6:03pm Sep 15 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla's eyes lit up as he asked her out on an adventure date. She gasped and her eyes twinkled. "Yes of course!!", she giggled. She jumped down off the bench and twirled around a bit. She was the happiest cat in NYC right now. She looked at Colt and blushed. " I mean...sure!", she calmed herself. She was started to develop feelings for Colt. His braveness and strength, his protectiveness and his street smarts. Everything about him was making her fall in love. She didn't know how to feel about love, but she knew she had to figure it out. She sat back on her haunches and meowed politely at the people walking by as they stopped to pet her.
6:10pm Sep 15 2011
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Colt purred at her answer, surprised at how excited she was. he didn't know why, but he felt extremely drawn to her... There was just something about the way she made him feel. She wasn't scared of him and she spoke to him as if he were any regular cat, which is what he had wanted most of his life. But with his bad cat reputation, Colt found it hard to carry on a regular conversation with anyone. Don't get it wrong, he loved his reputation, but once in awhile it would be good to not be feared, even if for a little. "Alrighty then, off we go!" he laughed. When the humans approached, he backed off, not liking their scent. He knew that his fur was starting to stick up, but he couldn't help it, Colt never felt comfortable around humans. He then began to walk, his paws treading on the ground in his 'bad boy' walk.
[[xD bad boy walk <3]]
6:24pm Sep 15 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla purred and rubbed her sides against them, as she turned to Colt. She noticed his uneasiness and trotted off beside him. She watched him walk, and watching him gave her chills. She shivered at how amazingly bad he looked, and she couldn't help but shudder twice more. She caught up to him and looked at all the sights following him to where they were going.
10:04pm Sep 16 2011
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12:30pm Sep 17 2011
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Colt didn't really take in the sights like Layla was doing, he practically knew this whole town, it was HIS town after all. He padded down the sidewalk, looking back occasionally to check if she was keeping up. Soon, Colt slowed the pace and enjoyed the smells of downtown, it was here that was busiest during all times of the day. he could smell the scent of freshly baked bread coming from the bakery and the sweet smells of the candy shop. He concentrated once again on where he was going and couldn't help but give an excited mew when he spotted the beginning of the forest. "Almost there!" he called over his shoulder before continuing on his way.
2:33pm Sep 17 2011
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Layla padded along beside and him and looked as he saw the forest. "OK !", she meowed. She followed him to the forest and looked up. It was a little dark and shady, but very cool. The leaves were a luscious green and the bark on the trees were a soft chocolate color. The sky was as blue as the deep ocean, and the breeze felt soft and it caressed Layla's face. She meowed lightly as they strode upon a grassy meadow up to about paw high with colorful flowers and birds that sang sweet tunes. Layla meowed in awe and ran past Colt to the flowers. She loved flowers and these red poppies were her favorites.
3:15pm Sep 17 2011
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Colt watched Layla and he sat down. This was his favorite part of the forest, it was where he could find peace within himself... when he thought that it wasn't even possible. His gaze lay on Layla as she examined the flowers and he felt a sudden warmth inside of him. Colt couldn't quite understand it yet, but he loved her. Of course he didn't recognize this feeling because he hasn't loved anything/anyone ever since he was a kit. But right now, it felt great, he just hoped that it wasn't a one sided feeling...
3:45pm Sep 17 2011
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Layla watched the poppies sway back and forth in the wind, and the petals dance around her, as if they were dancing in the light fall breeze. She could feel eyes on her and she looked over at Colt. The way he looked at her was the same way her old mate did, before he was killed. She could see love in his eyes. She was scared of love, but she always gave it out. A couple of butterflies fluttered past her. She played with them a bit, twirling and prancing around with them. She looked back at Colt and blushed. She could feel it now. She could feel the old feelings of love rise in her heart. It made her warm, and her body began to react to it.
4:00pm Sep 17 2011
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Colt couldn't help but smile when Layla played with the butterflies, she was truly adorable. He wanted to sit next to her, to nuzzle her gently with his nose and to drink in her scent, but he couldn't move. It was as f he was stuck there, frozen in time. He blinked and suddenly the frozen moment was gone. Colt padded over to where she was and looked at the flowers around him, not sure what to say next. he was never shy, and why he was lost for words now was a mystery to him. Of course, it only took him a few moments to get over his shyness and he continued to look at the colorful flowers as they swayed with the wind. "You know, all of this is beautiful. The trees, the flowers.. But none of this, can compare to how beautiful you are" he told her, lifting up his head so that his green eyes could look into hers.
6:04pm Sep 17 2011
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Posts: 781
10:30pm Sep 17 2011
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Layla paused at his choice of words. She padded over to him and put her head under his chin. She rubbed her neck on his and purred. "I've never been told that in my life Colt", she purred. "Thank you." She then moved her head and rubbed it against his. She looked into his dark green eyes. They looked like the prettiest color of emerald she'd ever seen. Her clear blue eyes had twinkles in them as she stared at his. She could see deep into his soul and she could feel the love he had for her. She blushed and a shiver came across her.
4:35pm Sep 18 2011
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Colt couldn't help but purr, it was perfect. He could feel Layla's touch and he shivered slightly. He nuzzled her with his nose softly and wrapped his tail around hers, then he rubbed his head against hers. "I love you, Layla" he whispered, although it was pretty obvious. He just felt that he had to say it, like he was somehow admitting and letting the whole world know that he actually did have feelings and that he wasn't as heartless as others thought he was. Colt looked deep into her eyes and smiled, she had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Clearer than any ocean or spring he had ever been to. He still couldn't believe that she actually loved him back, it was a surprise for him indeed. But it didn't matter, all he cared about was having her as his own and he would do whatever it took to satisfy her.
7:08pm Sep 18 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla purred lightly, her body rumbling along with her purr. She was warm all over and her face was heating up. Her ears twitched a bit at his soft and loving words. "I love you too", she purred. She felt his tail intwine hers so she grabbed onto it and didn't let go. She felt even warmer after hearing his sweet words. THe wind blew ever so slightly and she shivered. The wind picked up and a storm was beginning to brew, and by the looks of it to Layla it wasn't going to be good. She meowed as the thunder began to roll. She looked up at Colt with pure fear in her eyes. She was scared and wanted to go back to her home.
5:21pm Sep 19 2011
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Colt sighed when he noticed the bad weather. "Common, let's get you home" he told her softly. Quickly he pushed her ahead of him gently with his head and he lead her out of the forest and back near the park. He didn't know where she lived so it was frustrating. "Uh, where to next?" he asked, a little impatient as the clouds caught up to them. it soon began to thunder and he frowned, storms were always ugly.
[[brain fail]]
3:10pm Sep 22 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla walked ahead knowing where to go when they hit the streets of New York. She smiled at him, trying to cheer him up. She noticed the rain come down and she unwrapped her scarf throwing it over the both of them. "this way!", she meowed. She took him down a bunch of old allies. Finally they were there. She let him in and hung her scarf on the line her mouse friend Jack made her.
4:42pm Sep 22 2011
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Colt was glad that she had her scarf so that they wouldn't be completely wet and he sat down with a sigh. They had been going at a pretty fast rate so he gasped for breath before closing his eyes and listening to the sound of the rain. "I like to hear the rain but being caught in it isn't much fun" he laughed, opening his bright green eyes again.
6:36pm Sep 23 2011
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Posts: 781
She smiled and welcomed his green eyes with hers. She smiled and looked at him. The thunder and lightning began to rol in. "Why don't you stay here tonight. That way you won't be caught in the rain.", she laughed. She rubbed her head against his and purred softly. She could hear his heartbeat and grinned at how fast it had begun to go. It sped up and was beating faster now. She blushed and looked up at him.
2:19pm Sep 24 2011
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Colt just grinned, he wasn't planning on leaving Layla by herself anyway. He knew that Layla could tell how fast his heartbeat was and he just purred, rubbing his face against hers, eyes closed with delight. Of course his purr was deep and sounded more like a rumbling than anything else, but that's because he wasn't used to purring. He opened his eyes and just took in Layla's beauty, he felt like the luckiest tom in the world.
5:59pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla meowed and curled up in her bed. She looked at him and noticed there was nowhere to sleep. she was worried and didn't want him to sleep on the ground. She snugged herself tightly together in a ball and made room for him in her bed. She threw her now dry scarf onto the both of them to keep them warm from the harsh wind that may have blown through the cracks.
3:16pm Sep 30 2011
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