1:41am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 23,239
Rhi got to her feet. "I'm going to assume that Holly wasn't possessed, because we're not dead."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:43am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 6,034
"Well, she was, but Fleco saved her. You will have to catch up with Bow Wielder and Fleco on the details as I am not one hundred percent sure what happened." Sword Master replied.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:48am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 23,239
Rhi blinked. "Must have been one hell of a kind ghost then."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:51am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 6,034
Sword Master headed up the stairs.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:52am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 23,239
Rhi followed him up.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:44am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword climbed up out of the sewers. A team of Bellator Verum, Bellator warriors with white helmets carrying long double-ended halberds sizzling with psychic energy waiting for them on the surface.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:47am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 23,239
Ebony followed with Wharshin close behind her.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:03am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 6,034
The Justicar team teleported behind them. The alleyway they had emerged in was a mess. The entire building to their left had been blown to smithereens, a massive rubble-strewn crater with the remnants of walls. The building on the other side, whilst mostly intact, had a raging fire inside and was covered in graffiti, some just irresponsible teenagers or anti-authoritarian protesters, but some much darker and painful to even look at.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
3:11am Mar 18 2014
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Posts: 23,239
"Is this the scenic rout?" Ebony asked.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:31am Mar 19 2014
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword rounded on Ebony. "Where is Sword Master?"
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:33am Mar 19 2014
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Posts: 23,239
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I'M TRYING TO FIND OUT?!" Ebony roared, baring her teeth.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:56am Mar 19 2014
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword just calmly brought her pistol up and repeated the question. "Where is Sword Master?"
"So what in the Gods' Names actually happened!" Sword Master asked, clearly very upset about the possession.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
3:25am Mar 19 2014
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Posts: 23,239
"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Ebony hissed.
"I was dealing with the spectre that's been stalking me for the past year, and it slipped past me and possessed Holly." Fleco explained. "Thankfully it was a nice ghostie and didn't immediately level Europe so while it was distracted I pulled it out with a battery-ball."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:31am Mar 20 2014
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Posts: 6,034
"I almost regret asking that question." Sword Master said, rubbing his temples. He was wearing a large pair of sunglasses despite the time. "I will deal with this later. Holly, are you or were you in contact with Ebony?"
"Because you told us you had a way to contact him, and if I suspect for one second that you are lying to me I shall have your unclean flesh purged from this world-and I am a very suspicious person." Black Sword replied simply. The Justicars were suddenly behind Ebony and Wharshin.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:53am Mar 20 2014
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Posts: 23,239
"My contact depends on my damn dog actually coming when-" Ebony blinked, shifted back into her human form and yanked a cellphone out of her pocket. She scrolled down her predictably short list of contacts and hit the call button.
A generic ringtone sounded from Fleco's pocket. He rummaged through the contents of his pocket and produced a phone, which he answered. "Yes, Mr. President?" He held the phone away from his ear as Ebony shouted abuse. "May I suggest you watch your blood pressure, sir?"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:08am Mar 20 2014
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Posts: 6,034
"You have got to be kidding me." Sword Master said.
"You have got to be kidding me." Black Sword said.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:21am Mar 20 2014
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Posts: 23,239
Fleco looked at Sword Master and shrugged in an 'I don't know either!' way. "How are these phones even working? We're in France! How did you know I was here?" "Magic. Now, less idiotic babble and more telling me where the hell you are and if you're with Sword Master!" Ebony hissed. "Crazy anti-cult people here are threatening to purge my unclean flesh from this world." "Yes, he's right here." Fleco said, looking at Sword Master and holding the phone away from his ear to indicate that he was talking to him. "The president would like to know where we are."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:25am Mar 20 2014
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Posts: 6,034
"Just tell Ebony to put me onto Black Sword." Sword Master said, folding his arms.
Black Sword folded her arms and began tapping her foot. A hundred things were going through her mind, the foremost of which was how she had that phone when they thoroughly searched her in a dozen different ways.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:35am Mar 20 2014
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Posts: 23,239
(Pocket dimension magic. You can't access them if you aren't authorized, so the gateway inside the pocket stays closed at the pocket seems empty. They're quite hard to detect and impossible to open without permission.)
"He says to put him on to Black Sword." Fleco said. Ebony's pupils contracted sharply and her lips pulled back over her teeth. "No." She said bluntly. "The president says no." Fleco said to Sword Master.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:46am Mar 20 2014
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Posts: 6,034
"Put me on Ebony!" Black Sword said. One of the Justicars held out a massive gauntlet, easily larger than Ebony's head, and telekinetically tore the phone from Ebony's hand and tossed it to Black Sword.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile