3:42pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 3:43pm Aug 9 2011)
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Yeah, here's the thread xD So this is for me and teh Lil, only D:< Yeah.. unless we decide In a city full of cats, the 2 most unlikely meet. It's rough at first, but then sparks begin to fly. Suddenly they find themselves surrounded by the fire of love. This awesome plot was by Teh Lil~ :D Basic bio: Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Crush: History: Personality: Other:
4:58pm Aug 9 2011
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Name: Layla
Age: Yound Adult (2 years )
Gender: Female
Looks: http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/KelseWolf3/Layla-1.jpg
Crush: :) dont know yet
History: Layla roams the city in search of friends, and hopefully a new family. she wants to be loved and cared for. It stays cold in New york so she keeps the scarf her last family gave her around her neck at all times. She was dropped off by her last family with nothing but a box, blanket, and scarf. She's learned to fend for herself.
Personality: Layla is sweet, but is very shy at first. She doesn't trust many humans but takes the risk of going up to them so they can pet her anyways. She's always been a softie for little kids and can be very protective when it comes to someone she loves. She's never been with a human for long because they may find a new pet or they just don't want her anymore, but she's courageous and never gives up on herself, or anyone else.
Other: None
8:16pm Aug 9 2011
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Bio Name: Colt Age: Young adult Gender: Male Looks: 
Crush: Open :D History: Colt was born into a rather difficult home. The humans that he lived with were very abusive and rude. Of course they never hit him because he was only a kit at the time but they would make him sleep outside, even during the coldest winters. His father left during one winter and Colt was left with his mother. He tried his best to be a son that she would be proud of but she didn't seem to care. The death of his mother didn't seem to make him sad, he was just sorry that he never got to be the son that she could be proud of. Tired of living alone, Colt ran away from his home and lived on the streets, learning from other strays and picking up new strategies for getting food. Soon, he became the baddest cat on the block, known for decieving others and never showing his kind side. Personality: Colt can be very rude and rather violent. He's quick to anger and doesn't like to be around anyone. He refers to live alone, this is why he doesn't waste time maing friends. Deeeep down inside he is kindhearted and friendly, but his past numbed that part of him and he doesn't even know HOW to show kindness anymore. Other: Not my image^^ The chain that he's wearing was his collar from his old home, he only kept it because he likes how it makes him seem tough. Others would be amazed at how he walked with no trouble, since the chain is pretty heavy.

8:51pm Aug 9 2011
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((So now we can start whoop :O ...would you do the honors :D ))
9:35pm Aug 9 2011
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[[Lol sure^^]]
The sun was shining, it was another bright and sunny day. Colt yawned and emerged from his place under a shelf. It wasn't a shelf inside of a house, it was one that was thrown into the junkyard, his temporary home. He jumped up onto the higher part of the shelf and climbed all the way to the top. Sitting at the top made him feel superior. Other cats have tried to use the shelf as their home but Colt had scared them all away, it wasn't hard to do, especially with his reputation. He gave himself a quick grooming and twitched his ears when he heard the hissing of some other cats nearby. He narrowed his eyes and decided to check it out, creeping up easily on them they were startled and stop arguing. "Is anyone gonna tell me what's going on, or am I going to have to get it out of you?" he grumbled, giving each of them a glare. There were three of them, by the look of the scenery it seemed that they were fighting over food; the fish bones on the ground were the perfect hint. Two of the toms took a few paces back while one brown tabby was left standing, he didn't even seem to be scared of Colt. "What does it look like? We're fighting for survival! Now don't interupt, idiot" Colt could feel his blood boil beneath his fur. Without thinking twice, he threw himself at the tabby and knocked him to the ground, pinning him down easily. His claws slid out and began to stab the tom's shoulders. "Get off of me!", he yelled as he tried to get out of Colt's grip. Colt just put more pressure onto his shoulders and he smirked when the tom's movement began to cease. "Don't you EVER speak to me that way again. You can't escape from me, I could've killed you right here and now but I've decided to let you live. Consider yourself lucky", he growled before jumping off of the tabby and taking the fish bones. "I don't think that you'll try and challenge me for these so bye", he said before turning away. Colt smirked, it was a pretty good start for the day. Not only did he have food but he was able to strike fear into more cats. He trotted down the sidewalk, his head held high and his eyes sparkling with excitement, the fish bones dangling from his mouth.

9:46pm Aug 9 2011
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Layla could feel the cool breeze floating into her box. She had tried to sea it up as best as she could so she could just climb out of the top when she wanted to leave. She peeped out of the hole on top of her cardboard box, and it was sunny. She was glad because when it rained she had to move the huge tin piece of metal over her box so she wouldn't get rained on. she climbed out of the top, her scarf wrapped lightly around her neck, but just tight so it wouldn't fly off. She stretched and looked around. She was the only cat who slept in the park. Kids would come up and pet her, and play with her. She was glad to have their company. She knew everyone around and they knew her, just not her right name. "Looks like it's gonna be another good day", she implied. She had no one to talk to, but maybe someone would come along and be able to listen to her one day. She trotted off in search for breakfast.
10:00pm Aug 9 2011
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Colt found himself near the park and he shivered a bit, despite how nice the weather was he just couldn't help it. The park was always busy and filled with humans, not his type of scene. He sighed and continued on. Soon enough he spotted a she-cat coming towards him. He took a huge step to the left to try and avoid her. For some reason, he found himself just starring at her as he walked. Shaking his head slightly he groaned as he dropped his breakfast, the bones scattering everywhere. "Oh great! Now I have to pick it all up!", he growled as he began to pick up the fish bones. It wasn't much of a problem except for if he didn't gather the bones quickly enough, other cats would probably want to steal it from him.
12:30am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 12:32am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 781
Layla walked on, and looked up at people, trying to look her cutest. They would stop and pet her. She wouldn't flinch or run, and she always sat still for the little ones who may still be a little scarce of her. She continued on and saw a tom cat drop his fish bones. It didn't excite her because she had much better plans for breakfast but she stopped to be polite. "Do you need help ?", she bent down. She could see he was busy but decided it would be rude if she hadn't asked for help. Her voice was quiet and yet it rang like little bells. Her tail moved lightly behind her, folding at the tip a bit. She crinkled her nose at the smell, but ignored it and waited.
3:11pm Aug 10 2011
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4:53pm Aug 10 2011
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[[My first post was kinda long o-O I didn't notice that XDD]] Colt flinched at the sound of her voice, it was so nice and inviting, reminding him of the sweet scent of the candy shop near the junkyard. He hadn't made much progress, only a few fish bones were gathered at his paws. "Sure, just hurry it okay? I've got somewhere to be", he didn't mean to sound so rude, especially to a gentle she-cat like her but that was the way he spoke, with a rough and harsh edge. Quickly, he ran into the grass and picked up some more of the fish bones, dropping them into a pile. His fur was bristling, Colt couldn't help but worry. He wasn't the only bad cat around here, although he was pretty sure he could take just about anyone in a fight, it was just that these other cats were in groups and he was in a rush. There absolutely was no time for that.
6:08pm Aug 10 2011
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Layla disregarded his bad talk and decided to help anyways. She lightly picked up the bones into her delicate mouth and set them next to him. She was graceful, and smooth. Her body allowed her to move in such a way, it was normal for Tom cat's to stare. She never meant for it to be that way but it just happened. She picked up the last of the bones and finally set it down. "There you go", she grinned, her tail lightly folding up again. she watched the Tom cat. At first she didn't understand why he was acting so big and bad. "Well if you don't need me anymore I'll be on my way", she turned and began to head off. she walked into the sun and it made her fur shine and it warmed up quickly, making her feel a bit better about the day. She turned a corner and was out of the park.
6:34pm Aug 10 2011
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Colt droped the last of the bones onto the pile and watched as she walked away. Grumbling to himself, he gathered the bones into his mouth and padded away, eyes darting back and forth for a safe place to hide these. He wasn't going to eat now, simply because he wasn't hungry. Colt decided that he would explore some more, maybe find some REAL food, or steal it if he had to. Taking from others is what he was good at, since no one seemed to be brave enough to stand up to him. He soon found himself in a a dark alley, filled with the stench of garbage cans. Hey! There's a hole in the ball over there! The scent of the garbage is too strong togive away the scent of my fish bones, it's perfect! Swiftly, he darted into the direction of the hole and stashed them into the wall. He scanned the area and pricked his ears when he spotted a small box. Carefully, hu pulled the box until it covered the hole and then he sighed. Colt looked at his surroundings before bounding away onto the sidewalk again. The one thing he hadn't expected was to recognize the scent of that she-cat from earlier. I never remember the scent of other cats.... He shook his head and padded in the complete opposite direction. "I swear, sometimes I don't know what's wrong with me..."

6:46pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla wasn't far from where he was. She was making her way down to the local farmer's market. She knew of some nice people who worked there and thought her breakfast could be easily got with a cute meow and her big blue eyes. She looked at the sign and sighed. She took in the scent of where the tiny fish were and went over. An old man with a straw hat on was running the stand. She knew how to play old people so she took hold of his shoestring and began to play with it cutely. She flopped over onto her side, pretending to fight with it as the man bent down and picked her up. She meowed at him lightly, in a mellow tone and pawed at his hat. She purred sweetly at him and meowed once more. He was taken. "You're some cute cat, walking around here with no name tag is dangerous though.", she sighed. He pet her lightly. This time her purring was for real. She liked old people almost as much as she did little kids. The man grabbed 2 small pieces of fish and set her down. "You run along little kitty. Come back and visit.", and with those words she padded off lightly back in the same direction she had entered.

7:12pm Aug 10 2011
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Colt flattened his ears as a car passed by, and he turned around. I don't want to go near busy roads, not right now. I don't have the patience for this. He continued walking, his chain making a small clinking sound as he padded along. His green eyes were dull with boredom and his tail swished from side to side. From a human's point of view it would seem like Colt was angry, but he wasn't. He began to slow down, taking in the sunds and scents around him. Colt wrinkled his nose at the smell of humans nearby and took a dramatic step to the right, hoping to avoid them. It didn't surprise him when he spotted that she-cat again, this time she was carrying fish. His first impulse was to steal it from her but he stopped himself and sat down, utterly confused. "Why am I hesitating...?" Colt just grumbled and got up, walking past her with his eyes to the ground, discarding any thoughts about stealing her food.
7:24pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 781
She padded along as humans stopped to pet her. She purred and curled her body up as she stood, arching her back. She ran her body along side their ankles and meowed. She began to pad off when she noticed the Tome cat she saw before. She stopped and thought about the fish bones he had earlier. She knew that it wasn't food, and that it would be rude of her to just walk by without giving him one. She turned and ran towards him and stopped in front of him. She dropped one of the fish in front of his feet. She smiled with the last piece in her mouth. She gave a quick smile and padded off again, back the direction she was headed before. She didn't want to make an argument over him not taking it. If he wanted it he would take it. Her scarf blew lightly as she turned the corner into her alley and she lied down in her box for breakfast.
7:40pm Aug 10 2011
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Colt sat there, starring at the fish in front of him, completely dumbfounded. What just happened...? He looked back in the she cat's direction but she was already gone. He blinked twice before picking up the fish and padding away back to the junkyard. He jumped all the way to the top of his shelf and setteled down to eat his breakfast. He soon finished it and began grooming himself. Colt's thoughts were mainly about the she-cat, she was kind and pretty. He closed his eyes and took a nap, feeling drowsy after his meal. When Colt woke up it was a little darker, he guessed that he had killed a few hours. He stretched before jumping off of the shelf and landing neatly at the bottom. "There's always a scene at this time of day near the pond...", he whispered to himself. Most cats would go fishing and argue over the remains, Colt wouldn't jump into the arguments because he found them amusing. So mostly he just watched and laughed. Heading towards the pond he smiled when he could hear the angry mews of other strays. It sounds like they're really at it today! Colt gained speed and ran to the pond, taking his usual spot in the shade to watch the show.

7:51pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla walked calmly to the pond at dusk to watch the sunset. She had killed her day by walking in the park, revisiting the old man at the market, napping on the benches in Time Square, and watching people skate in Rockefeller Center. She had tried ice skating a couple of times but it never quite worked out so she'd rather watch people twirl and spin than she would wind up on the could icy ground again. She could hear the sound of cats fighting. she hated that sound and it made her hair stand on end. She found herself a nice bench and jumped up onto it. The wind was blowing a slight bit which made her scarf shift to the side but the breeze felt nice tonight. She sat up, watching the ducks swim in the pond, the old couples walking around the trail hand in hand. She enjoyed life, and tried to live it to its max.
3:13pm Aug 11 2011
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4:21pm Aug 11 2011
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Colt watched wide-eyed as the strays fought over the food. His stomach growled and he smirked, it was tag time. Tag time was usually when he would sneak up and take the food, running away at full speed with the other cats in hot pursuit. He wasn't THAT cold-hearted so at the end of the game, if someone could catch up to him, he would hand the fish over to them. Colt rarely played tag time, but he felt in the mood for it today. Getting up on his paws he slipped through the grass, unnoticed by the quarreling cats. Colt scooped the fish into his mouth and meowed: "Hey! I've got the fish, whoever really wants it will chase me for it!" Although his words were muffled, the other cats understood what he had said. Colt took off at full speed with a group of strays following too closely for his liking. He looked around and faked a right turn before going left, he threw off about three cats. I've got to narrow them down to the best of the best... Colt ran through the middle of the park, passing Layla without noticing. Five other cats stormed through, meowing and complaining with anger. Colt threw himself into the pond, only two cats were following him now. He guessed that the others didn't want the fish enough to risk going into the water. Jumping out, he circled back to where Layla had been sitting. "Ohey!", he called to her, his words muffled by the fish in his mouth. The other two slowed down and collapsed at his feet, gasping for breath. Colt dropped the fish onto the ground and laughed. "What, too much excersize for ya?"

4:29pm Aug 11 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla noticed the peacefulness until she could look over and see the Tom cat before, stalking the other cats and the fish. she knew he was going to steal the fish, but she ignored his tomfoolery. she continued watching everyone else, until the other cats began to chase after him. she watched as they zoomed past her once, in a blazing heap of fur, and he made a quick turn. her eyes were fixed on him as she watched his every move, then turned to look at the cats following closely behind him. A few had given up but only two were stupid enough to follow him into the pond. She watched him pass by again with muffled words coming from his mouth. She understood him as he whizzed by. "Oh..hello", she staggered. She was taken off guard by the chase scene and her tail curled around her as she sat there on the bench, watching as the other cats caught up and collapsed. She couldn't help but utter a slight giggle at his silliness.