12:10am Jun 18 2012
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[[ Hahaha! I read over that part of the post, and was like "O_O She's right..."
Going off for the night, sadly. :c I'll reply tomorrow. :) ]]
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12:12am Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// Yudodistome?!?!?! </3
I'll be waiting for your post~
Love is all we need~
9:36am Jun 18 2012
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[[Actually you do better then I would do when you only have one character and I have the whole knights and prince + sexy Travis. O_O -CHfails- ]]
The ride to the palace wasn't as long as I thought. We came to the more crowded area of the village with shops, we could easily pass right through. The second the villagers saw the Prince, they stepped to the sides and let all of us through. Some were looking in hatred - but you see that anywhere. I've learned by watching the king, that as royalty, you can't please every one. You'll always have your enemies when you have power.
But some were looking more in longing. The longing were the ones who had battered clothing like myself, and little children with dirt in their hands and faces and garments unclean. They were skinny and hidden in the shadows by the back garbage, so I doubted many noticed them. I almost had Ashes run right into a knight that was behind the prince as protection, because my eyes were watching the poor so intently.
If I were royalty, I would make sure no villager was left hungry, thirsy, dirty, or displeased. I would do anything I could to give them the life they deserved. Especially little ones like the ones hiding farther away. I swallowed as more poor caught my eye as we headed farther down the village, though I wished I could go back to the first homeless children I saw and give them something to eat. The ones poorer now were much close, so I quickly searched Ashes saddle until I found a canteen full of clean water. I leaned down from Ashes and handed a father of the poof family the drink. "Keep it." I said before sitting up straight to see the prince eyeing me down once again over his shoulder with a speculative glance. It's alright, buddy. I hate you more.
We finally came to the palace, and I dismounted Ashes to put him in the extra stable the Prince said I could use. "Here..." I whispered to Ashes as I gave him a sugar cube; stalling to go back in the palace with the prince. I heard foot steps behind me in the stable and turned to see the horse the Princess was riding on (Is that powerplaying if I just imply that she was already off? D| ) before. The princess! Why had I left her?
Well, who said she'll get in any harm with pretty Princey boy around?
Leaving Ashes in the stable, I walked out to see Prince Arnold once again offering his elbow to take her into the palace. "Princess Sara, you have yet to tell me why you've come to my kingdom for a visit."
I heard Prince Arnold say in a smooth voice. I waited to hear the princess's explanation instead of explaining myself. Wouldn't want to intrude on this guys awful way of flirting.
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12:59pm Jun 18 2012
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Sara felt her heart break a little with each poor person she saw. She'd never seen poverty such as this. If she had something to give to them- other than the gown she was wearing- she would give it to them. Several children caught her eye, and they were hiding near some trash.
Did the prince not see this? Did he not care? Or was he simply cruel? She let the questions fill her head. No. He probably was working on getting them out of poverty, she convinced herself. She sure hoped that was exactly what he was doing. After the feast, she would see if she could sneak some food out here to the children.
She got off of her horse at the appropriate time and wondered where Travis had gone. When the men took her horse towards the stables, she let out a sigh of relief once she spotted him coming out of the stables. He hadn't left her. Good. She would be distraught if that ever happened.
As Prince Arnold's voice brought her back into reality, she had to remember to keep up at least half of the princess attitude. "I was sent off to learn some things, my lord," was all she told him. She didn't want to fully explain to him. "My father thought that it would be best if he didn't come with me, so he sent his best knight to watch over me on my journey."
Ooc:// You do not have as many -epicfails- as Wolfieh has. XD
Love is all we need~
1:16pm Jun 18 2012 (last edited on 1:17pm Jun 18 2012)
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[[ Bahahaha! Not going to argue with that... ;) ]]
I watched as the knights disappeared through a door, as Prince Arnold led us up the stairs to the front entrance of the castle. I missed going off to training early in the morning, and coming back with aches and pains all through out odd places in my body. Coming home injured from a battle well fought was sometimes a wonderful relief. I may have broken my arm through out the battle, but other's lost their lives. Either one was a honor.
But now I was here. Fighting my protective nature from getting the best of me and taking the princess out. I was fighting even more the feelings I had every time her blue eyes looked back at my green ones. Prince Arnold's servant that was standing beside the door, opened the door up the second we came up to the top of the stairs. He blushed slightly at seeing Princess Sara and I held back a chuckle. I don't think the princess realized what she did to men.
"That's quite an adventure."
Prince Arnold said, but you could tell he was probably wanting more of an explanation. "Princess, how about we talk more after you wash up and the food is prepared."
He seemed to have forgotten I was there as he had a servant come and he said, "Show our guest to the best guest room we have here."
The servant was a older beautiful women with black curly hair in a tight bun, with dark skin and darker eyes. Though a small smile brightened them as she smiled at the princess before leading her up the stairs. That was finally when I cleared my throat and looked to the prince with a lifted brow.
"Oh! How silly of me..." He muttered, though I think he would rather have me leave. "Also find a room for the sir knight."
He said with a wave of his hand before disappearing away from the foyer and going up a stair case. When he finally left, the pretty servant did a small curtsy and her small voice said, "Pleasure to be of your service, Princess."
She also curtsied to me, and said the same thing but called me 'sir knight'. I haven't been called that since back at our kingdom.
"You two may call me Athena. Follow me."
She said, her accent giving way her Indian accent. I did a slight bow of my head in return as she showed us up the stairs. She was farther up the stairs then the princess and I, so I whispered in her hair by her ear, "How long do we plan to stay here?"
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1:26pm Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// D:< Not cool, man. Not cool. XD
Sara was glad that she actually had a room that she could wash up in, and to comb her hair, and change clothes. But she was about to ask the prince if he was going to give Travis a room when he caught himself and did just that. A small smile played on her lips as she did a curtsy and thanked him.
She thought that Athena was quite pretty, and she immediately wondered what was going through Travis's head. She was beginning to get paranoid. Wait- why did she care? Why did she care if some servant called him 'sir knight'?
Because Travis was her knight.
She dismissed those feelings, and kept herself calm. However, when Travis spoke into her ear, she could feel his breath hot on her ear, and that didn't help keep her calm. Her heartbeat accellerated. So much for being calm.
She turned back up to him. Curse her shortness. She couldn't whisper in his ear. In a tone small enough to where the servant girl couldn't hear, but Travis would be able to, she said, "Until we wear out our welcome."
Love is all we need~
1:45pm Jun 18 2012
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The staircase was just as long as the staircase back at our kingdom, so I wasn't worn out. But when we came to the top, the set up was much different. This seemed like a more poor kingdom, at least one of the villages in the kingdom did, yet this castle was probably twice the size of the king's. Prince Arnold was rich, so why was one of his village's so stuck in poverty? The second we came to the top stair case, a room bigger then I could describe greeted us. Ten times the size of our ball room, and ours had held 2,000 people, maybe even more, at our last ball.
The pretty servant chuckled at my ex pression. "People always look so shocked to come up and see this." She put her hand out as a motion to follow her again. When she turned her back and led us to a room that led us to a hall way full of doors on both sides, I whispered back in her ear, "I don't like the way he looks at you."
I couldn't help lingering my lips close to her hair before finally leaning up and walking faster as Athena stopped at a door. "This has a door leading to the bedroom next door. You are her knight, you must stay close, yes?"
I smirked, liking the idea of knowing she was right next door. "Yes." I responded. Athena opened the door and walked inside. I walked in next to see a lavished guest room with a bathroom on my right. "Here are clothes for the princess. She can choose." Athena said, though her voice was muffled from being in the closet. Was the closet that big?
I walked over to see it the size of the room, maybe a bit smaller. Clothes hung on racks, and I felt like Prince Arnold had wasted all his money on these things that were probably never worn. Some seemed a bit older, so maybe they were just gifts. Either way, I was happy the princess was lucky enough to find a different outfit. Maybe they could let her keep some more for their journey. "You look pretty with blue gown, yes?"
I heard Athena say as she came out in a beautiful blue gown. I could imagine how that would accentuate Princess Sara's curves. And the way her eyes would sparkle in such a dress...
I cleared my throat, and started to the door close by the closet door. Athena gave me a key, and I unlocked it to see the exact same room, with a bathroom as well. "Thank you."
I said, and Athena curtsied before going back to the princess to give her the gown. "Princess."
Why did my tone hold more longing then I had intended? "I'm going to go wash up. Call for me if you need any-"
Athena shook her head and started shooing me to my room.
"She has me, Sir Knight. You no worry."
And with that, she closed the door. I chuckled, and went to the closet, to of course, see clothes that were for men. I would rather wear my armor, but I guess this was fine too...
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2:02pm Jun 18 2012
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The ball room startled Sara. It dwarfed the one that she had at her home- her kingdom. This ballroom could no doubt accomodate all of the villagers that surrounded the castle. She had no doubt that it could feed all of them, too.
She followed Athena quietly, looking at all of the doors in the hallway. This place was gargantuan! Humongous! How long did it take them to build such a castle? A hundred years? A thousand? She was bewildered.
When Sara felt Travis's breath on her ear again, she couldn't help but allow the chill bumps rise on her arms. She couldn't fight those off. She stopped looking around the room and looked down at her feet. Travis didn't like the way that Prince Arnold looked at her? Well, she could say that she was a bit uncomfortable when he looked at her, but that was normal. Prince Arnold was a prince. Anyone he looked at should feel uncomfortable and intimidated, right?
She didn't respond to that statement of Travis's. She didn't know what she could say.
When she was led into the guest room, Sara was just as startled. It was nice, and reminded her almost of her room back at the castle. The thought that Travis was just one door away made her happy.
You look pretty with blue gown, yes?
Sara turned her head to look at Athena from where she was staring The gown startled her. It was clean, and floor-length, and might possibly make what little curves she had more defined.
When Travis left, she was happy that he would get a break from worrying about her. She knew he had lost sleep about her. Here he could rest easy. He wouldn't have to worry.
She smiled and headed into the bathroom to wash up.
Love is all we need~
2:05pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Should I time skip to after they gets all washed up and stuff? Also, what kind of clothes did guys wear back then, if it wasn't knight stuff? :) ]]
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2:12pm Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// Feel free to timeskip to where they're all washed up and stuff.
And back then men wore princely clothes like tle="" target="">this. Peasants clothes were not acceptable at formal events. And the only people that wore knight clothes were guards that weren't attending the ball, but were on patrol. XD
Love is all we need~
2:24pm Jun 18 2012 (last edited on 2:25pm Jun 18 2012)
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[[ Bahahaha. Okay, I won't know how to describe that, so we'll say he's wearing that. |D I just searched the first five pages, and couldn't find anywhere where I described Travis's hair. Do you remember, by any chance? xD If not, he's officially black haired, since I already have a picture of Travis in my other role plays of a blonde dude,and I hate blonde for hot guys... ]]
I put a towel that I had in the bath room over my head and rubbed it against my hair furiously to dry it out. Soon, I gave up on drying my hair in that technique, as I shook my head like a dog. Water splattered everywhere, but I didn't mind. I was too irritated.
Just the thought of the princess already ready, in that beautiful dress, and down stairs with the prince made me hurry my bathing. I felt clean now, but I didn't have the necessities to shave. I guess the universe just didn't want me as clean - cut as the impressive Prince Arnold.
Getting out of the bathroom, I walked over to the closet and picked out the first thing there was. I was too angry to care about what color or what would fit. I just wanted something on to cover my cold body. Slipping on the clothes, I went over to the princess's door that led to her room. I knocked gently.
I wouldn't go down without the princess, but maybe she went down without me. Seeing as Prince Arnold just loved her company. My hair was still a little damp, but it'll dry quickly.
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2:57pm Jun 18 2012
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With the help of a few servants, Sara's curly hair, which was still slightly damp, had been braided and then twirled into an intricate updo, with only her bangs out of the hairstyle. The blue gown hugged her torso, and then poofed out like a ballgown when it came to her hip.
She heard a knock on the door seperating her room from Travis's and a smile lit her face up. She opened the door and saw something that made her blush. Dressed in a shirt that made him look like a prince and with his black hair damp and shiny, Sara had to fight herself to not let her jaw drop.
"Wow, Travis...." She tried to dispell the red from her cheeks unsuccessfully. "Are you ready to go downstairs?"
Ooc:// You never specified his hair color. XD Black hair is good.
Love is all we need~
3:08pm Jun 18 2012
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I wasn't expecting to see a such a beautiful sight when the door was opened. I swallowed, my throat constricted as it took everything in me not to run over and keep her in a embrace. To make it known to all that she was mine. To swing her up in the air while I kissed her like I had before-
I cleared my throat and a pink came to my own cheeks as she blushed. That would never happen. None of it. I was a knight, she was a princess. I wasn't a prince. I wasn't worthy. I had to keep that in my mind.
The words "You look beautiful." were on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't say it. Instead, I had said, "You look good." How pathetic.
Admitting to her that I didn't like how the prince looked at her was bad enough, I didn't need to compliment her as well. I needed to avoid these feelings, not fight for her.
I said with a slight bow. Athena, deeper in the bedroom, gave me a lifted eyebrow and a tsk tsk sound came from her mouth.
"I have to teach you, Sir Knight, how to tell the women you love she look beautiful."
My color paled as I blinked in surprised. "It's not like that, Athena. I don't..." I said, my jaw clenching. I couldn't say I didn't love her. Why wouldn't my lips move? Athena gave me a smirk, like she knew something I was hiding. "Alright then. Princess, Sir Knight, let me take you too dining hall. Food is ready."
I nodded curtly at the other servants as they left the room. Was it that noticeable how I felt about the princess? That wasn't good. I was going to have to try harder pushing her away. I kept the door open for all of the ladies, and avoided the princess's gaze.
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3:21pm Jun 18 2012
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Sara's felt her facial color darken again as Travis complimented her. Though she was used to being called beautiful. However, that didn't bother her. She couldn't help but think that Travis looked like royalty, still. Perhaps he was a relative of the duke of her kingdom....
And then Athena spoke. Sara turned her head in surprise, and then she looked back to Travis, whose face was pale. He didn't what? He didn't love her? He didn't think she was beautiful? Both of the possibilities for the ending of his sentence made Sara's heart drop a bit.
Who was she to think that he would like her, anyways? She was a princess. He probably thought she was a snob. She pursed her lips together as she followed the rest of the servants out of the room.
Being the last one to leave the room, she looked up at Travis and offered him a polite smile, waiting for him to accompany her in following Athena.
Ooc:// My posts are short compared to yours. x.x
Love is all we need~
3:28pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ 'Cause you're only playing one character. :) Feel free to power play anyone - but Travis, of course. o-o ]]
I waited for Princess Sara to leave before closing the door behind me. I couldn't help but feel weird in this out fit. I was so used to armor, and the second I had it, I had to have it go get polished. Athena had offered.
I couldn't meet the princess in the eye. Maybe if I just didn't talk to her, didn't acknowledge her, she'd understand that I couldn't show her my feelings. (Cause men are stupid...) She'll understand that looking at her made my stomach twist, and hearing her voice only made me long for her more.
Not smiling at her back, or acknowledging her at all, I started following Athena to the dining hall. She'll understand. Of course she would.
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3:39pm Jun 18 2012
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Sara's smile easily turned into a hurt frown as Travis hadn't even acknowledged her. He didn't look at her. It was like she wasn't there to him. And that drove her crazy. What had happened? Had she upset him? Had she made him angry? Perhaps she had said something stupid...
She followed Athena silently, looking at the ground. What had she done to make him like this?
Athena stopped and said, "Food is good. Dancing is after food." She paused for a moment. "Go make merry."
Sara didn't grin at Athena's speech this time. Merry-making, she meant, as she mentally corrected the pretty servant. With a single glance up at Travis, she began to search for the prince. She had to thank him. For everything. For finding her and offering her a place to stay. For throwing a feast for her.
She tried her best to keep Travis from popping up in her head, but that face of his kept swimming around on her eyes every time she shut them. Maybe he was still angry about having to stay here. That was it, she decided.
Though she still thought that she did something wrong.
Ooc:// I guess I'll power-play Athena for some of the time.
And men are stupid sometimes with hiding their feelings. My friend got her heart broken because a guy did exactly what Travis is doing to Sara to her.
I yelled at him for that.
Love is all we need~
4:00pm Jun 18 2012 (last edited on 4:01pm Jun 18 2012)
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[[ Oh gosh, what a jerk! D: ]]
She seemed to not ask anything, so I guess she understood. I walked into the dining hall entrance, the huge room that we first saw coming up the stairs, as Prince Arnold came in my sight. "I hope everything was to your liking, Sir Knight."
He said, though he didn't wait for my response as he looked down at the princess with his blue eyes widened. "My my. Princess Sara, I knew you'd look beautiful, but I hadn't expected you would look so ravishing. You are certainly the most beautiful woman here. It is such a pleasure, you being here." He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles while his blue eyes stared into hers.
Well. That beat my 'You look good' speech. I swallowed, feeling uncomfortable and leaving her alone with him. While I walked way, my eyes found Athena. She gave me a shake of her head, like she was disappointed with me for walking away. What did she expect me to do? Tell the prince of this kingdom to back off?
One of the servants led me to the table. I had a reserved seat, and across from me would be Princess Sara. And Princess Sara's seat was next to the prince. Which meant I got to watch the Prince fraternize with my princess without being able to stop it.
[I was thinking they could do what the king had done in the beginning. Maybe the Prince ask to court - or marry - the princess at this ceremony? Maybe after the dancing or something? |D ]]
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4:25pm Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// You may want to have him ask to court her. Because I want this plot twist to take a while. :D Perhaps he could ask her to marry him at a feast a few days later.
Sara's cheeks reddened as the prince complimented her for the second time today. She didn't feel very pretty. Travis wasn't acknowledging her at all... But nonetheless, she was flattered by him.
"Thankyou, my lord. I must say that you look handsome, as well." She curtsied after he had finished kissing her hand. As Travis walked away, back to the dining hall, Sara's blue eyes flickered to him and they lost a bit of their light. He was just hungry. That was all.
She hoped...
Turning her attention back to the prince, she said, "I must thank you for allowing Sir Travis and I to stay in the castle, my lord. It is nice to be able to meet the prince of this kingdom, also, my lord." She gave him a relatively warm smile, though it wasn't nearly as warm as the ones that she gave Travis.
"Shall we make our way to the dining hall?"
Love is all we need~
5:47pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Yeah, I want this to take a while too. xD Then, instead, I'll have Prince Arnold take her maybe outside to ask or something. |D ]]
Prince Arnold gave her a dashing smile that brightened his features. "It would be my honor to escort you."
He said as he started into the dining hall. Walking in, there were already 100's of guests here. "This is all for the celebration of you being here, Princess. The people of this kingdom have yet to meet you."
He said before he greeted several guests as he passed by, and introduced Princess Sara as they passed. "Here's our table, Princess."
He said as he gently put his finger tips to her elbow to show her where she would be sitting. I was trying to act like the princess didn't 'exist' at the moment, since I needed these feelings put away and gone, so I couldn't act all smiley and happy for the prince. I did give him a small smile, though, inside, I was glaring at him for taking out the princess's chair for her.
"Sit down, Princess." He said gently, just as the servants started handing out drinks and food. Prince Arnold sat down next to her, and I couldn't help but feel that awkward tension again. While the Prince and Princess sat next to one another - probably purposely put that way - I had to watch from the other side of the table as the prince gave her smiling glances once in a while.
"So... Sir Knight, you and the princess must have had some trouble getting here. The kingdom you live in is far away from here, and many things can happen in those woods that separate our kingdom."
I heard Prince Arnold say just as I started finding my appetite to eat.
"We're here in one piece, that's all that matters."
I said, this time easily keeping the curtness from my voice, but I couldn't help but avert my gaze from the princess's. Prince Arnold chuckled at my response, but didn't say anythingback.
"How long do you plan on staying, Princess?"
I looked up to see Prince Arnold looking to the Princess with a smile that reached his eyes. If he wasn't so kind, I may have not hated him so much. But, he didn't seem like the spoiled prince that you usually find. I swallowed, almost choking on my chicken from wanting to spit it out in his face.
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6:04pm Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// Okay. :D I'm overly happy right now. Because I ate some cookies. -israndom-
Sara curtsied at each person that greeted her. They were all so polite and they smiled at her. It seemed almost as if they had known who she was even though Prince Arnold was just now introducing her. She bit her lip. She really was honored to be here.
She sat down in her chair as Prince Arnold pulled out her chair for her, and her eyes immediately went to Travis. He was still ignoring her. She looked down at her plate and realized just how hungry she was. She had to remind herself to eat like a princess would, and not to eat like some starving girl who'd been sent out of her kingdom to learn about empathy.
She ate her chicken slowly, though she wanted to wolf it down like a starved animal. Sara turned her head slightly to look between Travis and the prince as they spoke. When Travis replied somewhat impolitely, she had to refrain herself from kicking him under the table. This was a prince! No matter how much you hated royalty, you didn't disrespect them. Cruel kings and princes could have people beheaded for disrespect.
But Arnold wasn't cruel, it seemed. He simply brushed off what Travis said. When Sara was addressed with the same question that Travis had asked her earlier, she had to think a moment of what exactly to say.
"I plan on staying until Travis has regained all of the sleep he has lost while protecting me." She turned to look at Travis and gave him a smile, praying that he would return it. If he ignored her now, it might just send her into one of her bad moods that she was famous with the servants for back at the kingdom.
God forbid that happen.
Love is all we need~