2:29pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ He'll be sexy even when he's drunk, I promise you. ]]
Athena laughed and patted the princess knee. (If she's not sitting next to her on the bed, nevermind on that part. ) "I guess you both are confused on each others feelings, yes?"
Athena thought back to what Travis said. "Well he love you, Princess. Very much. I see in his eyes. You love him also. So why so much secrets when you both know?"
She shook her head, the last question more to herself. "Travis hurting. No sleep. No eating. Asked for wine. He crazy about you and hurts that he can't have you. I promise you Princess."
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2:36pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// Sara is still standing, so I'll forget that part. XD
And I have no doubt that the knight will still be sexy while he's drunk. The fact that his shirt if fully unbuttoned gives a good deal of credit to his appearance. XD
Sara was surprised at what Athena said.
How could Travis convey to Athena that she loved her, but he couldn't tell the very one that he loved? She got a bit angry about this, but she pushed it away. She would talk to him again later.
"Well he can tell me that himself if he's the man he claims to be." She dropped her eyes, saying that part to herself. "Thankyou, Athena. Thanks for coming to check on me. You're a good friend."
Love is all we need~
2:40pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ You caught on to the whole 'unbuttoned' thing I tried hinting... <3333 ]]
Athena smiled up at the princess. "I just wish he realizes what he lets through his fingers if he don't say something to you soon." ("I just wish he would realize what he's letting slip through his fingers" didn't know how to put that in other words to a women who wasn't fully proper English. That's what she meant. <<<< ]]
Athena stood up, put a hand on the princess and said, "Do not give up easily, Princess. Sometime when men in love, they do stupid things. He seems a bit lost when with you." With a shake of her head at her disappointment in the situation, she left the princess's room.
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2:46pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara smiled and nodded to what Athena said, sighing. She actually felt slightly better now, though her heart still ached. And she was still numb. She touched her arm, and felt her skin prickle where she squeezed.
She figured that in a while, she would get over it.
She watched as Athena left, and closed the door behind her. She really didn't know how to pass the time, so she flopped on her bed, still in her dress, and stared up at the ceiling.
Maybe after getting bored, and after her thoughts stopped going in frantic circles, she would get a tiny bit of rest.
Ooc:// I pick up easily on certain hints. ;D
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2:57pm Jun 20 2012
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It was an hour later, and every bottle that the servant sent in was empty to the last drop. I was laughing and crying about nothing (My brother in law cries and get's all emotional when he's drunk so I couldn't help but add that. xD ) and rolling around the bed excitedly every time I had another drop of wine.
I swallowed the last bit, and I didn't know who I was anymore. My sense of good judgement left my mind, and I looked at the princess's door. Maybe...
I turned in my bed once more and frowned when I saw no more bottles to drink out of. Too bad. Every time I took a gulp, I felt like I was closer and closer to the pain going away. I started laughing when I fell off the bed, for no reason at all. Then, tears streamed down my face.
My torso was wet with either sweat, wine, or tears. I wasn't sure. My shirt came off (...xDDD) a long time ago - if we could say that. I wasn't really sure how long I'd been in this state of mind.
"I ne-need mooree..."
I laughed some more as I looked at the bottles. They were empty. It wasn't funny, kind of depressing, but I was still laughing and crying hysterically. What was I laughing about again? Oh whatever.
I stood up to my feet, and immediately fell to the floor. It kind of hurt my arm - really bad actually- but instead of reacting to the pain, I laughed. "Wow, that hurt..." I slurred to myself. Trying to stand up again, I couldn't see well. But, still, I ended up at the princess's door. Opening the door, I stumbled into the room with uneven steps. "Princessssssssssss." I said, chuckling a little bit as I slammed the door behind me.
[[I've never really written a drunk person scene, so bare with me. xD ]]
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3:10pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// You're doing pretty good for writing a drunk person scene. XD
Sara had been asleep for a while, but when she heard her name, she sat up in her bed slowly, rubbing her eyes. They were back to normal now, with no redness or puffyness. She felt slightly better.
Her vision got clearer and she looked around, jumping when she heard a door slam. Her head jerked in the direction of the sound, finding Travis's shirtless figure standing there. His torso was glistening in the dim light that was in the room.
Then the realization hit her. He was shirtless. And in her room. And the doors were closed. Something was wrong with this picture. She didn't move, though. Perhaps this was some sort of dream that she was having. Or maybe her heart was just hurting so bad and her mind was playing tricks on her, making her think that she's seeing Travis.
"Travis..." Her voice was still sleepy. "What are you doing in my room?"
Love is all we need~
3:20pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 3:20pm Jun 20 2012)
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I laughed, though tears glistened on my cheeks. I stumbled deeper into the room and looked around. The thought that she might have some wine came across my mind, but before I could ask, I stumbled once more and fell again, hurting my shoulder once more. Though, instead of reacting to my now deformed shoulder, I laughed. "Thasst reeallly hurrsssttsss...." I slurred, holding my shoulder before standing up again. I laughed hysterically, before walking towards her where she slept. "I misss youu."
My words slurred and I came to my knees by her. Though what I said was true, my lips were formed in a laughing smile as I couldn't stop chuckling.
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3:27pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara bit her lip as he came closer. He fell, and hurt himself. But he didn't show any signs of pain. He actually laughed. And that was when Sara figured out exactly what was going on.
When he spoke, it confirmed her suspicions. He came to his knees at the side of her bed (Or at least I think that's where he's at. o.o), and Sara let a frown form on her face. She got off of her bed and shook her head.
"Travis.... Why did you go and get-" She stopped when she got close to him. Though he wasn't all up in her face, she could smell the wine on him. "Travis, why?" She put her hand on his shoulder, kneeling down beside him, trying to ignore the fact that he was shirtless. And soaked in what she guessed was sweat.
Love is all we need~
3:43pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Bahaha, yeah he was kneeling where her head was on the bed. xD ]]
I laughed, shaking my head. Why was everything so dizzy? I ignored what she said, leaning my head back like a scolded toddler not getting his way.
"I... Want usss bassck in daa woods. Without prisssy prince in the way when I wanna' look at you."
I said, though instead of having a jealous tone, I was laughing once again. Tears coming down my face once more. Before I could say anymore, my smile disappeared to a frown as my back was facing the princess, and I threw up. I held my stomach as I finally slowed down. When my breathing came back to normal, and all was quiet, I started laughing once more.
"Man! I'm such a idiot you know that?" I looked back at her, my eyes looking in odd directions, kind of like my hair. "We shoulda never came here, princess. I don't wanna' watch you marry some girl." I said, referring to the prince. I laughed once more, though this time, my hand still laid on my shoulder from the pain.
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3:52pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara knew that he was drunk, and probably wasn't in his right state of mind, but when he said that he wanted to go back into the woods, just him and her, she felt her cheeks redden, even though he was laughing. She wasn't sure what to do. She'd never seen a man drunk, and she didn't know what would help them.
When Travis threw up, Sara felt disgusted, but she rubbed his back in a comforting way, her fingernails trailing over the muscles there. God, this man was going to be the death of her. She walked into the bathroom and wet several cloths. She came back and put one in Travis's hand, placing the rest on her bed.
"Travis... God," she said, shaking her head. She thought that if he was sweating this much, he probably needed to cool down, so she put the wet cloth that she had been holding on the back of his neck.
"I'm not going to marry him, Travis," she said, putting his uninjured shoulder around her small frame. She tried to heave him up, but it was useless. "C'mon. We need to get you away from the stuff that you threw up onto the floor, okay?" She was glad that it seemed it hadn't gotten on him.
Love is all we need~
4:00pm Jun 20 2012
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I laughed and leaned my head back. But my energy was failing, and I was starting to get tired, so instead, my head lay on her shoulder. Opening my eyes, I smiled as I nuzzled her neck. "You better not marry him, Sara. I'd kill myself. I promise you that."
I whispered in her ear, pressing a wet kiss on her neck and following her demand to step up. But the second I stood up, I felt wobbly and tired.
"Don't leave me, Princess."
I whispered, all trace of amusement from my face. "You can't leave me Princess..."
I whispered again, leaving my head on her shoulder out of fatigue. I sat down on the bed, feeling that tiredness come back. I bet it was the wine.
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4:08pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara was somewhat startled. He called her by her name. Just her name. It made her happy, but that was canceled out by his threat to commit suicide if she married the prince. "You don't have to worry about-" She stopped when she felt his lips press against her neck, chills spreading over her arms and up her back.
She then heard his command not to leave her, and she angled her head so that she could kiss his forehead. Placing her lips on the skin there, she said, "Travis, I won't leave you, okay."
"C'mon. We need to get you to your bed." She tried heaving him off of the bed. "You can't sleep in my room."
Love is all we need~
4:14pm Jun 20 2012
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I laughed at her last response, hysterically once more. "Ha! Why can't I stay in here with you?" My voice was hinted with flirting, though it was failed by the fact that I was drunk. I snuggled on her shoulder, though she was so short that I finally kept my head up and walked with her help to the door to my room. "You promise you won't marry the prince?" I said, my voice more soft and innocent it's probably ever been in my life. I laid my cheek on the top of her head from weariness.
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4:20pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara didn't answer Travis's question as to why he couldn't stay in here with her. He knew good and well why he couldn't- It was inappropriate. Plus, she had to go find someone to clean up the barf in her room, and she didn't want them to wonder why a boy was in her bed while they were cleaning.
She stopped at the door to his room and smiled at his voice. She pulled him tighter against her side as if to convery her truth. "I promise, Travis." She opened the door and walked into the room, all the while supporting Travis.
"Here's your bed. Go to sleep. You need rest," Sara said, trying to look up at him without moving his cheek off of her head. It was then that she noticed all of the wine bottles.
"God, Travis. You must have a high tolerance for alcohol..." Well, it made since. Since Travis was large, and had muscles, and had a larger body mass in return, it took more alcohol to get drunk. For Sara, a few glass would probably get her good and drunk.
Love is all we need~
4:25pm Jun 20 2012
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"Stay with me."
I whispered, rolling my head off of her head as I went to the bed. Why did she think I was taking the wine? For fun? No, because I need her more then I'd admit to myself. I laid on top the bed, my eyes already drooping. The wine was starting to get me really tired now. "I love you, Sara."
The words were slurred, but at least at this state, I was able to admit it to someone other then myself. My eyes drooped and stayed closed, my body relaxed as I easily fell asleep.
And I was going to regret everything I said tomorrow.
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4:33pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara sighed as he told her to stay with her. She couldn't leave him. She sat in a chair near his bed and felt her cheeks turn as red as the signature dress that she used to wear back at her own kingdom. The light was low, so she hoped Travis wouldn't see.
Had he really just said that? Did he mean it? Either way, she regained control of herself and leaned over to his head once he was asleep, gently kissing his cheek. She wasn't sure whether she should say it or not. He wouldn't hear her, so it would be a waste.
But, she needed to say it out loud.
"I love you, too." She drug her fingernails over his jawline and sighed.
He probably wouldn't remember any of this in the morning. And that would kill Sara. She just prayed that nobody would come into her room or Travis's. Except maybe Athena. Athena would understand. And she could possibly get someone to clean up the mess in her room.
As long as she lived, Sara promised herself, she wouldn't give Travis wine unless she wanted him to tell her something that he wouldn't when he was sober.
Love is all we need~
4:37pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ That last sentence made my day.
If I time skip to the next morning, how will Travis see the princess? Awake, or asleep? Or will she not be there? xD ]
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4:39pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// She'll still be there. XD And she'll be asleep, with her head on his bed, right beside his pillow, but still sitting in the chair.
And I loved that last sentence. XD
Love is all we need~
4:50pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ That's an awkward position. xD ]
The second I woke up, I knew I was stupid enough to get drunk last night. My head hurt worse then the last hangover I had a long time ago, and my shoulder was burning with pain. I didn't remember a thing that happened last night, but finding myself shirtless, sticky from the wine and sweat all over my torso (From the night before.) , and reeking of vomit, I was guessing I followed my own rule and stayed inside my own room and didn't embarrass myself with the princess.
I turned over, and opened my eyes to see just who I was hoping I wouldn't see. The angel face of the princess, sleeping beside me, yet on a chair. I lifted an eyebrow and looking on the floor to see all the bottles I had last night. It made me want to vomit just thinking about drinking all of them.
That is what the princess did to me. Made me go crazy.
I swallowed nervously, and, hoping she was still asleep, brought my finger up and traced the side of her face. What happened last night? I better not have tried getting in bed with her. My cheeks paled at the thought. I was drunk, that was probably the first thing on my mind.
I scooted farther away from her, but seeing how peaceful she looked, I doubt I tried doing anything inappropriate. I sighed, and laid all the way on the other side of the bed. My head hurt and I groaned. When the princess woke up, I'd make sure she told me everything that happened. Putting my fingers on the bridge of my nose, I prayed this headache would go away soon.
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4:59pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara was sleeping peacefully, and she didn't wake when she felt a finger trace across the side of her face. But when she heard someone groan, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times ot clear her vision. The first thing that hit her was that she was in a chair, and that her neck was hurting.
And then she remembered the whole ordeal from the night before, and how Travis had been drunk, and actually admitted that he loved her. She saw his form with his back to her on the other side of the bed. He had moved. She knew that she had to wake him. It was daylight outside, and if he overslept, he'd be awake into all hours of the night.
"Travis," she called, her voice still sleepy. She hadn't slept all that well, but she was happy that Travis had actually slept at all. "You awake?" She yawned.
Love is all we need~