2:41pm Jan 15 2012
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Quint had found the scent trail. It hadn't taken him long to locate, simply a few heartbeats. Why he was following it, he still had no idea, but he was. He'd closed his golden eyes, letting his nose and ears do the work for him as he streaked across the open plain. There were trees ahead, where he knew he'd have to be more careful. The tree line rushed up to meet him, and he stumbled over a brittle stick before he was able to get his bearings.
The she-wolf's trail was practically a straight line, occasionally a small speck of blood could be seen speckling a frozen leaf. Quint wondered curiously how she'd managed to hurt herself. He knew he hadn't injured her last night. She must have gained the cut, to what he assumed must be her right paw's pad, sometime recently, if it was still bleeding. After a short distance of several miles, Quint realized he could hear something ahead. It sounded like labored breathing. Curious, he picked up his pace, and soon found himself staring at a fallen log. The she-wolf's hind paw was just visible, caught and twisted at an ackward angle. Lupus, how did she manage that?! Quint wondered, alarmed. He gave a short, quiet howl, to let her know he was here. Not caring about her potential response, Quint dashed forward, and leaped onto the slippery log. "Hold still," Quint muttered through gritted teeth. Carefully, he placed his jaws on either side of the bough, careful not to catch the other wolf's paw, and clamped down. The stick held, but part of its left side splintered, and fell away. "Again," Quint growled, half to himself.
2:52pm Jan 15 2012
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Cin stared weakly up at the other wolf, so dazed by the pain that she had no idea what he was doing. She recognized something about him, but in her blurry state of mind really had no clue who he was. She whimpered, a faint growl at her lips.
"What are you doing?" she asked weakly, her world beginning to spin. She felt as if she should be fighting him, but couldn't bring herself to. Something was stopping her. She didn't recognize him as one of the pack, but knew she had seen him somewhere before. To her it looked like he was snapping at her paw, but she felt no additional pain. This confused her all the more.
She tried to shift away from him, but couldn't move with her leg twisted the way it was. A slurry, pointless fear began to claw at her mind, but she couldn't do anything but watch.
3:02pm Jan 15 2012
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Quint ignored the brown she-wolf, and snapped again at the pine bough. This time, it came away easily, shattering in his strong jaws. The female slid down the side of the runk, limp with what Quint assumed was shock and pain. He wasn't done though, he hadn't rescued her for nothing. Quint cleared the log in one swift bound, landing lightly beside the chocolate wolf.
Quint gently nudged the other wolf into a more comfortable position. He bent his neck to examine her twisted leg, and snorted. There was little he would be able to do, in order to help. But he couldn't leave her. For starters, he asked her her name. "So, what do they call you?" Quint began to nose the she wolf's leg, checking for signs of any other damage. He smelled no blood, but he found a crack in her main leg bone, and a fractured paw. He let little comforting wounds escape him as he worked, trying to keep her calm. "Well, you're not going anywhere on this anytime soon," Quint concluded, finally looking at the wolf.
3:26pm Jan 15 2012
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Cin was surprised when she slid down the trunk, released from the now-shattered branch. She let herself go limp in relief, watching the other wolf out of the corner of her eye. The softness of his voice startled her into realizing it was the wanderer, and she blinked so not to show her apprehension on the fact. Her instincts screamed for her not to let him so much as touch her, but the small voice in the back of her head wondered why he would hurt her. After all, had he not just helped her?
Her growl faded into silence as he nudged her leg, replaced by a small wince. She was perplexed at how gently he searched her ankle, but there was still the inevitable discomfort. He murmured something, and although she didn't quite hear, she knew what he had said from the sound of his voice. She had probably broken something, and knew by the look in his eyes that she wasn't fit to move.
She tried to sit up, leaving her back legs limp as she studied the other wolf. She knew he had asked her name, but was reluctant to speak. As she studied him warily, caked blood matting his shoulder came to her attention. Had he gotten into a fight? Had he fallen? And last, but not least;
"What do you want with me?"
3:38pm Jan 15 2012
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Quint glared at the she-wolf. "Well, if you want to play that card, I can just move on and leave you here. I don't know what's going through your head, but you're in no fit state to walk. You're lucky to be alive," Quint snarled. The female's shattered bone had almost pierced an important muscle in her leg. If the shard had severed it, she would never be able to move her leg again, and would die. No wolf Quint knew (and that wasn't many) would stick around in one place just to care for a lame wolf.
Quint's golden eyes blazed as he turned away from the chocolate wolf. He set his paws to work, kicking up dirt and leaves as he started on a den. In her weak state, the other wolf was likely to die of cold. Quint winced frequently as the taxing job took its tole on his own lame shoulder. Yeah, perfect, two injured wolves in the middle of a hostile packs' territory. Real smart. Quint had come across the scent markers on his way in, but as usual, he ignored them and passed over the border. Now he was regretting it. Time passed slowly, and the sun was steadily climbing higher into the sky. Yet for all Quint's work, there was little more than a shallow impression in the earth. This is pointless, he found himself thinking. All his instincts told him to get a move on, and get out of the strange pack's territory. He felt cramped and trapped. All he wanted was to run, to stretch his body out and fly over the land.
4:05pm Jan 15 2012
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She had watched the stranger for hours, staring at him innocently. She knew what he was doing, and couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for being so cautious. She didn't say a word nearly the entire time, easily seeing the displeasure in his eyes. She didn't want to risk angering him at this point, and yet at the same time was frustrated. Why hadn't she just gone around the stupid log? Then she could have been once more on her way to freedom. And she felt desperately guilty. Here this wanderer was, tending to her in the middle of a territory that she knew to be dangerous for him. She could tell he was uneasy, and knew that if he was caught, even helping her, the pack would not take very kindly to his presence. She looked down at her paws, eyes burning weakly.
"You know they'll kill you if they find us?" she asked in a small voice. No matter who he was, Cin wouldn't have had a quarrel with him. When she had attacked him in the meadow the day before, she had been expecting one of her own. She had never meant to drag the wolf into her life. He deserved to be free, he deserved to be able to live, and run, and think unsuppressed. She felt she had taken that from him. In a fragile, sincere voice, she let her gaze flicker back up to him.
".....I'm sorry."
4:20pm Jan 15 2012
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"It doesn't matter," Quint spoke shortly, "this is hardly your fault. My life has always been like this, unpredictable. I've never helped another wolf, but I've wandered into plenty of hostile territories. I have several nasty scars that you'd find it you went searching through my pelt. You're already exhausted, you don't need to worry about my life. This isn't your fault." Quint was brisk with his words, digging deeper into the soft earth. He'd reached a point where dead leaves no longer were scattered throughout the soil.
A chilly breeze lifted the hair on Quint's back, making him shiver. But the scent on the breeze made him pause. Something stirred in his memory, and he looked around. Quint's breath caught in his throat, and he staggered. Taking a closer look at the tree, he realized it had once been struck be lightning. Now that he thought about it, the landscape looked familiar too. This was the place from his dream. Quint looked at the she-wolf, eyes wide. "I..." he stammered. He looked up again, pointing his muzzle into the sky. Did he dare?
4:34pm Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 4:34pm Jan 15 2012)
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Cin cringed at the harshness of his words, wondering what could possibly have happened to make him seem so cold. And yet, it wasn't like she wasn't used to it by now. She had been subject to many... hardships herself, although she wasn't even close to telling this stranger about her past. When he looked up after a moment, he stopped.
"What is it?" Cin asked, looking worriedly at the russet-furred wolf. He had his back turned to her, but he had frozen as if something was wrong. She followed his gaze across the tree, studying the scar-like streak that wound down the trunk. The evidence of a lightning strike wasn't horribly rare, but it seemed to mean something to him. Needles rustled in the cold, biting wind, and she couldn't hold back a shiver from rippling through her body. The scent of sap and rotted wood filled her nose, the familiar smell not so much as hinting that anything was wrong. But still, something was happening to this wolf. As he lifted his muzzle to the sky, Cin watched silently, both curious and confused.
5:01pm Jan 15 2012
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Quint lowered his muzzle, and began to sniff the tree trunk. Yes, the scent was there, the claw marks on the tree. He shifted some loose soil near the left end of the trunk, where it had been uprooted. There, near the base of the tree, was the entrance to an old den. His first den.
Quint glanced back at the she-wolf. "Stay here, and stay quiet," he murmured. Without another word or glance, Quint took off. He was quick to fall into a swift pace, streatching out his body as he flew over the leaf-strewn forest floor. The scents and sounds were comforting, while the landscape settled in his mind, burning an image, then to be replaced by an older one. Several trees had fallen since that fateful night, though most were not lightning felled. Quint found himself leaping into the air with anticipation. Would they remember him? He doubted it. Quint came across a small clearing, and skidded to a halt, throwing up leaves and soil in his wake. This was it. Taking a deep breath, Quint took a moment to compose himself, then pointed his muzzle to the sky once more. The howl that came from him seemed to bounce off his very being. The musical notes seemed to fill him with a long-lost hope. Quint didn't want to stop. He was pouring his heart out into a carefully crafted song that he wove together from instinct. It was his song. No other wolf would ever match it. All wolves had a special song, and this was Quint's. Eventually, the call died in his throat, only to be replaced by nervous excitement. Now he hovered, unsure, whether he really wanted to hear his pack's reply. ((I'm making it so Quint was born in the pack, but doesn't remember, as his father took him and his sister away when they were little.))
5:14pm Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 5:14pm Jan 15 2012)
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Cin watched as he turned to disappear into the densely wooded forest, his fur blending with the massive trees. She lowered her head, watching a minute more before he vanished from sight. She waited for a while, obediently silent. Her ears perked up as an unfamiliar howl split the silence, holding a steady note before trailing off once again. She wondered if it was him, and why he would be calling out like this? The pack would hear him, surely he knew that?
A quiet dread slipped over her as she listened, waiting for something, anything. She wondered what he could possibly be doing, and found herself frozen in anticipation. Then, out of the crags where the pack slept, came a returning howl. Her ears flattened against her head, her eyes growing wide.
"I hope you know what you're doing." she whispered softly.
(( That's perfect. :D ))
5:29pm Jan 15 2012
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Quint leaped in anticipation. The returing howl had been genuinely curious, not hostile. As he listened several other howls went up, the pack was rallying. Quint let loose another short howl to let them know where he was. His thoughts drifted back to the she-wolf by the log, and he hoped the pack would come straight to him.
Rustling in the trees jolted Quint to his senses. It was just the breeze, but it seemed to be reminding him to stay alert. He smelled the pack before they knew where he was. Quint stood and raised his tail a little over half-way. In this way, he would appear strong, but not weak or disrespectful. A large black head pushed its way out of the ferns, followed by a white and silver one. The large black wolf stood and stared at Quint, while the smaller female trotted up to his side. The alpha pair. Quint dipped his head, "greetings." The clearing was soon surrounded by wolves, forming a circle around Quint and the alphas. He watched the tawny eyes of the large black wolf widen, while the female looked over her shoulder and yipped. "You, what's your name?" The alpha male spoke in a clear, commanding, yet deep and gentle voice. His eyes betrayed him though, there was curiosity and excitemt portrayed there. "My name is Quint-" the russet wolf never finished his sentence. The alpha female raced forward, and began to lick him. Another she-wolf replaced her spot, she had a light red coat and a silver diamond on her forhead. The alpha female stepped back politely, and spoke in a surprisingly cool voice: "so, you've come home." Quint saw the eyes of the other red wolf widen, and she gasped. "Quint?" The other she-wolf hurried up to stand next to the alpha female, while the alpha regarded the scene with barely supressed excitement. "Oh my little brother, you're back," whispered the young she-wolf, licking Quint so much he figured he'd be wet until tomorrow.
5:50pm Jan 15 2012
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A series of answering howls had risen from the silence, but then there was nothing. She knew there hadn't been a fight, as she had heard no yips or snarls echoing through the trees. But still, she kept herself on alert.
Alone and lost, she began to wonder if it would be better if she went back to the pack. They had never done anything wrong to her, and she knew the only reason she had left them was because she felt too much like a burden to the pack. Besides, she had an abnormal sense of curiosity about the world, one that she felt might lead her to something... more. She was alone in the pack. She wasn't born there, in fact she was on her own for the first year-and-a-half of her life. It was rather an incident that had introduced her there, although in their midst she had grown to feel a part of something more. Perhaps even a part of a family. But to them, she was still an outsider.
She had run only because she thought they might try to stop her. But she was done. She wasn't going to get away from them now.
Cin didn't stir so much as a hair on her pelt as she waited, torn between escape, and what she had considered for so long to be her home. She would wait, and she would hope.
9:09am Jan 16 2012
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"Wha-" Quint staggered under the full force of the wolves trying to greet him. "Look, you're just about familiar, but I can't remember your names, or how I know you. Can we please start with that?" he asked, panting. The red she-wolf nuzzled his ear, "my name's Nai," Quint's sister answered patiently. She turned to the waiting alphas, the female stepped forward. "I'm Zendir, I used to be friends with your mother. This is my mate, Kylen, he was Qisa's brother."
"So you knew my parents?" Quint asked, eyes full of wonder. "Of course. Now we must return to the denning area and gather for our hunt. You are welcome there." "C'mon," Nai whispered to Quint. "Wait, can I show you something first?" Nai studied him for a moment. "Of course, lead the way." When the other wolves had disappeared into the trees, Quint nudged his sister and began to retrace his scent trail. He was hoping with all his heart that the she-wolf was still safe, and that the pack, his pack might just be able to help her.
10:29am Jan 16 2012
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Cin flattened against the ground as something stirred on the other side of the log, her brown fur hiding her amongst the dead leaves. She slowed her breathing almost to a stop, listening. She knew, although her heart was pounding in the own ears, that she wouldn't make a sound. She couldn't smell anything, as her nose was still burning from her fall, but she knew something was coming.
It wasn't the russet wolf, at least not alone. She could hear two pairs of footsteps approaching, one a bit lighter than the other. She wondered if it was a patrol? She looked back to the small hollow the wolf had dug out, and mustering what little remained of her strength, she managed to crawl over into the little pocket. She slumped her back against the rotted wood, keeping her head low. At least this way she wasn't so much out in the open, and if the approaching wolves were unfriendly, she had a chance of not being found.
1:39pm Jan 16 2012
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"Quiet," Quint murmured to Nai. He looked at the log, and quickly bounded over it. The she-wolf wasn't there, well, he couldn't see her, but her scent was strong and fresh. Good, she had enough sense to hide when she heard us approaching this place, Quint thought aprovingly. But now he had to find her. He closed his eyes, and stood quietly, casting out his senses, letting them do the work for him. From her perch on the old log, Nai watched him curiously, drinking in every detail of her brother's appearence, and personality.
Quint opened his golden eyes, and for one wild moment suppressed the urge to laugh. He shuffled along the ground, beside the log until he could peer into the hollow he had made. "Nice hiding place," he joked quietly. "Hey, Nai, any chance you could help me?" The light red she-wolf leaped down lightly beside him, and gasped. "What happened to her leg?" "She had a bit of a disagreement with this tree," Quint said with an audible sigh. "Can the pack help her? Will they help her?" "I think so, but I'm not sure how we're going to move her," Nai responded. Quint noticed uncertainty glinting in her golden eyes. "What's your name?" she asked kindly. "She won't tell me, I doubt she'll tell you," grumbled Quint, but her watched the two she-wolves curiously.
2:09pm Jan 16 2012
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Cin stuttered for a moment, staring at the wolves with wide eyes. She wondered where the russet-furred wolf had found the other, but didn't really feel like asking. She glanced between the two for a moment, peering at their eyes. Were they... related? Both had those hard, deep golden orbs, and for the first time she saw curiosity in the male as he watched her. She felt herself snicker at his comment about the tree, cocking her head at them.
"I would have told you if you hadn't bolted off like that." she chuckled softly, shaking her head. She looked back up to the both of them, blinking. "...my name is Cin." she looked away, finding herself lost in their gaze. "And as for moving, I think I'd be able to stand if I could get my legs under me." she said, lowering her voice, "I'm not that weak. Besides, I've seen wolves use three legs before." she said, glancing back at her oddly splayed limb. Without asking for help, she kicked her good legs underneath her, leaning on the tree as she tried to stand. She could get her front paws underneath her relatively easily, but her rear paws were harder. Her leg were shaky as she rose, careful not to put any weight on her injured leg as she did. It was very unnatural for her, but she managed to rise to her full height after a few minutes. She looked back at her leg again, then tried to take a slow step forward.
The moment she went to move, she let out a yelp, her front, right leg giving out from underneath her.
2:24pm Jan 16 2012
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"Yeah, not gonna work," Quint muttered. "Um, Nai, could you help support her?" he asked awkwardly. His sister dipped her head, and padded toward Cin. She shifted her weight, and shoved her shoulder under Cin's, careful not to wrench the other wolf. As she worked, she offered quiet words of comfort and encouragement.
Quint studied his paws, they were very interesting. "I think we can move her," Nai's voice cut through his thoughts. The denning area isn't far, we shouldn't have to walk far. The alpha female's daughter is the one that looks at wounds, we'll take Cin right to her. She's very adapt at her practice, you shouldn't worry," Nai added kindly to Cin. ((Fail post XD))
3:15pm Jan 16 2012
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(( Not a problem. ))
Cin looked at the she-wolf, smiling shyly. She wasn't used to making contact with other wolves, much less being helped by them, and yet she didn't complain. She nodded when the other she-wolf spoke, murmuring softly.
"I think I've heard of her before. Umm... Kala, isn't it?" she mused for a moment, shaking her muzzle. She glanced up at the male, blinking. Why was the male staring at his paws like that?
"...let me try again." she said softly to the she-wolf, trying to shift back onto her own feet. She prayed she wouldn't just embarrass herself again, taking a few, hesitant steps forward. She managed to stay on her feet this time, although her hind leg began to throb. She wouldn't be able to run, but she could walk.
She smiled innocently.
"Lead the way?"
3:27pm Jan 16 2012 (last edited on 3:28pm Jan 16 2012)
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"No problem," Nai answered briskly. Quint began to follow as the two she-wolves lead the way, Nai leading Cin carefully around fallen logs and potential hazards in their path. He didn't bother to avoid these things, more often he just leaped over them, enjoying the way his muscles moved at his command. The party of three made good progress. Eventually, after a few minutes of traveling, the ground began to slope upwards. "Nearly there," Nai panted, her tail drooping. "Why they had to choose the valley I still have no idea," she added to herself, grumbling. Quint watched his sister, his intense gaze rarely leaving her. He hadn't seen her for years, and he was a curious about her as she was about him. He wondered if he'd ever truly get to know his sister. She'd lived with the pack, he'd lived alone. One thought kept troubling him though, how had they been separated? "Quint!"
"What?" he asked, coming out of his thoughts.
"We're here," Nai replied.
The three wolves were standing at the top of a hill, looking down into a small valley. Wolves were pacing around the outskirts, others were chasing each other around playfully. Some napped in the shade of their den's entrances. One den was occupied by several large, and healthy pups, watched carefully by the adults. There must have been around ten or eleven wolves in all. This was a thriving pack.
6:40pm Jan 16 2012 (last edited on 6:41pm Jan 16 2012)
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Cin glanced over at the male, noticing the curiosity... perhaps even wonder in his eyes. She watched him inquisitively, blinking slowly. With a start she realized that she hadn't even asked their names, much less where they were from. She had realized that the she-wolf was a pack wolf like herself, but she knew nothing about the male who had rescued her in the first place. She felt... almost... attached to them in some sort of way.
The pack they were approaching wasn't her own, but she knew a few of them. I guess you could say the two packs had been somewhat allied, so at least she wasn't an enemy of those who were there. The three of them worked their way down the other side of the hill, and Cin couldn't hide her limp from the others. She might have seemed innocent, and perhaps foolish, after what had happened, but there was a part of her that still desired to look strong. In fact, never before in her life had she been as stupid and helpless as she was now. She stared up at the other as they approached, realizing in some ways, she was their captive. She had a feeling they wouldn't hurt her... but what if her leg only got worst? Thanks to her thoughtlessness, she might never even see the outside of the small valley again. She didn't want to rely on others. She couldn't.
She was only just discovering freedom, and now she was going to be trapped by her own body? She paused her slow trot, staring blindly ahead. She felt the unknown wolves watching her, and she just stared back. She felt her heart sink, the realization of what she had done catching up to her. She let out a soft, barely audible whimper, looking around. What was she going to do? Despair began to crawl into her gut, making her empty stomach roil. She didn't know what to do.
She didn't really know anyone here. She was somewhere she had never been before, and she felt utterly alone. Her eyes seemed to unsettle the other wolves as she looked around at them, meeting the lone male's eyes last. She could see it. Somehow, this was his pack. Somehow, he belonged here.
And just like that, it was as if she and him had changed places.