11:38am Mar 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( I just wanted to ask before I do or don't post, are you still interested in continuing this? ))
2:28pm Mar 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((I'd absolutely love to continue this <3))
2:49pm Mar 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Wonderful. I really am sorry I left this so long. xD Forgive me if I'm a bit rusty at first, it'll take a while to warm up to the character again. ))
Cin blinked at him, nudging him with her paw. "If you were only a pup when you last saw them, I don't think any of them could blame you. There's a lot from my real family that I remember nothing of." she admitted, searching his eyes. One of her ears flickered around, picking up the sounds of the wind in the trees, the chatter of the wildlife as the world swarmed around them. It's nice this way. No secrets to keep us apart. Of all the wolves in the woods, I'm glad I found him. A smile barely hinted at her lips, icy orbs wandering over Quint's soft fur. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen a male so graceful, so beautiful in both mind and body. He seemed so peacefully powerful to her, and she found herself a bit ashamed.
What kind of wolf am I? Self-pity. Weakness. Dependance. She had definitely been acting unusual for herself. What she was, what she was becoming was not the wolf she was born to be. For a while, just thinking of herself as the weakling she must be seen as was sickening. She had been moping in her own misery, ruining what chances she had. What a blessing had been shown to her.
The angel that had descended in the form of a wolf.
(( One more thing, expect her personality to be changing a little bit. I had been experimenting with a different personality in a character, and I've decided that I hate it bitterly. xD ))

3:11pm Mar 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((It's perfectly fine that you left this, events come up in real life and such, and chances are you've been busy. Quint's personality may differ a little from before, and I'll probably be a little rusty too. XD))
Quint had the sudden sensation that warm water was trickling through him as Cin nudged him with her paw. He studied it shamelessly, noticing the subtle changes in the shades of brown, and the way her claws caught the light. For some reason that now reassured Quint, she didn't find him to be a little weakling as he'd feared she might, and he had the comforting, yet strange feeling that she would stand up for him if she needed to. But Quint noticed that her icy eyes seemed ever so slightly distracted and dim, as if something was bothering her.
"Thank you," he murmured so quietly to her that even if another wolf had been present, they wouldn't have heard. "For understanding. Do you remember what your family was like at all? Were they as heartless as your pack, or were they the ones that made the sun come out?" Quint asked, not trying to pry, just trying to regain Cin's attention. He wondered what she was thinking, and then a thought crossed his mind. She makes the sun come out, at least for me. She didn't deserve to witness half of the things that have taken place in her life, they must have scarred her, even if the marks are faint, how does she find the strength to keep going everyday? At this point Quint realized just how beautiful Cin was, from her chocolate fur, to her quiet strength. He knew right then that he wanted to be a part of her life, to be there for her when she needed him.

3:38pm Mar 15 2012 (last edited on 3:40pm Mar 15 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Your posts are going to make me cry. ;_; <3 ))
Cin looked back at him, a mixture of happiness, sadness, and relief in her eyes. Emotions were threatening to bring her to her knees, and she was so confused as to what was causing it that she melted at the sound of his question. "I don't know, Quint. I honestly don't know." she murmured. There was so little that she remembered of those she considered parents that she wasn't even sure if that's who they really were. Neither of them had looked anything like her, or sounded anything like she did. Really, all she could remember of where she might have come from was more distorted than the flicker of a dream. In fact, the only thing that she could possibly have connected with her family was the sound of a low, wavering howl. Quint's pack seemed more of a family than hers ever had. Quint himself was closer to her than anyone had ever been before. The only one that could make the sun shine for her was laying in the grass on a cliff that overlooked a valley below. The only thing that she had ever felt a happiness like she felt now was right by her side.
(( I've never experienced it before, so I'm hopeless when it comes to writing about love. You'll have to forgive me. ))

4:52pm Mar 15 2012 (last edited on 5:00pm Mar 17 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Um, I wasn't exactly aiming to make you cry... we're on the same page with the love and romance thing, I have very, very (lots of emphasis on very) little experience with it from observation, and none at all when it comes to myself.))
"I'm sure they were wonderful wolves," Quint decided without hesitation. "No one who's related to you can be all bad." Quint tore his eyes away from Cin and glanced down into the valley. Despite her words of comfort, he still felt separate from these wolves, there was so much he would have to learn now, how to hunt in a team, protect borders... at least he wouldn't be alone. He wasn't sure how much, based on the stories she'd told, that Cin knew about living in a pack, but Quint figured it was a lot more than he did. The wind stirred the grass, along with Quint's russet colored fur. It billowed around his face, and he welcomed it. It brought the scents of sweet, natural things, a taste of true freedom from the worries of the world.
((Ack, sorry it's so short. :/ ))

5:03pm Mar 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Hmmm, would you mind if I sent you a respal request?))
5:19pm Mar 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Certainly. I'll see what I can get out by the end of the day. :3 ))
5:24pm Mar 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Sent~ Alright, I'm looking forward to reading it :D ))
6:05pm Mar 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Hey Guiven, I'm afraid I'm seriously running out of ideas. Anything you can think of? ))
6:13pm Mar 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Perhaps a thunderstorm could roll in? After reading your blog about rain in the desert I keep thinking of storms and water xD))
6:56pm Mar 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Ooh, that could be fun. And it's funny that works out that way, the rain is such an amazing thing to me. ))
Cin watched Quint even after his own eyes turned away, following his gaze into the valley below. "You know," she murmured, "family can't always be a curse. It seems the missed you more than they could ever say. Even the Beta seems to see something special in you." she said.
Suddenly, there was a deafening, heart-stopping "BOOM", and the sky turned a bright shade of white in an instant. A moment passed, and the soft pattering of rain began to drizzle through the trees, hitting the mossy, grassy ground with soft clicks. Cin peered up behind her, realizing the sky had gone a pale shade of grey. Seconds later their elevated meadow was cast into shadow, and the breeze took on a colder tint. She could smell the ozone in the air, wildflowers beginning to loose their color under the overcast clouds. She looked over at Quint as a smaller bolt of lightning lit the skies, blinking.
"Perhaps it's time to move on?" she suggested.

12:33pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 12:33pm Mar 18 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 733
(( Hehe, my favorite day is an autumn one with a dark overcast sky. I love how the colors sort of... blend in a natural way, but clash in a wild way, if you kind of get what I mean? ))
Quint shivered with a nervous energy as lightning lit up the sky again. He glanced at Cin, with the chilling breeze whipping around her face, and noticed the way her eyes stood out against the grey sky behind her. Somehow it made her seem more dangerous.
"Yeah, this storm looks nasty, we might want to get moving," he answered her. Quint stood, and lifted his head to the sky. The clouds were swirling above him, darkening with each passing moment. A streak of lightning split the sky, quickly followed by a deafening rumble of thunder, making Quint flinch. He blinked desperately as the rain tumbled down, filtering into his eyes and making his vision go blurry. Soon he was soaked, russet fur plastered to his body.
Quint ducked down with rivulets of water running off of his face. He crouched down nest to Cin, and gently nudged her with his nose.
"The wind is picking up, we'd better hurry or else we're going to get blown off this!" Quint shouted above the raging wind and the persistent rumbles of thunder.
(( Edit: It's raining right now where I live! :D ))
