5:03pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 5:04pm Jun 20 2012)
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Hearing the princess's voice made me imagine her sleeping beside me at night, waking every morning to her cute sleepy voice greet me. "Barely."
I whispered, turning so that I faced her. I rubbed my eyes and stretched slightly before wincing. "I banged my shoulder up pretty hard last night."
I said, rubbing my shoulder before giving her a speculative glance.
"Speaking of, what actually happened? I got this bad hangover, and I thought I'd stay in my own room." [20th PAGE! ]]
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5:10pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara frowned. "Yeah. You hurt your shoulder pretty bad, Travis." She stretched much like a cat would and almost grinned when he asked her what happened. She could have some fun with this. So long as he believed her, and didn't accuse her of lying.
She blinked, putting her hand to her chin so that it supported her head and allowed her eyes to stare into Travis's green ones. The grin spread. "You got really, really drunk, came into my room, threw up on the floor, fell on your shoulder a good few times, told me not to marry the prince, and proclaimed your love for me before you passed out." A blush slightly spread on her cheeks as she finished.
She just couldn't wait to see Travis's ex pression.
Love is all we need~
5:21pm Jun 20 2012
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Oh gosh. I knew I shouldn't have gotten drunk last night. I thought it'd be worth it, all this hangover and pain. But was it worth the princess knowing how I felt?
"I must have been pretty drunk then."
I said with a chuckle as I ran a hand through my hair.
I winced. "I threw up? No wonder I reek. Sorry."
I said, giving her a sheepish grin before slipping out of bed and finding my shirt to see it soaked. I guess I was enjoying myself so much in the wine by myself, I must have poured it all over my clothes, just to be dumb. I rolled my eyes then looked back at the princess.
"Thanks for taking care of me even if you were mad at me."
My cheeks were still a bright red from the last part she had said. Did I really say that, or was she lying? I chose not to ask. It seemed like everything I said was taken out of context lately with her, so I didn't want to make her upset like I had done yesterday.
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5:41pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara laughed as he looked at his shirt. She hadn't known where the garment was. It seems that he'd found it, though. Found it to be soaking wet.
"You were pretty out of it," she said, not wanting to lie. "And, yes. You threw up. It was pretty nasty," she said, still smiling at him. "But I would take care of you even if you didn't want me to." She sat up from her chair, stretching and yawning again.
She decided not to comment on his scarlet cheeks. "I'll leave so that you can clean yourself up. I've got to go get someone to clean up the vomit in my room." She gave him a happy smile and then retreated to her own room, closing the door behind her.
Love is all we need~
5:54pm Jun 20 2012
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She left before I could thank her once more. Or ask her to stay. Realizing that the vomit was probably really gross, I wouldn't want her to stay anyways, so she could get the servants to clean that up.
"Thank you Princess." I said when the door was already closed. Slipping off my pants, I went to go bathe.
[[Fail post. :) ]]
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6:29pm Jun 20 2012
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Ooc:// Tis fine. :)
Sara stripped her dress off once she made her way into her room and bathed, taking her time. By the time she was all clean, she was dressed in a lilac dress and her hair was slightly damp, hanging around her shoulders in the curls that she sported.
She sat down on her bed to pass the time, humming a soft tune that she'd heard one of the servants singing. If Travis didn't knock on her door soon, she would knock on his.
She was also glad that the servants that she had spoken to before she bathed had taken care of the mess while she wasn't in the room. Less questions asked. She rubbed her neck and sighed.
Love is all we need~
6:36pm Jun 20 2012
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After bathing and finding the same kind of outfit I had on yesterday at the feast, except this time in a bright blue, I threw out all of the wine bottles. Why had I drank? Because it felt good, that's why. Drinking had me forget that telling the princess how much I loved her was close to forbidden. I could easily tell her when I was drunk. I wondered if she believed me.
I also wanted to know if I said anything else, or did anything else embarrassing, but I didn't want to disturb her if she was still bathing. After everything was cleaned around the room, I went to the door that led to the princess's room.
I said, my tone back to normal, not like a slur like it probably was last night. I rolled my eyes. Why? Why did she have to be here when I got drunk? My cheeks burned, wishing I could go back and see what happened.
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6:40pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara jumped from her bed and walked over to the door. She opened it and smiled. "Yes?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "Need something?"
She then dropped her eyebrow and moved out of the door frame, silently inviting him in. She hoped she looked better than she did when she first woke up.
Lord knew how red her eyes probably were, or how her hair was messed up when she first woke up.
Ooc:// Fayullll.
Love is all we need~
6:43pm Jun 20 2012
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"Just wanted to see your beautiful fa-"
I stopped the words and my cheeks paled. Was I really about to start flirting with her, just because I had told her I loved her - while I was drunk and vomiting?
"Just making sure all my vomit is out of your room."
I said, scrunching my nose at the thought. "Sorry again about that."
Perfect way to start the conversation with someone you love. Idiot.
"So, speaking of which... Was there anything else that happened?"
I said with a lift of my eyebrow. I truly hoped nothing else embarrassing happened.
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7:57pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara grinned when he began the sentence, but her mouth returned to a straight line when he covered it up. She wanted to just tell him to relax so badly.
"The vomit's gone. You don't need to apologize for it. You couldn't help it." She gave him a sympathetic smile and sat down on the edge of her bed.
Sara tapped her chin when he asked her if there was anything else that happened. She removed her hand from her chin and said, "Oh yeah. You kissed me." She paused and pointed to her neck, right where his lips had met her skin. "Right there."
She mumbled the last part, "And you made me promise not to marry the prince..." She wasn't really sure what he would think of that. Not long ago, he had told her that she had to marry a prince. She didn't want him to get angry with himself.
Love is all we need~
8:35pm Jun 20 2012
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Oh gosh, I kissed her? On her neck? I swallowed, feeling envy for the drunken part of myself. Why couldn't I be sober and bold enough to do that? "Oh princess..."
I said, my cheeks flaming red at her next statement. Why would I not want her to marry the prince? He would be good to her. And if she didn't marry the prince, then that just meant we - if she truly loved me. I don't think we had everything clear yet. - would be hurting, wanting each other but not being able to marry.
"I was drunk. Don't tell me you actually promised. I need you to marry the prince, so that I'll get over this infatuation."
It took me a moment to realize once again, I slipped up. "I mean... You need to marry the prince. It'll be for your own good, has nothing to do with me."
I said, and wishing I'd be more careful.
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9:45pm Jun 20 2012
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Sara's jaw dropped. He had the nerve to tell her who she needed to marry? At first, he said that she should marry the prince. Now he was saying that she needed to. She allowed her blue eyes to zero in on him.
She felt her skin prickle and her face heat up. A few of her hairs stood on end, as if she was charged with static. "I don't need to marry anyone, Travis. You can't tell me who I need to marry." She stood from her bed, small, but audible static pops occuring as she did so.
"And I think I liked you better when you were drunk." Her eyes narrowed. "You were much more polite and sincere."
"Don't you ever tell me who and who I need to marry again." She let her voice drop dangerously low, though her face was a mixture of hurt and anger, her blue eyes focused on Travis.
Love is all we need~
9:29am Jun 21 2012
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The words the princess had said before, about needing to be really emotional to have her powers, came to my mind when I heard small static pops as she stood up. Her words made me not bring it up just yet, as my hazel eyes narrowed back at her.
"I'm your protector. I'm not here to be polite, sincere, drunk, or tell you who to marry. Protecting you doesn't just mean keeping you away from danger, Princess. If you let this prince go for stupid fantasies or because you 'don't want him', then I wouldn't be protecting you. I would be letting you have your way, and you've had your way your whole life, which is why we are in this situation in the first place. I'm doing my job, so don't hate me for doing so. This was your fathers idea, so take it up with the king."
My jaw clenched, wondering why ever since the infatuation for her had taken over my life, we've done nothing but argue. I couldn't wait to see Athena's reaction to this argument.
[[Yayyy~ MORE DRAMAA. ]]
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11:45am Jun 21 2012
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As Travis's eyes narrowed at her, Sara matched his gaze, narrowing her own blue eyes. "If you're supposed to be my protector, you're not doing a good job of it." You're not doing a good job of protecting my heart... Sara thought that part was best left unspoken. She then remembered what he said.
"I made a promise to you, Travis. Last night, when you were drunk. I promised you that I wouldn't marry the prince, and when I promised you, I promised myself. When you were drunk, you claimed that you would kill yourself if I married the prince, and you have no clue how much that tugged on my heart." She paused. "You promised me that you would kill yourself if that ever happened." Oh god, not the tears....
One made its way down her face before she said, "Just get out of my room. Just.... Don't talk to me for a while. I need to think. And so do you." She swallowed the lump in her throat, and pointed her index finger at the door. She forced the rest of her tears to stay in her eyes.
Love is all we need~
11:54am Jun 21 2012
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I said I'd kill myself? If she married the prince? My heart raced, feeling anger at myself and at her for actually believing it. I wouldn't kill myself... Would I? I did let myself get as drunk as possible last night, just because she started courting the guy. How would I react if she gave her heart to him, married him?
I could see me stabbing my heart until the pain went away, but I didn't say that to her. Especially when a tear came down her cheek. It was like everything on my mind was forgotten as my ex pression changed from anger and confusion, to a soft ex pression. I hoped my eyes didn't show how much I loved her.
Reaching up, my thumb brushed her cheek to brush away the tear. I refused to let emotion get the best of me, or I'd break down too. I was a man, not a child. If I couldn't get the women I loved, that didn't mean I could have a temper tantrum. I'd get over it. And next time a man came around the corner, I'll get even more drunk so that I could forget it for good.
"I'm sorry."
I whispered, my eyes boring into hers. I let my hand go to my side and did as she asked, going to the door, and as I closed, I muttered more to myself, but wanted her to know: "I'm just a stupid, confused man, Princess. You can't expect me to react rationally with all of this."
And with that, I shut the door. Maybe she was right. Maybe we both needed to think. But I already knew what was right. I loved her, but I couldn't marry her. So why would I play with her heart, just to end up hurt and broken? She needed a prince, and if she let this one go... There's no telling what other prince we will come across, if any. She'd end up alone, and never a queen. And, if the king was angry enough, he could kick her out when he finds out she let Prince Arnold go. I mean, he proved he could kick her out for random reasons. Like to learn empathy.
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12:10pm Jun 21 2012
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Sara didn't jerk away from Travis's hand, no matter how much she wanted to. His hands were warm, and kind, and gentle. They said that they could care for someone. She just.... didn't understand why it couldn't be her. Though his eyes showed a different ex pression than hers at that moment, she kept her hard ex pression plastered onto her face in fears that if she softened it like Travis did, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back.
She was surprised that he wasn't shocked when he touched her. Who was she kidding? She couldn't hurt him like that. She suddenly missed the physical contact of his hand on her face as he turned and exited the room. She heard him mumble something as he left, but she wasn't sure what he said.
Once she was sure he was gone, one more tear escaped her eyes before she fanned her face with both hands and stopped the rest from coming out. She would not cry today. Not today. She cleared her throat and took several deep, shaky breaths to calm herself down, and the tingling in her skin finally faded.
Why couldn't Travis be of royal blood, and make all of this easier? Because she fell in love with him as a knight. Who knew how he would change if he was royal blood? She bit her lip. Perhaps she just wasn't cut out to be a queen. After all, her older brother was out there somewhere. She was sure that if her father did some sleuthing, he could track him down and he would be the heir to the throne.
Love is all we need~
3:59pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ Guess what? ;-; I can't be on all day like yesterday like... Ever again. ;-; My posture is getting messed up. Not like I'm going to die or anything, but the back of my neck is starting to do a small hunch back kind of thing, so I have to make sure I sit well. It's hard to do that when I'm concentrating on writing/typing. ;-; So I'll make a post tomorrow. ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; -dies- ]]
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4:01pm Jun 21 2012
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Ooc:// Okay. I don't have to worry about that because I have a manual computer. Like, one that you actually have to sit at. XD
Plus, I elevate my monitor so that my posture doesn't get messed up.
Love is all we need~
4:03pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ Guess who just getting the 400th post?!?!?!!?!?!?! ^^^^^ - that girl -
-random- anyways, I hate you. lolololol. xD ]]
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4:06pm Jun 21 2012
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Ooc:// I CAN HAZ 400th POST??? Yeys. Yeys I can. :D
So, I must ask what causes you to hate me. ;~; XD
Love is all we need~