6:13pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ I want one... ]]
I awaited to hear the princess's response, hoping she wouldn't say she'd want to stay here until she had to go back home, wanting her to say in the next hour they'll be heading on their way... But never expecting her to say until I had enough sleep. I finished chewing another piece of chicken before looking at Prince Arnold.
Why did the princess even care? Was she getting the memo of how much I wanted to keep her for myself?
I didn't look back at the princess, but gave a shrug at Prince Arnold. "That will only take a night or two, Prince Arnold."
I said, and he nodded back to me thoughtfully. Why was he being nice? He was supposed to hate me as much as I hated him. I swallowed, and found this random longing to sit on the other side of the princess. Put my arm around her shoulders to show every one here that she wasn't a prize to win. She was a women that was loved by a knight, and wouldn't let anyone else try and grab the heart I so longed to have.
I blinked. Why was it every time the princess spoke, my fantasies started going wild?
[[ Want to time skip to the dancing soon? -Wants a awkward moment between the two love birds- Plus, I can't think of what else Prince Arnold could talk about with them. |D ]]
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7:11pm Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// Sure. You can timeskip to dancing right after this post. |D
Sara watched as Travis spoke. Not one glance in her direction. Whatever remnants of her good mood that were remaining just bursted up in flames. She looked down at her chicken and finished off the leg. She would have to stash some of the food and take it to the villagers later on tonight. Perhaps after being generous, her mood would get better.
She kept her lips in a straight line and finished off the rest of her food, all the while thinking about their kiss. So it was just to wake her up after all. Perhaps the demon had left her, she thought. It hadn't acted up in a while. And then she thought about how Travis had held her close to him when she was crying. And how he had confusedly apologized.
And how he had whispered in her ear that night when she was patching up his wound, and then simply said nevermind and teased her. And how his eyes bore into hers when they were silent that one time.
God, what was wrong with her? Sara was confused about her own feelings, and she was trying to decode Travis's. Perhaps she should just confess to travis how she felt, and if he didn't return the feelings, he could simply say so and then she would stop thinking about him in that way.
But Sara wasn't sure that even if he didn't like her that she would be able to stop thinking about him.
Love is all we need~
7:39pm Jun 18 2012
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Prince Arnold kept up the small talk, with several guests, all the while trying to bring the princess and me in the conversation. It only made me hate him more. It was as if he was trying to impress the princess with kindness. The thought made me lose my appetite, and I gave the plate to a servant as they came around to collect the dirty dishes. I watched as the servants walked away in longing. Would it be crazy if I said I'd rather be a servant then a guest at this time? I wasn't the type to want to be waited on, I'd rather do things myself. And, I didn't need to watch Prince Arnold look at Princess Sara with eyes of admiration every five seconds.
The king of the kingdom stood up and started to get everyone's attention before announcing that the dance floor was now open to all who wanted to join in. I wasn't much of a dancer. Nor was I a good one.
"Princess Sara, would you give me the honor of dancing with me?"
Prince Arnold said as he stood up and held out his elbow. My eyes glared at the prince, though he was too busy looking at Princess Sara with kind eyes.
I hated him. I hated him so much I could easily through myself over the table at him and rip his heart out. Everything in me willed for Princess Sara to say no.
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8:47pm Jun 18 2012
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Sara didn't make much progress in the conversations that the prince tried to get her engaged in. She was polite, curteous, and answered all questions that were asked with as much sincerity as possible.
When the king stood, and announced that the dance floor was open for anyone who wanted to dance, Travis's face flashed in her mind, but she angrily pushed the though away. He was being quite angering lately, and she didn't even want to think about him, which was easier said than done.
She had expected the prince to ask her to dance. It was a custom for royalty to ask any people of noble blood to dance with them. She didn't glance back at Travis, though she knew well enough that he was most likely ignoring her.
But you know what?
Two could play at that game.
With a smile and as much enthusiasm as she could fake, Sara batted her eyelashes prettily and said, "Of course, my lord. I would love to dance with you." She took his elbow and walked to the dancing area.
She hoped that made Travis angry, though he probably wasn't watching.
Love is all we need~
9:14pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ This is hilarious. xD ]]
The second Princess Sara and Prince Arnold went to the dancing part of the room with the other couples, my shoulders sagged. I couldn't help but look over my shoulder discreetly to see Prince Arnold smoothly putting his hand in hers, and keeping the other hand in a proper position at her waist. I cursed my inability to dance well, or I would be doing anything I could to show this guy up.
"You not dance with princess?"
I heard Athena's voice from behind me and looked up. With a smile, I shook my head. "Athena, you misunderstood the situation. Princess Sara and I are not courting and are most definitely not in love."
The last part came out with a pain in my stomach. I was most definitely not in love with the princess. The jealousy over the prince will soon ware down. Athena looked at me like I was crazy. "You lips say do not love, but your eyes say so."
Was all she said before turning to go back to her work. I swallowed. It really was noticeable how I felt. But love? I've never felt a infatuation like I had for the princess for any girl. Love was even bigger, and I don't believe I love her.
"Sir Travis."
I heard my name said in a low, seductive tone and turned around to see a girl with striking black hair and bright cat - like green eyes. Lips that could bring any man to their knees smiled at me as I stood up to bow. Before I could ask why she was coming to talk to me - and who she was, for that matter - she grabbed my hand and said,
"Would you like to dance?"
My eyes widened and I shook my head, slightly. No matter how rude it might look. "I'm going to have to say no. You see, I'm not very good-"
The beautiful woman laughed, and even that sounded seductive. "I'll teach you everything you need to know."
She said with a wink before keeping my hand in hers and leading me to the dance floor.
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9:27pm Jun 18 2012
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Ooc:// Agreed. XD
Princess Sara didn't feel the slightest bit uncomfortable with Prince Arnold's hand at her waist. She had been taught how to dance back at the castle by her father. Though she had never seriously danced with a man around her age before. As she heard the music begin, she allowed herself to move with the tempo of the beat.
But as her eyes caught Travis being pulled onto the dancefloor by a raven-haired girl, she almost felt herself growl. What was this? Hm?
Why did she even care? Sara reminded herself she wasn't to think of Travis. But, as it had been said so many times, it was a task that was easier said than done. Much, much easier said than done. She turned her eyes back to Prince Arnold, a pleasant smile playing on her lips.
That woman- she didn't even know Travis. That woman probably just thought Travis was some sort of toy for a day or two, and then she would leave him alone.
That woman needed to be electrocuted.
Ooc:// Sara likes thinking of electrocuting people. XD
Love is all we need~
9:44pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Omg! She should so get electrocuted. O_O ]]
As I was pulled to the dance floor, my color had paled. The princess was going to see me dance like a fool. "Ma'am, no matter how flattering the offer, I really can't dance-"
She laughed once more as her eyes sparkled. I swallowed to keep my thoughts pristine, but it was nearly impossible with the way she wanted me to hold her tightly at her waist. We only had a inch between our bodies, and every couple seconds, my foot crashed against hers. While others laughed - they didn't seem to like her very much - she kept getting more and more annoyed. Good. Soon, I'd be able to go sit down and wallow in self pity again about Princess Sara.
"I'm sorry."
I mumbled, just as I accidentally led the unnamed woman right into Prince Arnold. He stepped on Princess Sara's toe and gave her an apologetic smile before turning around to see us. "Sorry. I'm not good at this."
I said with a chuckle as I let go of the women's hands. It was quite noticeable that I wasn't enjoying this. Prince Arnold laughed, and said to Princess Sara,
"Mind if I dance with this young lady? I'm told to dance with every woman here, no matter how much I want to stay with one certain women."
Without waiting for a response, Prince Arnold whisked away the women that had been wanting to dance with me. She probably had bruises all over her toes because of me. I felt like I was about to vomit about what he said to Princess Sara.
Now this was another awkward situation. While all of these other men and women danced together, the women I couldn't stopped thinking about stood in front of me, and I was terrified to ask her to dance. I would only make a fool of myself. My cheeks turned hot red and I looked down at my feet. "I don't think she liked my dancing style."
I said, with amused tone and a small smile. If this was going to be awkward, I might as well try to make one of us smile.
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9:54pm Jun 18 2012 (last edited on 9:55pm Jun 18 2012)
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Sara enjoyed the moments while she danced with Prince Arnold. It was fun, but nothing more. Sure, he could dance well, but so could she. All people of royal blood were expected to be able to dance. When she felt herself jolt slightly, she peered around Prince Arnold's shoulder. She'd actually been having so much fun that she'd forgot about Travis for a few seconds. A few, mind you.
The words that Prince Arnold said to her made her blush slightly, though it wasn't all that noticeable. She sighed and pretended to just now notice Travis. "Perhaps she didn't... It's a shame, though."
She decided that she would wait there for a moment, but people were beginning to stare, wondering why the two were simply talking instead of dancing. With her hand offered to him, she decided to ask him instead of him asking her.
"Shall we dance?" Though it didn't seem like it at the moment, asking him to do that was the hardest thing she probably had ever done. There was the fact that she wanted to ignore him, and then there was the fact that she wanted to embrace him, and have him hold her clo-
Sara shook the thoughts away. He didn't like her like that, apparently. He just seemed to want nothing more than for her to disappear. Or at least that's the vibe that she had gotten when Travis had previously ignored her. But, if he would acknowledge her, now, she would acknowledge him.
Sara hoped he would take her hand.
Ooc:// Hm... That would cause too huge of a scene. Plus, her emotions haven't been set off for electrocution. XD
Love is all we need~
10:21pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Bahaha I was just kidding. |DD ]]
Just ask her, Travis... It won't be that bad... The worst that could happen is her notice you're a horrible dancer. Just ASK!...
I felt like a failure when she reached her hand out and asked me. I hadn't had the guts to ask. Maybe Prince Arnold really was better for her. He wouldn't mess around with her like I have been, if she felt the infatuation I had with her.
"I should warn you that you will be leaving this party with plenty of bruises."
I said, though grabbed her hand firmly and brought the other to her waist. I couldn't help how my arm was a bit tighter around her then other men around dancing. Something pulled me too her, and I couldn't resist it. My skin tingled where she touched me. I wondered if she felt the same.
I tried to dance, really I tried. But every time my foot pressed against hers, my cheeks turned redder, my jaw clenched tighter, and I tried even harder. But trying harder only made me worse. I finally looked away from our feet to look into her baby blue eyes.
And time stopped. Everyone around me disappeared, and it was just me and the Princess dancing. Did she feel it too? I kept the gaze as I finally went a full circle without hurting her foot once. I refused to bl ink and take away this wonderful feeling of being lost in her eyes. And as the song came to an end, my hand only went tighter to her back protectively, wanting her to stay. My hand tightened around hers, and my eyes finally tore away from hers as they found her lips. What would it be like to kiss her again? With her completely conscious of the action? I looked up at her eyes once more before not being able to resist the pull. My eyes went back to her mouth as I leaned down. Just as my nose touched hers, just as I was about to capture her lips with my own...
The prince cleared his throat behind me.
"May I interrupt?"
I swallowed nervously, and let go of the princess. Prince Arnold was better for her. That's what I just told myself.
"By all means."
I said with a low voice, already knowing he wanted to interrupt to talk to the princess, not me. "I'll just... Go."
I said, turning and leaving the dining hall. The second I was out of the room and in the hallway, I broke for a hurried jog to my room. Grabbing the key Athena gave me, I unlocked it, opened the door, and slammed it behind me. I almost kissed her! Oh, just the feel of how she fit right in my arms brought me shivers. But how could I have lost it, and almost kissed her? Once was enough. She was probably disgusted right now, wanting the knight to kiss her when she had a prince waiting on her hand and foot. Angrily, I punched the wall by my bed several times until there was a hole in the wall. Breathing heavily, I tore off the clothing, leaving only my underwear on, and hiding myself in a dark room under the covers. I needed sleep. A lot of it to calm myself down.
Though I doubt I would be able to sleep at all tonight.
As the knight left, Prince Arnold smiled down at the princess. He was going to wait to ask the question to the princess, but seeing how she and the knight had almost kissed - in front of all the guests! - he guessed that now was the time.
"Princess, could you come outside with me for a moment? There is this wonderful path that leads to a whole mile of a beautiful garden, and it's the perfect place to talk."
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10:33pm Jun 18 2012
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Sara didn't wince when his feet touched hers. Her shoes were slighlty big on her feet, so she felt no pain. If Travis stepped on her feet, he only got the shoe, and not her toes. She debated on just telling him to relax, and enjoy dancing. But that was when his eyes met hers.
And everything just stopped. She didn't look away. She didn't blush. She simply stared. His eyes. They were so green. Like the lush, green grass that was at the castle, or the leaves of a rose bush. She then noticed just how close she was to him, and how her heart was beating ridiculously fast. It was almost deafening how loud it was beating. Perhaps the very organ would leap out of her chest.
She let her eyes drop briefly to Travis's mouth, but then they travelled back up to his eyes. God, his eyes.
He got closer, and closer. And Sara even inclined her head, standing on her tippie toes. She didn't think about any of this. She just acted on instinct. And instinct was telling her that she was going to kiss him. The best thing was that she was fully conscious, and that the demon didn't get to enjoy it at all. This kiss would be hers.
But just as their noses brushed, and their mouths were an inch away, Sara heard the prince's voice, and she jumped back into reality. The world was set back into motion, and she was now fully aware of how disrespectful she had almost been. Kissing someone at dinner parties was frowned upon. Especially if it wasn't in your kingdom. Or if you weren't even supposed to have feelings for that person.
As Sara watched Travis leave, she felt her heart drop into her stomach. What an inconvenient time for the prince to interrupt. Perhaps he was just trying to keep them from being seen as disrespectful. Either way, it was maddening how they had been so close- So close!!!- and then they had to seperate.
She looked up at the prince and offered an apologetic smile, though she didn't apologize. That would most likely make her blush. And the last thing she needed was to be a flustering, red-cheeked mess in front of the prince.
"Of course, my lord. I would love to see the garden." She smiled and nodded politely, though she was wishing for nothing more than to find Travis, and to continue where they left off.
Ooc:// Oh. |D
Love is all we need~
10:40pm Jun 18 2012
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[[YES. |D I'm getting off for the night. I'll post tomorrow. D: ]]
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10:41pm Jun 18 2012 (last edited on 10:44pm Jun 18 2012)
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1:25am Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// I'll be awaiting your return~
Love is all we need~
10:09am Jun 19 2012
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Prince Arnold smiled at her response. Maybe this would go alright, after all. "Then follow me, Princess."
He said before turning on his heel and disappearing out a side door, leaving the door open for her. There was a staircase that greeted him as he opened the door, though it led down, not up. At the end would be a door that led right to the garden's outside.
Walking down the stair case, the prince said, "Be careful, Princess. These stairs can get slippery."
Usually the servants use this stair case to go outside to water the plants. So it wasn't a surprise that some stairs were wet. Coming to the door at the end of the stairs, he opened it, and held it open for her to come out.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight, Princess?"
He asked, though he knew he already thought it a million times and already said it to her once. Offering his elbow, he said, "Let's walk on the path right there where people can see us through the windows, so that people don't think anything wrong with us alone out here."
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10:17am Jun 19 2012
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Sara followed the prince, her shoes tapping lightly on the floor. At least he didn't seem angry with her for nearly being that disrespectful. Her heart slowly ceased its rapid beating, and she felt somewhat normal. Somewhat.
The stairs were a bit slippery, but Sara didn't fall, thanks to Prince Arnold's warning. She walked through the door as the prince opened it and took his elbow. She wondered why he said that they should walk on the path so not to raise suspicion.
Were they raising suspicion? What would people think that she was doing out here? The lightbulb went off in her head. Oh... Yeah. That.
"You've told me plenty of times that I look beautiful, my lord, and I thank you for that. You are too kind." She kept her soprano voice at a polite tone. "And I appreciate your concern for our reputations," she said as a reply to what he said about walking on the path.
Love is all we need~
10:31am Jun 19 2012
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[ Ugh! I hate doing third person. I'm going to do first person for him, just for this convo' kay? CCC: ]]
I smiled as she took my elbow; leading her to the path that was less private. Though no one was around, we'll still be seen if any onlookers looked out the window. "I'm guessing that you are wondering why I've taken you out here." I said, and my body stiffened nervously as I swallowed. I usually was very good at speaking to woman without getting flustered, but this subject has never come up before with a girl. Finally putting my elbow down, I put my hands behind my back.
"Princess, you have just turned 16, yes?"
(RIGHT? If not, just pretend he said the right age. -_- lol...) "So that means you will be looking for someone to marry soon."
I added, so I bet she knew where this was going. It was when I finally motioned my hand out to a bench for her to join me, and sat down, did I realize that asking her to marry me would be too soon. Not that royalty really cared about going to fast with marriage - just as long I was marrying a princess, they would be happy. Love wasn't really a condition. But seeing how the knight and her 'connect' makes me think that we should take this slow. Maybe she'll find love for me, and realize that a knight is not appropriate for marriage for her.
"And I'm guessing your family doesn't want you to marry anyone but a prince."
If she truly did have feelings for the knight the way it had seemed ever since I've first met the two, then she could possibly be thinking about him at this moment. Knowing she couldn't marry him. But I couldn't read her mind, no matter how much I desired it.
"Not a peasant, or knight, or servant."
I couldn't help but add the knight in there, just in case she hadn't caught on. "I can honestly say I do not love you, Princess. And I'm not asking to marry."
I was going to. But I didn't want to scare her off. "But, I think we should try..."
My cheeks flamed a bright red, and I gave her a sheepish smile. "Would you court me, Princess? Give me the chance to find the small things about you that make me love you? Make me wait for marriage until I can't resist my longing for you any longer? Let me learn your dreams, what you plan to do with your kingdom some day? Court me, Princess Sara. And maybe, just maybe, you might find love for me in return."
I waited a moment, and before she could respond, I added,
"And if we don't connect, that doesn't mean we have to be enemies. Just not bound by a marriage."
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10:54am Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Sara's fifteen, but, like you said, I'll pretend that he said the right age. XD
Sara nodded when he said her age. But when he mentioned marriage, she already had a small feeling of where this was going. But she could not run away. Running away would be an act of cowardice. And Sara was not a coward. She had grown up in these past few days from being a spoiled, selfish princess to being a young woman.
She sat beside him, making sure that at least three inches separated them. Everything that he said was true. Her family wanted her to marry a prince. She was of royal blood, and she had to produce a royal heir. But that was the catch. No prince had ever caught her eye, really. Sure, they were all attractive and they held that princely demeanor around them, but they didn't catch her eye.
But she sometimes caught theirs, it seemed.
When Prince Arnold spoke of her not marrying a knight, Sara hid her anger. He had the nerve to speak of that. Well, this prince was definately not afraid to speak what was on his mind. She felt her skin tingle like static electricity was running all over it. Sara knew what that meant, but she was just... She couldn't stop it.
God forbid that the prince touch her. The shock may be major- minor. She didn't know.
She knew that the prince did not love her. It was hard to love someone that you just met. Unless it was love at first sight, which was a rare, rare occasion. Her suspicions were cancelled when he said that he wasn't looking to marry her. Sara nearly let out a sigh of relief, but that would be nearly as disrespectful as almost kissing Travis on the middle of the dancing area.
She simply looked up at the prince, not wanting to seem uncomfortable about this, though she really was. She wished that she could pull her dress up higher to cover herself or put on a cloak to hide.
And then he asked her if she would court him. And she couldn't help but for her eyes to slightly flash and her cheeks to redden. She had to look away this time, but it was not disrespectful in intentions. She just... Couldn't hold eye contact when such things were discussed.
So much for not seeming uncomfortable.
If she didn't like Travis- If she didn't already have someone who caught her eye, she would be ridiculously happy and flattered by the prince, and perhaps even excitedly agree. She swung her legs below her, putting her hands in her lap.
"My lord, I will be honest with you. Someone has already caught my eye. But they are not fit for a princess to marry, I believe. My family would disapprove greatly of our being together. But you are welcome to court me, my lord. I cannot guarantee that whatever feeling that you have for me will be returned, though." She looked back up at him with a polite smile.
"You are charming, and polite, and a true gentleman." Sara paused. "We can try this. But if it does not work out, I will be happy to be your friend, my lord. But we will try nonetheless."
Ooc:// I feel like I wrote an exorbitant amount right there. XD
Love is all we need~
10:57am Jun 19 2012
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[[ HAHAAHAHAHAA. I'll post later. I have to clean houses. -.- ]
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10:58am Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Okay. :)
Love is all we need~
2:52pm Jun 19 2012
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[[Kayso, I've been thinking about this role play a lot, because I've chosen to use this one as my 'start writing a book during the summer' goal, except, obviously, I'll have my own twists and turns on it. It won't be 'copying'.
But, anyways, while I was cleaning, I thought of something that maybe we could try? It's alright to say no. xD
But, okay so, Arnold and Sara are courting, sisisisisisi?? Kay, then it won't be hard for Arnold to realize that the guy Sara is talking about in your post ^^^^^^^ is Travis, yayaayayayaaa? So, while they court, Arnold tries his best to be all lovey dovey to have her love him, and forget about Travis. But it will fail... (DUNDUNDUNNNN...) So, how about, after they court - we can make it like really long, since we both want this idea of yours to last long. - when he finally asks her to marry him and she says no because of Travis (Isn't that what you said? Tell me if I'm wrong.) he somehow sends Travis away? And lies to the princess and says he's dead? O_O
I know. Too Romeo and Juliet kind of thing, so I won't be offended if you say no. :) ]]
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