7:28pm May 21 2012
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So, this princess of this faraway kingdom (we'll come up with a name eventually... -.-') has been spoiled all of her life. However, on her fifteenth birthday banquet, her father tells her to go on her own; that he won't let such a spoiled girl take his place at the throne. However, he isn't sending her alone. The king sends his best knight (Who I guess you'll be playing...?) with her. They go across far lands and stuff, but people are out to kill the princess, for she has shown signs of being gifted with magical abilities such as healing and seeing the dead. Yayz for copy/paste. Here's my bio. |
Name: Sara Rin Therakin Age: Fifteen Gender: Female Appearance: Sara is a very short girl, barely standing at 5'2". She weighs in at only 100 pounds, and she is quite flat chested, barely fitting into an a-cup. She often got teased a lot about that by the servants, but they had to learn how to run fast if they didn't want to get beat half to death. She has pale skin, and large almond-shaped eyes that are a stunning blue. Her hair is cut in a fashion like tle="Sara's Hair" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; list-style-type: none; list-style-position: initial; list-style-image: initial; color: rgb(38, 119, 188); text-decoration: none; outline-style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; ">this. She always wears dresses, but her signature dress is tle="Signature Dress" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; list-style-type: none; list-style-position: initial; list-style-image: initial; color: rgb(38, 119, 188); text-decoration: none; outline-style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; ">this one. Personality: Sara is very spoiled. To the servants of the castle, she's a walking terror. Nobody messes with her, and she is often gossiped about throughout the castle. She didn't get to meet her mother, given that she died while giving birth to Sara. She was raised solely by her father, and she knows how to hold her own in a fight, hence why everyone fears her. History: Will be revealed throughout the roleplay. Other?: She has shown signs of being gifted with magical talents, but only her father has noticed. He doesn't have the heart to tell her, therefore he keeps it a secret. Nothing serious has happened. She hasn't seen any ghosts or summoned any demons by accident... yet.
Love is all we need~
7:43pm May 21 2012
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[[ Are you fine with no personality on the bio? I lost all bios on my other computer. ]]
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7:53pm May 21 2012
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Ooc:// Pfft. You don't have to post a bio. I just wanted to post my old bio that way I could look at it- it would get me back into the groove of roleplaying Sara, whom I haven't roleplayed in a long time. o.o
So, I'm going to rewrite my intro, and have it a bit different. ^3^
I'll do that now.
Sara was sick of the servants talking behind her back. They would say that she was so flat-chested that her diaphragm would be the perfect riding place for a chariot, or something along the lines of her dress being bigger than she was. Her eyes narrowed as she supressed herself from snapping at them, though her narrowed eyes flashed with a gleam of something magical for a moment, and a few hairs on her head raised up, almost as if she were affected by static electricity.
She would not let the stupid servants ruin her banquet, or her relatively good mood. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat, and moved forward to the dining hall, where people from all over the kingdom sat and feasted, talking merrily. Her birthday announcement wouldn't be until the first round of food disappeared, and she was sure that it wouldn't be long, seeing how the people were gobbling down every scrap of food they could find on the table.
She took her seat on the left side of her father, and noticed that the seat on his right was empty.
She couldn't remember the boy's name, but she knew that he was one of the best knights that her father had, and that he was basically her father's right hand man. The king looked down to his daughter and smiled.
He had no worries about the knight arriving late. Even if the knight did arrive late, at least he would arrive. Nevertheless, he noted that there were still a few minutes until he would announce Sara's fifteenth birthday, and what would come along with it.
He knew that Sara wouldn't like what he was going to do, but if she was ever going to be a suitable queen, this was necessary. Plus, he was sending his most trusted knight with her on her journey. The only thing that he was worried about was Sara possibly using some sort of magic to hurt someone while she would be gone.
The king knew she'd been showing signs of having the gift of magic in her blood, and he'd been suspicious of that ever since the day his blonde-haired child had been born, given that her mother was a healer. But Sara didn't seem like a healer. Even the king wasn't sure exactly what she was just yet, but he knew that there was magic in her blood.
Love is all we need~
7:55pm May 21 2012
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[[I'm so sorry. I promise, this won't be the same as last time we tried this role play. D: But I have to go. DDDD|
Omg. I promise though, I'll get the intro in tomorrow after school! :P ]]
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7:58pm May 21 2012
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Ooc:// Alright. I'll be waiting~
Love is all we need~
5:37pm May 22 2012
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I was late.
The kings best knight was late to his daughters banquet. Shaking my head in disgust with myself, I walked swiftly down halls as if the kingdom was being under attack. Frantically, I pushed back a couple useless new knights who the king probably didn't notice were missing from the banquet as well.
How could I be late for such a gathering? I couldn't help that I lost where the time had gone because I had fallen asleep.
Shaking my head once more, I could only scold myself mentally as I found no good reason to be late for something like this. How could I have fallen asleep? Hopefully, the king wouldn't be upset. Or, even better, wouldn't have noticed me gone. Finally walking into the dining hall, I changed my demeanor to more calm and relaxed. I was here now, no need to worry.
Slipping passed a couple tables, I found my place beside the king, bowing my head in his direction.
"Sorry for my tardiness, King Therakin." (I'd call him that, right? :) )
Sitting up a little straighter now that I was in my right place, I realized that my appetite had disappeared after realizing that I was late. Sighing quietly to myself, I kept my conduct in check through out any conversations I had with the people surrounding me. The kings best knight couldn't be fraternizing with juvenile behavior.
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10:30pm May 22 2012
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The king acknowledged his knight again, and looked to the people who had attended the banquet. He was glad that his knight hadn't arrived too late, but he knew that he hadn't arrived on time as he'd been instructed to. Nonetheless, King Therakin tapped on the edge of his goblet as the first round of food was finished off. The room quieted.
"I would like to congratulate my only child on her fifteenth year. She's nearly a woman now, and she's just as beautiful as her mother was," King Therakin said, looking down to his daughter, who was smiling at her father. "However, she's not anywhere near ready to lead this kingdom."
Sara's smile dropped into a frown. What was her father saying? This was not part of her banquet! He was supposed to congratulate her more, and say good things about her! Not accentuate her flaws! This was maddening! She bit her lip nervously. This wasn't good at all.
"She's been spoiled all of her life, and everyone here would agree with me. She terrorizes the servants, and she fights like a commoner when there's an argument going on."
Sara's mouth dropped into an 'O'. She clenched her fists as her blue eyes gleamed with anger. She was going to give her father an earful of things once she got to him alone. He would never hear the end of this. Where was this going, anyways, she thought. Was he just trying to embarass her?
As if to answer Sara's question, King Therakin continued: "My reason in saying all of these things is to introduce my decision of sending her off to learn more about what it is like to not be able to get everything you want. Just to live with the things you need. This will help her in her future of leading the kindom."
Sara felt sick at her stomach. She felt light-headed. Maybe her corset was too tight? No. She was about to faint because she was simply surprised at what her father was proposing. Was he simply going to send her into the woods by herself, with only a horse?
"And, as a protector to my dear daughter, I'll be sending my best knight." He looked to his right, his eyes landing on the boy that had arrived late, the boy that he was going to send with his daughter. He fully trusted him, and found him capable of not only caring for himself, but he guessed that he would be able to take care of his daughter as well. King Therakin sure hoped that was the case.
"They'll set out after this round of food is finished." With a wave of his hand, servants brought out more food, and Sara pushed it away. She was definately not hungry right now. She felt like she was going to get rid of whatever remnants of food were in her stomach.
Love is all we need~
8:30am May 23 2012
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As I listened to King Therakin, I let my eyes travel over to his daughter. She looked as mad as I would if someone was saying stuff like this about me. I knew there had to be a good intention somewhere in the back of the king's mind, but was it necessary to-
My thoughts stopped immediately as I heard the king say that I - I - will be taking care of his 'spoiled' daughter. Weren't all princesses spoiled anyways? And because of my success, I'm supposed to run away as well?
I swallowed up my anger as well, keeping a straight ex pression on my face. I couldn't argue with the king. This is something I should be proud to do. With honor. It will only put me on even more good graces with the king.
As the servants passed around food, I took my plate and tried my best to take the bites of food. If we were leaving right after this round of food, I was not leaving hungry. So, forcing down the food, I kept to myself. I was too busy lost in my thoughts.
Why would the king choose me? If I was his best knight, wouldn't he want me to stay just in case we got under attack? There were other knights who were just as good as me, just not as close with the king himself. Maybe they could go...
I tried to keep the negative thoughts away as I stole a glance in the princesses direction. She didn't look very happy about this idea either. Hoping to have the king think about this decision a little bit more, I leaned over to the king and said,
"As honored as I am that you chose me to watch your daughter, don't you think the idea is a little rash?"
The second the words came out of my mouth, I realized that I was asking the king to change his mind.
"In all due respect, of course, King Therakin. I just want what's best for your daughter as well as you."
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2:24pm May 23 2012
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Sara, as she'd previously guessed, fell backwards out of her chair and onto the cold, stone floor. The court gasped, and several knights rushed to her side, though the servants stayed a safe distance away. They thought it best not to get tackled by the blonde-haired princess.
The king looked over at the crowd that had gathered around his daugher and sighed. He wouldn't pay his daughter attention because he knew that if he came near her, she'd probably start crying and begging her daddy not to send her away with a scary knight. He knew good and well that his daughter wasn't scared of anything. Not even his best knight.
Sara soon regained consciousness in a knights arms and sighed as she was placed back into her seat, nibbling on the corner of something that resembled chicken. The people scattered away as they watched King Therakin throw them a steely glare. He knew that she was just seeking attention now that she was awake, and, if she got what she wanted, it would only make the trip so much harder for his best knight.
"I appreciate your interest in what's best for my daughter, but I am her father, and I need no help in deciding what is best for her. Trust me, knight. I have reasons for what I am doing." King Therakin let his graying eyes rest on his knight for a moment before raising from his seat and gesturing for his knight to follow.
He walked over to his daughter, and, as expected, she refused to get up from her seat. The king picked her up in his fatherly arms and began to carry her towards the stables. Sara flailed wildly, tears streaming down her face.
"Father! Release me! Do not send me away with that knight! He could try to kill me! I could die in the woods! Someone could kidnap me and do something worse than death to me!" She tried to come up with all sorts of reasons that her father shouldn't send her away. However, King Therakin knew that as long as his knight was with his daughter, Sara would be fine. King Therakin stopped in the stables beside a white horse and sat Sara down. She collapsed on the floor in a heap of tears, and her red dress engulfed her frame on the hay-covered floor. "Father... no..." She sobbed.
"Knight, go fetch your horse. My daughter will take her Capricornia," he said as he gestured to his daughter's pure white horse, who nudged at Sara comfortingly. Sara only pushed the horse's nose away, and continued to cry.
Love is all we need~
2:36pm May 23 2012
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When Princess Sara fell to the ground, I was just about to rush over with the rest of the surrounding crowd, but chose to stay in my seat instead. By the kings reaction, I don't think he was wanting them to see her 'temper tantrum'.
I didn't respond to the king after he responded to me. I had nothing that would sound reasonable or respectful at the moment. I still didn't understand why it was me chosen. I was being punished for being good at what I did. Having to deal with a fifteen year old who seemed to show how stubborn she was right now didn't sound like my true destiny.
Instead of stating my concerns, I bowed to the king at his behest and went on to find my horse in another stable. A black stallion, with eyes even darker, that has been my steed since the beginning of my reputation with the king. I may be one of his 'best knight's', but this is the 'best horse' here.
Going onto Ashes, the horses name, back, I had him gallop back to the stable close by where the princess awaited. Once coming there, I came down to the ground and kept my distance from the princess as I said, "I have all the necessities for your daughter and my's journey, King Therakin. I'm ready whenever she is."
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3:06pm May 23 2012
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"My daughter needs to change her clothes. Then she'll head out with you, knight." The king took in a deep breath and helped Sara to her feet. He led his daughter quickly to a different stable.
When they returned, Sara was wearing a silky light blue gown that came down to her knees. Her eyes were red from crying, and her cheeks were red, too. When her father reached out to touch her lightly on the arms, he pulled his hand away quickly as a jolt of what felt like static electricity ran through him.
"Don't touch me. I'll get on Capricornia myself," Sara said, glaring at her father. She wasn't ever going to let this go. Heck, she probably wouldn't even come back. After what her father did, she doubted that anyone in the court had any respect left for her. She mounted her white mare, and clicked her tongue for it to go forward as she lightly dug the heels of her feet into the horse's side.
Capricornia moved forward, and snorted at the sight of the black stallion. She then looked down at the knight that was standing beside the other horse. Sara didn't acknowledge either of them.
"I suggest you keep an eye on her, knight. There's no telling what she'll do," King Therakin said as a warning. He looked between Sara and the knight, and then between Ashes and Capricornia.
Love is all we need~
3:18pm May 23 2012
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When the princess came back with a different gown, I mounted Ashes and kept my eyes on King Therakin. Then to Princess Sara. This was going to be an interesting journey.
"Yes, King Therakin. I'll take good care of her."
My head bowed in his direction for respect, though on the inside I was fighting a battle of anger. Why was I being sent away!
I kept the questions to myself as I finally looked at Princess Sara in the eyes. "Whenever you're ready, Princess, I am."
I guided Ashes toward the stable doors and started galloping out of the stable just in case the king wanted to say some last words to his daughter before us leaving.
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3:38pm May 23 2012
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"Return when you know empathy," the king said to his daughter, who sneered and galloped off after that knight, whose name she either didn't know or simply couldn't remember. King Therakin said a silent prayer as he watched his daughter leave.
"What is your name," Sara said. It wasn't a question, but more of a command. She didn't feel like calling him 'Knight' all of the time, so she would simply have to know his name. That is, unless the knight wanted her to call him all sorts of offensive names. She had so many of those that she could call him right now.
She knew that it wasn't the knight's fault that she was going away, but she had so much anger pent up inside of her, ready to break out. She didn't look at him, nor at his horse, who blended in well with the night's landscape. Her Capricornia, though, stuck out like a sore thumb in the dark. Her horse whinnied and shook its mane as it slowed to a trot beside the knight's horse.
Love is all we need~
3:45pm May 23 2012
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I kept the horses pace slow as I kept walking away from the king, waiting for the daughter but not staying too close. When seeing her come near, I went a faster pace to get going. Her question sounded reasonable, but I felt like it was just small talk. It made me realize how uncomfortable it must make her feel to be walking away from her life with a man she's never known.
I felt even more uncomfortable leaving with the daughter of the king. If anything happens to her... I shuddered inwardly before saying, "Travis Patterson." I said, glancing back at the life both of us once knew. How long will we be gone?
Until Princess Sara know's empathy. Maybe I could force it upon her right now so I can go back to my comfort zone on the battle field. I shook the worthless thoughts away as I said, "Princess, do you think it safe to ride a horse after just fainting?"
It was more of a thought of my own, I honestly already knew her response. She didn't want any part of this, I presumed.
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4:17pm May 23 2012
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Sara's head bobbed as her horse broke into a canter. She absent-mindedly pulled her hair back into a low ponytail, strands of curly blonde hair sticking out from the rest. She thought that the knight's name was unusual. She'd never met anyone named Travis. Though, she didn't really remember people's names that easily, either. For all she knew, she could've met ten other people named Travis.
"I've been riding horses ever since I was old enough to do so. I could ride Capricornia in my sleep." She raised her head up and wiped away what little tears remained, staring up at the moon for a long moment before asking, "When do you suggest we stop to rest?" She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat, hoping that he wouldn't tell her that they wouldn't rest until morning.
The silky gown fluttered about while she rode Capricornia, but she smoothed it down so that it wouldn't show anything innapropriate, though she was wearing bloomers underneath the gown just in case.
Love is all we need~
4:27pm May 23 2012
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I was used to being in charge for battles. Where should we go next captain? What's you're plan, Patterson? What do you think of our plan, Travis?
Who knew I'd be hearing the question, 'When will we stop for rest?'. The knights would never have the audacity to ask. It wasn't that I was upset at the princess for asking - I was actually wondering the same thing - I just missed the feeling of being in battle already. And we haven't even gotten off of the king's grounds yet.
"When we get too tired to stay on our horses any longer. In other words, later in the night. I'm guessing your father wants us off his territories as soon as possible."
I said, though kept things light by a small smile in her direction. "Why, are you feeling faint again?"
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4:40pm May 23 2012
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"No. I'm quite fine. I just don't like to be out in the woods. There are wolves on the prowl, and other dangerous animals." Sara bit her lip. There was also the fact that she was just a tiny bit afraid of the dark, but not even her father knew of that. She took in a deep breath, now that she was able to without her corset.
Sara heard the crack of thunder and a flash of lightning, and she tightened her grip on the reins as Capricornia bolted forwards, frightened by the loud noise. Sara also had jumped at the thunder and lightning, and now her eyes were closed. "Capricornia! It was just lightning! Slow down before you get us killed!" Sooner than she'd planned, Sara was out of the kindom and off of her father's territory. Capricornia was still bolting like a wolf was chasing her.
The moon was hidden behind clouds now, and, as Capricornia slowed, Sara was painfully aware of how dark it was. Her cerulean eyes searched every inch of the forest, and, as she spotted eyes staring at her from bushes, she felt chils go up her spine. She could only hope that whatever the eyes belonged to wasn't hungry enough to attack her or Capricornia.
Love is all we need~
6:10pm May 24 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
7:14pm May 25 2012
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Before I could even respond to the princess, lightening lighted the night sky and thunder roared in my ears. I turned to where the princess used to be to see her horse running; Caprincornia probably scared out of her wits by the lightening.
I yelled as I kicked the side of Ashes to make him run faster. My trusted steed did just fine catching up, though it took a while and Capricornia was just as fast.
"Don't worry Princess, I'm right behind yo-"
And then she disappeared in the dark, beyond the kingdom, beyond her father's territory. "Princess!"
I kept screaming to let her know that I was still there, wherever she was. I kept Ashes running as fast as he could until I could see the silhouette of Capricornia and her at a stop. Stopping next to Princess Sara, panting just like Ashes, I said,
"Dear Princess... Are you alright?"
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10:05pm May 25 2012
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Sara's eyes were wide, and half of her curly hair had fallen out of its ponytail. Her dress was sticking to her small frame, and her cheeks were red from yelling at her horse. She was surprised when she felt Travis behind her. She audibly let out a sigh of relief.
"Yes. I'm fine. Capricornia is terrified of thunder, so she bolted. She'll be fine now, I think, as long as she doesn't get any more surprises." No sooner had Sara finished the sentence than when she felt the rain begin to bullet her arms and face, her hair sticking to her scalp. It came down in buckets, and caused Capricornia's white coat to glisten.
Not a hint of thunder had sounded after the first initial strike, and Sara felt her eyes narrow. Someone in the clouds was seriously not liking her at the moment, she decided. "Great. Now we'll catch colds." She pulled her hair out of its ponytail and shook the curls about.
Love is all we need~