2:07am Oct 13 2013
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Posts: 6,034
"That is your only affiliation with the cult?" The man asked. "What affiliation or knowledge do you have of the Foul?" Black Sword asked, unconvinced of Ebony's innocence.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:15am Oct 13 2013
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Posts: 23,239
"As far as I'm aware." Ebony said. "The foul are demons, right? I don't think I've ever met any of them. I'm assuming that there's been a war with them at some point, because that's what demons do. Also possessions."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:31am Oct 13 2013
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Posts: 6,034
"I what affiliation do you have with the Foul and/or their cultists and/or Niccolo Accurso!?" Black Sword growled. The man adjusted his gas mask and hat, even though Ebony couldn't see him anyway.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:37am Oct 13 2013
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Posts: 23,239
"I've never met any of them." Ebony said. "I work for myself and I have no reason to change."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:05am Oct 14 2013
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword was about to yell another question when the man held up his hand to silence her. "I have one final question, then we will be done with this session. What is your connection with Sword Master?"
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:24am Oct 14 2013
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Posts: 23,239
"I don't like human terms." Ebony said, scowling. "I also don't like you. He's my boyfriend."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:31am Oct 14 2013
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword sneered at Ebony. "How exactly did that relationship come about?" The man asked.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:36am Oct 14 2013
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Posts: 23,239
"A raptor threw me at him." Ebony said. "Then we went to save the archer's girlfriend from dragons. The grim reaper also got me drunk. Somewhere in there it happened."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:29am Oct 15 2013
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Posts: 6,034
"Stop lying and tell us what we want to know!" Black Sword growled. The man turned towards her, not bothering to step back so Ebony couldn't hear. "I do not believe she is lying, just with-holding parts of the truth that would make her improbable tale realistic."
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:32am Oct 15 2013
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Posts: 23,239
"I'm not lying." Ebony said, her nose wrinkling. "Why the hell do you want to know?"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:49am Oct 15 2013
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Posts: 6,034
"Because we must." Black Sword replied. "Now stop missing out things, tell us everything you even think we might want to know and more, about Niccolo Accurso and Accurso incorporated, about the Parisian cultist sect, about the reason you were heading into the sewers that join up with the catacombs and about what connection you really have with the Foul gods!" The man shook his head at Black Sword, who straightened herself out and returned her facial ex pression to her usual one of grim neutrality.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:00am Oct 15 2013
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Posts: 23,239
"I don't know anything else about Accurso or cultists, we headed into the sewers to get away from your lot, and I don't have any connection with any foul gods!" Ebony growled, her lips pulling back to reveal her teeth.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:11am Oct 16 2013
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Posts: 6,034
"That will be all, thank you for your time cat." Black Sword said, quickly adding. "Say hello to Sword Master from me." The man took in a deep breath through his mask. There was a high-pitched frequency in the Ebony's cell as the comm shut off. "Bring in the other prisoner, he didn't have anything of use information wise, but perhaps through their interaction we can learn something, he did say he was from the same place her kind is from, or so we hope."
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:21am Oct 16 2013
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Posts: 23,239
Ebony growled and glared at nothing in particular.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:23am Oct 17 2013
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Posts: 6,034
A secret door in the wall opened up and a Bellator in black armour with silver trim pushed Wharshin into the room, pointing a long staff with an electrified duo-point. The door shut, leaving Wharshin trapped in the cell with Ebony.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:39am Oct 17 2013
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Posts: 23,239
Wharshin rattled his disapproval at the Bellator before focusing on the other occupant of the cell. Could this be a possum? In fact, I belive it is the possum. He fought to ignore the pain in his chest and cocked his head. Ebony shrank back into the wall and hissed.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:49am Oct 18 2013
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Posts: 6,034
The man watched, intrigued. "Well, I do not believe they knew each other personally, but there is definitely recognition between them, if only species to species."
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
12:56am Oct 18 2013
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Posts: 23,239
Wharshin hummed menacingly and raised himself to his full height, glad to finaly have a source of food. Ebony flicked her tongue across her lips nervously before hissing again.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:53am Oct 20 2013
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Posts: 6,034
"This is a waste of valuable time, an entire fifth of Paris has gone dark and several occulte operatives were assassinated when we did not even believe they were known of! I am sending a Justicar team to secure the area and going to speak to the Paris police commissioner, do not kill either of them without my permission." Black Sword walked off, her retinue following behind. The three Sicarius agents faded into the shadows, leaving the man by himself, watching Ebony and Wharshin. "A lovely evening." He sighed.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:37am Oct 20 2013
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Posts: 23,239
Wharshin took a step forward. Ebony imediately cringed into the wall, instinctively making herself as small as possible while still standing.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P