12:48am Jun 20 2012
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"My father...,"his eyes were wide with fear,"he's getting angry. I have to...finish it quickly." His hands were shaking as he griped her by the throat, claws digging into her flesh.
Even though he was terrified, he couldn't kill her. Yuki released her, tears springing to his eyes.
"What am I to do?" he asked himself,"I can't follow his orders." He seemed to be in a trance, stunned by his own weakness. He forgot that his target was right before him.
1:03am Jun 20 2012
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Colara winced as she felt the demon boy's claws dig into her neck. She let out a small whimper when he released her and coughed, trying to regain her breath. She rubbed her throat and looked at her hand once she was finished. Her eyes grew wide. This kid made her bleed.
She grabbed her baseball bat and her cellphone from her dresser, looking at the cat-eared boy. She dialed 911, but there was no signal. Cursing under her breath, Cole decided to do this the hard way.
"Look, kid. You seem to have some mental, and personal problems. I will let you leave this place unscathed if you leave right now." Her hands shook around the bat as she remembered how strong Yuki was.
Love is all we need~
1:12am Jun 20 2012
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"Like you're any different? Look how you pathetically tremble in front of me," he snapped,"As well you should, I am the son of the great demon Kayrotako and heir to his throne."
Yuki marched up up to her, baring his fangs,"The only thing keeping me from ripping your throat out are these wretched emotions!"
He banged his fist against the wall, leaving a huge hole.
"If only I was born without them like my father!" Yuki growled, flashing his fangs,"A demon with kind emotions is better off dead.
1:22am Jun 20 2012
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Okay. This kid was insane, Colara decided. Just absolutely bonkers. She was about to say something about how she didn't care who he was and deny the fact that she was trembling when he just marched up to her and bared his teeth.
Cole gasped. He had fangs! Okay... Maybe they were fake teeth, she tole herself, hoping with all of her heart that it was true.
She shook again as he punched the wall, leaving a hole in it. She bit her lip. She couldn't hurt him. He was.... Troubled. She decided to take a different approach to the situation. Seeing as how he had calmed down when she cried, Colara let several more tears fall down her face. "Please... Don't destroy my home..."
Love is all we need~
1:30am Jun 20 2012
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Yuki froze. His anger was controlling his actions. "No, this can't be happening,"he calmed down,"I'm not like this."
The boy took a deep breath,"Look, I'm sorry about your house." His blood-red eyes searched hers, reading her emotions.
1:36am Jun 20 2012
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Colara sniffled, rubbing some of the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand that was clenching her cell phone. She swallowed the lump in her throat and let out a shaky breath as she faced the boy who had tried to kill her.
She cleared her throat. Her tactic had seemingly worked.
"Wh-what do you want from me?" A few more tears rolled down get cheeks. "Who are you?"
Love is all we need~
1:43am Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 11:22am Jun 20 2012)
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"My name is Yukiya Sythuin, son of Kayrotako Sythuin the great Demon Lord. He sent me to eliminate you," the young boy explained, "This is my first kill, a demon's test of adulthood. If I kill you, I become an adult. If I don't, I am an outcast to my own kind." Yuki sighed,"I might as well not return, I will just be killed." He paused. "Anything that is not of use will be disposed."
11:32am Jun 20 2012
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"You're kidding, right? Please tell me that you're just joking around, and that you're not insane." Colara rubbed several tears from her eyes. "Are those things real?" She pointed to his cat ears and his tail.
"And you don't have to return. You can just.... stay here." She didn't mean literally in her house, but she meant in the general area. However, she didn't see that she had worded it strangely.
"And.... Please don't hurt me, or destroy my house," she said, biting her lip. She was waiting any moment for her neighbors to burst into their house.
Little did she know that they were out of town, too.
Love is all we need~
11:42am Jun 20 2012
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"You would really let me stay here?" his ears twitching,"You would really do that for me?" He was clearly misunderstanding her intentions. He started to purr. His purring stopped,"But what of your parents? What will they say?" Yuki's thoughts drifted off. "Maybe I should stay hidden..,"he mumbled to himself. "Do you have someplace where your parents may never stumble upon me?"
11:56am Jun 20 2012
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Colara just then realized what she'd done. She'd basically told him that he could stay in her house- unintentionally, mind you. She had to restrain herself from slapping her forehead with the palm of her hand. Why was she so naive? Why did she word it like that?
But now the white-haired kid was all excited, and she couldn't stand squishing people's hopes. Cole bit her lip. "My parents won't be here for a few days. But um...." She motioned for him to follow her.
"There you go. That's your new domain." She opened the door to the guest room and gestured to the inside. It had its own private bathroom with a shower and everything. "And you never answered my questions about those cat ears." She pointed to the things on his head.
Love is all we need~
12:08pm Jun 20 2012
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"Oh, these?" he touched his cat-like ears,"Yeah, they're real. I guess you don't see my kind very often, I don't blame you for being skeptical."
His tail swished back and forth,"Say....you don't have anymore of that white liquid? Do you? It was really tasty!"
"Oh, and thanks for everything," he gave a slight smile.
12:14pm Jun 20 2012
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Colara was still a bit skeptical about his cat ears and tail, but by the way they swished around, she guessed that they were real now. And that he drank her milk.
He drank her milk. The milk that was going to go with her cookies.
She dismissed that notion and the anger that had came with it. Instead of telling her that she had no more milk- because he drank it all-, she decided to take a daring move.
With slightly shaking hands, she reached out and grabbed the tip of the cat ear, and lightly tugged on it. The thing didn't budge. It wouldn't come off. W-What...
"What the hell?!" Colara jumped back like she'd been electrocuted, plastering her back against the hallway wall. "Wh-what are you?!"
Love is all we need~
12:20pm Jun 20 2012
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"I'm a demon, more specifically, a cat-demon," he informed her,"I would have been the new cat-demon leader once my father passes, however that is probably out of my reach now. After all, what demon can't kill a mere human."
He sighed,"I can't believe after all of this, you just now believe me! Oh well, I guess humans only believe in what they can see."
His mind wandered from the topic. "So,....there is no more of the mysterious liquid?"
12:24pm Jun 20 2012
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Colara shook, her eyes wide. A demon...? He was a demon? He was too cute to be a demon, though. Demons were supposed to be scary, and terrifying, and love to torture humans. She stopped shaking.
So he couldn't kill her. Why couldn't he kill her? She was happy that he wouldn't kill her, but she didn't get why he didn't have the ability to kill. All demons were supposed to be able to kill mercilessly.
"No, there's no more milk." She cocked her head to the side, still eyeing his cat ears and tail. "But if you're a cat demon, why do you have fangs?" She referred to when he had bared his teeth at her.
Love is all we need~
12:31pm Jun 20 2012
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"I may be a cat, but I am still a demon," he looked grave,"All demons have fangs, to suck human blood."
"As you know, vampires do not exist," he added,"Some mortal witnessed the power of a demon and gave the creature the name of "vampire".
"Although it is not needed to survive, demons crave blood like a drug," he sighed,"Usually, when one gets a taste, they can't get enough and they will stop at nothing to get it."
12:34pm Jun 20 2012
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Colara thought she'd nearly faint. So he was devilishly strong, cute, but he drank human blood. What had she gotten herself into? She stood there for a moment, and let out a shaky breath. "You know what?"
"I'm going to go to sleep, and when I wake up, I'm going to figure out that all of this was just a hallucination due to sleep deprivation. Goodnight." She turned on her heels and made her way down the hallway, going into her room and shutting the door behind her.
She wished that the door had a lock.
Love is all we need~
12:43pm Jun 20 2012
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Yuki sighed, the girl was stubborn. He blushed, but that wasn't always a bad thing. He shook his head, it was time to sleep. The boy walked over to the guestroom, crawling under the bed's covers.
Yuki was on the run. He stumbled through the forest, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to see if he was close. He could feel the huge cat-demon behind him, his breath breathed down his neck making Yuki shudder. He screamed for help, but no one heard him, either that or no one cared. "You won't get away so easily!" the demon's voice boomed. Yuki shook with fear, tears welling up in his eyes. His father was close.
Yuki awoke suddenly. He glanced around to make sure he was alone. He sighed with relief, it was just a dream. They boy tried to return to sleep, but he was too scared. He crawled out of bed and sneaked into the girl's room, sliding into her bed. The boy nestled up next to her, curling up like a cat. He hoped she wouldn't wake up, he just didn't want to be alone.
12:48pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// I'm gonna timeskip to morning.
Colara slept well. She hadn't really moved, or rolled over, and she felt unusually warm, like there was a giant hot water bottle in the bed with her. That was such a strange hallucination. Or maybe it was a dream, she thought.
She stretched much like a cat would, her eyes still closed, but when she felt hair that was not hers, curled up near her left side, she squeezed her eyes shut and prayed to god that it wasn't what she thought it was.
She warily opened on eye to spot white hair, and cat ears.
In one quick motion, the girl didn't yelp while she was doing so, Cole scrambled out of the bed, prying herself away from Yuki, and hit her head on a nearby wall, letting out a yelp only then. She rubbed the sore spot on her head and looked at the boy on her bed.
What had possessed him to crawl into bed with her?
Love is all we need~
12:54pm Jun 20 2012
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Yuki yawned and stretched, aching his back. It was one of the best rests he had ever taken. "This fluffy rectangular ob ject is really comfortable!" he exclaimed,"Where do you get such a thing?"
He stared, mystified by the mattress.
12:59pm Jun 20 2012
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Colara still had adrenaline rushing through her veins. "I don't know what it's like where you come from, but it's extremely unacceptable for a girl and a boy who aren't related by blood to share a bed." She pointed her index finger at him.
"Why are you in my room? Better yet, why were you in bed with me?" She furrowed her brows at him. She would answer stupid questions about her mattress later.
Love is all we need~