. Cassie held her breathe as the doctor looked at the ultrasound but could breathe easily when she saw the baby's head. She grasped the wolf's head and if she had the energy she would kiss and hug him. She nodded as the doctor and Kasey walked out. Kasey had soon come back with ham in his hand and the wolf huffed once more. He sat up again, licking his chops and panting. Cassie took a piece and fed it to him. She flinched a bit at how rough he would've been but the wolf lightly took them meat from her hands, making sure not to bite her accidentally. She smiled and patted him on the head. "Good wolf", she whispered. She rubbed her stomach and layed her head back down on the pillow. She looked at Kasey, whom had been eying the dog a lot. She grinned at the both of them and knew that the wolf was coming home with them." Valiant...", she spoke. "That will be his name, or Valli for short", she grinned.
12:01am Oct 9 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Could we both have controll over the wolf. You can be the person who mainly controls it but could I have some control over it?))
Kasey noded and looked over at her when Cassie spoke, "I think it fits him pretty well." Kasey looked back at the wolf and scratched it behind the ear before giving it another piece of ham to scarf down. Kasey let out a yawn and sat back in the hospital chair. All the excitment had made him tired but he tried to stay awake for Cassie, "I supose he'll need a bed of his own then right. Untill the baby comes he can be in our room but when it's born he can sleep with the baby." Kasey figured that by then the baby would need more protecting than them.
12:41am Oct 9 2011
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Posts: 781
(( sure :D that would be awesome though lol i wouldn't have to type so so much))
"yeah it does", she smiled. She patted Valli on the head and moved her hand from his head. Cassie saw Kasey yawn and in turn yawned herself. She grinned and moved over in the bed. "Come lay with me. I know you're tired", she smiled. The wolf moved its body to the very very edge of the bed so Kasey could get in. "Yeah I guess he will need his own bed. I'll buy one soon for him for our room. Then we'll put a better and bigger one in the baby's room for him", she replied softly.
12:55am Oct 9 2011
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Kasey got in the bed next to Cassie putting his arms around her and pulling her close, "I'm so glad your OK." He said quietly. He moved his hand down to her belly to see if he could feel the baby yet. He couldn't but at least he knew it was there. He thought about how the kid would grow up with it's own personal gaurd wolf and it would grow up in snowy winters and warm summers along with breeze autumns and and colorful Springs. It would have a back yard to play in and They would both suprort it in whatever it would do. Kasey found himself smiling a bit as he thought about the kid and how it would grow up and what he would make sure it had. Kasey couldn't wait to be a father surisingly enough.
2:13am Oct 9 2011
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Posts: 781
(( *dead* lol im so tired i can barely type...gonna reply tomorrow...night))
11:35am Oct 9 2011
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Cassie smiled as Kasey began to nod off and the wolf climbed up closer to her. He layed his huge torso between the space of their legs and layed his muzzle down on his forepaws. He let out a huff and groaned as he closed his eyes. She patted his head once more, before laying her head on Kasey's shoulder. She thought about what would've happened if the wolf hadn't been there. She could've lost her life, and the baby's. Cassie tried not to think of it but extreme joy sudden;y hit her and her mind began to race about what the baby may look like, what the name will be, what gender, what clothes and toys Cassie will have to spoil it with. She bit down on her bottom lip in excitement and calmed down once more. She decided right now rest would be the best thing for her and the baby. She layed her back down once more and fell asleep quickly.
1:52pm Oct 9 2011
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((Sorry I can't post right now because I'm doing this club thing but I'll be back on about 5:30))
2:06pm Oct 9 2011
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((ok well ill be gone around that time cuz im going to a haunted house :) ))
5:27pm Oct 9 2011
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Kasey fell asleep thinking about when his life would be like once him and Cassie got married and obviously when the baby came. He knew it would be hard work but he was willing to do anything for the two of them. They both ment so much to him already and he couldn't bear the thought of looding either of them.
7:55pm Oct 10 2011
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11:00pm Oct 12 2011
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7:12pm Oct 13 2011
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7:41pm Oct 13 2011
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Posts: 781
Cassie was dreaming about the baby of course like she always does. It was the normal dream for her. What the baby would look like, holding it, taking it places, and doing other things with him or her. She really wanted it to be a boy though. She wanted to put him in football, and watch him be involved in school, and do well in everything he tried. She woke up to the sound of clicking. She could hear the wolf walking up and down the hospital corridors. He was pacing by the sound of it but then it suddenly stopped. The doctor came in and so did the wolf. "Ah Cassie. How are you?", he asked politely."I'm good", she replied. "Well it seems you're OK to go home today. Hope everything is OK from now on", he smiled, and then walked out.