10:18pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// Yep. It's true. But if the arrow has an ornate decoration on the end that didn't go through, you need to break that part off and then push the arrow through.
Love is all we need~
10:32pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Omg. O_O I'll just not have that part since I have no idea what that is. xD ]]
When she took me to the pond, I let go of her shoulders and found a rock close by the river to sit down on. I called Ashes over, sat up and grabbed a bag Ashes had on his saddle. Opening it up as I sat back down, I set down bandages, concoctions that the nurse back at the kingdom had made, and other needs for wounds.
After taking all the necessities out, I looked up at Princess Sara with a weak smile. "I might need you to help me take this arrow out, Princess. All you have to do is pull the rest through."
I said the last part more mumbled. I wasn't looking forward to this.
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10:37pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// That's fine. :D
Sara inwardly groaned. She didn't want to do this, but the wound could get infected if she didn't. Walking over to Travis, she found that her hands were shaky. She moved to stand behind him. The rock made him at around the right level for her to work on the arrow.
Seeing how shaky her hands were, she steadied them and placed one on the place where Travis's neck and his shoulder met and the other on the arrow. She took in a deep breath, and hoped that Travis did the same.
"I am so sorry."
She pulled carefully, and as quickly as she possibly could. If she would have pulled to quickly, she would have made the wound worse, but pulling slowly made the pain terrible.
When she felt the arrow come through, she threw it to the ground.
Love is all we need~
10:43pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Omg... I just realized he's gunna' have to get shirtless. And the princess is going to have to help, just so I can torture her a bit. ;) ]
I held my breath as she pulled the arrow out slowly, and tensed up just as the end of the arrow left my flesh. Finally when it was out, I let a loud groan of pain from my lips, but I really wanted to let the tears burning at my eyes give in.
Oh no. I was not crying in front of my princess. That would be humiliating.
"Alright. Now I have to clean the wound, and get these medicines on."
I said, reaching the hem of my shirt to try and lift up the shirt, but winced at the pain in my shoulder. I tried once more, but couldn't take the pain in my shoulder, as I gave up and put the shirt down.
"Princess, I need you to help me."
I said defeated, it was noticeable that I didn't want her help.
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10:51pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// You sadistic being. Naughty you. XD
Sara's heart broke when she heard his pained groan. She'd hurt him. She bit her lip hard and suppressed apologizing again. She wanted so badly to hug him or something to distract him from the pain. But she knew that almost any signs of affection right now would only cause him more pain.
And possibly freak him out.
When she saw his trouble in removing his shirt, she released her lip and let out a shaky breath as he said he needed her help. Why was she feeling uncomfortable about this? She shouldn't feel uncomfortable. He was hurt, and she was helping him. It wasn't like she was taking off his shirt for the heck of it. She convinced herself as she moved to stand in front of him.
Her small hands worked nimbly to pull his uninjured arm through the sleeve of his shirt, and then she worked, pulling it over his head. It shouldn't have caused any pain on his wound yet. She hoped it didn't, at least. She licked her lips at the next part. It was tricky.
Working especially fast to make what little pain would occur short, she slipped the shirt downwards and off of Travis's injured arm, placing it on the ground near her feet. No matter how hard she tried to focus on his wound, her eyes travelled to his chest, and then to his stomach, skimming the muscles there.
Love is all we need~
11:02pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Mwahahahahaahaha. <3 You know she loves it... ]]
A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the shirt went to the ground. "That feels better. Thanks Princess."
I said, getting up to get the canteen from Ashes saddle, and went to the river. It was difficult to hold myself up from falling on my wounded arm, but it was better then putting my arm in the river as a cleaning technique. Filling up the canteen with water, I pushed myself up and sat back down on the rock. I lifted the canteen to the top of my arm and let the water cover the wound and drip down my chest and arm. (Pretty much he's looking even hotter all wet. Since I can't wait to see her reaction. xDDD)
The pain was still there but it was not as bad. After the wound was cleaned, I gave a sheepish grin to Princess Sara. "Could you put the ointment on the back wound of my shoulder? I can't reach it."
I said before putting some ointment on my finger tips and gently putting it on the hole in my front shoulder. Then giving the ointment to her.
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11:08pm Jun 16 2012
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Sara let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when Travis thanked her. She didn't know what he was doing when he went to the river, though. When he filled up the canteen, Sara's eyes widened.
Oh no.
And then it was too late. She hadn't been able to tear her eyes away, and when the water cascaded down his chest, going over the muscles, she felt her face heat up, red filling her pale cheeks. She pursed her lips together.
The sheepish grin that Travis gave her made it even worse, but she didn't let it show. Or at least she tried not to.
She gingerly took the ointment and put some on her fingertips, gently applying it to the wound on the back of Travis's shoulder. She was nervous that she would hurt him, so her touch was unusually light. When she was finished, she wiped the remaining ointment that was on her fingers on her dress- the garment was dirty, anyways- and waited for her next command.
She hoped it wouldn't be as humiliating as the last two had been.
Love is all we need~
11:15pm Jun 16 2012
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[[Bahaha. Worst hasn't come yet, Sara... ]]
My muscles tightened slightly as she applied the oinment, the wound being a sensitive area. After the ointment was put on, I said another thank you before rummaging through the bag to find a large bandage. [ Like a ace wrap to wrap around his shoulder. ]
"Just one more thing, Princess. I need some help wrapping this around my shoulder." I said, already unwrapping the material. I couldn't wait to get it on. The air was making it sting quite badly.
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11:22pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// The poor child.... XD
Sara pursed her lips together and sighed silently, closing her eyes for a moment. She had seen how shoulder wraps had been done. That was the one thing she had. She had seen the castle nurses apply shoulder wraps to many different knights.
But this was Travis. Not some injured knight. He was.... She didn't want to finish that sentence in her head.
She held out her hand for the material. She looked at him in the eyes almost like a humiliated puppy. Sara waited for instructions, but she already knew that she would have to get ridiculously close to him to do this.
Ooc:// I bet you strategically decided where the arrow would hit in the fight scene. XD
Love is all we need~
11:29pm Jun 16 2012
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[[hahaahaha! Actually, the shoulder was the first thing I thought of that wouldn't get him killed. xD But Sara is really benefiting from my idea of putting it there. xD ]]
When I looked up at her to hand her the bandage, my eyes involuntarily went to her full pink lips instead of her eyes. The pain had been so great from the fight with the bandits, I hadn't thought of the awkward tension we had before after that wonderful kiss. Was it gone?
I let my eyes travel up to her blue orbs for a moment, basking in the silence for one, two, and three beats.
No way has that tension left. It had thickened even worse. And looking back at the princess's eyes, I could tell I wasn't the only one who felt this tension. Did she feel uncomfortable with the kiss yesterday? Did she want to do it again as much as I did? Me being bare chested probably wasn't the best idea. (Yeah it was.)
"Just start from under my arm to wrap around my chest, and it'll make it's way to my shoulder. (RIGHT? D:) It's really easy once you get the hang of it."
I said, my voice husky from remembering this kiss. How could I forget something so strong in the first place? My eyes averted so I wouldn't be tempted to look at her mouth again. I won't know how to control myself once she gets closer.
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11:37pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// You're correct in applying the bandage.
And Sara has definately benefitted from that. And I get a good kick out of it as well. It's hilarious.
Sara watched as Travis looked at her. She caught his eye, too, and she held her breath for those moments of uninterrupted silence, almost having to gasp for air when he finally spoke. She drew in a deep breath and let it out, grateful that the silence was gone.
Sara followed Travis's instructions carefully. She started under his arm. "Tell me if I hurt you." She began to go across his chest, and felt her breathing become harder. Why did she agree to this?
Because she had to, and she wanted to.
She had to stop half-way across Travis's chest to regain her train of thought and to regain her balance. She had to bend down a bit, and she was feeling dizzy from looking at him. Goodness, if this man only knew what he did to her.
She regained her balance and stopped at Travis's wound, going over it slowly and trying not to hurt him.
Ooc:// And the histerical thing is that she's going to have to wrap the bandage around his shoulder and his arm several times. XD
Love is all we need~
11:48pm Jun 16 2012 (last edited on 11:50pm Jun 16 2012)
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[[ Ohhhhhh yeeeeeeeeahhhhhhh <3. Going off for the night. ~]]
I don't know why I felt so different around the princess. Plenty of beautiful woman have spoken to me before, even tried feeling my muscles - back in the days where I was much more cocky. But I never felt like this. I wanted more then anything for her to tell me she wanted to cherish me forever. Or take my heart and keep it hers. For those minutes as she stayed so close, it took everything in me not to embrace her and just enjoy the warmth of her body against mine.
Because, no matter how hard I try to forget, she's the princess. I've already touched her inappropriately at her waist. Spoke of looking at her thigh - though I never actually did. Kissed her like there was no tomorrow - and I wished I could get another chance...
I should be beheaded. I should be thrown in the river with my arms tied behind my back. I should be killed just for the desires I had for the princess. The way I could feel the warmth of her skin from her fingers as she put the bandage around my shoulder made me dizzy.
I whispered against her ear and then opened my eyes wide. Why had I said her name? In her ear? As if I wanted her knowing how I felt? She seemed more uncomfortable about this then I did. The last thing I needed was her knowing how much pleasure I endured from it.
I mumbled and turned my head, acting like I had actually wanted to tell her something and changed my mind rather then say her name out of wanting to seduce her into feeling the same way.
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11:56pm Jun 16 2012
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Ooc:// Lolololololololol. XD <333 This post is.... -can't describe-.
Sara's heart literally stopped for half of a second when Travis spoke her own name in her ear. And then he just said nevermind as if he was simply teasing her.
Could he read minds or something? She nearly fell to her knees. She couldn't hold back much longer. Before she noticed what she was doing, she looped her arms around Travis's waist to wrap the bandage around again instead of simply walking around him.
Why did she do that?
She didn't know, but she did have to admit that she allowed herself to linger, plastered against his still-wet chest a bit longer than necessary. She wrapped the bandage around his chest again and around his shoulder, trying to get this over with before she did something foolish again.
She still couldn't get the fact out of her mind that he was ridiculously warm, and his torso seemed to fit perfectly in the loop of her arms. Goodness, her father was going to kill her when she returned. If she returned.
Love is all we need~
3:33pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// Bump. ._.
Love is all we need~
7:33pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ Sorry! Church + Father's Day celebration + Psych = all day. xD This whole scene is... -can't describe- xD ]]
I had half expected her to leap away from our closeness. She already seemed uncomfortable, and I hadn't wanted to make it feel worse. You can't blame me for what I involuntarily say or do when my weakness was around.
But, instead of keeping her distance, she got even closer. At first I thought it was an embrace, and before I even tried putting my arm around her like I had wanted, she released. Making me realize she was just wrapping the bandage around in a different technique. A technique I quite enjoyed.
I couldn't take this silence any longer. If the tension refused to budge, and we both felt it, then why not just forget about it?
"Princess, did you hear the bandits speak of how they found you through the mark on your leg? I guess that was the old woman's plan all along. We have to figure out how to get that mark off, or more might come."
I was very aware of how my breath could possible hit her skin since she was so close, but I chose to not say anything. Maybe she'll finish faster and we could both stop feeling so uncomfortable.
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7:40pm Jun 17 2012 (last edited on 7:41pm Jun 17 2012)
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Sara felt Travis's breath ghost over her skin, and chill bumps appeared on her arms. Luckily, she was nearly finished. With a few more of the repeated motions she had been doing, she secured the end of the bandage on the side of his chest.
She almost didn't want to back away.
However, she felt it would be best before she embarassed herself or Travis teased her again. Slowly, she backed away and stood up straight. Only a few feet separated her and Travis now.
And she felt herself staring at the area where his injury was. She was wondering if it hurt him as badly as it hurt her to see it. Then she remembered that he had asked her a question. She thought back to that scene.
"Yeah. I do remember them mentioning the mark. Although I haven't even looked at the thing." She scratched her head. "And the problem is that if it's a burn, it won't really come off. It felt like a burn, Travis."
If you looked closely, you could still see a hint of pink on her cheeks, and that she was still a bit shaky. She couldn't help but speak up. "You shouldn't worry about that. You're injured, and it's my fault. Does your wound hurt?"
Ooc:// Deion of this scene: Akward, mushy, uncomfortable, adolescent, young love.
Anyways, I was sick all day, so I did hardly anything. I can hardly speak, but other than that, I feel much better. :)
Love is all we need~
7:51pm Jun 17 2012
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[[What a perfect moment for Travis to ask Sara if he can see the mark. xD
Aw. ;~; What's wrong? :( ]]
When she backed away after finishing the bandage, the warmth of her body close to mine also left, leaving me with the slight cold of the wind. And the sense of loneliness, if only for a moment.
I stood up and touched the spot where the hole was. There was a tiny speck of blood you could see if you looked at the area on the bandage, which mean the bleeding was slowing down or being absorbed very well by the bandage. Grabbing my bloodied shirt, I was tempted to ask the princess if she wanted me to clean her garments as well, then thought better of it. I didn't need this air to be any more awkward.
Leaning down over the river and putting my clothes in, hoping the blood would at least come off somewhat, I thought about what she said. If it felt like a burn, that didn't mean it actually was a burn. I swallowed, the idea burning just as much in the back of my mind.
"Princess, I think I need to see the mark."
She was comfortable with it the first time we talked about this, so I hoped she was now. But I knew it wouldn't help this tension. Or my conscience.
"Just to see what this mark truly is. Nothing more."
I added as I lifted my shirt, and hung it on a near by branch for drying.
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8:03pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// Bahahah. She's gonna be hesitant now.
And I'm not sure what's wrong. Probably some sort of thing to do with allergies. I've been sneezing nonstop for the last week and a half. XD My dog will look at me when I'm done and be all -headtilt-. XD
Sara watched as Travis moved. She watched as his back muscles rippled when he dipped his shirt into the river, and then hung it up. Why could she not tear her eyes away? Why was she-
He needed to see the mark? Oh, god. She felt her face turn from its normal color to being a pink again. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and she bit her lip, looking down.
"Um.... Uh...." She couldn't really think of whether to say yes or no. When she finally realized that she wouldn't be able to see it herself, due to the positioning of the mark, she sighed in defeat and said, "Alright."
It was obvious that she was more uncomfortable about this than she was earlier- partially because he was shirtless and partially because she had all of her feelings straightened out and named. And there was also the fact that Travis could be beheaded for this if her father caught him. And then Sara would probably be locked away in some tower.
At least it wasn't on her rump, she thought. That would be terrible. By the way that it ached, she guessed that it was somewhere in the middle of the back of her thigh, a few inches below her rump, actually.
She looked back up at Travis.
Love is all we need~
8:28pm Jun 17 2012
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When she blushed, some color came to my own already hot cheeks. I wished I could read her mind. Or maybe ask why it was so awkward. Maybe she felt the same...
The thought's stopped by themselves, I didn't have to try to stop them. How appalling to think the princess would want a stinky, bloodied - sometimes extremely grumpy - knight! Princesses imagined Prince's. Someone who can give them all the jewels and beautiful gowns they imagined. And, a prince is able to give Princess Sara the new ti tle of 'Queen'. I couldn't give her anything more then my infatuation towards her that will probably wear (Where? Ware? o-o) off by the time she gets back to the castle.
"I promise Princess, I'm not like other men."
Was all I said before I came close enough to be mere inches from her small body. My hands lifted slightly, but I felt sick just thinking about lifting her dress. It would be better if she did it, that way she knew just how high to pull it up.
"Could you do it, Princess?" I said weakly, referring to lifting her dress. I was still a man, and there was a part of me that was asking me why I was taking away the enjoyment of seeing a women's legs, but my conscience argued. Knowing that just seeing a woman's ankles was a perverse notion, doing this made me nothing but sick.
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8:39pm Jun 17 2012
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Sara bit her lip to keep from saying something offensive or embarassing. How akward this was! She sucked in a silent breath and nodded. She would agree to do it. At least Travis would let her do it.
"I know you're not like the other men," she said. She nearly slapped her hand over her mouth after the sentence. Why had she said that? It was true that Travis wasn't like any of the princes who merely thought she was a pretty face. Travis was her friend. All of the princes that she had met seemed distant, and cold. And some of them were just too perfect for her.
"I mean... Ugh." She lifted her skirt slightly, pulling her bloomers upwards to where they weren't covering the aching area. She never thought she would be in this position. Ever.
She winced and hissed slightly in pain as her fingernails dragged across what felt like a burn mark.
However, if she were able to see it, Sara would have seen an intricate, downward-pointing arrow on the back of her thigh. And it wasn't burned into her skin. It was sliced into the skin, though the cuts weren't deep.
Love is all we need~