9:50pm Jun 15 2012
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Ooc:// It did kill me inside. I was like... so sad. My friend kept asking me what was wrong, and I couldn't tell her because she would think I was a weirdo. XD
Anyways, here weah goah.
Sara had been asleep for a while and it was past midnight when she heard some brush break. By this point, she had become a light sleeper, and she jumped at every noise that occured when she slept. She saw a faint glowing ob ject in the distance, and was surprised to see a group of men move into the clearing that they had settled in.
They were quiet, and Sara hadn't found it in herself to scream just yet. She was still groggy from being woken up. As the men grew closer, she noticed that the youngest was around Travis's age, and that the eldest was somewhere around her father's age. There were bows and swords on each men.
She scrambled up from her spot on the ground. The men watched as the amulet that had been glowing brighter by each moment light up like a firework and pulled against the chain that held it towards Sara's direction.
"That's the girl with the target mark," the youngest one, the one holding the amulet, said.
Sara didn't scream, but instead went to Travis's side, shaking his shoulders frantically. Her voice was at a normal level, though.
"Travis. Wake up. God, Travis, please! Don't make me kiss you like you did to me!" Her voice was as frantic as the motion of her shaking Travis's shoulders.
The men drew their swords, and began to advance on the two.
Love is all we need~
10:05pm Jun 15 2012
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Just one night. I just wanted one night of peace, where I could sleep without any stress or worries of the princess being harmed. And I could have sworn this would be that night, but then I felt shoulders shaking me awake and I bolted upright, though I immediately jerked back at the flashlight's glare in my eyes.
"Whoa! What the..."
I slightly shooed away her hands and sat up. Wiping my eyes, I lifted an eyebrow at the group of men. I noticed the weapons, but thought maybe this was something that could all blow over "There some kind of trouble here gentle men or can you go on your way without anymore noise?The lady here needs some rest."
I acted calm, but I -tried to look nonchalant - as I scooted to where my legs were back against the princess in a protective stance. It was then that I noticed something glowing. But I didn't say anything about it. I'd rather not get in conversation but have them on their way.
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10:15pm Jun 15 2012
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One of the more brutish looking men spoke up. "La-eeh? That 'la-eeh' you speak of is tha princess of the next kingdom ovah." His underbite caused him to talk strangely, sometimes forgetting to pronounce certain consonents. "She got a tahget mahk."
Sara's eyes widened. What mark? She had a mark? She looked frantically from Travis to the men. "What mark?"
"She's pri-eey," the brutish man said again. His comment was ignored by the others.
"We don't havetime to answer questions," a man in his mid twenties said to everyone. "Grab the princess. She'll fetch a randsom that's twice as pretty as her face." This set the remaining men into action, waving their swords in the air as they began to close what distance remained between them and the princess, who was being guarded by Travis.
Sara grabbed Travis's wrist. They were easily outnumbered. She didn't underestimate Travis, but she seriously doubted that one knight, no matter how good a knight he may be, wouldn't be able to out-fight a band of bandits.
"Run, Travis!" she said, trying to drag him in the direction of Ashes.
Love is all we need~
10:38am Jun 16 2012
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I lifted my eyebrow as they spoke. I had called her 'lady' because I thought that if these guys with the weapons knew she was the princes, they might take her. Now it seems the events have spiraled. They already knew she was the princess. And they already planned on taking her.
I followed the princess to Ashes, but instead of getting on with her, I picked her up, made sure she had her hands on the reins, and whispered, "Take her as far away as you can, Ashes." before slapping as hard as I could on his rump to make him go so fast, the princess's small body was being jerked around. I prayed she wouldn't fall as I turned around. Taking out my sword, I looked at the bandits. I could do this. I've been in battle to long to run away from something as small as a couple of guys with bows. Right?
"Princess Sara needed to go for a bit as you can see. Where were we?"
I said before going to one of the first bandits and aiming for his neck.
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2:25pm Jun 16 2012
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Sara was startled as she was lifted quickly onto Ashes's back, and then bounced around as the horse sped away. She looked back at Travis and said, "You idiot!" And screamed many other things before she was out of hearing distance.
The young man holding the amulet's eyes got wide and the amulet's glowing died down. "The princess is getting away! The amulet is glowing dimmer!" He pointed furiously to the area where Princess Sara was sitting on Ashes back, which was now an empty space.
The brutish man was startled, and the blade easily caught his neck. Though it didn't decapitate him, it sliced through his jugular, causing blood to spurt out into the air, and onto several of his comrades, who seemed more disgusted than anything. His body fell to the ground with an audible 'thump'.
The remaining men, about three of them, drew their swords. One aimed for Travis's back, while the other aimed for the soft tissue behind his knees. The boy with the amulet simply stood there. He seemed to be innocent, and didn't carry any weapons. The remaining two men with weapons drew their bows out, pulled an arrow out of the quiver, and let them loose in Travis's general direction.
Ooc:// I'm good at writing bloody scenes. XD
Love is all we need~
7:28pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ I've actually never done one. So... Bare with me, since it's hard for me to imagine all they are doing in your post since I've never actually seen much sword fighting xD. Plus, I'll try to not make him 'immune to every blow' if you understand, but I don't want him to be a wimp either. xD ]]
After my sword sliced through the man's flesh at his jugular, I didn't take the time to feel satisfied and watched him fall to the ground. I didn't realize there were swords on the back of my knees until I turned to fight the sword at my back. I felt the swords tear at the material of my pants, but I ignored it as my sword clanged against the other.
The princess was right about one thing. I was an idiot. I was so worried about them taking the princess, I wasn't thinking that all these men against me would mean I'm just dead. I swallowed hard, ignoring the perspiration on my brow. I've never been nervous about a fight before - except for my first. In the rest, I was confident. What made this group of bandits any different?
Before I could hear the sound of my sword clang against the other again, gut wrenching pain came from my shoulder. I knew what it was before I looked. An arrow went clean through my fabric, through my flesh, and stuck out the other side. The pain was so great, I couldn't hide the gasp. Or the horror. Or the roar that showed my agony. Or the ex pression of deep pain as I stopped my agonizing scream, dropped my sword and my hand came to my shoulder in pain. I was as good as dead now. Why had I dropped my sword? Everything was dizzy, probably from the pain. I felt sick and dropped to me knees. Lifting myself up, I angrily glared at the bandits as I reached for the sword again. No. I was not going to die this way. If I was, it would be in a actual fight. I picked up the sword and looked back at them. At least they were away from the princess. It was like I was stalling them. Technically, I was dying for a good cause. Even if it was from a arrow. The princess was safe and away with Ashes. My eyes went to the amulet. Why was it glowing before? Why had it stopped? I knew it had everything to do with the princess.
"So typical." I said, my voice as confident as a man with a arrow through his shoulder could make it. "Too cowardly to fight me by your self, so you stick an arrow through me instead. You all are just a bunch of worthless cowards."
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7:39pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// It's fine. I'm just... Unusually good at writing gory scenes. It's strange. XD And I'm also good at writing romance scenes, but not as good as the gory ones. :D
The men were so startled by this man's stupidity at dropping his sword due to the pain of the arrow that they had stopped for a moment. The archers drew back another arrow and aimed. They, however, waited for Travis to say what he had to say.
They considered it his last words.
The man in his mid twenties scowled. His face contorted in disgust. "Coward?! A coward!? We are not cowards! If you are so confident in your one on one battling skills, then I will face you alone. If I win, you die. If I lose, I die and my men move along."
The two men that had been fighting with their swords moved away and the archers relaxed their bows, replacing the arrows that they had drawn into the quivers upon their backs.
The ring leader, the man in his mid twenties, moved forward, and drew his sword from its sheathe, the blade making a metalic shing as it did so.
"Now we shall see who ends up with the princess, boy."
Ooc:// Just to warn you, and Travis, Sara is not going to be happy when she and him meet back up. She's most likely going to slap him, and/or catch on fire.
Love is all we need~
7:48pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Omg. I hadn't been expecting that. D| I seriously will be giving you fail posts if I try this. Like. Seriously. I have no idea how to do a fighting scene. Could you just power play Travis and make a post of the whole fighting scene? xD Obviously, Travis should win. O_O And, I wanna' see just how good you are at these scenes ;) Jk. No pressure, bahahahaha. xD
LOL. I was really hoping she'd get mad too! xD ]]
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7:51pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// I really hate powerplaying other peoples' characters, so I think it would be better if we just timeskipped to when Travis is standing over the ringleader's dead body and then he goes off to find Sara, and Sara's looking for him.
Love is all we need~
7:59pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Bahahahaha. okay. xD ]]
Though I could say the ringleader was drenched in blood, it would be an understatement. I had cuts from where the sword met my upper arm, cheek, shin, and neck, but nothing major compared to him. Except for the arrow in my arm, I was fine.
I hadn't meant to call the man a coward just so that I could fight him one on one. I had just wanted my last words to be something that would stick in their heads. It obviously benefited me though.
"I end up with the princess. Boy. " My piercing tone whispered against his ear before I finally finished the ringleader off as my sword sunk into his flesh and beheaded him. At least I didn't give him a slow painful death. I was breathing heavy. I may have won but that didn't mean the man didn't put up a good fight.
"I suggest you leave me before I have to behead you scumbags as well."
I said, refusing to keep my back on them to find the princess until they were out of my sight. Still facing them, I cleaned the sword by rubbing the blood on the dirt. Seeing it was cleaned enough, I put it back in it's holder at my waist.
Now that this problem was over with, all I could think about was the princess. And if she was in harm.
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8:17pm Jun 16 2012 (last edited on 8:20pm Jun 16 2012)
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The ruffians retreated. Their leader had been defeated, and they knew that they weren't a match for this man now. They walked back into the woods with their heads hanging low.
Tear-streaked and red, Sara's face was set into an ex pression of anger and sadness. She had finally gained control of Travis's black stallion, and was steering him back towards the area they had been sent from. She swore that if Travis was still alive, she would bring him within an inch of his life.
Her blue eyes searched the woods for any sign of her knight. Yes, her knight. She now wondered if she would ever see him again. She fully understood that she shouldn't have such feelings, but the princess couldn't control her own heart.
She made Ashes trot now. The horse was panting and she knew it would tire the beast if it were to run. She wished that he would have just ran with her.
Love is all we need~
8:31pm Jun 16 2012
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As the others retreated, a weak smile formed on my face but I winced when it reached my eyes. I touched my left eye and put pressure but winced again. It must be bruising. How pitiful I will look when I find the princess. Bloodied, black - eyed, with a arrow in my shoulder.
Remembering that brought the pain back. Wincing even more, I thought about taking it out, but knew I should get to a pond or river close by to clean the wound. Right now, the problem was finding the princess.
Ignoring the aches of running, I ran as fast as I could in the path that I had led Ashes to go through. The whole way praying that nothing had harmed her. I didn't want that battle, and killing of the man, to go in vain.
I heard a horse trotting, and the second I heard it, I knew it was Ashes. Dodging trees, I ran even faster until the princess and Ashes came into sight. Seeing them brought me relief. No more need to run.
"Princess Sara."
I said weakly to get her attention before leaning my side against the tree. My right hand clung close to where the arrow was tightly. I should have avoided fighting that man at all cost, the movement of the arm from the sword only made it worse. "The bandits left, everything's fine now."
I said reassuringly before lifting my head up from the bark of the tree. "You stayed on Ashes, right? You didn't fall?"
Taking her away from the bandits with Ashes would have been pointless if she fell. She hurt herself either way.
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8:44pm Jun 16 2012
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Sara was startled when she saw a figure break through some of the trees.
Travis was alive.
And she was going to kill him.
Sara got off of Ashes, landing on her feet with a light thud, and felt the tears pouring down her face at an accelerated rate. She hadn't realized just how upset she was until now. She would save killing him until later. But she was still going to get in some good words.
"You idiotic, dumb, sword-weilding mule!" She moved forwards, her arms swinging as she did so. Though her words were harsh, her tone showed what she was really feeling. She reached Travis, and reared back with her hand, bringing it down and hoping for it to land with a loud smack on his right cheek. She was yet to see the arrow sticking out of his shoulder.
Love is all we need~
9:14pm Jun 16 2012
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That wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting maybe a hug - goodness, I was praying for a kiss - of celebration that we were both alright and alive. But, instead I was called a idiot? What had I done? I wasn't necessarily mad that she had the audacity to call me that. She was the princess after all.
I let my right hand down from the arrow on my left shoulder and touch my cheek after the loud smack echoed through out the forest. The smack hurt worse since during the battle, a sword had cut my flesh there.The pretty blue eyed princess was stronger then she looked.
"I'm... Sorry?"
I said in a more confused ex pression, since I didn't know if I was supposed to apologize or not. Woman...
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9:43pm Jun 16 2012
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Sara started shaking when he apologized. She was no longer angry. Her anger had all died out. Now she was just relieved. And ridiculously happy to see him. She thought he was dead. When she was headed back here, she hoped to at least find his dead body.
Her shaky hands wrapped around Travis's waist, due to her short stature, and she buried her face in his chest, allowing several more tears to roll down her face. She was glad that at least she wasn't making those weird choking noises when she cried.
"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry, Travis. I'm so sorry," she said, her voice muffled by his clothes.
Love is all we need~
9:49pm Jun 16 2012
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I was waiting for another strike to my cheek. I even closed my eyes and winced, but it never came. Instead, I felt her short body come close and wrap around my waist. I sighed, trying not to show that it kind of hurt from the aches and pains of the days. The last thing I needed was the princess to see me in pain. Any pride I had would be faltered.
"It's fine, Princess. You did nothing wrong."
I said, wincing as she stayed. She was crying though, I couldn't tell her to get off. My right hand lay atop her head, stroking her blonde hair as I whispered in her hair as, before I really thought about it, my lips found the top of her head lovingly. "Shhh. Princess. It's alright, you did nothing..."
I repeated in comforting words before I realized that I needed to get this arrow out sooner or later. It could get infected - or worse.
"Princess, I need you to lead me to a river or pond or somewhere with water."
I'd need to clean my clothes, and this wound.
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9:57pm Jun 16 2012
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Sara slowly pulled herself off of Travis and wiped her eyes with the backs of her hand. She sniffled and didn't show any signs of blushing from the comfort that Travis had given her.
And then she spotted it. It was sticking right out of his shoulder, and she put her hand over her heart. "Travis. Travis, you're hurt! You're hurt bad." She had cried herself out by this point, but if she could have cried more, she would have.
She shook slightly and said, "I saw a river not far from here. It's back up the path a little ways." She grabbed Travis's uninjured arm. "If you need support, lean on me. I may be small, but I can be strong." She looked up at him with watery blue eyes and a determined ex pression.
Her knight would not die from a simple band of bandits. Her knight was strong.
Ooc:// XD Her knight. I had to say that again.
Love is all we need~
10:04pm Jun 16 2012
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[ He always said 'My Princess' in the beginning! xDDD Loolololol. So cute. <333 ]]
I've found my weakness.
I used to think I was best at the battle field because I hadn't known my weakness. But staring into those watery blue eyes that I wanted nothing else but to swim in made me realize that this girl could bring me to my knees. I had fought the pain of the arrow and all my other cuts, but the second I looked into her eyes, I realized just how weary I was. Without even trying, my tall frame leaned against her tiredly.
Princess Sara was my weakness.
"I can tell."
I said when she said she was able to be strong, referring to when she slapped my cheek. It still stung, but I wouldn't tell her that. I needed to at least be slightly manly right now, even if I couldn't walk right.
I called with a small whistle and he followed.
[ Seeing as she is kind of leading him, you can just lead the both of them to the river. xD]]
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10:11pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// <3333333 That paragraph was so cute. XD
Sara was glad that he actually leaned on her. She wrapped one arm around him to support him better, and began to walk. She was afraid to put him on the horse. It could jostle the arrow and cause him pain. That was the last thing she wanted. She blinked away the last of the tears, and sniffled one last time before she saw the glittering water in the distance.
She sped her pace slightly, but not too much as to where Travis would have trouble. She led him to the water's edge and said, "I'm not huge on doing medical things, so if you need my help, just tell me what to do, and I'll do the best I can." She looked up at him and nodded, taking in a deep breath and letting it out.
She had no fear of doing what he told her. She would be helping him. The one thing that she did dread was the part where she would have to pull the arrow out. She had already figured that she would have to yank the thing out because it would be terribly difficult for Travis to do it himself. She didn't know if she would be able to stand hurting Travis anymore.
Love is all we need~
10:17pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ - loves making guys mushy and romantic- |D I heard you're not supposed to pull the arrow out the opposite way it went in. You're supposed to let it go through completely. Is it true? O_O
Just making sure before I make the post. ]]
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