9:56pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 2,895
Okay, so Demon assassin. :) Do you want to be the demon or the human?
10:00pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Preferrably the human. Because I have no demon characters. -shot-
Love is all we need~
10:05pm Jun 19 2012
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Oh, I do! But wait, *frowns* he won't work because he is half-demon. Oh, well. I am capable of making some tweaks here and there. :) You can use any bio skeleton you want.
10:21pm Jun 19 2012 (last edited on 10:24pm Jun 19 2012)
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Ooc:// Yayz. :D
Name: Colara "Cole" Parker Age: Fifteen. Ish. Gender: Female Species: Human Appearance:
I'm not doing personality or history. Because I'm being lazy right now. XD
Love is all we need~
10:23pm Jun 19 2012 (last edited on 10:24pm Jun 19 2012)
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Name: Yuki Gender: Male Species: Demon Age: 15 Appearance:  History: He was ordered by his father to eliminate a human girl who would become troublesome for them later. Other:
10:24pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Okay~ I edited her age to be fifteenish.
So, where should the roleplay be set at?
Love is all we need~
10:29pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 2,895
Her house maybe? At night and her parents are away.
10:31pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Okay. But like... a big town, or a small town, or a megacity like NYC... Perhaps maybe even a seaside town?
Where will it take place, as in areas?
Love is all we need~
10:34pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 2,895
I think a small town or seaside town would be best. :)
10:54pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// We'll do a small seaside town. :D I'll start~
Colara looked at the alarm clock sitting by her bed. Midnight.
She'd been up all night, drinking energy drinks that she had stashed away, prepared for when her parents would leave for a few days. The only person who would come to check on her would be her mom's best friend, who was such a ditz that she would probably forget to check up on her at all.
The thought made Cole smile. She laughed and popped in an old, cheesy horror movie from the eighties. She use her phone, nor text all that often. The town that she lived in didn't have a good signal, and no satellite internet access at all. The only way to get on the world-wide-web was to get to it through a home internet connection.
She didn't need the internet, though. She just needed her movies, video games, and books. If she just had those, she would be the happiest girl in the world. Sure, having the internet was nice, but she didn't absolutely need it.
The movie's graphics were pretty bad, and it was more funny than scary. All of the gory parts were so fake it sent Cole into laughing fits.
She readjusted her loose tee shirt that hung off of her right shoulder, given that it was over-sized. Her shorts were pink with white polka-dots and made out of plush, soft material.
She rolled over so that she was laying on her stomach, kicking her legs behind her as she watched the movie from her mattress.
Ooc:// Hope that was sufficient. :D
Love is all we need~
11:16pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 2,895
((you did well :D ))
Yuki overlooked the small town from the hill before it. This was the place father told him about, he took a deep breath and braced himself.
The young boy pulled out the drawing Kouyske made of the targeted house. He rolled up the scroll and darted into the town.
Once he arrived he checked each house, searching for his target. He slithered up the street to find the identical area. Yuki stuffed the scroll into his bag, this was the place.
It was quite a small house compared to his, since his father was a high-ranking demon with many minions. However, it was almost cute and vulnerable. The boy hated to destroy the peaceful aura it gave off.
Yuki swallowed his fear and entered the house from a slightly opened window. The girl was right before him, seemingly unaware of the danger she was in. He sneaked up behind her, his cat-like ears twitching in anticipation.
Yuki unsheathed his sword and held it above her head. He was shaking terribly, he tried to swing the sword but his arms refused to move. He stood, frozen in fear.
11:25pm Jun 19 2012
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Colara laughed again as the movie played a fake-looking scene of a girl being beheaded. She then yawned and stretched, much like a cat would. Deciding that she needed something to eat, Cole slid off of the back of the bed, almost bumping into Yuki, his blade only an inch away from her dark, shoulder-length hair. She didn't turn her head, so she didn't see the knife.
Moving around her bed, she walked out of the door that was beside her television set and into the hallway, turning into the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes, just now noticing how tired she was. Since her parents were away, she grabbed some chocolate chip cookies, moving to the fridge to pour herself a glass of milk.
Love is all we need~
11:35pm Jun 19 2012
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Yuki stood, mystified by the girl. She had no idea that he was there. He followed her out into the kitchen. His thought process was halted by the sight of the milk. He licked his lips, his tail swishing back and forth.
His mind was filled with questions on how he would get even a drop of the liquid. When she turned her head, he snatched the gallon and drank it from the bottle.
When it was empty, he realized what he had just done and returned the gallon. Yuki slipped into the shadows, ashamed of himself. He was getting distracted on the mission. The boy knew the longer he took in returning, the angrier his father would be.
11:46pm Jun 19 2012
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Once Cole had put the milk onto the counter to fetch a glass from a cabinet nearby, she didn't expect anything to happen. However, when she returned to the counter, she had the glass, she had the cookies, and she even had the milk jug.
But she had no milk.
She raised a brow at the empty jug, picking it up to make sure that she wasn't imagining things, and to see if it was actually empty. Sure enough, the jug was feather-light. Was she really that sleepy?
No. She swore a minute ago, that jug had enough milk for at least a glass, but it wasn't full.
"What the...." Her tomboyish voice said, as she tossed the jug into the trash. "I must be going crazy. The old, cheesy horror movies must've done it to me," she decided, scratching her head. She was too sleepy to come up with a better explanation.
Without further adieu, Colara decided that the energy drink would just have to do, and that she wouldn't get to dip her cookies in milk. She retreated back to her room and sat cross-legged on her bed, eating the cookies out of the package.
Love is all we need~
11:57pm Jun 19 2012 (last edited on 11:57pm Jun 19 2012)
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Yuki regained his nerves and stalked the girl into her room. He left his sword behind, so he scrambled to retrieve it. He pointed the blade to her throat, almost touching the surface of her skin.
He withdrew the sword from her, one more swing and she would be gone. Yuki closed his blood-red eyes, he knew all young demons must kill before they enter adult-hood or be scorned, but it didn't feel right.
He was a demon, yet he had such emotions. He shrugged the feelings aside. "Forgive me," he whispered.
He prepared himself the swing of his sword that would destroy her.
12:05am Jun 20 2012
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Colara had been absorbed in her movie. She normally wasn't scared by anything, but when she heard those two words whispered behind her, she screamed, scrambled, and jumped off of her bed and pressed her back against the wall farthest from who had spoken them.
Her eyes searched the boy. White hair, red eyes, with cat ears and a tail. She guessed that those were fake. He was probably some freak that was obsessed with cats and just wanted to express his obsession by wearing cat-like accessories.
She looked around for something she could hit him with. Luckily, she had a metal baseball bat from when she had played softball the previous year next to her closet.
The dark-haired girl grabbed the bat and held it with two hands. She'd left her cookies on the bed, and due to her frantic motions, they had spilled out of the package and onto her sheets. That wasn't what worried her, though.
She then noticed that the boy had a sword. A sword? Who used swords anymore? Any person looking to kill nowadays used a pocket knife or a gun. She moved away from the wall and away from the corner. No way was this boy going to corner her!
"What are you doing in my room, you freak?!" Her brown eyes were wide. She wasn't scared. She was more freaked out than anything.
Love is all we need~
12:13am Jun 20 2012
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"My apologies, young lady. However, this is something I must do," his eyes saddened,"Please try and understand."
Yuki tightened his grip on the sword,"I will try to make it as painless as possible."
The boy darted towards her and pinned her to the wall, the metal bat dropped. His strength great despite his appearance.
12:19am Jun 20 2012
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Colara struggled against his grip, but it was futile. She wondered how the little devil was so strong.
"Let me go, pipsqueak!" She wiggled, trying to escape. She twisted her wrists, but it was no use. She didn't have enough room to kick him, so that wasn't an option.
"You little bastard!" Her voice dropped a bit. She'd never been in a position where she was so helpless. She thrashed some more, but it was weaker. She's lost some of her fire. "Let.... me... go."
Her face took on a sad ex pression and she allowed the tears to come rolling. Heck, if she was going to die, she might as well make her killer feel bad about it.
So this was how it was going to end.... Being killed by a cat-loving, white-haired, red-eyed, sword-wielding freak who had pinned her against the wall.
Love is all we need~
12:32am Jun 20 2012
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"Oh, no! Please don't cry!" Yuki couldn't handle her tears, he dropped his sword. His eyes were getting misty as well. His grip loosened slightly, but he didn't back away. "I have to eliminate the girl," tears flowed down his cheeks,"I have to..."
The window smashed, Yuki averted his attention. A small winged creature enter the room, holding a scroll. On it was a red claw seal, the seal of his father. The creature was his father's messenger.
The demon unraveled the scroll and announced in a scaly voice:
My son, I believe I have given you a task. I have been informed it was not completed as of yet. You know what happens when my orders are disregarded. Remember that and finish the job you are assigned, or I have no use for you. Return when you have disposed of the vermin.
The scaly demon departed, flying out the window.
12:40am Jun 20 2012
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Colara stopped crying when the boy started crying. What- why the hell was he crying? He was about to kill her! Heartlessly kill her! In her own bedroom, for goodness sake.
Colara was too distracted by the demon that had smashed through her bedroom window, too, that she didn't struggle. She simply stared and when it departed, the full realization hit her.
"What the heck was that creature!? It... It talked!" Her eyes were looking between her bedroom window to the demon in front of her. She shook. "It better have the money to fix my bedroom whatever it was."
Regaining a bit of her audacity, she decided to call for help. "Hey! Help!" she screamed. She hoped her neighbors would hear. Perhaps her neighbors would hear. Maybe they would bring guns.
"Help!" she screamed once more, beginning to struggle again.
Love is all we need~