8:50pm Jun 17 2012
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Princess Sara was so short compared to my tall frame, I had to squat down to see the mark. I obviously felt uncomfortable, but as my eyes glazed over the wound, I almost completely forgot I was staring at her thigh. My cheeks still burned though.
"Princess, this is definitely not a burn..." I said, as I inspecting it.
"It looks more like a incision or cut. Shaped like a arrow. Maybe she somehow put something inside? Like a tracking device?"
I said though I highly doubt something materialistic had anything to do with this. It was magic.
"Somehow the woman knew that you were a mage. Before you electrocuted her, of course."
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9:05pm Jun 17 2012
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Sara broke into a cold sweat. "What? A cut?" She turned her head to attempt to look at the mark, though it was futile. It was just out of sight. She turned in a full circle, though, trying to get at an angle where she could see it for herself.
She released the edge of her dress and sighed as the fabric covered up her leg again. She scratched her neck. "And... Oh my goodness, Travis. I know what that woman is!" She let her eyes widen. "That woman is a seer." She hoped that Travis would know what she was talking about.
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9:16pm Jun 17 2012
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I leaned back, startled, as the princess circled. I stood back up with a lifted eyebrow "A seer? As in a...?" I said, with a shrug from my broad shoulders to say what my lips weren't. I had no idea what she was talking about.
[Short. Sorry. :c ]]
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9:20pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// It's fine.
Sara sighed. She was surprised that Travis didn't know what a seer was. With a deep breath, she began to explain.
"Seers are people who are born with the gift to see into the past, future, and present. I think that she has been seeing me for a while, and that she worked out a deal with the bandits." She gave Travis a hopeful look. "If we go back there, you can get your armor, and we can see if she can remove the mark."
Ooc:// I have like... The perfect plot twist. XD
Love is all we need~
9:25pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ Tell me! ]]
My heart raced the second she suggested the idea. With a quick shake of my head, I said, "That's crazy, Princess."
But what about my duty as a knight to obey her? I sighed, completely torn.
"Go back to that women that was trying to kill you?" At least, when I had first woken up and saw the scene, it looked like it.
"If she put it in, why would she even agree to take it out?"
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9:32pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// This prince from the kingdom they're in could be hearing rumors and eventually come to see the princess, and invite her to his castle. There Sara and Travis can clean up and eat a good meal.
But then the prince becomes infatuated and asks her to be his bride, and then she refuses because of Travis, and then the prince tries to kill Travis to get him out of the way, and then Sara has to save him with her mage/demon powers. XD
Too cheesy?
Sara licked her lips and gave Travis the most serious look she could manage. "Travis, it's the only option that we have in getting this mark off. I could threaten her and say that I'll electrocute her again if she doesn't remove it or something." She waved her hand.
But the problem was that she had absolutely no control over her mage powers yet.
She then let her eyes linger on Travis's. "Please, Travis."
Love is all we need~
9:42pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ No. O_O Not cheesy. Even if it was, I'd so go for it. xD I love it! AHHH~ ]]
My eyes went to her lips as she licked them. And I finally looked back up at her eyes reluctantly when she asked again. Why did she have to look at me like that? Did she like torturing me like this? "Alright."
I said, and blinked surprised. I gave in, of course. I would do anything for those baby - blues.
I clenched my jaw and walked to Ashes after getting my shirt and put my other things back in the bag and on Ashes's saddle. The shirt was still wet, but I'd deal. Slipping it on as gently as I could from the pain of the wound, I was able to get it on without the princess's help.
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9:46pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// Would you mind roleplaying as the prince? Feel free to name him whatever you want. Or you can keep his name a secret and just have him called Prince. XD
Sara let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. He agreed? He agreed! She nearly jumped for joy. Perhaps this woman could also teach her something about mage powers.
Walking towards the horse, Sara couldn't help but wrap her arms around Travis in a short embrace. She released him and jumped up onto the horse. "Thankyou, Travis," she said, unable to help the grin that had crawled onto her face.
Love is all we need~
9:53pm Jun 17 2012 (last edited on 9:53pm Jun 17 2012)
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Just as I was about to turn her around and help her on Ashes - I was starting to just like to feel needed by her. I knew she could go on, on her own. - I felt her small arms wrap around me. The embrace caught me by surprise and I didn't even think to hug her back.
"No problem."
I mumbled, and went on the horse behind her. This wasn't good. Why was my heart racing at the remembrance of our short embrace? Why did it make me think of our kiss? This wasn't good at all. I couldn't feel this way about the princess. I was the knight. Her protector. Her fighter. Not her lover. And I never will be. I'd have to remember that next time she tried hugging me. No matter how hard it was, I might have to push her away.
I gulped. I truly hoped I'd never get in that situation.
I led Ashes to back where we came from and to the old woman's home. It would take at least 2 hours to get there now, now that the sun has risen up and more villagers will be out roaming the streets.
[[You can time skip to whatever is convenient. |D
And sure! ]
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9:57pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// Yayz.~ Just have the prince randomly barge in on Sara and the woman while they're talking.
I'll just timeskip to when they're at the woman's house.
As the familiar little house-named hut came into view, Sara felt the bad memories come back, and she tensed up. However, she braved through it. She would not let this woman scare her. Though the thought of what marks she would burn on her next terrified her slightly.
She wasn't sure if Travis had seen it, but she nudged him gently with her elbow. "There it is, Travis," she said, pointing to the shack.
"I hope she's home." She bit her lip.
Love is all we need~
10:02pm Jun 17 2012
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"I don't."
I replied back in a voice more clipped then I had meant too. I winced inwardly and hoped she didn't notice. I don't know why I was angry at her. I just wished these feelings would go away. I didn't need the distractions.
I stopped Ashes by the place he was tied up at before. Jumping down, I didn't reach out for the princess. She was probably able to get down on her own, and I didn't need to have my hands on her waist.
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10:10pm Jun 17 2012
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Sara felt his words hit her ears like a physical hit. His tone was... a bit angry. Perhaps he wasn't feeling well. His wound was hurting him, that's all, she convinced herself.
She sat atop Ashes for a while before she realized that Travis wasn't going to help her down. The horse was much taller than Capricornia, and she'd never slid off of this horse on her own. She slid down, nonetheless, not wanting Travis to hurt his shoulder more, and winced as she landed unevenly.
She decided it was best not to say anything else to Travis. He seemed moody to her. With no words, Sara passed him and knocked on what passed as the front door.
The woman jumped out of the shadows. "What do you want? I thought you would leave me alone after elecrocuting me, you little-"
"I know you're a seer." Sara's voice interrupted the woman's sentence, which she really didn't wish for her to complete. The old hag's jaw dropped, and she grabbed the princess's arm, dragging her in, motioning for Travis to follow, though she gave him a glare worthy of a demon.
Love is all we need~
10:15pm Jun 17 2012
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I followed after the Princess as she went to the door. I hoped the old hag wasn't here. Oh, but the second I heard her voice, my insides melted. I swallowed, watching the exchange in silence. Walking after the two women, I closed the door behind me.
[[Laaa~ Fail. Sorry. c: ]]
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10:19pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// Tis fine.
Sara watched as the woman led her to a ratty couch. Setting down on the thing gingerly, only then did the hag let her go. "How did you know this, child?" the old woman asked.
Sara swallowed the nervous lump in her throat. "I know much about seers. One of my distant relatives was one. But we came here for business. You must remove the mark on my leg."
"B-but the bandits.... They haven't gotten what they were promised yet..." The woman's tone became desperate.
"I don't care about the bandits!" Sara stood, her face turning a bit red from yelling. "They almost killed my knight!"
Oh crap. Sara had said it out loud. My knight. It was too late to correct herself, so she just carried on.
"Now, if you don't remove the mark, I will electrocute you until you smell like cooked chicken!"
Love is all we need~
10:27pm Jun 17 2012
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I opened my mouth as the old woman spoke of the bandits. I was going to explain that they won't be getting what they're promised, because the leader is dead. But, before the words could come from my mouth, the pretty princess decided to put more words in my head to let my fantasies run wild.
"They almost killed my knight!"
I tried not to think of it as anymore then a professional - type ti tle. I technically was her knight. But I couldn't hide the color in my cheeks no matter how hard I tried by looking down.
"Ma'am, we came across those bandits. The leader is dead."
I said, but my mind was still repeating the princess's voice in my head. The way she said it. I wondered if she could say 'Travis' with that same tone...
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10:58pm Jun 17 2012
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Sara's head turned in Travis's direction and she couldn't help but notice the red in her cheeks, and the red surfacing in her own. Looking back to the woman, her voice took on the tone of a leader.
"I swear, woman, if you do not remove this mark from my leg, I will let the demon take over and he will do terrible things to you." She let her voice drop to a tone that was both serious and threatening. The old woman shook slightly at this.
"I'll let you think about that while you go get Travis's armor," Sara said. She could feel the demon lashing out inside, and her body heating up.
The woman left the room and returned with Travis's armor, placing it on a small table in the middle of the room. Looking back up at Sara, the woman shakily said, "Since the bandit leader is dead, I'll remove the mark."
Sara had to supress the triumphant smile that she wanted to show so badly. Her tactics of intimidation had worked. Of course, the old woman was smaller than even she was, so the princess seemed even scarier to the old hag.
Holding her hands up in the air, the woman began chanting again. A target mark just like Sara's appeared on both of the woman's hands and after a few moments of chanting, the woman clapped her hands together and a blue flash occured under Sara's dress.
The pain was gone. The pain was gone! Sara was so glad. No more achyness in her leg. She didn't even need to look. There was no longer that mysterious, deceiving air around the old woman.
Ooc:// Feel free to have the prince barge in at any time. :D
Love is all we need~
11:26pm Jun 17 2012
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[ Since you know how I love playing hot guys - it's just fun.. xD- the prince will be looking like Alex Pettyfer. |DDD 'Cause I'm in love with him... Just look him up on google and you will die of hotness. Just as a warning.]]
As the old woman did the chant, I started putting the armor back on. It felt good to have my usual armor back on, I've been feeling so bare without it, since I was so used to having it on back at our kingdom.
Just as the woman finished, I heard horses outside. Plenty of them, with masculine voices as well. My protective nature kicking in, I put a finger to my mouth in the princess's direction to tell her to keep quiet. I looked out the window to see someone from royalty. But they were too far away for me to see who it was.
"It might be your father. Maybe he's come to bring you back."
My voice was emotionless now, trying to keep the bite from my tone like I hadn't been able too before. Just because I was angry with my feelings didn't mean I could let them out on the princess.
Leaving the shack, I went outside to not see the King like I had wanted. But a man that looked about my age, with blonde hair and a scrutinizing ex pression in my direction. I felt like a worthless peasant with my bloodied wet shirt, dirty armor, and unshaven face compared to this clean cut fellow. [[ I say stubble is better anyways... ]] By the looks of the other knights who had much newer armor and swords handy, I already had guessed this was the prince of this kingdom before he introduced himself.
"Good day, sir. I am Prince Arnold. Rumor has it Princess Sara is here."
I didn't like how he said the princess's name. Prince Arnold got off his white stallion and walked over to me. His eyes studied every part of me before he gave me a lifted brow.
"You are the knight that was sent with her? I heard... Some of you as well." I didn't want a conversation with the prince. He seemed too... Clean. I didn't like it. Probably because he was the prince Princess Sara deserved. The thought made a lump rise in my throat, but I swallowed as I nodded my head at his question.
"You seemed to have been through much..."
He said as his judgmental eyes looked at me up and down again with a disgusted ex pression. Brushing passed me, he opened up the cabin doors and I felt like I was going to vomit at his delighted ex pression at seeing the princess.
"Princess Sara, I heard it, but I didn't believe the true beauty was here."
I heard his smooth voice say as he reached for her knuckles and brought them to his lips. His eyes never leaving hers. "Come back to the kingdom with me. Let me treat you with a feast as a celebration for your arrival."
I wanted to sock him in the mouth for just now letting go of her hand. I glared at the prince, who seemed to not give the old woman or me any mind. "We can also give you a bedroom, you must be exhausted."
Finally, I couldn't stand a minute longer of this nonsense.
"Actually, Prince Arnold, Princess Sara and I are..." Are we what? We aren't headed in any certain directions. We were just told to stay in the woods. And what would the Prince think if I told him that? "I have to stay with her." I said more quietly. His ex pression intimidated me, though I didn't want to admit that.
The prince looked me over once more before giving Princess Sara a smile that made me want to hit him in the groin. "I guess I can find a room for you to, Sir..."
I said with tight lips, though Prince Arnold didn't seem to care. Holding out his elbow for the princess to take, he gave her a charming smile and said, "So, will you come?"
I couldn't keep the glare out of my eyes.
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11:43pm Jun 17 2012
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Ooc:// OMGHEEEE. Alex Pettyfer is a sexy beast. :D But Sara loves Travis, so... XD
Sara watched through the door. Travis had left without her knowledge, and she was a bit intimidated by all of the knights to go up and follow her knight. The man that was talking, though, was quite attractive. He was obviously not her father.
She brushed some of her hair behind her ear in hopes of hearing some of the conversation, but it was futile. She was too blinded by the knights' shining armor. And the man's white stallion looked like it could've been Capricornia's father, she decided, immediately noticing their resemblance.
As the man approached the shack, passing Travis, Sara felt her hair stand up. What... Why was he coming towards her? Before she knew it, she had been complimented.
A 'true beauty', was she? She'd never heard that before.
And before she could react, she found this man's lips pressed against her knuckles. And her cheeks flooded with red color. The way that he held eye contact with her was.... intriguing. But she couldn't help but notice how he seemed to be giving Travis the cold shoulder. And the way that her knight seemed to be bothered by the prince's presence.
By that point, she had figured that he was the prince of this kingdom. He looked princely, rode a white stallion, and even kissed a lady's hand like a prince. To put it simply, she found herself a bit giddy. She hadn't seen a prince in a long, long time. And seeing this man, who had just invited her to the castle to stay there, seemed like a saving grace.
There would be no more sleeping in the woods, or being attacked by bandits. There would be no more scorched blankets or bumpy, run-away rides on Ashes. Life would be partially normal again.
Her mind immediately went to her appearance. He had called her a true beauty, even though her dress was probably the dirtiest garment she'd ever worn, and her face wasn't as light as it normally was due to a lack of sleep.
When Travis interjected, she bit her lip. Did he not want to stay in the castle? The prince cleared things up, and Sara released her lip, taking his elbow.
"I would be honored to come to the kingdom with you, my lord." She used the proper speech she had been told to use around others of noble blood.
She just hoped that this didn't bother Travis too much. After all, they would be able to take baths! And eat real, good food! Not alien-looking roasted rabbit.
Love is all we need~
11:58pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ Travis is sexier... xD ]]
I don't think anything hurt worse then watching the way the princess's cheeks turned crimson red the way she would do with me, but I never pointed out. Just because he knew how to kiss knuckles, he was all of a sudden the ladies man? Let's see if he's a real man, if I take out my sword and we dual. I was in the mood to cut someone else's head off, and Prince Arnold would be the perfect target. We'll see how pretty you are after the head's chopped off. I would take his head as a award.
I clenched my jaw as Prince Arnold led Princess Sara out by his elbow. Was she a dog? She could walk with out Prince Arnold's elbow help, thank you. She had legs.
Nice ones. That I saw. Sissy Arnold never got that, did he?
The negative thoughts only came worse as I left the cabin and followed them outside. I whistled for Ashes and he came to my call. While Prince Arnold was taking Princess Sara to a horse they had brought for her to ride on, I hopped on Ashes. I planned on riding after all of the knights and Prince Arnold left so I wouldn't be attempted to behead him while we were riding.
And what was up with the Princess's talk when she responded to this guy? I knew she was a Princess, but she seemed so much more real when she talked just like me or villagers or other knights. And this Arnold guy didn't want real. He wanted a materialistic, shallow, spoiled princess the way every other prince ended up having. What was I doing, still letting this shell of a man touch her?
My heart was racing and my anger was only increasing. Finally, I watched Prince Arnold walk to his white stallion and look back to make sure Princess Sara was fine. She was perfectly able to get on a horse buddy, so stop looking back...
I hated the guy already. I'd rather live out in the woods for a year then stay in this prince's palace for a hour.
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12:07am Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// Trolololololol. He talks about Sara's legs like they're boobs or something. XD
And Travis is sexier. Sara will admit that. But not yet. XD
Sara couldn't help but notice how Travis was glaring at Prince Arnold. Goodness, she would probably get an earfull later, wouldn't she. She could already imagine Travis speaking to her in that sexy, irritated tone that he had used when he was telling her not to let the seer old woman touch her again.
She got onto the horse, trying not to look at Travis. She was afraid of what she would see in his eyes. Perhaps murderous intent. Whether it was towards her or Arnold, she didn't know. All she knew was that he seemed like he wanted to kill someone.
She bit her lip as she readjusted her gown so that it was more comfortable for her to ride the horse. She never really realized how hard the whole princess attitude was to pull off until now, when she had to use it again after it lying dormant for several days.
Ooc:// Sorry for the short post. x.x
Love is all we need~