9:22pm Nov 2 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow looked at her and said,"Yes,I am. I just accidently did something,that's all." She then looked towards the waterfall that was feeding the lake.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:25pm Nov 2 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rose smiled at her "And what exactly did you do?" she asked cocking her head.
9:44pm Nov 2 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow thought it over for a moment and said,"I might have accidently,kind of,kissed him,in a way." She then used her wings to sheild herself from the sun.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:47pm Nov 2 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rose looked at her then laughed a little "Well then." she said, "That took someone way longer then I expected. Even if it was an accident."
10:19pm Nov 2 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow smiled nervously and said,"Oh be quiet. We were just play fighting and it happened." She then looked down to see what Rex was doing. "When do you think the next battle will be?",she asked,changing the subject.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:33pm Nov 2 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Well depending on what side attacks first." Rose said, "I think that the enemy will attack sometime next month and I don't really tend to listen to our battle plans."
11:49pm Nov 2 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow looked towards the other territroy and said,"I have a feeling they'll attack us tonight." "Just something in my gut doesn't feel right about falling asleep.",she added before standing and saying,"I might as well get Rex to come out of the water so we can leave,or my parents might begin to worry." She dove into the water to get Rex.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:08am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Let's hope you're wrong." Rose said. Rex looked at some of the fish swimming past him under the water that was really weird he thought.
12:31am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow used her claws to tug on his tail. She then made a motion for him to come on and swam to the surface.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:35am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rex looked at her before nodding and swimming to the surface of the lake.
12:39am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow went back to the bank and said,"Come on. Lets go,it's getting dark."
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:43am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rex nodded and went onto land before shaking the water off of his scales. He then took off into the air "First one back wins the glory." he said spreading his wings.
1:07am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow smirked and said,"Like I care." She then unfolded her wings and the rising moon shone off the just right to make it look like she was a glittering silver color. She flew up into the air and started to fly home.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:11am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rex laughed before taking off after her with a grin. Rose rolled her eyes and unfolded her wings before taking off slowly into the air.
1:36am Nov 3 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow flapped her wings once and then glided towards her home. She didn't care about Rex's silly race. Taking her time to get home,just incase an attack did happen,she used the air to keep gliding and pushing her upwards.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:21am Nov 4 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rex looked at her "No race then?" he asked slowing down a little bit so that he was beside her.
2:09am Nov 4 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Weird face you got there.) Shadow nodded and said,"I don't feel right about tonight. I'm afriad the light dragons are going to attack any moment." She then started to glide down to land.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:56am Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"I don't think they are somehow." Rex said, "Although it is probably a good thing that you always have your guard up."
9:03pm Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow nodded and said,"I know." She then landed in an area lit by a circle of torches. She sat down and stretched out her wings.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
10:40pm Nov 9 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rex landed and looked at her "It would be a lot easier if all this fighting stopped." he said before looking at the sky, "I mean what is life for if all we're going to do is kill our own, already decreasing species?"