10:08pm May 25 2012
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The coincidences were getting old and I was about to sneak the princess back to her home in the kingdom and be done with this mission. Why, out of all the nights it could rain, did the clouds choose today to let it fall?
Swallowing my anger so I won't upset the princess, I did a small smile and said, "Well, Princess, it's your choice. Find somewhere to stay until this rain slows down, or keep going as far as we can."
[Shortie. Sorry. :( ]]
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10:13pm May 25 2012
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Sara looked around at the eyes shining up at her from the shadows of the forest. She definately wasn't going to stay in these scary woods. That was, unless she couldn't bear to go any farther, but that wasn't going to happen. Sara's blue eyes rested on Travis; she fixed her posture so that she looked like a princess again, and carried her head high.
"Well, seeing as that I'm already soaked to the bone, and that Capricornia is antsy from the lightning earlier, I suggest that we keep going. The rain will eventually quit." She didn't wait for Travis's input on the situation. She simply nudged Capricornia and the horse moved forward, snorting.
Love is all we need~
10:29pm May 25 2012 (last edited on 10:34pm May 25 2012)
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"Great." I said, though I did turn back one more time. Who knows when the last time I'll be able to see the kingdom again. My home. Clenching my jaw, I nudged Ashes forward as well and stood abreast with the princess as we kept on going.
[[ What should happen now? :O ]]
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10:38pm May 25 2012
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Ooc:// I don't quite know. Maybe I should have Sara have some sort of magic fit. She could summon up some sort of creature for Travis to defeat. Maybe?
Sara carried herself forward, trying to ease the feeling that this was hurting Travis more than it was hurting her. It probably was hurting Travis more, now that she thought about it. She was a spoiled little princess, and she'd never had to work a day in her life, while he, a knight, probably had to train his entire life to earn his position at the side of the king. He was so young for the position, too!
Sara bit her bottom lip. No. Why was she feeling bad for Travis? This was all her father's doing. Maybe, if she could somehow convince her father that she knew empathy, she could return. Sara giggled at the thought. How foolish.
She couldn't lie to her father if she tried. That man could sniff out lies like Capricornia could sniff out sugar carrots. That option was scratched off of her list. There was no turning back. No begging for the privilege of returning. No begging for her father to pity her. No fake tears, no whining, or sulking. None of that would get her back to the kingdom.
She was going to have to do that the hard way.
Love is all we need~
8:19am May 26 2012
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[[Wow, that's a good idea. :)
Could you start that first? D: ]
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8:34am May 26 2012
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Ooc:// Alright.
After a few moments of silence, Sara began to notice just how angry she was. Her jaws clenched, and she clenched her fists so hard around the reins that she could feel the leather cutting into her palms. She began to emit a strange light, and she felt suddenly warm.
She simply ignored it as a side-effect of her anger, but, when she saw a large light in front of her, she froze, and so did Capricornia. Capricornia didn't know what was going on, but she knew that continuing to move forward was not a good idea, so she simply stared at the mesmerizing light.
Sara thought it was harmless, until she heard a monstrous roar come from the light, which morphed into the shape of some horrifying beast before it solidified and the light disappeared along with the light surrounding Sara. All that was left in front of Capricornia, about twenty feet out, was a monstrous beast.
The horse reared, and Sara moved with the horse, clinging on for dear life as it moved backwards, too afraid to put its back to the beast. "What- What is that?" Sara stared at the beast, wide-eyed as it began to slink forward.
It looked like a lion, but about twice the size of an ordinary one, and its teeth were enormous, the canines travelling far past its bottom jaw. As the beast broke into a run towards Capricornia, the horse veered off into the woods, travelling off of the path as the beast chased her.
Sara didn't know what to do. She'd never had training in fighting. She was a princess, for goodness's sake! Then it hit her. Her father, the king had given her someone to protect her.
"Travis! Travis, help! It's gonna eat Capricornia!" She could only think of her horse in that moment, not thinking that the beast might want to devour her, also.
Love is all we need~
1:30pm May 26 2012
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[[This thread's ti tle for some reason doesn't stick out. I'm sorry I completely missed this. :/ ]]
When I first saw the light, I immediately froze. What... What was that? Where did it come from? Swallowing away my nerves, I already had my sword out when Capricornia took the princess away once more. I couldn't blame the horse, I wanted to run too.
Without any more hesitation, I jumped off of Ashes with my sword in hand. I was used to fighting things. Not just humans, but beasts as well. It was part of my level of training. It was why I was one of the kings most trusted and best knights.
I knew what to do.
It was just, I never had something so big in front of me. So terrifyingly evil. I wasn't in the kingdom, where if the beast was close to killing me, someone could come and save me. I was all on my own.
Clenching my jaw in determination, I was just about to strike when I heard my name being called. Turning my head, I screamed, "Don't worry princess!"
Turning back to the beast, my sword ready to strike if it came near, I circled the beast so my back wasn't toward him.
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1:58pm May 26 2012
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Sara lost all of the air in her lungs as a tree branch knocked her clean off of her white steed. She landed on the ground with a thud, felt tears stinging in her eyes, and heard Travis reply to her call for help that she'd sent earlier. She could still hear the beast growling out in the pathway, and the footsteps of her horse running back to the kingdom. There was no going back for her horse. She'd have to walk. Her steed was too fast, and too frightened to even consider catching.
She could only think of one thing to do, and that was to go back to Travis. If she returned back to the kingdom, she'd be as good as dead, and if she went after Capricornia, she'd become hopelessly lost. However, she decided, if she went back to Travis, there was a small chance that she wouldn't die.
Allowing only a few tears to trickle down her face before she finally caught her breath and stood, Sara began to walk back towards the growling sounds. She made it back in time to see Travis and the lion-like beast circling eachother. Travis's sword was gleaming in the moonlight, and, as she stepped onto the path again, still making sure to keep a safe distance from the creature.
The lion-esque beast looked back at Sara, and roared, leaving the perfect opportunity for a sword to be thrust at its neck. Sara saw the opportunity, and yelled, "Travis, kill it! Cut it's neck!" She was shaking all over from the creature's gaze, and she felt as if she couldn't move. She had to admit that the creature was terrifying, but it was as stupid as a rock, leaving its neck wide open for a strike like that, and even taking its attention off of a man with a sword.
Love is all we need~
2:46pm May 26 2012
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Ooc:// Bumperz.
Love is all we need~
12:37pm May 27 2012
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Just as I heard the voice of the princess, my sword was in the air and aiming to slice through the beasts neck. Flesh met metal as I used all my might to cut right through the beasts large neck. Picking my sword up after beheading the beast, I didn't give it a second look before coming to the princess and throwing my sword down.
"Are you alright, Princess?"
I said, my hand protectively on her upper left arm. [[ Can I say the branch hit her head? O_O I'll just keep going if that's alright~ ]] My eyebrows furrowed as I saw a trickled of blood come from a cut on her fore head, a large bump forming. I grabbed a handkerchief from my pocket and patted the blood dry from her forehead.
"What happened? Where's your horse?"
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2:44pm May 27 2012
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Sara winced as Travis's hankerchief was dabbed onto her forehead. She hadn't even noticed the blood. The branch must have gotten her better than she thought. She couldn't remember exactly how she'd hit her head, but she'd either hit it when she fell off of Capricornia, or the branch had thwacked her on the head. She wiped several more hot tears from her face at the mention of Capricornia.
She knew her horse would be fine, but there would be no catching the great white steed. It was much too swift for her, and it was probably back at the kindom by now, still shaking, spooked by the lion-beast. She let her blue eyes travel up to Travis and swallowed the lump in her throat.
"I'm fine, Travis. I got knocked off of Capricornia by a tree branch when she was running. She's probably ran back to the kindom by now." She sighed, and couldn't stop the oncoming wave of tears that cascaded down her pale face. As soon as she'd wipe one away, another one would take its place in a matter of seconds. She would have to make the rest of the journey without Capricornia- without her dear horse.
"W-what was that horrible thing? It was monstrous, and it wanted to eat my horse!" Sara finally gave up on wiping the tears away, and she let them just go down her face, but it wasn't noticeable, given that it was still raining quite heavily.
Love is all we need~
2:53pm May 27 2012
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I wanted to say that my heart was still racing from the former events just taken place, but I was so used to this - so trained for moments like this - that I was unfazed. Other then the pelting rain that only made the weather colder outside, my cheeks, nose and ears a bit numb, I was trained for moments like this.
I frowned at seeing the princess so distraught. I may have been trained, but a fragile woman like Princess Sara was no where near that. She must be terrified. Without really thinking what way to take action would be appropriate, I wrapped my arms around her, feeling as though I could snap her like a twig if I held her too tight. I guess it was because of my tall frame that made me feel so big compared to her.
"Don't worry, Princess. You can ride Ash-"
I was going to say more before turning my head and letting my arms fall from the girl to look for Ashes. There, blending in with the trees and dark night was Ashes. Also unfazed from the beheaded beast and waiting patiently for orders I supposed. My wonderful stallion was always there. With a smile, I looked back at the Princess with concerned eyes.
"Are you ready to go on?"
I didn't want to answer her questions about the beast because I didn't know what it was either. And the last thing I needed was Princess Sara making me frightened by thinking about it. I had to be the strong one here. The king was expecting me too.
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3:05pm May 27 2012
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Sara's breathing hitched when she felt Travis's arms wrap around her, and then he tried to comfort her by saying that she could ride his horse. She swallowed the lump in her throat and cried a few more tears before she finally realized that she was safe. Neither she nor Travis had been harmed in the incident, and Travis was strong. She could tell by the muscles that she could feel against her arms. She wiped away at the last tear, and nodded at Travis's question.
She didn't want to stay in this wretched place more than it was neccessary. She wished to move on, and to get as far away from the corpse of the beast as she could. She knew that whatever meat-eaters that lived in the forest would feast on the fallen beast's flesh, and she shivered.
"Yes. Let's go." She let herself relax in the safe haven of Travis's arms, and she waited for him to release her.
Love is all we need~
3:10pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 3:11pm May 27 2012)
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Smiling at her readiness, I walked over to Ashes. If, before 24 hours, a beast was about to harm the princess, what will happen in the next days until the princess could come back to the kingdom?
I frowned at the thought, though kept my worries to myself. I hoped it was only for a couple days. Who knew how long this whole adventure could take. Bitterness toward the king overcame my ex pression before looking back at the princess with a smile that didn't quite reach my hazel eyes.
Ashes might have been a little bigger then Capricornia, so I gave a small gesture with my hands as I said, "Did you need help getting on Ashes?"
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3:23pm May 27 2012
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Sara pursed her lips. Just because she was short didn't mean that she couldn't mount a large horse, she thought to herself, furrowing her brows at Travis. She shook her head, and walked up to the large horse, a bit intimidated by its size. It was definately larger than her Capricornia. She took in a deep breath, and jumped up. She made it so that her hands were over the horse's saddle, and as she tried to pull herself up, she couldn't. She simply slid down off of the wet saddle.
Sara felt her face get warmer, and her cheeks turned red. Whether it was from frustration or embarassment, nobody would ever know. She tried once more to get onto the horse, and failed. After her final failed attempt, she turned to Travis and defeatedly said, "I guess I need help after all."
Love is all we need~
3:37pm May 27 2012
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I easily held my act together and didn't show how humorous the situation was. Especially seeing the little princess's cheeks get red, I made sure to not even show one hint of a smirk. She was a princess after all, she was technically more in charge of me then I was of her.
"No problem."
I said, though my voice was lower then usual to keep a laugh from coming up my throat. I went behind her and tried being as appropriate as any other man in this situation could as I put my hands on her waist and picked her up. She wasn't chunky like other princess's - since they were the ones that had all the good - tasting foods - but I still was expecting a little more then just a feather - light weight as I set her on the saddle.
"Got everything, Princess?"
I asked, though realized then that whatever she could have possibly brought would most likely be with Capricornia. I jumped up on Ashes's saddle, being behind the princess, and put my arms on either side of her to grab the reins. Hopefully she wouldn't go back to the king when we returned to tell him that I was anything but appropriate. I'm doing the best I could under the circumstances. I tapped my foot on Ashes side to get him going.
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4:01pm May 27 2012
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Sara's cheeks got even redder, if that was even possible, as she felt Travis's arms go around her to grab the reins and move Ashes forwards. She fought the red from her cheeks, but she still felt warm. When her protector asked if she had everything, she nearly laughed. She had nothing to take with her. Her father hadn't given her anything in the first place, other than a few gold pieces that she had hidden in her blouse.
She said, "Yes. I've got everything," and looked straight forward, trying to ignore the feeling of the hot blood in her cheeks, and the warmth that was coming from Travis behind her. She'd never been this close to a boy that was anywhere near her age. Her father told her that her marriage would be arranged, and that she wouldn't need to worry about boys; that she'd have a loving husband that would take care of her.
Sara's hair was sopping wet by now, and it dripped water onto her face every now and then. However, she welcomed the cold, cool liquid. It cooled her cheeks off, which were still aflame with red pigment.
Love is all we need~
4:04pm May 27 2012
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[[ Can I time skip a little? :)))))) ]]
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4:10pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// Of course you can! :)
Love is all we need~
4:13pm May 27 2012
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[[ Great. |DDD ]]
As I led Ashes on, silent minutes went by. Soon, maybe half and hour later, the rain stopped pelting over top our heads. It was still night out, and I could feel a small sense of weariness as I kept Ashes on. It was a good thing I took that nap before the banquet, or I would be completely exhausted right now.
Breaking the silence, I whispered, "You doing okay, Princess?"
I felt the need to whisper because of how quiet it was around. We were still surrounded by trees, but it wasn't as spooky anymore to me. I still kept the princess close just in case her point of view was completely different.
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