4:44pm Aug 11 2011
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Colt shook out his fur, and gave himself a grooming, the two other cats were still panting but they were able to sit up after a few minutes. "Alright, it was a fair game! There ya go!", he said as he tossed the fish at their feet. Perhaps they would share but he doubted it, that didn't really matter though because if they fought over it at least there was only two of them. Colt padded away and sat down near Layla on top of the bench. "I'ts a rush!" he laughed, a little too happily. Usually after running around like that it would leave him in a good mood, this explained why he was being friendly. When he played tag time, he felt like a kit again, free to do whatever he wanted. Of course, the feeling was only temporary, in an hour or so he would return to his old grouchy self. Colt looked up at that sky, it was such a wonderful sight. He then remembered looking up at they sky when he was younger. At least some things never change....
5:05pm Aug 11 2011
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Layla watched the other Tom's pad away as the other Tom hopped up next to her. She payed him no mind, except for a quick grin. She watched the old couple get up from watching the ducks swim, and they headed off. She watched the sun go down past the ponds waters and she looked up at the stars. she looked at the Tom cat and noticed he was looking up as well. She hopped down and padded lightly back the way she came, watching the ducks swim off in pairs. She sighed a bit, and thought about heading back home. She turned to look back at the Tom who was now watching her.
5:15pm Aug 11 2011
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"I wanna thank you for giving me that fish earlier today.... It was real nice of you." Although the words came out like nothing, you have no idea how much it hurt Colt on the inside. He had never thanked anyone for anything and it fely strange to thank her. Almost as if he were eating a piece of cardboard, and he would know that feeling because he was dared once.(LOL) "I'm Colt, by the way... and your name is..?" Colt felt totally out of place, carrying conversation with others wasn't his best quality, since he had lived alone most of his life. He tilted his head to the side and looked at her, trying to take a mental image. It's not evryday that I come across someone who is actually kind.... In Colt's mind, no one was nice; depending on others will only be your downfall. But, he began to consider that maybe there are some exceptions.
5:31pm Aug 11 2011
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She stopped hearing his question and statement. she turned around and smiled mysteriously. "I'm Layla", she lightly replied. She turned back around, and knew if he wanted to see her he would follow her scent, or find out where she was. She walked out of the park smiling. She turned a corner and began to head back home.
((Sorry brain dead))
5:42pm Aug 11 2011
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Colt watched her go and sighed. He looked up at the sky again. "I think today, was one of the best days ever...", he whispered before jumping off of the bench and heading back to the junkyard. He flinched as a car passed by, a little too close. Fluffing out his fur he padded faster, but soon he wasn't startled anymore and he began to enjoy his walk back home. The darkness of the night helped him to blend into his surroundings, except for the glowing of his eyes he couldn't be seen easily. It was so easy to steal and play pranks on other strays during the night hours but Colt just wasn't up to that kind of stuff, he would rather them remember what he looked like and try to track him down. It was more fun that way. He finally arrived at the junkyard and decided to sleep at the highest part of the shelf today, he climbed to the top and settled down. Colt gazed at the stars for awhile before dozing off into a deep dreamless sleep. [[It's okay, Flow <3]]
5:53pm Aug 11 2011
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Layla hopped into her box, cuddling up into her covers and thinking about her day. it was nice to her and she remembered the nice man. she knew now where the market was and planned on going there tomorrow for breakfast again. She loved old people but couldn't quite figure out why. She smiled thinking about the silly Tom cat Colt she had run in to. Her stomach felt all weird but she brushed it off as nothing more than a minor stomach ache. the thought never occurred to her that she had begun to acquire feelings for Colt. She closed her eyes and dozed right off to sleep, hearing nothing more than the sound of cars zooming by on the street by the alley of hers. It lulled her to sleep as she dreamt of a new home.
((Time Skip To Morning))
6:19pm Aug 11 2011
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Colt was laying down lazily on a patch of grass beside his shelf, he was too lazy to get up and go somewhere so he stayed there, closing his eyes for a few seconds. After about half an hour he got up and stretched, feeling hot and sticky. Maybe I should go for a swim.... It was a perfect idea! He could find a fish in the pond and cool off in the cold water, nothing seemed better to him at the moment. He twitched his ears before padding away to the park. The streets were busier today for some reason, it made him feel uneasy; cars weren't his favorite human vehicles. He had once witnessed a cat getting hit by one, that memory never did seem to go away. Shaking his head slightly, he continued on until he reached the park. Part of Colt was kind of excited, he might see Layla again! But then another side of him said that it was pathetic to feel that way for another cat. Colt just shrugged and sat by the pond, waiting for a fish to come close enough for him to snatch it out of the water.
6:58pm Aug 11 2011
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Layla was awakened by the sound of the ice cream truck making it's daily round for the kids in the neighborhood. She woke up and opened her eyes and smiled. she smelt tuna, which was weird because the market was a few blocks away. She looked beside her and a can of tuna was opened by her feet. she jumped up a bit startled but then sniffed it, and it seemed safe. She noticed a little girl by the entrance to the alley and her mom. Layla meowed and instantly knew the little girl. she and her mom were homeless but they had married a rich man. She played with the little girl until she went away. she meowed and the girl picked Layla up. Layla cuddled her and was then set down once more. Layla ran back to the tuna, and ate it it slowly, savoring every little bit of it. She then decided to go catch some dinner for tonight. She padded her way out of the alley and onto the busy sidewalk, making way down to the local park. the pond had lots of fish in it and quite big ones too. She entered on the side with the playground and could hear children playing. She meowed at them then walked over to the pond. She could see the fish swimming up to the bank but she knew when the time was right to strike her paw in.

7:22pm Aug 11 2011
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Colt concentrated on the shadows moving in the water. He made sure not to let his shadow fall on the water so that he didn't scare the fish away. He waited for the right moment, a fish was swimming near and he froze, keeping his paw positioned in the air. Common.. a little closer now... and SPLASH. Colt had successfully struck the fish out of the water, he gave it a auick clean bite and it grew limp. Looks like I've caught myself some breakfast. He smiled triumphantly before taking a bite and eating the whole fish. Colt then begn to wash his whiskers and lick his lips when he spotted Layla. "Hey, Layla!" he called. It wasn't a very happy tone of voice but it was totally nicer than any tone he used for other cats. He twitched his ears and looked at the water. "You like to swim? Cuz the water looks awesome right now..", he laughed lightly.
7:46pm Aug 11 2011
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Layla giggled, watching him catch his fish. It was quite big in size and could feed at least 2 cats. She smiled and padded closer to him. "Yeah swimming is fun", she replied. She sat back on her haunches, her tail curling to the right side of her body. She licked her chops for any sign of food. she didn't want to be embarrassed. She smiled at him. "Actually I'm meeting some friends here, but I'd much rather go swimming.", she replied walking over to the bench. She jumped up and shrugged her scarf off, shaking her fur out as it shined. For a stray cat her coat looked beautiful everyday, and almost as if she had been to the groomers. She jumped back down and walked back over to Colt. She noticed a few Tom cats were staring at her. She felt a bit uneasy and noticed Colt had noticed them too.
5:21am Aug 12 2011
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3:24pm Aug 12 2011
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Colt glared at the toms and when they spotted him they immeadiately looked down at their paws. If they keep looking at her that way then there is going to be a huge problem! He could feel his body start to tense but he soon calmed down. "If you guys don't have anything else to look at, I suggest you leave before something happens", he called to them. Although it sounded like he was joking, Colt was dead serious, he would take on all of them if he had to. The other toms just frowned and padded away. He felt better and looked at Layla before pretending to fall over the edge and into the water. Colt swam to the surface. "Thanks for pushing me in, Layla. That was real nice of you", he told her jokingly. It felt good to mess around again, to be able to have fun. He swam in a circle, loving the cold touch of the water on his skin. "The water is great!"
3:44pm Aug 12 2011
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She giggled at Colt's remarks to all the other Tom cats. He was funny and made her laugh, and Layla really liked that. "I don't usually laugh this much", she giggled. She leaned over and dipped her tail into the water, and removed it rather quickly. "It's a bit cold but I can handle it", she smiled. She walked slowly into the water until she couldn't reach then swam around a bit to get her body accustomed to the pond's temperature. She looked over and her friends were smirking at her in jealousy. They had all talked to her about a certain Tom cat who ran the city. she looked over at Colt, looked back at them and they all nodded. Layla gulped a bit, trying not to do anything that may pressingly get her hurt, or worse, killed ! she swam, and giggled, noticing her friends leaving to go shopping. she had no idea how they went shopping, but apparently they befriended a few rich snooty girls. She sighed and she stayed in one spot of the lake, wading around in the now warm water.
3:59pm Aug 12 2011
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"I don't laugh much either, which is kind of hard to believe with all of the laughing I've been doing lately" he told her. Colt was a great swimmer, mostly because when he was smaller he had fallen into the lake once and his father hadn't tried to save him. He swam over to where Layla was and splashed her before swimming away with a smirk on his face. Most cats didn't like water, which is why he still found it a surprise that Layla said yes to going swimming with him. To tell you the truth, Colt didn't have many friends. Yeah he did have a conversation with almost every cat that he passed on the street but that was just business, not friendship. If anyone had asked him, he would just say that he only had aquaintances, nothing more. "Did you have anything to eat this morning?", he asked as he swam around her in a circle.
10:22pm Aug 12 2011
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"I'm normally a bubbly and fun person.", she smirked and splashed him back a bit before swimming around a bit more. She giggled and swam around in circles. She liked swimming and it was a fun thing to do. Layla had always been fond of water because she used to live on the beach with some people. She goes to watch the fireworks at Yankee Stadium as well. She liked being able to do alot of things, but her friends didn't like doing the things she did. They all just wanted to go shopping, or get their coats cleaned. Layla liked to get down and dirty but could be the prettiest cat around. She climbed out of the water to dry off for a bit. Responding to his question, she turned to look at him. " I ate some tuna. They were a gift" she smiled, cleaning her front left paw and raking it down over her head.
4:58pm Aug 13 2011
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Colt listened to her and smiled a bit. "Sounds nice, I'm thinking of dropping by Arnold's Pizza later on... the always throw away the crust and what not" It was true, he had always stopped by on Fridays because that was when most people ate pizza. Arnold's was the best pizza place in town, and no other cats would dare challenge Colt for the food, they knew better. "maybe you should check it out, it's always best to go in the afternoon." With that, Colt got out of the pond and shook the water out of his fur, he made sure not to be too close to Layla so that she wouldn't get wet. Then he jumped onto a bench and lay there, letting the sun warm his fur. Colt licked his paw lazily and turned to look at Layla. "What else do you like to do?"
4:29pm Aug 15 2011
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8:31pm Sep 13 2011
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Layla got out as well and shook out her fur lightly. The tom's still stared but she payed them no mind as she bit her scarf and threw it up in the air. She jumped up and it wrapped itself perfectly around her neck. She jumped up onto the bench beside Colt and licked her paws, flattening them over her ears. Her coat shined once more and she meowed lightly. "I like to explore. I'm very adventurous, but it's no fun by myself. I want to have someone to be with, and someone who will look over me.", she sighed. She only dreamed of a Tom like that. She flattened her ears to her head and looked up at the sky and wind. The trees were shaking lightly as the wind blew into them. Leaves began to fall and summer was ending. She knew this winter was going to be hard and very scarce in food.
9:43pm Sep 13 2011
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5:53pm Sep 15 2011
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Colt listened to her as he finished drying off and he still lay there, watching her from curious eyes. "Sounds awesome.. adventure huh?" The word triggered a memory in his head, of when he used to run around in his old owner's backyard, exploring it for any 'dangerous' animals. It had been a fun game but as he grew up and his life got more rotten, such delicate moments like that were easily forgotten. He stretched and jumped to land beside her. "Wanna go on an adventure? I know a lot of places that we could explore" It was true, there were plenty of places in the forest, where he had found many beer bottles littering the ground and caves of all sizes, that seemed to go on forever.. He often wondered what would happen if he climbed all the way to the top of that one hill that was exactly in the center of the forest. It was pretty high, a steep climb indeed, but Colt was confident that he could make it. And right now, that's what he wanted to do.