Yo, Sup'? (Fluzz and Storm)

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12:57am Jul 26 2014 (last edited on 11:38am Nov 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698
Something about Morphing people and humans being stupid as usual and almost killing all of the Morphing people. Will post more when I remember more lmbo.


1:39am Jul 26 2014 (last edited on 6:35pm Jan 8 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 698
1st Bio;
Name: tle="Ariana Granda" target="_blank">Ariana Granda (Nickname(s) Ari, Songbird, Prep)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Sweet and sassy. When she's not wearing her cheerleader uniform she's often times wearing very feminine things like lacy tops, leggings, short skirts ect.
Personality: Clever, happy, bubbly, bold and has strong opinions (wether she actually voices them or not), she enjoys singing and knows when to speak and when to shut up. She is a B and A student in most of her classes, and only has three good, main friends. She is pretty popular especially being captain of the cheer team, most know her and want to be friends with her mainly just to say they're popular but she can easily pick out those people and pay no attention to them. She is a social butterfly both in and out of school, though she likes to spend her free time doing charity work, but mostly to help homeless, poor families and orphans.
History: Ari mainly likes to keep her past behind and to herself, but ever since Kindergarten it was always her and her father, her biological mother was hit by a car and died that night. Her two brothers and two sisters were soon after old enough to move out and that they did leaving a very lonely house. At the age of 15 her father had found new love and got married again giving Ari a step-mother and a little step-sister, she was pleased with her new family, they were a happy, normal family.
Likes: M&Ms, puppies, music, cheer and tickling people.
Dislikes: Bitter foods, bugs, bears and fish.
Fears: Bugs, bears, piers (When over the ocean), boats and becoming like Mya.
Other: She and her step-sister Raini own a Grey Hound puppy named Luna and a Siamese cat named Cloud

2nd Bio;
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: tle="Mya" target="_blank">Mya as shown before has a rather unique style. She mainly wears black or dark blue skinnies, tops with some kind of design on them and a jacket of some sorts, she also has two piercings on her right ear, one on her left and a small piercing on her left eyebrow. She has brown hair with multiple highlights and refuses to wear dresses/skirts and only wears quarter sleeves or long sleeves. (Best pic example is second one)
Personality: Strong willed, brave and rebellious, tends to stand her ground until she wins and is not the most liked by teachers and such, she only has one friend and is perfectly happy with it, she does not exactly like large crowds but doesn't complain when she is in the middle of one. She is definitely not a shy one, she will shout in public if she believes in something strongly enough, and will be very social when she wants to be. She tends to get hostile making people tend to stay away from her.
History: Her parents got into a huge fight when she was only 5, her mother was killed and her father was thrown in jail leaving Mya to her uncle Ron. She now enjoys the company of the retired mechanic and loves it when he takes her out to the garage showing her how to fix things.
Likes: Large dogs, cats, snakes, gaming, music, playing just about every instrument and watching people fail.
Dislikes: People, children, small dogs, being tickled, cheerleaders and meat.
Fears: Losing her uncle.
Other: She takes care of a stray German Shepherd named Lion who she found wandering in the sketchy part of town, but now lives in her backyard


2:20am Jul 26 2014 (last edited on 10:18pm Aug 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698


2:49am Jul 26 2014 (last edited on 11:50am Nov 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698

As morning approached, Ariana got up and stretched as she heard her alarm go off in her parents room, light seeping through the shades over the windows and hitting the dark, hardwood floors. After stretching she walked to the window, pulling back the shades and opening the window, feeling the fresh autumn breeze as it touched her skin. With a big sigh she turned around, grabbing her clothes and heading to the bathroom which was just down the hall, entering, showering and finishing up getting ready for the day which took about an hour, this was the regular morning routine.

"Morning father." Ariana greeted her dad with a hug then sat at the kitchen counter, pouring her bowl of cornflakes as usual. "Good morning Ari, sleep well?" He asked nodding his head then beginning to sread butter on the toast he had just made, the smell of it lingered for a bit, "Well, you?" she had replied looking up from her bowl and giving a small fake smile, then looking to the clock across the room, she noticed the school bus would be there in about five minuets, with a heavy breath she began to eat her small bowl of cereal quickly. "I slept well, Alex was tossing and turning all night which kept me awake for a bit and...oh! its time for work, see you after work hun" he said quickly laying a kiss upon her head then walking out the door.

"Guess I should head out as well..." Ariana grabbed her bag then headed out the door, leaving a note in the kitchen for her step-mother Alex so that she would know where everyone was. Walking on the dried, colorful leaves, she looked up at the sky, it would be raining later most likely, telling by the dark clouds slowly making there way across the sky, finally she made her way to the corner of the block where the school bus usually picked her up, she waited.


Mya awoke as a cold breeze blew from her window and through her room, making the wood floor ice cold, and the air dry. Groaning to herself she grabbed her stuff going through the same morning drill as always, she walked out of the hall, across the rather small livingroom and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fridge and sitting at the empty table, finishing the homework she put off last night. After quickly eating she was about to run out the door, but a warm hand grabbed her shoulder, turning around she saw the smiling face of her uncle Ron and saw he was handing her, her knife. "Thanks" She said grabbing the old knife from his hand, putting it in the top of her shoe and off to the side before giving him a quick hug, "Stay out of trouble Wolfy" he chuckled, "Yeah right, we both know thats not gonna happen" she snickered running out of the old house and into the garage grabbing her old motorcycle that at this point might as well be a dirtbike.

As she hopped on her bike and started it, she shook her head knowing she would be late, when wasn't she late for school. Finally the bike got warm enough and she rode it going above the speed limit on the regular route to school, not that anyone would notice, these streets were always dead especially with this being the older part of town.

((I'm tired and being lazy, don't mind Mya's lamebutt post))


11:01pm Jul 26 2014 (last edited on 10:49am Nov 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Username; FluzzMe
Nickname; Pep, Carter, Cheeseball
Age; 18
Gender; Male
Personality; Peter is quite the unique soul when it comes to personality. He tends to mostly keep to himself, though it often fails. People seem to flock to him, despite his hostile air and lack of charm. His good looks and intelligence do the trick, though, earning him solid B's in the majority of his classes. He is one to rarely turn in his homework on time, or to avoid getting into a bit of mischief, but the boy tends to lay somewhat low in his classes. Out if school, however, he turns into one of the more socially active teenagers, often hosting parties and gatherings. In the off time that he is neither in school nor becoming a butterfly, he is a complete couch potato. He occasionally experiments in the fine art of cooking, which sometimes turns out decent. Okay, not decent; he is the literal master of food. He doesn't tell anyone he can cook, though, as it's seen as a more feminine hobby.
Appearance; As linked above, Peter is a brunette dweeb hiding under the guise of a jock. He wears rides the wild side, so to speak, wearing obnoxiously tight black skinny jeans and lame graphic tee's. He has adopted the habit of wearing shades (aviators, to be exact), even indoors and at night. He also likes wearing beanies, though he never seems to have them on hand. Oh, right, and he has his ears pierced with face black gauges. 
Characteristics; I'm not really sure where I was headed with this category, but apparently I had an idea at the time. Will fill in when I remember~
Enhancements; Having bond with both an Eagle and a Rattlesnake, the boy has obtained multiple enhancements that normal human don't have. He gets long distance, clear eyesight from the eagle, as well as hearing. This may or may not be considered an enhancement, but he is also quite good at hissing. uvu
Likes; Peter, as stated above, enjoys cooking in his spare time. His favorite color is a cliche blue, likes tanning and chasing mice.
Dislikes; Green, pineapple, large dogs, people, blankets, irony.
Fears; Large dogs, heights, becoming too clingy.
Song; Will figure out in the morning, but perhaps Alone - Sleeping With Sirens
Saying; idk
History; Peter had a pretty chill childhood. Loving parents, a sister, tons of friends. Everything went south in 10th grade, when something tragic happened to his family. Be it they got framed for murder or died in a car crash (idk tonight), he ended up living with his Aunt until he was old enough to move out. He currently lives in an apartment with his long time friend, Maku Voun. 
Other; Not much, will add to if I think of anything.

Username; FluzzMe
Nickname; Maku, Nerd, Butterfinger
Age; 17
Gender; Male
Morphs; ta:image/jpeg;base64,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" ti
tle="Golden Finch" target="_blank">Golden Finch
 -tle="Great Dane" target="_blank" style="font-family: 'trebuchet ms'; line-height: normal;"> tle="Great Dane" target="_blank">Great Dane
Personality; Maku is the classical nerd. He does all of his schoolwork perfectly on time (often beforehand, actually), gets amazing grades, and has about zero friends. He was bullied throughout the majority of his elementary and middle school years, only ceasing in 9th grade when Peter found out about it. This shadow has followed him through his life, causing him to have an immeasurable amount of insecurities and downfalls. He tends to stay away from other people, his three-person group being exempt.
Aside from that, the boy is pretty lighthearted. He is funnier than most would expect, and tends to lighten the mood if people around him are upset or stressed. However, he's extremely clumsy and seems to fear his own shadow.
Appearance; If you ignored the spray-tan and dyed his hair blonde, the image linked would be a good Maku. He has insanely pale skin, oddly blue eyes, and a small frame. He wears snap-back hats and beanies, along with over sized hoodies and well-fitting bluejeans. The boy occasionally wears plaid button up shirts, though not a whole lot more.
As for body markings and maims, he only has a couple tattoos. The one quite large; a complex tle="tree" target="_blank">tree stretching from his hip up to his shoulder. He also sports multiple finches scattered around his torso, mostly secluded to his collar bone and back. The last in the set is a small tle="dreamcatcher" target="_blank">dreamcatcher on his wrist (minus the letters).
Characteristics; ahahah
Enhancements; Maku has enhanced hearing and can run like a deer, along with a bit keener sense of smell. 
Likes; Painting, reading, birds, irony, music... pretty much the more creative side of our world. He can play the piano quite well, and his favorite color is a chocolate brown.
Dislikes; Bullies, jocks, most social events, etc. 
Fears; Pretty much anything. Taking on the personality of a Dane in this aspect, he is quite jumpy and easily frightened. He also fears becoming an outcast again; loosing the few friends he has.
Song; uh?? Anna Sun by Walk On The Moon? idk
Saying; no idea bro
History; can we not? basically the same as Peter's, but his childhood kinda sucked. will fill in if I get time.
Other; He may or may not steal all of Peter's beanies just to annoy him, along with his favorite graphic on occasion.

Name; Caspian
Age; Two years
Gender; Male
Appearance; tle="Caspian" target="_blank">Caspian is a cocoa Siamese. 
Other; Despite Maku's protest, Jackson refused to get a dog, so they settled for a cat. Rescued him from a shelter when he was just over six months old.


11:21am Jul 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
We still doin' this yo?


10:01pm Jul 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
((Yo, we are. I've been crazy with work and guess who is home tonight, so I don't have a ton of time. Will finish my bio and reply as soon as I can, ya?))


11:20pm Jul 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
((Oh dear, sounds bad. Back early eh? Well can't wait to see your post!))


1:29pm Aug 18 2014 (last edited on 11:32am Nov 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698


12:52pm Aug 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698


5:20pm Sep 11 2014 (last edited on 11:32am Nov 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698


11:31am Sep 23 2014 (last edited on 11:32am Nov 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698


11:31am Nov 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
((Post(s) updated))


12:22pm Nov 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
{ Maku }

A low, soft groan emanated from the first room on the right, a light thump following it. The sandy haired boy lifted a hand to his head, regretting the decision to roll out of bed. He winced at the sting from hitting the corner of his night-table, his eyes struggling finding the obnoxiously loud alarm clock in the dark. Succeeding after no less than a minute, his hand smashed the small button.

Now wide awake, Maku worked himself out of the tangle of blankets. He neglected making the bed for the time being, walking out of his room. On the opposite side of the old wooden doorway, a small Siamese cat sat, looking expectantly up at the boy.

"Morning, Caspian." Maku said cheerfully, leaning down to scoop up the ball of fur. The cat meowed back at him, happily nuzzling his neck. That caused him to laugh softly, hugging him before setting him down again. As he made his way across the small hallway, the cat followed him, rubbing on his legs. That made it exceedingly hard to walk, but he didn't mind.

Cracking the door open, the boy called softly into the room. "Jackson, there's a girl at the door asking for you." It only took a moment for the brunette to peek out of the cave-like room, his eyes cloudy with sleep.

"Is she hot?" Jackson asked, his voice smoother than it should be. He had a somewhat hopeful look on his face, the corner of his mouth upturned in a sleepy smirk.

"Just your type," he replied, leaning against the door frame.

"What's her name?" Jackson's face seemed to brighten up a bit.

"Monday." At that, the brunette's shoulders fell and his smirk melted into a displeased frown. "Now come on man, bus in fifteen."

"Haha, you're so funny." With that, Jackson turned and slammed the door shut. From the sounds he heard, Maku guessed he had crawled back into bed. His duty now fulfilled, he ambled down the hall and into the bathroom. He quickly fed Caspian and jumped in the shower. Not long after, he emerged and got dressed in his usual; a loose fitting hoodie and jeans. He drug himself back into his room, making his bed and pulling his overly-heavy backpack onto the couch.

{ Jackson }

Not long after Maku finished his shower, the brunette got out of bed for the second time. He sluggishly pulled on a half-dirty-slightly-clean shirt and worked himself into a pair of skinny jeans. He rummaged through his dresser to find a somewhat clean pair of socks, then proceeded to put them on under black converse shoes.

The whole process took roughly six minutes, and by that time he noted that the bus would be there in about four. He made a bet with himself that he could brush his teeth and eat in that time. From there, the boy raced into the bathroom and managed to make his hair decent and breath bearable within two minutes. He could vaguely hear Maku chuckle knowingly from the kitchen.

Throwing his toothbrush into the drawer, Jackson snatched his backpack out of his room and ran into the kitchen. Maku was leaning back over the counter grinning, an almost finished bowl of cereal in hand. Caspian was on the counter next to him, rubbing against his side with a loud purr.

"By the coffee maker," Maku mumbled through a mouth full of Lucky Charms, not even looking up from the cat. The brunette took a step towards the blonde, pointing his index finger at him.

"For one, that's my cereal." Jackson said in a matter-of-fact tone, though he really couldn't care less.

"You ate all of the Captain Crunch." Maku defended, defiantly spooning the last of the soggy marshmallows into his mouth.

Jackson waved his hand as if his statement still had any value. "Second, thanks." He picked up the thermos of hot coffee and still warm bagel, shoving a good majority of the bread into his mouth. Maku laughed at that, sliding his empty bowl into the sink and setting Caspian down on the floor. Jackson hissed at the brown and white creature, though he received no retaliation; just a look that seemed to say, "really?"

The boys swung their backpacks over their shoulders and raced out the door, Maku locking it behind them. They ran side by side out to the street corner where the bus was just coming to a halt.

"Cutting it close again, boys." The driver said, though neither of them really cared. They were the second stop on the morning route, so the bus was empty, spare one boy in the back. They took their respective seats; Jackson on the right in the middle to back, Maku across from him. Normally they would sit together, but the driver found them to be rowdy and loud when together.

((Good enough, right? lD))


4:47pm Nov 24 2014 (last edited on 4:49pm Nov 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698

'Darn it Daylight savings' Ari moaned breaking the tune she had been humming, waiting for the school bus to get there. She was still getting used to Daylight savings time so ever since she had been getting to the corner way too early, finally a glimpse of yellow caught her attention making her back up as the bus approached her.

"Ariana" The bus driver greeted her as the doors opened and she stepped inside smiling in acknowledgement to the driver before grabbing a seat in her regular place towards the middle but a bit further up on the right. Her corner being the fourth stop, she got some of the first picks out of the seats making it easier to relax but making the ride seem more boring, finally she twisted in her seat and looked back at the brown haired jock that she often saw at cheer practice.

"Hey, there was an early announcement yesterday, the football team and cheerleaders are meeting early on the field today. Just thought I'd let you know since you were late." She smiled practically on her knees on the seat.


"Damnit!" Mya spat as she came to a halt, clutching her brakes and turning to where her bike stopped at an angle. A car had turned out infront of her and was only now picking up a decent amount of speed. 

"What the heck!" She yelled as though the driver could hear her, but knowing he couldn't she calmed herself and straightened her bike out again, going around the idiot then building speed again rushing for school. She lived rather far so that never helped her case of being late or of idiots pulling out infront of her, she looked at her watch and smirked with triumph, she was making great time even with the small problematic driver and would make it to school soon.

((Lol that was good. Your so gonna show me up in this lmbo))


12:29pm Dec 9 2014 (last edited on 12:30pm Dec 9 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698


7:12pm Jan 9 2015

Normal User

Posts: 698

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