2:55pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Oh Mai Gawd.
Holy paosdifhopdasfjl;asdhgpoidsjaf!!!
That's like. Awesome. And I'm honored that you're going to write a book about it. :D
So, I like... love that idea, but I think that in the end, Travis and Sara should still end up being together. Since he's so shmexy.
And then Sara finds out that Prince Arnold lied and elecrocutes him. |D
Love is all we need~
2:59pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ Oh... REALLY D:
When I saw you posted, I was ready to see something like 'IT"S HORRIBLE' and I was like D:
But okay! <3 -is a worry wort-
Anyways, of course, Travis and Sara would still end up together. O_O You're right, my friend. Travis is too shmexy. xD
YES. O_O_O_O_O_O It's gunna' happen.
But, of course, I want this part to last long, so we'll just remember this but keep going. |D I'll make a new post in a mo'. :) ]
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3:01pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Meheheh. >:D
Long plot twist is long. <3
Love is all we need~
3:07pm Jun 19 2012
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The princess looked so uncomfortable, I wished I hadn't asked so soon. I was just about to tell her to think on it so that we weren't going to fast and so I wouldn't seem pushy, but then her pretty lips spoke, and I couldn't believe what I heard.
Someone had already caught her eye. Well of course, it was the dirty, possessive knight. How silly of me to forget him for a moment. Just realizing that they were about to kiss in front of all the guests made me cringe. If anyone will be kissing her, it should be me.
But, then my attitude changed as she kept going. "Princess... You'll still court me?"
My eyes sparkled when I smiled and my shoulders were a little straighter. Now that I knew she didn't reject me - even if this Sir Knight has caught her heart - that didn't mean I couldn't take her heart back.
"This is such an honor, Princess Sara. Just to try is a pleasure."
I said before grabbing her hand and pressing her knuckles to my lips. "This will work Princess, I know it will."
I said before standing up and adding, "Well, the party is probably over by now. (I guess. xD) Shall I show you back to your room?"
I asked, elbow already stretched out for her to take. This Sir Knight hasn't treated her like this yet. If this princess found him charming, she shouldn't be able to resist me much longer.
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3:17pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara was surprised at his enthusiasm. She guessed that he would be a bit sad that someone had caught her heart already. Perhaps he wasn't worried about that.
She smiled at him when he kissed her knuckles and, no matter how much Prince Arnold claimed this would work, Sara found herself hoping that it wouldn't.
She wondered just where Travis had scampered off to. He had seemed eager to be somewhere, and her thoughts immediately went to the black-haired green-eyed girl that had danced with him. That made her angry, but it didn't show on her face. She pushed that to the back of her mind.
"You're welcome to lead me to my room, my lord." The blonde-haired girl stood and took the elbow that he had offered her. Once Prince Arnold had led her to her room and left, she would see if Travis was in his room, and if he was in his room, she would try and speak to him.
But who knew, Sara thought. He could just be trying to ignore her again.
Love is all we need~
3:24pm Jun 19 2012
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I led her back to the door that led to the stair case. Putting my elbow down once we got to the stairs, and walked carefully up. When I opened the door to the dining hall, only servants were out cleaning everything. No more guests. I gave a friendly smile to Athena as she walked by.
"The servants here don't give us much problems. You'd think they would try to steal things and leave, but I think they enjoy it here. My father likes giving them any luxury he's able to offer - without looking like they walk all over him."
I said, keeping small talk before going through a hall way and another to lead to her room. Once finding the door that I had instructed Athena to take her too, I smiled back at Princess Sara. "Come to the bench that we sat at outside tomorrow morning. I can bring all our necessities and we can have a morning picnic out there. Just you and me."
I said, stepping back to give her room to get to her door. "Good night, love."
I added, before turning and disappearing down the hallway.
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3:33pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara kept up the pace beside Prince Arnold, all the while her thoughts running rampid. They went from Capricornia to Travis to her father, and to that kiss. And then the almost-kiss. And Travis's eyes.
She was going to make herself sick with all of this. She sighed slightly and listened to Prince Arnold talk, nodding after he paused between sentences. She couldn't really talk right then. She didn't know what would come out of her mouth. Or if her vocal cords would work at all.
When they arrived at her room, Sara couldn't help but hear that he called her 'love'. It was strange to her ears, coming from a prince, but she smiled and managed to call down to the hall, "See you in the morning, my lord."
She had just agreed to go to a picnic with the prince. In the morning. Tomorrow morning, to be exact. What had she done? What would they talk about? She'd never really had small talk with anyone. She and Travis always talked about events that had happened, and that was great.
Closing the door behind her as she entered her room, she leaned against the door and took her hair down. It had begun to give her a headache. Her curls fell lazily onto her shoulders.
Deciding to take a risk to see if Travis was in his room, she moved to the door that seperated their rooms and gently knocked on the wood.
Love is all we need~
3:44pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ Kay. Now first person is Travis. Just saying so you won't get confused... :) I couldn't miss the opportunity of making him shirtless. xD ]]
During the next hour of me sulking in my bed, in the dark, I wondered where Princess Sara was. Why had I left the party? I could have easily shooed that prissy prince away and went on with where me and the princess were going. I could have brought her with me. Why hadn't I just grabbed her hand and have her come with me? I was such an idiot...
But, through all of those questions, it was obvious why I let her go. I knew I wasn't the one for her to love. It felt like a one way situation. I loved her, but there was no love in return. I sighed and once again rolled over. The pain was becoming physical. When I heard the knock on my door, just sitting up made me groan quietly. Hearing it was the princess, brought my heart to a pitter - patter.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and found my pants. Slipping them on, I went to the door and took a deep breath. Maybe I was just starting to go crazy. Maybe the princess isn't really behind this door.
I blinked. The princess! She was here! Why was she wanting to talk to me? Maybe she wanted that kiss just as badly as I did...
Finally opening the door, I held back the desire to take her beautiful self and pull her close. It was then that I realized my black hair was probably a mess from being in my bed. My cheeks turned a rose red from realizing such and I ran a hand through my hair.
"Hello princess."
I said in a (Sexy...) sleepy voice. I may not have been sleeping, but I sure was tired.
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3:50pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara was just about to knock on the door again when it opened. And she came face to face with Travis's chest, which was right at her level. Why did he have to open the door being shirtless and all? Was he teasing her?
Upon seeing the chest muscles, Sara's cheeks reddened and she quickly jerked her eyes up to Travis's. It felt like her lungs were being constricted. Why was it so hard to talk to this man when his shirt was off? It was angering how difficult it was.
Finally, the princess found her voice and spoke up. She cleared her throat and said, "Um... Hello, Travis. Did I wake you?"
Why was she saying such simple things? She had something to seriously tell him. She had to tell him what Prince Arnold had requested. He was her knight. He should know this. But she said a stupid question instead.
She bit the inside of her cheek to try and calm her racing heart down.
Love is all we need~
3:57pm Jun 19 2012
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I lifted an eyebrow at her question, before opening the door fully and walking away to turn on the lights. (Or light a candle. xD) Once doing so, I said, "I was in bed, but couldn't sleep. What did you need, Princess?"
I asked as I walked over to sit on the corner of the bed. What I didn't say was: that it wouldn't matter if you woke me up, I would have answered the door anyways.
That would creep her out.
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4:03pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara frowned. He wasn't asleep. She wasn't sure how long he had been in here, but she knew that Travis must have been tired. "You really need to get some sleep, Travis. Would you like me to leave so that you could sleep?" She leaned on the door frame.
For some reason, she was hoping that he would decline her offer, and that she would get to speak to him. She wondered if he remembered what had happened on the dance floor. And if he wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss him.
But she had a feeling that she would be too chicken to actually speak of that up front and so bluntly.
Ooc:// Yep. Lighting a candle.
Love is all we need~
4:09pm Jun 19 2012
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I smiled at the princess's offer, but shook my head. Why would I miss an opportunity just to watch her while she spoke to me? My eyes went to her mouth, and my mind replayed what happened on the dance floor just an hour ago. I averted my eyes. "I'll be able to sleep all night. What can I do for you, Princess?"
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4:14pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara was surprised as he declined her offer. Perhaps he wasn't as tired as she thought. She moved from the door frame to sit against the wall beside the entrance. Her eyes looked at her blue gown and then at Travis.
"I have to ask you, Travis," Sara started, and then her throat caught for a moment. No. She couldn't ask him why he almost kissed her. Or if he wanted to do it again. She continued quickly, "Where did you learn to dance like that? You didn't step on my toes once you finally looked up."
Her mind went back to the time they were dancing. His hand around his back, pulling her close to him, their eyes locked, their noses touching. And then when the song ended he actually held her tighter, she remembered. What would have happened if Prince Arnold hadn't interrupted, and if they weren't at a dinner party? Would they still have stopped?
Love is all we need~
4:19pm Jun 19 2012
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My eyes shot up to look at her. I hadn't realized the princess would be so bold as to actually speak of what happened. Swallowing hard, I laughed, though inside I was wondering why she wanted to bring the conversation up. "Princess don't tease me. You know I can't dance for the life of me."
I said, shaking my head before scooting off the bed, to sit down on the ground, my back against the part of the bed where my legs were. I was too tall to look at her from the bed without feeling like a giant. Maybe we'd be more comfortable with each other if I was on her eye level. Or at least tried to be.
"But, I don't know what happened when I looked up."
I added, as I brought my knees up, and let my elbows hang on them so my hands dangled.
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4:27pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara giggled. "Yeah. In the beginning, you were pretty bad, but you didn't hurt me." She gave him a small smile. "But I assure you I'm not teasing you, Travis."
She pulled her hair to one side so that it draped over one shoulder. "And I don't know what happened when you looked up, either." She scratched the back of her neck nervously. "But once you did look up, you danced better than the prince."
She closed her eyes and yawned, following it with a sigh. She had eaten until she was full, and now that the food that she ate was beginning to digest, she was awfully tired, though she wouldn't leave unless Travis wanted her to.
Love is all we need~
4:30pm Jun 19 2012
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My heart rate picked up speed. She had to have noticed how I was about to kiss her. Was that why she was keeping the conversation going? Did she want to talk about it as much as I did? I swallowed. Maybe I should bring it up. All I have to do is ask if she meant it. If she would kiss me if I tried. Goosebumps ran down my arms at the thought, but chickened out instead when she yawned.
"Princess, if that was all you wanted to say, I think you should go to bed. You seem tired."
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4:36pm Jun 19 2012 (last edited on 4:36pm Jun 19 2012)
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Sara nearly pouted when he said that she should go to bed. But she suppressed the urge to stick out her bottom lip and cross her arms. Instead, she stood from her spot on the floor and waved a goodbye at Travis.
"Sweet dreams, Travis," she said, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. She changed into a sleeping gown and flopped down onto the bed. Seeing as how comfortable it was, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.
That night, she dreamt of green eyes staring into hers.
Ooc:// You can skip to morning if you like.
Love is all we need~
4:43pm Jun 19 2012
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When the princess left, my heart rate refused to go down. Was that the reason why she came in here? Just to tell me I danced well? I swallowed, wishing I could rush into her room and demand for her to tell me the real reason she came.
Or demand her to kiss me. Either one would suffice.
"Good night, Princess."
I said before blowing out the candle after finding my way to my bed.
[[LOL. I just read your OOC post after writing this. You can make it morning.~ ]]
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4:49pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Okey~ I'll just timeskip to where she's waiting in the garden area. XD Cause I don't feel like writing about how she gets ready.
Sara sat down on the bench that she had rested on the previous night. She wasn't sure why she even showed up. She felt like she was committing adultery or something, though she knew that she was far from it. Plus, who said that she couldn't at least socialize with the prince? Nobody.
She crossed her legs like a lady. Today, her dress was dark emerald green. With a sigh, she allowed her eyes to travel up to the sky.
Ooc:// Failish. I know.
Love is all we need~
4:58pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ 300th post!! ~ ]]
I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about meeting the princess for breakfast. I have never courted before, and neither she, I presumed, so I think it was normal to feel a bit jittery. I had told my parents last night I was courting, and they were already talking about how the wedding will be. And I couldn't disappoint my parents.
Which meant that this courting had to work. I had to have Princess Sara love me. Or, at least marry me. If my father found out that I told the princess it was alright if she didn't love me, he'd be furious. Our kingdom was farther away from other kingdoms, so it was harder to find a princess. That's why I was so surprised when I had heard that Princess Sara was here. Her father's kingdom was very far from here.
The sun glared in my eyes as I came out doors, and headed to where I had asked us to meet. Turning, I saw the beautiful princess waiting patiently. With a smile, I came towards her and bowed.
"Princess, how ravishing you look this morning. Sorry to make you wait."
I said before putting a basket I had down and opening it to get out a blanket. "I thought I'd make it more friendly then formal, so that we both felt a bit more comfortable."
I said before laying out the blanket and putting out all the foods the servants had made. ( -has no idea what they ate back then. - ) Sitting down on the blanket, I took a bite of apple. "You know, princess, I can't help but be curious about the details of how you've gotten here."
I said, bringing on the subject that we had spoken of before. If I was going to marry the princess, we shouldn't have any secrets.
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