8:20pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// XD <3
Sara watched as Travis moved across the room, and received something from Athena, who seemed to want in quite badly. Athena seemed to be just as worried about Travis's lack of sleep as she was. She waited patiently for Travis to be seated and sighed. She sat down on the ground, tired of standing idly.
Though she wished she could tell him that he needed to sleep right after he ate, she kept her mouth shut. She really did want to tell him, so she did.
"Well, the prince is trying to court me. He asked me last night if he was allowed to try to, and I told him yes, but I didn't guarantee that his feelings would be returned. I told him that up front." She rubbed her temples.
"We had breakfast this morning, and we talked for a while, but made no progress. He just made me mad." She looked up at Travis.
"I mean, I don't think this will work out at all. If he keeps making me angry over and over again, my mage powers might go all crazy and I'll elecrocute him or something. I think I almost did. If he would've touched me earlier, I bet he would've gotten shocked."
She looked back down. "I just.... I can't say no to him, Travis. His kingdom is powerful, and if I upset him, I'm afraid that he may do something drastic, even though he's told me that we wouldn't become enemies if it didn't work out..." She looked up to Travis again.
Love is all we need~
9:02pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ Did Res act all weird for you? O_O ]]
I choked on the first bite the second she said they were courting. No, it wasn't a surprise. I had assumed it. But hearing her admit it was like a knife was stabbed in my heart. I took a long drink as she spoke, trying my best not to just leave this kingdom with her right now. Where would that take us? Even if I wanted her all to myself, it was impossible. She was a princess. Why did I keep forgetting that?
"Princess..." Man, this was going to be hard to say. I hope it wasn't noticeable. "Don't give up just yet. You need to find a prince to marry, and maybe this is that prince you are meant to be with. Maybe you can learn to love him - even the flaws that make you angry. Isn't that why people court? To learn not only good things about the other, but about those flaws that they will have to get used to. And, not to discourage you, but usually princess's don't have much of a say on marriage anyways."
I don't think she'll ever understand how hard it was to say those words. I wanted to tell her to forget the prince's name and come run away with me. I wanted to tell her that he wasn't worth her anger. That guy wasn't worth any emotion that she would have for him.
"But I guess it's a whole different story if it's making your weird... Power thing go all freaky."
After saying that, I smirked down at her. Once again she was on the floor and I felt like a giant. "When did all of this happen? When did you start courting? Is that why he interrupted us when we were dancing last night?"
I couldn't help but want all of the details. This was my princess, we were talking about here. And I was her protector. I needed details.
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9:10pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara was a bit childish in her answer to Travis telling her that she needed to keep looking for a prince, but she waited until he finished talking. Each of the words that he had said concerning the prince marrying her, or her marrying any prince made her stomach feel like it was trying to make its way up and out of her mouth.
He had no clue just how much those words hurt her. But once her knight finished speaking, she finally said what she had been dying to say that she couldn't get out earlier.
She closed her eyes and actually banged her fists on the floors of the room. "But what if I don't want a prince?!" She had closed her eyes to keep the tears from coming out. "I swear, I will have a say in marriage, Travis! He cannot force me to marry him!" No matter how hard she tried to keep the tears from coming out, two forced their way out of each eye and rolled down her cheeks, which were now red from yelling.
Ooc:// Yeah. Res wigged out on me.
You should check out Res's facebook page. I posted a screenie from my iphone of what happened. XD And then like.... Everyone posted on res about it shutting down on them. XD It was hilarious.
Love is all we need~
9:19pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ THEY HAVE A FACEBOOK PAGE? O_O -is out of the looooooooooop- ]]
The second I saw tears streak down her face, I jumped from the bed and sat down next to her. Without thinking, my arm went around her shoulders, putting my hand gently on her head to force her head to lay on my chest. Just in case she'd start weeping, I needed to be here.
Stroking her hair absentmindedly, my chin lay on top of her head. "I'm sorry, Princess..."
I soothed, rocking her slightly. "He can't be that bad, Princess. You only had one hour with him. What's so wrong with a prince? He'll treat you good."
I asked, keeping my voice soothing.
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9:28pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// Yeys. They have a facebook page. XD
Sara calmed slightly when Travis's arms wrapped around her, but that didn't stop her shaking or her crying. Her voice went down a few levels, though. She liked the way that he was warm, and how he stroked her hair when she cried. She liked him.
She shook even more when Travis still spoke of the prince. "Travis, please don't talk about him. Not now." She wrapped her arms around her knight and tried to slow her breathing. "And I don't want a prince. I don't want Prince Arnold. And I never will, Travis."
She let out a shaky breath and clenched at the back of Travis's shirt, still trying to suppress the tears. Sara hated crying this often, but, she was a young woman, and all young women were quite emotional.
"Travis..." She let her voice drop to a murmur as she readjusted herself so that she could be more comfortable while hugging him.
Love is all we need~
9:34pm Jun 19 2012
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I kept my mouth shut after she told me not to speak of the prince. I couldn't convince her to not marry him, just for my own selfish motives. So, maybe not talking about him at all would work better.
Men not talking at all when girls were crying was probably the best idea. So that's what I did. I held her tight when she clenched on my shirt, and swallowed away all desires as much as I could. This was the princess. The princess. The princess...
Repeating in my mind that she was the princess didn't help my self control when she said my name. I held my breath as she readjusted herself. I swallowed, by the way the mood had changed, I couldn't help but start the conversation.
"Princess...? Last night... You came in my room, late... You didn't want to talk about just dancing. Am I right?"
I've been wondering ever since why she truly came to my room.
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9:41pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara was glad that he didn't speak of the prince anymore. She simply just held onto him and shook, but as she slightly calmed down, and stopped crying, she found that she didn't want to let him go. She was surprised as he spoke.
How had he known? She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She didn't let go of him to answer. She shook her head in a yes motion when he asked if he was right. There was no use lying to him after she'd been sincere with Prince Arnold.
Just thinking of him made her angry again. But her skin didn't prickle. She just sat there and finally said, "That wasn't all I wanted to talk about."
Her brain went through the events of that night again. She wanted to look up at his eyes again. But she wasn't about to cut the embrace short to do that.
Love is all we need~
9:47pm Jun 19 2012
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I felt so comfortable with the princess this way. It was like we were molded perfectly for each other. She fit me wonderfully, and I don't think I could let go any time soon.
"What was it you really wanted to talk to me about, Princess?"
I asked, hoping we'd finally talk about these feelings I was having. My heart sped up at the idea that she might - just might - feel the same way. But it was possible that it was just me to her. Very possible.
"What was on your mind?"
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9:53pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara didn't let go. She wouldn't leg to unless he told her to get off of him, and even then she doubted she'd be able to move her arms. She sighed and looked down. She had to tell him.
"I didn't want to talk about how you danced, or where you learned to dance. I wanted to talk about what almost happened while we were dancing." A slight tinge of pink appeared on her cheeks. She sighed again and prayed that Travis wouldn't ask her to be more specific.
But, knowing Travis, he could very well do that. Even if he did, Sara would explain. That didn't mean that her cheeks wouldn't turn even redder when she explained, though.
Love is all we need~
10:00pm Jun 19 2012
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Everything in me relaxed and held her tighter at her explanation. So she did notice! The questions was, did she love me back? Did she want to kiss me back?
I muttered, smelling her hair discreetly. Oranges, today. "The kiss..." I whispered against her ear, and I couldn't take away the longing in my voice.
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10:05pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara felt Travis's arms tighten around her after she had explained. She didn't ob ject, but her cheeks turned a shade darker. When he spoke, Sara relaxed slightly and sighed.
When he whispered against her ear, she felt chills go up her arms and she moved slightly, but didn't pull away. The longing in his voice was obvious, and she was glad that it was there. At least she knew now. Or at least she thought she knew.
But she had to be sure.
"If it would've been just me and you- If the prince hadn't interrupted...." Sara paused, and was silent for a good three seconds.
"Would you have continued?"
Love is all we need~
10:11pm Jun 19 2012
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I smiled. How long have I been waiting to hear us talk about this?
"I wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't the prince."
I whispered, putting my hand on her cheek and forcing her head to incline to look back at me. With a smile I said, "Would you have?"
My heart raced and I wondered if this was all a dream. The way I could feel her breath on my skin because we were so close. The way I looked at her, reminded me of when we danced. Lost in her eyes.
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10:15pm Jun 19 2012
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Sara allowed Travis to tilt her head so that she looked right into his eyes. Her cheeks were probably quite pink by now, but she didn't think that if she spoke she would stutter.
She shook her head in a 'no' motion- she would've continued if they would've been uninterrupted- , never taking her eyes off of his green ones. Until, that was, she snuck a quick glance at his mouth, but then looked back up at his eyes.
Now did he know what he did to her? Did he know that he made her heart race? And her head spin? Did he know how much it hurt her when he spoke of her loving someone else?
Love is all we need~
10:30pm Jun 19 2012
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I smiled in relief at her admitting she wouldn't have stopped. What did this mean? Does this mean she truly felt the same? Or she just wanted to kiss a knight? Maybe make the prince jealous?
As her eyes went to my mouth mine went to hers. Oh, I couldn't help it. I leaned down, and I knew this time no one would stop me from giving her the kiss I've been waiting to have. I almost was waiting for someone to interrupt as my lips captured hers.
But the second they did, I jumped out of her arms like she was electrocuting me, though that was not the case.
"I can't do this, Princess."
I said, backing up against the wall on the other side of the room. My eyes might have showed my fear, maybe even my desire for more, but I was surprised I was able to resist and push her away anyways.
"You're a princess. I'm a knight. It's... Not right." (RHYMExD )
I said, swallowing the lump in my throat. My lips still tingled from where I had one kiss with her. Why had I pushed away? Why didn't I push away once we couldn't breathe anymore? I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry. I'm not the man you need or want, no matter how much I wish I was. The prince is the man you should be thinking about right now. Not some knight you won't be able to get any throne, power, or wealth from."
She didn't want me speaking of Prince Arnold, but I couldn't help it. It was the truth. I was not the man for her, no matter how much I wish I was. The prince was. She should marry Prince Arnold, not me. My heart broke, and I pressed my lips together so that she wouldn't see my bottom lip quiver. The last thing I needed was the princess see me break down. And I probably won't. I just was... Scared. Hurting. Too in love for my own good with someone who was forbidden.
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10:46pm Jun 19 2012
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When Sara saw Travis's face come close to her own, her eyes involuntarily closed, she angled her head, but just when Travis's lips came upon hers, he jumped away like a cat that had been shot. Did she shock him? Surely not. Her skin hadn't had that feeling to it. She nearly fell, due to the fact that she had been leaning on him, but she caught herself, breaking her fall with her arms.
She watched with hurt eyes as he stopped to face her. And then he said he couldn't do this, and Sara felt her heart shatter like a piece of stained glass. It was like a punch to the face- an arrow to the chest. An arrow dipped in lead that made her feel sick. Like she had to throw up.
She started shaking and, as he spoke, she found herself wanting to yell at him, telling him that she said not to speak of the prince. But she knew that if she tried to talk, her lips would move, but nothing but the yelp of a wounded animal would come from her vocal cords. So she stopped herself from speaking.
She listened to what he said, but every word was like a punch- like some sort of person, squeezing her heart too tightly- or what was left of her heart, anyways. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and her lips trembled. Almost everything on her trembled. To keep her hands from being too tremulous, she forced herself to clench the fabric of her dress in her hands as she stood once he had finished speaking, and the blonde-haired girl left the room, shutting the door behind her.
Only once she was in the bathroom did she let the cries out. She hoped that two walls between her and Travis was enough to stop the noise from being carried. It wasn't the fact that he had rejected her that made her so sad. It was the fact that she had ever expected love from him. He had protected her, and lost sleep over her- Who was she to ask for love?
She crumpled on the floor of the bathroom in a heap, sitting on her knees, bent over her legs so that her face wasn't visible. She stopped sobbing, but the tears just kept coming out. She didn't even have any sad facial expressions anymore. Her face was just... blank. Her eyes showed no light. And soon there was a part of her dress that was damp from the crying.
Why was she so stupid to ask that he love her? Why was she so stupid to lead herself on? Why couldn't she take the hints when he would ignore her? Why?
Ooc:// I got a bit carried away... Long post is long...
Love is all we need~
10:50pm Jun 19 2012
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Anyways, I'll post something tomorrow. <3 ]]
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10:55pm Jun 19 2012
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Ooc:// </3 You need to develop insomnia like me. |D
Love is all we need~
9:03am Jun 20 2012
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[[ ^^^ This role play has made me unintentionally stop all other role plays. Bahahahaa. So I'm going to reply to all of my other ones before I let myself post here. D:
Bahaha! I seriously feel like you don't sleep, you're always on. -like me- ]]
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11:23am Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// Pfft. Who needs other roleplays when you've bot this one. |D
I don't need much sleep. I can just sleep for like... two hours, and have a cup of coffee, and possibly an energy drink in the middle of the day, and I'll be up and running all day long. XD
Love is all we need~
12:15pm Jun 20 2012
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[[I know right? But I felt like such a jerk. Bahahaha, most are caught up though!
That's so unhealthy. -scolds-
So, should Travis knock on the door and try talking to the princess, should the prince come in, Athena come and scold Travis then talk to the princess all mysterious like she's been with Travis... HELP ME. D| ]]
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