7:28pm Feb 6 2012
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[[Play it out. |D ]]
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7:30pm Feb 6 2012
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((MMk. Intro time then. Do you want to start or shall I?))
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:32pm Feb 6 2012
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[[ You. D| ]]
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8:17pm Feb 6 2012
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((Mmk)) Garrett shivered as he made his rounds. The Russian nights were bitterly cold and he wanted to be back in his foxhole, where it was at least a little warmer. Stomping his boots, he cursed the rotation that gave him guard that evening. Suddenly, he froze, his rifle out and leveled in the direction of the noise he had heard. As if it wasn't bad enough looking out for the blasted Nazis, his men had to contend with wolves the size of horses it seemed. The beasts were everywhere! The howling was louder tonight than it had been recently. They were moving in closer to the camp. There was a loud rustling of the bushes near him, too loud to be the nonexistent wind. Rifle out, he drew closer. Focused on the noise before him, he never noticed the silent approach from the right that slammed into him. There was a horrendous snarling and growling as teeth tore past his uniform and ripped into his shoulder and chest. He screamed, his vision full of intelligent yellow eyes, before everything faded to black.
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:19pm Feb 6 2012
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[[Sorry. :c Are there certain people that find wounded men to take to the hospital thing close by? ]
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8:26pm Feb 6 2012
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((Is cool. And some of the other men on guard would have heard the shot, so they can bring him in. Just other soldiers.))
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:42pm Feb 6 2012
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"What happened to him?" I could hear the worry in my own voice more clearly then in the other nurses around as one of the nurses called me in. They had explained that it seemed like one of those wolves the soldiers spoke of got to the staff sergeant. (sp?) It was like they were use to these stories. 'Oh, he lost a limb...' or 'Oh, he got attacked by a vicious flesh - eating wolf...' Didn't they understand that feeling something for these men couldn't hurt? "The teeth marks are quite clear. Definitely one of those wolves that are the talk around here." My heart ached as I came to the room that held the man that had been wounded. I was one of the newer nurses, so I wasn't as stressed as others. Maybe a couple men to take care of a day. Feed, comfort, stitch little wounds... Nothing major, like having to deal with half limbs. Not yet, anyways. And thank the Lord for such. The sergeant was unconscious, but the way he looked didn't look good either. "Have you given him any medications yet? Pain killers...?" I asked, as I turned around. Though, I found myself alone. Worry that he could get a fever from the wound, I grabbed a stool and stood by his cot. His bandage that wrapped around his bare chest needed to be re-wrapped. Trying my best not to wake him, especially since I didn't know if he had pain relievers or not, I gently pushed the sergeant to his side so I could unwrap the wound.
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3:02pm Feb 7 2012
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He was standing alone in a massive circular stone room, several stories tall. The walls were dotted with shadowy niches and he got the distinct feeling he was being watched. In front of him rose a wide flat dais, empty of any decoration. The room was lit by silvery-blue moonlight flooding down from the open roof and reflection off piles of white snow scattered around the stone floor. He shivered, shirtless in the frigid air. Sudden;y, before him on the dais appeared the shadowy shape of two massive wolves, standing and facing him. He stepped back, startled, only to realize that the niches in the walls were all occupied by other wolves. Garrett spun, looking for a way out, but finding none. When his eyes once again reached the dais, the wolves had begun to change, assuming a human form. One was a female, who stayed back in the shadows, but the male stepped forward into the light. When Garrett saw the face of the wolf, he stumbled backwards, falling to his back and still scrambling back. The face the wolf wore was his own. Garrett groaned and shifted, realizing that most of his chest was bound with bandages before he even opened his eyes. Slowly, he opened his eyes to blearily see a pretty nurse sitting at his bedside. He groaned again as he tried to move, "What... happened..." he asked weakly, finding he had no strength for movement.
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:42pm Feb 7 2012
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I was searching around his waist for the starting point of the bandage so I could unwrap; though I was having difficulty finding it and keeping him asleep as well. As he awoke, I stopped my searching and put a hand on his shoulder. Gently forcing him to lay back down on the cot. "Sergeant, you need to lay down." I said gently, before standing up from the cot to give him more room and added, "The nurses believe that you've been attacked. By those wolves that other soldier's are speaking of." Again, I kept my tone soft, so he didn't seem frightened. "Now, stay still..." I said quietly before finally finding the beginning of the bandage. I leaned down and started circling it around his chest to unwrap. "Does anything hurt?" I asked, as I kept my eyes on the bandage as it unwrapped.
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3:57pm Feb 7 2012
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"Attacked... oh gods..." Garrett groaned as the girl unwrapped the bandages. It felt like they were sticking. "It all hurts," he muttered under his breath. He remembered the attack now. It was surprising he was alive. Yellow eyes and slashing, crushing teeth flooded his memory for a moment and he forced his eyes open and to focus on the little nurse. "Garrett... my name is Garrett," he said, deciding to concentrate on the present to avoid his nightmare and the pain wracking his body.
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:07pm Feb 7 2012
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My heart only broke even more with every soldier I took care of. These men that seem so heroic and brave, yet their pain brought an ache to my heart. And seeing this man, now known as Garrett, telling me he was in pain, only made me feel worse about taking off his bandages. "Don't worry, I'll put new bandages on right after I clean your wound." I said, before setting the used bandage in the trash can and looking at the wound on his bare shoulder and chest. "Just... Just be thankful you have all ten fingers and all ten toes." I said, trying anything I could to have him see the bright side. I believe that was why I will be doing this at my career. Men like Garrett need someone to be optimistic for them, and I was always ready for that. "My name is Althia." I said with a soft smile before trying my best to clean the wounds without hurting him too much. "This will sting a little..." I mumbled before finishing it off and quickly finding another bandage to wrap around his shoulder and chest.
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4:17pm Feb 7 2012
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Garrett gave her the best smile he could. He could see that she was concerned and it warmed his heart. "Althia... It's a pretty name." He relaxed as she finished binding the wound. "And I am glad for the whole fingers and toes thing. Really I'm glad I have a head still. Were any of my men injured?"
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:20pm Feb 7 2012
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I smiled up at him at his compliment, as I finished wrapping the wound, and was just about to respond when he asked about his men. I hesitated slightly at the question. "One. The others are fine." The one thing that scared me about this job was to face death and heart ache. What if I became close to one of my patients, just to come in some day to see that they had passed away? I inwardly shivered at the thought before looking back at Garrett. "Would you like anything else?" I asked as I stood by the exit door.
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4:52pm Feb 7 2012
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"Which one was hurt?" Garrett asked. He was their leader. He should go and check on his man. He struggled to sit up. "How bad is he?" He could see the hesitation on Althia's face. She was new on the job. His heart went out to her and he hoped that she could remain that innocent. "I need to see to him." He had managed to force himself upright. Now he debated the best way to make his feet and legs do what he needed them to do.
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:00pm Feb 7 2012
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"Sir, you can't leave this room. Or get up from the cot, for that matter." I said, coming to his side after grabbing a cup of water. "I'll find out the details about your men. You stay here." I handed him the cup of water as I added, "We need to keep you hydrated, so drink the whole thing."
[[Shortie. :c ]
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8:12pm Feb 7 2012
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((Is ok. Garrett is very stubborn.)) Garrett let the girl push him back down, accepting the cup of water. "I'll rest for now, but if my man is injured, as his commander, I need to see him. I take care of my men." He was putting on a brave face, the same way he would if he were under attack. His men needed him. There was a reason he had been put in charge of the platoon. It was because he wou;d sacrifice his own life for those under his command. He reached out with his good arm, placing it on Althia's arm. "Please find out for me."
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:07pm Feb 8 2012
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A soft smile came to my lips as he spoke. He was meant for his position, truly caring for his men. "Of course." I said, before leaving the room. That was one of the most strangest interactions I've ever had with a patient. After speaking with a couple nurses they had told me some horrid news about one of the soldiers. I walked slowly back to the sergeants room, avoiding the eyes of passer by's and as I walked in, avoiding the sergeants as well. Walking over to him, I grabbed the cup of water and filled more up, just in case he needed more. Keeping myself silent.
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9:54pm Feb 8 2012
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Garrett noticed the sad look on Althia's face. Something was badly wrong. He accepted the glass from her, set it on the table, then reached out to her. He wished she would look at him. "Miss Althia..." he started, trying to get her to look him in the eye. "Who's dead?"
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:47pm Feb 9 2012
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The sergeant was probably so used to death. So used to hearing about who had gotten wounded and died, that he didn't even think twice about my ex[injection]pression. "One of your men tried helping you once you got attacked." I started, sitting on a stool and keeping my hands folded in my lap until I finally looked back at him. "He sacrificed his life." I added, trying to explain that he had died without saying those actual horrid words. "I'm so sorry, Sergeant."
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2:09am Feb 10 2012
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Garrett's heart sunk and he cursed under his breath. "Blasted privates! Rushing in where wiser men fear to tread. I'll need pen and paper. I need to write his family." Groaning, he dropped his head into his hands. "I hate this part. The families want their boy back, not a letter from the idiot Staff Sergent who caused his death." He reached for his water and downed it quickly before looking up at the pretty nurse. "I know I seem unfeeling. All my men are good men and it's a tragedy to lose even a brave, stupid private. Better me be eaten than one of them." He sighed again. "The government will officially let the family know. But, I should write as soon as I can. They deserve that." He met her eyes, hoping she didn't notice the shine of uncried tears in his.
All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!