5:23pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara hadn't been waiting long when the prince arrived. She gave him a polite smile and blushed slightly at his compliment. What could the girl say? She just blushed easily was all. No matter who complimented her on her appearance, she was almost guaranteed to blush, but when Travis complimented her, she would feel her cheeks burn.
Once the prince had laid out the blanket, she took a seat across from him, crossing her legs indian style. She could do that because her dress was so large around the bottom, so her legs weren't showing.
She immediately picked up a pastry that had fruit in the middle and bit into it. Strawberry. Her eyes closed and she smiled. It felt like it had been forever since she had sweets.
When Prince Arnold said that he was curious about her journey, she grinned. Somehow, she just knew that this topic would come up again. She would be sincere, though. But she wouldn't mention that she was exiled until she would learn about empathy. Technically, saying that she was sent off to learn about some things was just as true- and it sounded much better.
"Well, I was sent off after my birthday banquet, and my knight and I roamed the lands for a while before you found me, my lord." She hoped that he wouldn't ask specific questions. But, dreams died young, didn't they?
Ooc:// You get all of the cool post numbers. :(
Love is all we need~
5:35pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ I'll make sure you get the next one. <3 ]]
I took another bite of the apple while she spoke. I wanted to ask why her father had sent her off, but I thought that would be prodding to much. But I couldn't help but ask more questions on the topic.
"What happened between being sent off and coming here? I'm truly sorry if this offends you, but you and that Knight looked like you've been through a whole lot when we found you." Plus they smelled like they hadn't bathed in weeks.
I awoke in my bed from the small window that chose to have the sun heat on my skin, though I doubt that was why I was sweating. With a sigh, I stood up from my bed, and slipped my pants and shirt on. After getting my shoes on, I went to the door that led to the princess's room. With a knock, I said, "Princess? Are you awake?"
After waiting several moments and knocking again to hear nothing, I finally opened the door. To see no one inside.
My heart seized to beat for a moment. Where could she be? Closing the door and going out the door that led to my bedroom, I walked down the hall way just in time to see Athena.
"Athena, have you seen Princess Sara around this morning?" I realized I must have looked a wreck, since I had little - to none - sleep last night. All I did was toss and turn all night, thinking of how I had almost kissed the princess.
"Princess out with Prince Arnold for morning picnic."
She said, the smile from her face gone. Could she tell how those words scorned my heart? "And she didn't tell me..." I muttered, and I couldn't keep the hurt from my voice. Athena gave me a shake of my head like this was somehow my fault.
"You no tell her you love her, you no get the girl."
My cheeks paled. What did she mean? I wished she could speak proper English so she could explain more, and before I had the chance to ask, she left to go to her duties. Now it was time for me to go find prissy prince and my princess.
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5:42pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Thankyou. <3
Sara frowned. She bit her lip and thought a moment. Should she tell him the truth? Or make up some ten-mile long lie that would suffice. Well, she could tell him the truth, but make it sound pretty. Yeah. That sounded good.
She sighed and said, "Well, many unexpected things happened. We got attacked by some beast, that scared my horse away. Then we ran into this old woman who tried to curse me. Shortly after that, we got attacked by bandits, but Travis protected me." She couldn't help but smile at his name. He did protect her. He protected her so well, in fact, that the only injury that she had received had been the target mark.
She decided to leave the whole being possessed by a demon thing. That would most likely make the prince thing that she was insane. Bonkers. Crazy. And she didn't want anybody to think that. If there was one thing that Sara was not, it was crazy.
Love is all we need~
5:59pm Jun 19 2012
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I lifted my eyebrows at Princess Sara's explanation of their journey. "Well I was expecting some kind of huge adventure, but not that." I ignored how she said Travis's name. How his name brightened her features like a sunrise. Soon, I'll be able to do that. I had too, or I would be a disappointment to my parents.
"Did you find something to eat while you were out there?"
I asked as I relaxed and lied down on my back, my elbow propping me up to see her better.
I shoved at least 3 servants out of my way through out my walk through out the castle. It was a maze and I was more worried about dying here then about the princess. She was with prissy boy, she'd be fine.
Finally I found a door that had sunlight streaming through the cracks. Finally! I shoved open the door. Now that I knew I was going to live, my thoughts went back to the princess. I knew it was weird for me to be hurt that she didn't tell me she was going to breakfast with the prince. I'm not her father, even though I am her protector, it shouldn't matter now. I shouldn't have to know. But I think it was just jealousy that brought me the pain. If she was hanging out with this prince now, what did she need me for? She'd forget about me. Seeing as she forgot to tell me she was having breakfast with the prince. I let the flowers of the garden calm me before searching for her. I don't want to be a third wheel. I want the prince to be a third wheel. I don't want her to hate me by being a jerk, so I tried my best to keep calm before turning.
To see the prince and princess on the other side of the path, on a white blanket, eating. My heart broke in two at the princess's face. Why did her face light up like a sunrise? Was the prince really making her all giddy inside? What was it about me that made me unworthy of that ex pression? (Oh the irony. xD)
I rolled my eyes. I wasted my morning searching for the princess, when she was safe with prissy boy all along. With a frown, I turned around, and bumped right into Athena.
"Why you no go over there?"
Her tone was annoyed and angry - as usual with me. It was like she was expecting me to know all she knew!
... She knew more then I did. I had to keep her talking.
"Athena, they seem to be having a great time without m-"
"And she no want him! Men are so..."
She muttered with irritation as she walked away. I kept my tall frame on 'low profile' so the prince and princess wouldn't see me as I followed Athena. "Well, seeing as you know more then I do, why don't you clue me in on why I should go over there?"
I put my hands on my hips but she gave me a look that said she refused to go along with my command. "Tell the princess."
Was all she said before turning her back and leaving the garden. Why did she keep leaving right when I needed to ask her what she meant? Rolling my eyes once more, I ran back to the door so that the two love birds wouldn't notice me. "Have fun, Princess."
I whispered before going inside, feeling like I was literally missing a part of me.
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6:16pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara was just about to answer Prince Arnold's question when she spotted a flash of black hair. Was that Travis? Surely not. She allowed her eyes to watch until she saw the black hair disappear, and then went back to Prince Arnold's question.
Though she didn't eat any of the rabbit that Travis had killed, she technically did find something to eat. Well- Travis had found it for her, but that still would fit in well with the question.
With a smile, she answered, "Yes, Travis got me something to eat." She then said, "Do you have any more questions, my lord?" She ate the last bit of her pastry, and reached for another one.
She had a sweet tooth, recently.
Love is all we need~
6:20pm Jun 19 2012
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"Not about that horrid journey." I said with a shake of my head. At least I would think it was horrid. No real food, shelter, drink... And apparently they had a lot of danger come about. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes at her mention of Travis once again. What was it about this guy that could make a girl look so... Giddy? I'd have to find that spot in her heart for the knight and rip it out so that I can replace him. Once she marries me, she won't remember that knights name. I would make sure of it.
"Tell me about yourself princess."
I said before finishing off the apple, and putting it in a bag I brought used for a trash can. Sticking it in there, I also took a pastry.
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6:32pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara was a bit surprised at the word that he used to describe the journey. The hadn't even been there. It wasn't horrid. Sure, it wasn't a walk in a garden, either, but it wasn't horrid. She didn't let it show on her face, though.
She giggled when he said for her to tell him about herself. Sara found it rather difficult to describe herself. She took a bite of her second pastry and swallowed. "Well, I'm fifteen. I'm not very tall." She pursed her lips together, thinking of what to say next. "I love animals and children." She then bit her lip.
"I can't think of anything else to say, my lord." She let out a few laughs and took another bite of the pastry.
Love is all we need~
6:34pm Jun 19 2012
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I laughed when she laughed, and from anyone else around the gardens, we looked like two young lovers laughing at a stupid joke but laughing because we were happy. Soon, I hope that really did happen.
"Tell me how you want to run your kingdom someday."
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6:41pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara thought for a moment on that. She had never really thought about how she would rule her kingdom. She then bit her lip and said, "I'd like to rule it much like my father does. He does a good job at it. He lets the people have a say in what the kingdom does, and he has many allies. We don't really get involved in wars unless we're attacked."
The blonde-haired princess finished off her pastry and sighed, leaning back so that her head rested on the bench and she was staring at the sky. "I mean, I think that's how I would like to run it, my lord." She shrugged. "I've never really thought of it too seriously." She tapped her chin. "Oh, and I'm going to let my husband have just as much say in ruling the kingdom as I do, my lord."
Love is all we need~
6:45pm Jun 19 2012
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I ate the rest of the pastry as she spoke, though I didn't agree with some things. If we ever got married, I'd tell her, but I wouldn't tell her now. It would bring tension.
"That's an interesting point of view."
As said leaning all the way on too my back and putting my hands behind my head. Looking at the sky like she had, I stayed quiet a moment before adding, "Do you have any siblings that will take the throne of queen in your father's kingdom?"
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6:51pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara bit her lip. "I don't have any siblings that would take the throne of queen, my lord, but I do have an older brother who would assume the position as king." She paused. "But I've never met him. He is fifteen years older than I am, and he just up and left one day to go searching for something. He never said what, though..." She scratched her head, remembering what her father had told her.
Her brother had been a hot-headed boy, and he had a temper that would match that of an angry bee. However, he had a softer side that he would show around some of the servants. Some people said that he left when he figured out that his mother was pregnant with Sara, and that he would like for that child to have the throne instead of him.
It seemed like a plausible enough reason to her. She just hoped that Prince Arnold wouldn't ask any questions that involved her brother.
Love is all we need~
7:01pm Jun 19 2012
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I looked at Princess Sara with surprised eyes. "I bet your parents were devastated. Without a son... Their royal blood will not be passed down." Daughters were just for the love and care you get from kids. But sons - they were the ones you wanted. Needed, to keep your blood in the line of royalty. They were the ones that became king of the kingdom.
"You say you haven't thought much about being queen. How you'll rule. Aren't you excited about being the queen of my kingdom- a kingdom?" Whoops. Slip up.
I had expected her to be more excited about ruling. Every prince and princess wants to rule someday. After so many years of listening to what your parents had to say, now it was our time to step up and be king and queen.
... And she hasn't thought about it? We seemed to have not as much in common as I had hoped.
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7:07pm Jun 19 2012 (last edited on 7:11pm Jun 19 2012)
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Sara was a bit offended when he said that her parents were devastated. She got even angrier because he put an 's' at the end of parent, making it plural. Her mother had died giving birth to her, given that she was so old at the time. She didn't say anything on that, though.
Her eyes widened when she heard that sentence, and then Prince Arnold corrected himself. She couldn't hold back her anger any longer. So far, all this man did was make her angry. She felt her skin prickling, and she knew immediately that she had to go.
Without answering his question, she said, "It's been a pleasure, my lord, but I must go and see how Travis is doing. I haven't seen him all morning, and I'd like to make sure that he's up and moving." And with that, she stood and made her way towards the door that led back into the castle.
Ooc:// Emotions set to electocute. XD
Love is all we need~
7:21pm Jun 19 2012
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I frowned as I watched the princess leave me by myself with the rest of the food. This Travis guy was really getting in the way. First, all she did was talk about the guy when this was supposed to be us courting. And now she was leaving me because she wanted to 'see how Travis was doing'? He's a big boy now; he can handle himself. Probably too old for her anyway, seeing the size of the guy. ( Couldn't help saying that. xD) I clenched my jaw as I watched her leave without asking for her to come back. Let this weird thing she had for the Knight pass by so that she can notice me later. In due time.
I had gone back to the guest room of mine after seeing the love birds outside having breakfast. Hearing a knock on my door just as my stomach growled, I got up and opened my bedroom door to see Athena.
"You want breakfast, Sir Travis?"
I gave her the fakest smile I could muster as I said,
"You'd be a gem to give me something to eat. My stomach has been growling since I first woke up."
Athena laughed and nodded her head before saying, "Let me take care of you, Sir Knight."
Just as she was about to walk away, I gently grabbed her elbow. "Wait... Athena. What did you mean back at the garden?"
I was hoping she'd understand what I meant, but she gave me a clueless ex pression. Oh man, this woman was good.
"You said to tell the princess. What do I tell her?"
Athena couldn't possibly have meant the feelings I've been having. I hadn't let one ounce of it be spoken to anyone. How would Athena know?
"You tell her when you think she ready. Tell her before it too late."
She said before turning and leaving again. Once again, answering my questions and confusions with more questions and confusions. I sighed and went back to the room. Going to my bedroom, I belly flopped onto the bed, and let my head stay hidden in the pillow - waiting for a knock to tell me Athena was back. And this time she wouldn't manipulate me. My thoughts went back to the princess as I awaited for Athena.
I wondered what she was doing right now. Was the Prince giving her kind eyes that made her blush? Was he sneaking a glance at her lips the way I try to do without getting caught? Was he smooth - talking her, making her laugh, holding her? Was he giving her the love she deserved?
I knew I may be thinking out of line with the last couple of thoughts running in my mind, but why else would the prince and her have breakfast together in a romantic setting? Obviously, they were courting - and she didn't tell me. The revelation burned a pit in my stomach. I wanted to punch another wall. Which reminded me that I needed to tell Athena about the little incident about punching a hole in the wall last night soon...
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7:28pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara made her way down the hallway and saw Athena going somewhere. The pretty servant gave her a knowing smile and jerked her head in the direction of Travis's room. What on earth was going on?
Sara's brows furrowed in confusion, but she walked into her room to calm herself down. She waited until the staticky feeling in her skin had subsided. She had ran up the stairs, so she decided to look at herself in the mirror.
Her hair was frazzled a bit, but she ran a brush through it. No use in seeing Travis while looking like some girl who had been chasing after a horse. Once she was done, she knocked on the door that separated their rooms, the same way she had the night before.
She prayed he had his shirt on this time, but a part of her wished that he didn't.
Love is all we need~
7:42pm Jun 19 2012
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When I heard the knock on my door, my head shot up, but my body didn't move. A part of me was hoping Athena would find a way in, so I wouldn't have to get up and help her. But the second I heard the soothing voice of the princess, my body jumped off the bed. What was she doing back? I thought she was having a good old time with the handsome Prince Arnold.
That thought brought my hurt back. Oh, why hadn't she told me? Did she think I was so protective that I'd tell her no? Maybe she looked to me as a father, that kind of protector. My shoulders sagged slightly at the thought before coming to the door and opening it.
I knew I was one sight to see. No sleep last night had probably made dark circles around my eyes. Plus no breakfast, so I was a bit weak from no food this morning. From laying on the bed moments ago, my shirt was wrinkled and twisted around my torso, plus unbuttoned, to the middle of my chest. And my hair was probably a bit scraggly. I probably looked like a drunkard nut case.
When seeing her beautiful face, I chose to not bring up her and Prince Arnold. Though if she brought it up, I wouldn't act like I didn't know. If I acted like I didn't know, she'd think I cared. And I don't want her knowing I cared.
"Good morning, Princess."
I said with a crooked grin.
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7:47pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara, instead of being met at the door by a shirtless Travis, was met by wrinkly-clothed, messy-haired Travis. She looked into his eyes. That crooked grin made him look like he had been drinking. Had he been drinking? He didn't smell like alcohol, at least.
Nonetheless, Sara pushed her way past him to search for any bottles of rum or wine. Seeing none in plain sight, Sara turned back to Travis. "Travis, have you been drinking?" She raised a brow and crossed her arms.
She looked up at him, hoping he would say no. Her blue eyes searched his green ones for any signs of insincerity when he would answer. If he had been drinking, Sara didn't know what she would do.
Love is all we need~
7:52pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ Omg. That would be so funny, him getting drunk. It's so happening next time Sara hurts him. xD ]]
I frowned at Sara's question. Okay, so it's even worse then I thought - my appearance. But you can't blame me. Ever since these feelings for the princess have started blooming, sleep refused to be on my agenda. And eating was slightly difficult. Wine could help me feel better...
"No matter how tempting that is right now, no I'm not drunk, Princess."
Amusement in my tone as I kept the door open so that it wouldn't be as inappropriate.
"What can I do you for, Princess?"
I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed like last night. I wondered if she'd make a habit of giving me surprise visits. It's almost as if she just wanted to talk to me. I smiled at the thought.
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7:58pm Jun 19 2012
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"I just... Really need to talk to you right now, Travis." Sara took in a deep breath and let it out. "Someone made me quite angry, and you were the first person that came into my mind that I could talk to." She ran a hand through her hair.
"And I'm ridiculously glad that you aren't drunk, Travis." She gave him a smile and laughed. "You really need to sleep. It's obvious that you haven't been sleeping well." She moved over to stand in front of him from where he sat on the bed.
"Is there anything I can get you that could help you sleep?" She bit her lip, trying to keep her eyes off of the exposed portion of his chest unsuccessfully.
Ooc:// That would be ridiculously funny if he got drunk. Yep. He should so do that next time.
Love is all we need~
8:06pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ Officiallllyyy.]]
Tell me you love me.
I swallowed nervously as the thought came to my mind. It was true. The one thing this princess could do to help me sleep was tell me she loved me. Or, stay out of my mind, of course.
The idea of getting drunk right now was only becoming more and more appealing. Just forgetting about the princess for one night. Maybe I could even fall asleep for a bit after the wine.
I heard a knock at the door, disturbing my thoughts. Putting a finger up to the princess, I said, "Wait there."
Going to the door, I opened it to see Athena with my breakfast. "Thank you, Athena. You've been so kind." The idea of getting her to stay so I could talk more about what she's been talking about was less appealing now that I had the princess here. I grabbed the plate when she offered to take it in. "I have it. Thank you."
I said before closing the door and blocking out her protests of having to serve it to me and how I have to stay in bed and try to sleep. A sheepish grin the princess's way, I put the breakfast plate on the table there, and brought the table to the bed, so I could sit on the edge of the bed while I ate.
"So tell me why you're angry then, Princess. I'll sleep later."
I said with a shrug before taking a bite. ( Of whatever they had for breakfast back then. xD)
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