6:44pm Sep 30 2011
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Colt blinked gratefully at her, snuggling up and curling into a ball, scooting over a bit so that she would have more space. Afterall, he didn't leave here and he felt like he was being rude to take up space. If she had wanted, he wouldn't have minded sleeping on the ground, as long as she was near. But as he felt the warth of her closeness her smiled and whispered: "I love you." before covering his nose with his tail and dozing off.
2:48pm Oct 1 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla smiled and purred lightly as the rain began to slow down and lighten up. She wrapped her tail around her as she pulled her scarf over the both of their bodies. She was happy and it made her body feel warm. She curled up to him just to feel how warm he was.
4:57pm Oct 2 2011
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Posts: 3,318
[[I just noticed my spelling errors in that other post o-o EPIC FAIL lol]]
Colt only felt her move closer to him and the sound of raindrops before he was completely out. When he awoke, he felt a little dizzy and confused. He looked over his shoulder and at Layla, suddenly everything that had happened yesterday hit him. He purred quietly and almost thought about going back to sleep but instead he got up and stretched. With a long yawn he shook his head and began to groom his fur, being careful not to wake her. Colt thought twice about getting food for them both, he didn't want to leave her alone so he decided against it. it'll be much more fun if we go together....
4:18pm Oct 5 2011
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Layla had fallen asleep next to him and awoke at the crack of dawn. She opened her eyes to see Colt grooming himself. She noticed his every aspect and watched him in silence. She noticed how muscular and how toned his whole body was. She watched his eyes. They were severely green and had a certain charm to them.
4:22pm Oct 29 2011
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Colt looked up from grooming to notice Layla examining him. He blinked warmly at her and strolled over to where she lay. "Good morning beautiful", he purred with delight before rubbing his nose gently on the top of her head. "Did you sleep well?" he asked, wrapping his tail neatly over his paws with a twitch of his whiskers. His green eyes shining with the love he had for her.
4:59pm Oct 29 2011
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Layla purred and went to get up but noticed his quick trot over to her. She rubbed her neck along side his head. She purred even louder. " I slept like a queen", she meowed. She noticed how much lighter his eye color had become, almost as if there was less hate in them than before. She curled her tail around her paws and rolled onto her back meowing.
5:15pm Oct 30 2011
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Colt blinked and felt warmth spread throughout his body. "That's wonderful, considering you are my queen." He purred giving that statement a hint of humor. He stretched some more, his ear twitching as a fly flew by. "What should we do today? I mean obviously food is at the top of the list because, I'm starving!" he exclaimed dramatically, making it obvious that he was just joking but that it wasn't a bad idea to get something to eat. He let his gaze linger over to the streets, where cars seemed to fly over the road. Quite a busy day today... He noted in his thoughts.
8:18pm Oct 30 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla meowed and blushed a bit. She grinned at him and then sat up on her haunches. "We can go get something to eat", she replied quietly. She grabbed the wire hook that closed the flaps of the box together and unhooked it. The flaps slightly opened and she walked out. The sun was in a perfect spot right in between the alley. She stood in it's dainty circle and the wind blew her coat and scarf ever so softly. Her eyes twinkled in the sunlight and made them look as clear as a lake. She shook her coat lightly, and sat down on her haunches, sun bathing to make her coat a little warm before they left to hunt for food this cold busy morning.
5:14pm Oct 31 2011
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Colt studied the way Layla opened the box, it was quite interesting indeed. He loved the way she looked beautiful in all types of weather, it only made his heart swell with pride. She's all mine... He purred a bit and wondered how he appeared to her. He wasn't very colorful, what with his jet black fur and his dark emerald eyes that only lightened when he was satisfied. Colt figured there wasn't anything very interesting about him, yet he had the ability to gain respect from every cat in the city, even the whole bad-boy reputation. So, he guessed there was something about him but he would never say that it was a good thing, even if there were a few good advantages. Colt got up on his paws and twitched his tail ever so slightly, letting the chilly wind blow the scents to his nose. He sniffed twice and then pricked his ears. "I know of this great house down on Blanchard Avenue! There's this old lady that lives there and she always hands out food to random strays. As you can tell, I'm not fond of humans but she always used to give me food anyway." He told her with a shrug.

7:14pm Nov 22 2011
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3:59pm Dec 7 2011
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Layla smiled and took in his words. She padded over to him and rubbed her head lightly against his. She never understood him sometimes but she didn't really care either. She loved him, and for the first time in her life, she had wanted to be next to someone every hour of the day. She never wanted to leave his side and that made her swell. She looked up at him, and the sight of his eyes made her shutter lightly. The way his eyes gleamed in hers, blending the blue and green together. It looked like an emerald blue lake. She purred and wrapped her tail around his and licked his muzzle. "That sounds wonderful...", she sighed happily.
4:30pm Dec 9 2011
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Colt purred. Of course when he purred it sounded like a deep rumbling coming from his throat. He sighed happily and flicked his ear, a signal that he would take the lead. He padded out of the alley and onto the sidewalk, stopping to inhale the scents around him. He absolutely adored the smells of the city, especially in the morning where everything was fresh and new. Taking a glance at the sky he saw that there were a few gray clouds, but nothing that promised rain. The chilly wind blew through his fur and he purred a bit more. Winter was his favorite season. Quickly, he regained his composure, not wanting to seem soft in front of Layla. He gave his chest fur a few quick licks, acting like he had gotten distracted. "Uh, you never saw that" he joked lightly, touching his nose to her ear-tip before padding forward once again. He placed his paws carefully one in front of the other, the way he walked was very important to him. It sounded silly, but if any cat dared to say it out loud, they'd regret it. Soon they reached Blanchard Avenue with its red brick buildings and green bushes. Colt flicked his tail in the direction of the old woman's house that he had told Layla about earlier. "Let me do this, I'm an expert" he winked before padding over and meowing loudly. There was a rattling noise as the woman opened the door and smiled. She babbled something before setting down a plate of milk and biscuits in front of Colt. Noticing Layla behind him she set down separate plates for her as well before disappearing inside once again.

1:34am Dec 10 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla grinned and crinkled her nose a bit. The new smells of the morning aroused her nose as it took in all the scents to inhale. She took a quick breath of air and let it out slowly. Her paws were warm from the blanket last night and her scarf kept her even warmer. She pushed her torso low to the ground and clawed at the sidewalk as she stretched. She yawned once more and repeated the process only with her back legs. A light purr arose from her chest as she padded alongside Colt in the excitement. She stood at the sidewalk as he walked up to the house. She sat back on her haunches and curled her tail around the side of her body once before watching his movements. She heard him meow and no sooner had he meowed, there was food on the front porch for the both of them. She pricked her ears backwards and padded lightly up towards the house. She sniffed the plate of food and proceeded eating her yummy breakfast.
1:09pm Dec 10 2011
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Colt sat and strained to hear any noises that came from inside the old woman's house but everything was silent. He relaxed a bit, and looked over at Layla who had already started eating. He purred a bit, his eyes closing in delight before looking down at his plate of food. He felt a little uneasy but took a bite anyway, getting used to the taste and smell. Soon, he found it easier to ignore the human scent that lingered on the food and he finished drinking the warm milk. He sat back on his haunches and began licking his muzzle before giving himself a quick grooming. Colt stretched again and whispered his thanks, even though he was pretty sure the woman wouldn't be able to hear him. He then sat quietly waiting for Layla to finish, his tail tip twitching as he was consumed by his thoughts.
7:44pm Dec 11 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla finally finished her food and looked up at Colt. She watched as he groomed himself and she layed down and rolled onto her back, relaxing and stretching out. She began to think about all the things she could finally do with a mate. She could go out for long walks at night without feeling as if she was going to be hurt or catnapped. She purred at the thought and another strange peculiar thought popped into her head. She began to think of kittens. She looked at him and purred even louder. The thought of kittens with Colt made her happy and warm on the inside.
3:13pm Dec 15 2011
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Colt blinked slowly and looked over at Layla, there was something in her eyes that told him she was thinking about something exciting or at least something that made her happy. He padded over to her and licked the top of her head before sitting down beside her and twining his tail with hers. "What do you want to do today?" he asked softly, looking into her eyes and purring lightly. If it were any other day, Colt would have controlled his purring but by now, he didn't care what anyone else thought. This meant that his bad cat image could be fading, but none of it mattered as long as he had Layla by his side.
3:28pm Dec 15 2011
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Posts: 781
"I don't know", she purrs lightly. She wanted to just stay like this all day. "Let's go look at the little kittens over at the kennels", she purrs. She couldn't get the thought off her mind now. All day she was thinking of kittens. She walked over to the window and looked at the litter of kittens in the little blanket at the kennel. She purred even more. She sat back on her haunches and her tail twitched around happily as she wrapped it around her body. Her eyes lit up with joy and she meowed at them lightly. A few kittens looked up at her and smiled. She smiled back, crinkling her nose up at them and cooing.
4:34pm Dec 15 2011
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Colt was a little surprised at the word kittens but he agreed. He watched Layla from a distance and looked at the kittens that were behind the glass. He found himself thrown back into the past, when he was a young kit living with his mother and father. He shivered as the image of his father appeared in his mind and the whole memory faded from his mind as he opened his eyes. His heart beat had increased but he didn't notice, it was if he had just had a nightmare. Colt didn't dare try to get closer, though he felt a purr starting to rise in his throat as he watched the kittens play and mess around. They were cute. They were innocent. Just as he had been way back then. He sighed and curled his tail neatly over his paws before looking up at the sky. Oh how he loved gazing at the clouds.
4:55pm Dec 15 2011
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Posts: 781
Layla couldn't help herself. She wanted a kitten of her own so bad now. She played with them and cuddled them. They all warmed up to her nicely and she coed and cuddled and payed attention to each and every one of them. she looked over at Colt and saw him looking up at the sky. Suddenly a warm breeze came over the sky and the clouds began to darken a bit. She looked a bit worried and all the kittens fled back into the kennels. She pinned her ears back in disappointment but knew they had to go back. Her tail wrapped around her body and her head hung a little low. She was a bit sad but perked up and turned to Colt. She ran over to him and cuddled her head up to his and purred louder than ever before.
10:52pm Dec 19 2011
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