12:20pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// Dun scold meh. *Pouts.*
The prince should come in and speak to Sara, and Athena should go and speak to Travis, and then speak to Sara.
In other words, your second idea.
As much as I'm tempted to tell you to get Travis to knock on the door, that would cause less drama- And I freakin' love drama. Except for in reality.
Love is all we need~
12:24pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Kay. So the prince goes to the princess, as Athena goes to Travis. Then Athena goes to the princess. Got it!
One sec. ]]
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12:28pm Jun 20 2012
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[[Oh, do you want to play Athena while I play the prince, or do you want me to do it, or...? :) ]]
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12:30pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// I'll be Athena if you'd like me to be her. :D
Love is all we need~
12:37pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 12:47pm Jun 20 2012)
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[ Yeah, can you? Just 'cause I don't feel like writing a huge post for all three charries. Thanks ya <333 ]]
When I watched the princess leave, I didn't feel a thing. I was numb to the hurt that has kept me from sleep for so long. The pain that kept me from eating much. The disappointment that she didn't love me back wasn't there, because I was sure she felt the connection as well. I didn't even feel happy at knowing that information.
I was numb. I hated the feelings that I couldn't avoid for the passed couple days. I swallowed the lump in my throat as the door closed. I let one tear streamed down my cheek, but refused to break down. I sat on the corner of the bed, let my breakfast become cold, and put my head in my hands, my elbows on my knees. It was nice to feel numb for a moment, because now that reality was setting in, my heart ached. My stomached ached. My shoulders ached. Everything burned, and I wished I could just die already and get this over with.
[Prince will be in first person also. :) ]
Ever since the princess had left, I wanted to give her space. Maybe I had done something that had offended her, or made her feel uncomfortable., though I couldn't think of what. It's been half an hour, and realizing there was a possibility that I upset her, I had to know so I could make it right. Coming to her door, I knocked gently.
I said in a soothing voice.
"It's Prince Arnold. Could I come in for a second to speak with you?"
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12:57pm Jun 20 2012
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Athena had been walking by Sara's room. If it hadn't been so quiet in the hall, she wouldn't have heard it. It took a good ear to hear those cries, but she almost immediately knew what had happened. Travis had upset her.
She decided to temporarily abandon her duties. Just a few minutes wouldn't hurt. She just had to figure out what was going on, and how to fix it. Princesses didn't need to cry like that, and she knew that there was something between the princess and the knight.
Making her way to Travis's door, she knocked on it gently and said, "Sir Knight, I got some towels for the bathroom." That was true, but she also needed to talk to the black-haired knight. But she knew if she would've said that, there was a large chance he wouldn't let her in.
Also, she needed to seem like she was doing something, because Prince Arnold was right at Princess Sara's door. You no act, you no get girl, she thought to herself, shaking her head.
Sara's crying had slowed down quite a bit, and she was nearly out of tears, she guessed. She was grateful for the quiet. But then she heard the knock and then her name. She didn't need to guess who her visitor was. He announced himself, and, though Sara didn't want to speak to anyone, she couldn't turn the prince away. That would be rude.
She stood, dried her eyes, though they were still a bit red, and her cheeks were scarlet, and walked to the door that led to the hallway, opening it and saying, "Yes, my lord?" The hurt was still painfully obvious in her voice. That was one thing she didn't try to hide, because she knew it would be a wasted effort.
Love is all we need~
1:03pm Jun 20 2012
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The second the princess opened the door, my face turned from hopeful that everything was alright between us, to sympathy at the look on her face. I truly hope this wasn't my doing. Her eyes were red, as well as her cheeks. And her tone showed she wasn't happy in the least. Putting my hand on her forearm, I looked into her blue eyes. "Princess, what has happened to make you cry?"
I pushed some hair off of her forehead, and came into the room. If it wasn't me, it was that Travis fellow. I swallowed, and looked back at her.
I wanted to try and fall asleep, but I knew that wouldn't happen. I got up, and as I got up, I remembered when the princess thought I was drunk last time she knocked on my door. I smirked. The more and more I thought about it, the more and more I found it appealing.
I said, hoping it was the princess, though if it truly was her, she'd come through her room's door, not my entrance door.
Openning the door, I saw it was Athena. I probably looked like a a mess, just like last time the princess knocked on my door.
"Hello Athena."
I said with a down tone. "Thank you. Just set them on the...Floor or something. I don't want to light another candle."
I said before disappearing into the darkness of the room.
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1:11pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara was tempted to pull her arm away from the prince, but she was too weak to do it. She just wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and wait for all of this to pass. But you didn't always get what you wanted.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, and felt herself begin to break down again when the prince looked into her eyes. Why couldn't she bring herself to like him? It would be so much easier. She wouldn't get her heart broken. But she just could not do it.
The last of her tears rolled down her cheeks and she closed her eyes, beginning to shake again. "It's nothing, my lord," she said, afraid to speak anything more.
Athena took the opportunity to come into the room. The door was open. He left it open. She walked into the room, shutting the door behind her. She pulled a match out of her pocket and struck it on one of the stones that made up the walls. She lit a nearby candle, which helped the lighting a bit. There was a bit of daylight streaming in through the window, so it wasn't too dark.
"Sir Knight, what you do to make princess cry?" She put her hands on her hips and raised a brow at him. She was quite disappointed. Almost anyone with eyes could see that they both had affection for one another. Plus, she'd seen the way the princess's features lit up when she spoke of Travis, or when Travis spoke to her, or whenever she was even around Travis.
Love is all we need~
1:25pm Jun 20 2012
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I sighed with irritation when I heard Athena stay. So she heard the princess crying as well. "I explained that I loved her but it would be impossible for us to do anything about it. That she should love the prince. Or marry him at least and not think about me anymore. And then she ran away crying. A part of me still doesn't understand why. If she knew i loved her, why would she be mad at me?"
I layed down on the bed once more on my stomach, and hid my face in my pillow. "It hurts, Athena. I just want to forget. For just one night..."
My head shot up as I looked back at her in the now dim lit room. "I haven't eaten in days. I haven't slept in days. She's unhealthy for me, Athena. My weakness that refuses to go away..."
I hid my face back in my pillow.
The second I saw more tears, I took the princess in a embrace. Did I help soothe her? If I did, then we'd be getting closer to finding love for each other right?
"No, it's definitely something, Princess. Tell me what happened."
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1:34pm Jun 20 2012
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Athena pursed her lips together. "You hurt princess, Sir Knight. Girls' heart are fragile." She crossed her arms over her chest.
"She not your weakness, Sir Knight. She give you strength. You just gotta accept your feelings." The pretty servant girl bit her lip.
"Princess say you need sleep at dinner party. Glass of wine help you sleep." She offered to go get him a glass. She just hoped that he would be able to control himself.
"I go get you some if you want."
Sara was comforted when she felt the prince's strong arms wrap around her. Though they weren't Travis's, and they didn't provide near as much comfortness or a feeling of being safe, they did provide some comfort, and she wouldn't shy away from that.
She stopped crying, but she was still shaking. Her arms didn't loop around the prince. She let out an uneven breath and said, "Please, my lord. I just don't want to talk about it. It won't help me feel any better. Not in this instance."
Ooc:// I just couldn't help but get Athena to offer him wine. XD
Love is all we need~
1:39pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ FINALLY! He's so getting drunk toniiiiiiiiight. xD And then he'll tell the princess everything, and try to get all up on her- Jk. :) I'll keep his hands off but he's still gunna' be out of it. xD - is so excited- ]]
I got up from the bed and sat on the edge as my tired, blood shot eyes looked back at the pretty Athena. "You have no idea how much I'd appreciate a glass ( Or two... ;) ) of wine, Athena."
And, maybe later on, I could get a little more. "Bring a whole bottle."
I also added, hoping she wouldn't get suspicious.
I frowned and let my arms fall to my sides. She had taken the comfort - that's a start right? "Just tell me if it's something I did, and I'll get our of your hair."
I pleaded with a tone of sympathy.
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1:45pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 1:47pm Jun 20 2012)
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Ooc:// XD Lolololol. I can just picture him having his speech all slurred and everything. XD
Athena's eyes narrowed at the mention of a whole bottle, but she wouldn't ob ject. Perhaps a whole bottle would make him feel better, too. She exited the room, returning a few minutes later with a bottle of wine and a goblet.
She set them on the table in front of his bed that he'd eaten breakfast on and said, "You get sleep, Sir Knight. Think about what to tell princess. Think about what I say." She then added, "You need talk 'bout anything else?"
Sara swallowed the lump in her throat and sniffled. The shakes were slowing down. "It's nothing you did, my lord." She gave him a weak smile as she looked up at him.
"I promise." She put a hand over her heart in a sincere manner.
Love is all we need~
1:50pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 1:51pm Jun 20 2012)
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When I saw the bottle of wine, I already hoped Athena would leave so I could just lock my doors and get drunk. Taking a respectful sip because Athena was in here, I shook my head, "Thank you. I think I'll just try to sleep now."
And, of course, gulp this whole thing down when she left.
I smiled back at the princess. At least I wasn't doing anything wrong. "Alright. I'll give you some privacy. I pray you feel better soon."
I bowed and left the room.
[[Want me to play Athena when she goes into your room? It's no fun doing a whole scene by yourself. :c ]]
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1:55pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// Yes, please. That would be great. :D
Athena gave Travis a smile and said, "Sleep good, Sir Knight." She walked out of his room respectfully, not knowing that she would later regret ever giving Travis the bottle of wine.
Sara was glad that the prince had left, but now that she was alone again, she realized just how bad she felt. She closed the door behind the prince and sighed.
She felt herself going numb. Starting from her hands, and then spreading throughout her body. Her skin felt prickly, but she knew that she didn't have a chance of shocking someone.
Strangely enough, she loved that feeling.
Love is all we need~
2:01pm Jun 20 2012
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The second Athena closed the door, I jumped from the bed, and grabbed the bottle of wine. To heck with the goblet when I could drink it from the bottle. Taking off the lid, I brought the bottle to my lips and gulped the wine down my throat. I was going to regret this later, but I needed to be numb for a couple hours. Even if it was just for a night.
I wished she had brought me more wine. I'd like to have a couple more bottles... Taking the thought from my mind, I layed on my bed, finishing off the bottle.
[[Athena will be in first person. ;) )
After leaving Travis, I knocked on the princess's door. After hearing her cries, I was glad I had taken a while with Travis so that I knew what had happened, and given her time to calm down.
"Princess? It's Athena."
I said, knocking on the door once more just in case she had cried herself to sleep. The poor child.
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2:04pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// Travis could always ask other servants for bottles of wine. XD He's gonna get so drunk. XD
Sara hadn't moved from her spot at the door, so she simply reached out and opened it.
"Hello, Athena." She gave the servant girl a weak smile, surprised that even her face muscles worked. She still felt numb.
Love is all we need~
2:09pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Yess! ]]
I easily finished off the bottle of wine, and gulped down the wine int he goblet with desperation. It wasn't working! I was hurting. Hurting...
I jumped from the bed and came to the door to see a servant. "Hey! I... I n- need some wine. A lot of it."
My heart was racing to fast to specify, so I slammed the door and waited for the servant to come back in with wine.
Athena smiled, but her eyes showed empathy. "I hear you cry. Travis being... A man again?"
Athena said with a roll of her eyes before storming into the room and sitting on the bed, already ready to listen whether the princess felt like it or not.
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2:12pm Jun 20 2012
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"You heard me cry? Did anyone else hear?" Sara was a bit embarassed now. The prince had seen her cry, Athena had heard her, and apparently Athena knew why she had been crying.
She turned her attention back to the question she'd been asked. Should she talk about it? Yes. Athena was a girl. Athena would understand. Possibly. Hopefully. Sara prayed she would.
"Yeah... He... I um... He rejected me." She swallowed stiffly.
Love is all we need~
2:19pm Jun 20 2012
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Athena rolled her eyes like she knew all about men. "Oh princess, that's not what he told me..."
She thought a moment, thinking if it was alright to tell the princess what he told Athena. Thinking that Travis wouldn't face his problem, someone had to, she chose that it should be alright.
"He thinks he made clear that he tells you he love you but know it won't work. He says to me you have to marry prince."
Athena's face said it all. Knowing Travis was an idiot.
There came a knock at my door, and I lept and took the bottles of wine they gave with a odd ex pression. So, by now, my shirt was fully unbuttoned, wrinkled, and twisted like last night, it was getting hotter in the room and I was tempted to just get naked and drunk, and my eyes were burning. My body needed sleep, but I didn't want to sleep just yet.
Slamming the door before the servant could ask why, I locked both doors - the one that led to the princess's room and the entrance door - and put all of the bottles on the bed. Chugging them like there was no tomorrow.
[[ Once the conversation is over with Athena, I'll make another post about him about what he's turned into. xD ]]
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2:23pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// XD Travis the Drunkard.
Sara scratched her cheek and said, "And I made it clear to him that I didn't want a prince." She looked Athena straight in the eye. "I made it clear to him."
"And apparently he didn't make it clear to me that he loved me, because when our lips touched, he jumped away like I was poisonous." Her eyes changed to hold only sadness as she looked at the servant.
Love is all we need~