5:11am Jan 14 2015
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Black Sword paused for a second, slightly confused. She then proceeded to take off her sunglasses, fold them up, and give her a glare that would put Sword Master to shame. "What?"
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
5:21am Jan 14 2015
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Posts: 23,239
Holly quailed and buried her face in her scarf. "She's never met someone of Nordic blood before." Ebony explained with another purr. "It's very exciting for her. I don't have much idea what she said either, but what I gathered was-" "Pretty-face." Alex said bluntly. "She called you pretty-face."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:56am Jan 14 2015
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Black Sword shook her head and patted Holly on the head gingerly, giving her a very weak thanks in icelandic.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
6:02am Jan 14 2015
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Posts: 23,239
Holly cringed, then realized she wasn't being beaten and beamed at Black Sword.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:50am Jan 15 2015
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword shook her head and walked off. Bow Wielder pretended to be fascinated with the ground.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
6:08am Jan 15 2015
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Posts: 23,239
"I hope you understand how hard you're going to have to try to make her that happy." Alex said to Bow Wielder. "And we will be judging you the whole time." Ebony put her fingers over her eyebrows and turned them down in a frown. "Judgey judge judge!"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:19am Jan 15 2015
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"Don't worry, I have my ways..." Bow Wielder replied slyly. He then scooched over to Sword Master and jokingly whispered "How much of that laughing gas is leftover?"
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
7:27am Jan 15 2015
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Posts: 23,239
Ebony purred with laughter then went back to her 'serious' eyebrows. "No gassing!"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:20am Jan 27 2015
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"I wouldn't really!" Bow Wielder laughed. "The injections will be much more effective." he then whispered to Sword Master, again loudly.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
3:37am Jan 27 2015
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Posts: 23,239
"It's been a day since you guys met." Fleco said slowly. Ebony faceplamed. "Setik!" Alex cried. Holly clutched her elbows and pulled her shoulders up to her neck. "So you guys haven't tol-" Ebony ran her hands through her hair. "Nobody has any right to kill anybody over how this turns out, okay?" She pointed at Black Sword and Alex. "Especially you two!" She gave Sword Master the 'I'm watching you' gesture. "Or you! We all do the talky talk before we do the stabby stab!" "And you're on about what?" Alex asked. "Overprotective family and friends! They're both omega's anyway, I don't think they're capable of feeling sadness for more than a few days. We should just chill. Everything's fine. No one's heartbroken yet. Calm down." Ebony said, more to herself than anyone else.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:17am Jan 30 2015 (last edited on 1:18am Jan 30 2015)
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Sword Master took in a deep breath and his fingers curled slowly into fists. "No. Just no. The past 27 hours have been some of the most painful and ludicrous I have experienced. I have been beaten, shot, stabbed, kidnapped by psychotic invaders, invaded by aliens and had my entire pit of a life uprooted and set on fire! I am done, I am now done. There will be no heartbreak, because there will be no relationship. There will be no stabbing or shooting, because our weapons won't be anywhere near you." Sword Master then marched up to Ebony, grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and glared into her eyes, his face almost pressing against hers and his mouth contorted into a snarl. "And if I ever see you or any of your misfit, inbred monstrosities again so help me I will burn you at the stake."
Bow Wielder actually turned white and looked as if he was close to fainting.
Black Sword raised her eyebrows in shock, and just gestured towards his way out.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:43am Jan 30 2015
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Posts: 23,239
Ebony remained still, but frowned. "See, this is what I was trying to avoid." Robert bristled. "Oi! Back off!" He barked sharply, whipping out a revolver and aiming it at Sword Masters head. Alex's hands balled into fists and she bared her teeth. "They're damn witch burners?!" Nycabar exploded into a large white bear and landed heavily on his hind legs beside Alex. Holly and Fleco exchanged glances, wondering what the hell they had just started. Meanwhile in clamville, Esmond was putting on his best democracy face in preparation to bring law and order to the two parties.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:06am Jan 30 2015
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword pointed her ornate robotic pistol at Rob. "Put it down princess, we have had enough shootings already today, fatal and otherwise." The Justicars, now clearly back under her control, started to vibrate and hover, readying their giant axes for battle.
Bow Wielder sighed and started methodically assembling his emergency bow.
Sword Master let Ebony go, pushing her away slightly as he did so. He then shook his head and started to walk off, drawing a sword and starting to spin it as he did so.
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:37am Jan 30 2015
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Posts: 23,239
Robert kept his gun trained on Sword Master. "He started this." Alex pressed herself against Nycabar's side and shot Ebony a glare before glancing frantically between the immortals. "You damn well knew, didn't you?! What the hell did you think was going to happen?! We'd get along, lah-de-da and be friends?! These people are murderers, Ebony! Their favorite pass-time is butchering people like us!" Esmond raised his hands in a 'whoa' gesture. "Hey now, them's fightin' words! How about we just put our weapons away and talk about this like the civilized beings we are all capable of being?" Ebony motioned for Robert to lower his gun.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:54am Jan 30 2015
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Posts: 6,034
Bow Wielder cough violently as if he had just had a pineapple fired into his stomach. He accidentally fired an arrow into the ground he was so shocked. "We started it? WE STARTED IT? I don't know about you, but I definitely don't remember stirring a psychotic demon-cult into full on war, I remember Ebony going and angering the psychotic anti-demon-cult that did! I don't remember turning into a dragon and attacking the only friends I had in the past 27 hours and causing the most back-and-forth overthrowing of power since roman times, I remember Ebony pissing about and getting everyone so tangled up in each others giblets that they went for each other's throats! And I am pretty sure that I didn't invade someone else's timestream and bringing forth a horde of gender-bent duplicates and nicely dressed monsters, because the other Ebony did that!"
The Bellators and Justicars began to lower their weapons as Black Sword and Sword Master nodded approvingly of Bow Wielder's stand and calmed down. "I mean, I hate to be the bringer of bad news, especially since I have such witty charm and good looks that good easily be put to my other amazing talents..." Sword Master rolled his eyes and carried on walking again, realizing the miracle of a sane Bow Wielder was over. "But come on!"
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
3:22am Jan 30 2015
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Posts: 23,239
Esmond bowed. "This is my best suit, but I am just as human as you are, thank you." "Rob was referring to this particular incident, and you are totally right, we'll be leaving your time-stream as soon as my device recharges, as per my original plan." Ebony said, dipping her head slightly. "Don't you worry about that." Alex continued to loudly freak out about the sudden revelation that witch hunters were among them. Holly shuddered violently then drew herself up into an almost royal stance. She wrinkled her nose and pointed at Sword Master. "We should kill the Grecian!" She hissed, in a completely different voice to her own. Ebony groaned and smacked Holly over the head. "Damn it Med! Please no, give me Holly back, we can't deal with this right now!"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:57am Feb 2 2015
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Posts: 6,034
There was a low rumble, and a gust of air and vibration of the ground followed behind it. Black Sword looked around in a Meerkat patrol and listened. "That came from Paris. The city is under full seige. If we don't deal with this problem right now the entire city will be ruined and every single person living inside will be dead. The French police won't hold out forever."
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:20am Feb 2 2015
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Posts: 23,239
Ebony slapped Holly a few times. "Give me Holly back, damnit, this isn't your body or your Grecian to turn into a fashionable garden ornament!" "Okay, okay!" Holly cried, throwing her arms over her face for protection. "I'm back! Stop!" Ebony smiled and presented Holly to Black Sword. "Another functional setik to vanquish the hell out of this problem! Unless it's innocent lives. I will kill your immoral butt, you cancerous viking."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:36am Feb 8 2015
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Posts: 6,034
Black Sword just totally ignored Ebony and Holly and started rallying the seemingly unloyal Daemonium Venatores warriors. (Sorry, I'm having a roleplaying mind blank right now)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:47am Feb 8 2015
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Posts: 23,239
"No one notices me anymore!" Ebony whimpered, clutching Holly tightly to her.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P