1:03pm Jun 20 2012
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His turned his eyes downward, blushing,"I...I couldn't sleep, I was scared." He hated to admit it, but it was the truth, and he wasn't about to lie to her. "Are you mad?" His ears flattened and his tail drooped.
1:13pm Jun 20 2012
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Colara bit her lip. She couldn't be mad at him. I mean, just look at the kid- he just... Those cat ears weren't helping her stay angry. She sighed and looked at him, standing up again.
"No, I'm not mad." She rubbed her cheeks and walked over to sit on the bed. "Just next time that you get scared, at least ask before jumping into the bed with me. And sleep on top of the covers."
Love is all we need~
1:17pm Jun 20 2012
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"Why?" he asked, innocently,"Don't you like me?" Then the realization hit him. "Is it because I tried to kill you?" he whimpered,"I couldn't, honest!"
"That is why you don't like me." He nodded to himself,"I promise not to do it again, so don't hate me." He begged.
1:20pm Jun 20 2012
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Colara ran both of her hands through her hair simultaneously, trying to keep herself calm. This kid had some sort of effect on her that she couldn't explain. She licked her lips and said, "I don't hate you."
"I just.... It's inappropriate for a boy and a girl to share a bed unless they're married." She hoped that he wouldn't feel bad about that. "See, it's not because I hate you." She sighed.
Love is all we need~
1:24pm Jun 20 2012
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"But siblings do it!" he protested,"So why can they? It's wrong isn't it? I used to sleep with Kayrtoa, she's my cousin, was that bad?"
He clearly didn't understand. He sighed,"Humans have so many rules that I don't understand!"
1:36pm Jun 20 2012
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Colara bit her lip and sighed in frustration. "Cousins and siblings share beds because they share the same blood, Yukiya," she said, remembering his name from the night before. "People who aren't related or married don't share beds."
"You're going to have to get used to human rules if you're going to stay here."
Love is all we need~
1:39pm Jun 20 2012
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Yuki pouted, "Yeah, I know." All of a sudden his eyes lit up, he remembered the milk. "So? Do you have anymore of that liquid? And where did you get the fluffy rectangular ob ject? Huh? Huh?" He jumped out of the bed and twitched with excitement. "Humans are really interesting."
1:46pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Colara sighed and stretched much like a cat as she stood again. She knew that Yuki would have a lot of questions. "I don't have any more milk because you drank it all. And that is a mattress," she said, pointing to the ob ject.
"It's made for sleeping on. All humans have them on their beds. Mine is made of memory foam."
Love is all we need~
5:07pm Jun 20 2012
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"So every human experiences the comfort of a 'mattress'?" he asked,"Why don't demons have such materials? We are more powerful than mortals, yet we still are behind them in some ways. That is unbelievable."
Yuki poked at the mattress, testing it. His claws ripped a hole in the ob ject, he withdrew his hand immediately.
"I'm so sorry!" he apologized,"I didn't mean to, honest! Please don't hate me."
5:48pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Colara winced as she heard the fabric of her mattress rip. She bit her lip and said, "It's okay, Yukiya." She pursed her lips together. "Demons don't have things like this because they'll destroy them. They're not very durable."
She calmed herself down. "Just don't do it again, okay?" She gave him a warm smile.
Love is all we need~
6:01pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 2,895
"I can be gentle!" the small boy protested,"I won't destroy anything else, I promise!"
His ears twitched with anxiety, he didn't know if he could keep that promise. After all he was a demon. He had never protected anything in his life, but he wanted to.
He wish he could do other things, things that didn't involve destruction. His tail drooped.
6:31pm Jun 20 2012
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"Okay, okay." Colara gave him a small smile. "It's okay. I think you can be gentle. You just have to try a little harder." She found herself curious. "So, if you're a cat demon, do you enjoy being petted?" She raised a brow.
"And I'll go to the store today to get some milk."
Love is all we need~
6:34pm Jun 20 2012
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"Petted?" he questioned, confused,"What's that?" He was about to question her more, but then she brought up an unfamiliar word. "What is this 'milk' you speak of?" All of a sudden his eyes lit up. "You couldn't possibly mean the white mystery liquid, could you?"
6:43pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 6,409
"Yes, I was talking about the stuff that you drank yesterday. It's called milk." Colara grinned slightly. "You seem to like it very much."
She walked over to him. "And petted, is when you pet something. Like this." She reached up and ran her hand over his hair, right between his cat ears.
Love is all we need~
6:48pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 6:49pm Jun 20 2012)
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Posts: 2,895
He was about to say something, but as soon as she slipped her fingers through his hair he forgot. A deep rumbling purr escaped from his throat. What is this feeling? It feels really good! I could sit all day and be 'petted'. Yuki closed his eyes, letting the feeling wash over him. He never experienced such pleasure in his life before.
8:04pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Colara grinned to herself. "Ha!" She continued to pet the top of his head, running her hands ofer his cat ears. "You're not that tough.... Someone could put a collar on you and name you 'Snow'."
She removed her hand from his hair and said, "So, can you think of anything that you need?"
Love is all we need~
9:53pm Jun 20 2012
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"Something I need?" he paused, pondering,"Like what?" He thought for a while. "Nothing comes to mind, except that milk. Although would you really call that a necessity. I would. However,..." He seemed to be debating by himself, the more he said the more incoherent it became.
10:23pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Colara rolled her eyes as he spoke. She smiled as she walked out of the room, walking to the kitchen and opening the pantry. She scanned the shelves for food, and grabbed a pop-tart from the colorful box .
She sat on the kitchen counter, allowing her legs to swing below her as she opened the silver package and bit off a piece of the pastry.
Love is all we need~
10:12am Jun 22 2012
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Posts: 2,895
Yuki didn't realize it before, but looking at Colara eating the pop-tart he noticed how hungry he was. He stared at her, mouth watering. The boy's stomach growled, making him turn away embarrassed, blushing up to his ears.
It had been a while since he had last eaten, although he did have that gallon of milk earlier. However, that is to be expected since he was a young demon who was still growing.
Yuki's ears twitched, still listening to each bite she took.