4:07pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ Wasn't it just yesterday that we had the 300th post?!?! We're flying~
'Cause you have amazing posture. ;-; ]]
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4:09pm Jun 21 2012
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Ooc:// I have an amazing posture, but an ancient computer. XD
Plus, when you take six years of piano lessons, participate in a choir all of your life, and have parents who are paranoid about scoliosis, you learn to keep your posture good. XD
Love is all we need~
11:37am Jun 22 2012
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[[ That just makes me hate you more, Wolfie... xD Okay, so I'm lame. I have writers block. What should happen now? D: Once again, Travis tries to be a protective controlling man to Sara and now they're arguing. So he can't come back and talk to her now. You don't talk to a woman when she's upset. Especially one that can electrocute you. xD ]]
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1:04pm Jun 22 2012
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So, perhaps the prince could come to check on her again or something, and then after a while, Sara will knock on Sara's door and apologize for being all 'I like you better when you're drunk.'
Love is all we need~
1:10pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Sara will knock on Sara's door? O_O Hahaha. I'm a teasing hater. I know what you mean. Let's do it! Post coming~ ]]
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1:33pm Jun 22 2012
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Ooc:// D: Not cool. You know that I have waaaaay to many -epicfail-'s. Dun mek fun urf meh.
Love is all we need~
1:41pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Dude, you have had so many epic fails lately. O_O Good thing I'm immune to Wolfie - type epic fails. ]]
It's now in the afternoon, and I couldn't wait anymore. If I was courting the princess, I think I deserved to know what was wrong. Knowing it's been a while, I knew she probably was done with the crying. I couldn't handle seeing a woman cry. It... Overwhelms me to no end.
Coming back to the princess's door, I pressed my knuckles to the wood gently, hoping this was a appropriate time to demand to know why she was crying.
"Princess, it's Prince Anrold... Again."
[[Short... ]]
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2:22pm Jun 22 2012
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Sara had sat down on the edge of her bed again and taken deep breaths. The staticky feeling was long gone by that point, and she was glad that it was. She didn't enjoy the fact that she knew she could shock someone if they touched her while she was angry. It was rather disturbing to her, really.
When she heard the knock on the door, she didn't really want to talk to the prince, but telling him to 'go away' wouldn't help her in any way. Sighing as she got off of the bed and walked over to the door, she opened it and gave the prince a slight smile.
"Good afternoon, my lord," she said with a voice that was neither excited nor annoyed.
Ooc:// -.- I know I have too many fails. But at least people can decipher what the fails mean. XD
That's got to get me somewhere.
Love is all we need~
3:17pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ |DDDD ]]
Seeing her when she opened the door, I gave her a sympathetic smile. "I was worried about you, Princess Sara." I said, before coming into the doorway, inches from her face.
"May I come in, Princess?"
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3:20pm Jun 22 2012
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Ooc:// What's the |D Fais for?
Sara was glad that he at least returned her smile. At least the prince wasn't angry at her for not telling him what was bothering her earlier. When his face came towards hers, only a few inches from hers in fact, she couldn't help the blush that spread onto her cheeks.
She moved away from the doorway- and Prince Arnold's face- and said, "You may come in, my lord. You shouldn't worry about me so much. It will make you sick."
Love is all we need~
3:37pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ 'Cause you make me smile <3
"I can't help but worry about you."
I said sincerely before coming in but looking back at her. Waiting for her to join me deeper into the room.
"When I see those pretty eyes welled up with tears, it makes me want to kill any thing that made you hurt - and I'm not a violent man. I can't take it to know that someone has hurt your heart, Princess. Will you tell me what's wrong?"
I asked, putting a hand up to caress her red cheeks.
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3:47pm Jun 22 2012
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Ooc:// Really. -.- Really, man? XD Bahahahah. I used to listen to that song 24/7. Then it got really annoying.
Sara left the door open, and walked over to Prince Arnold. She was flattered that he was worried about her, as any girl would be, but she didn't want him to worry about her. He was the one that made her angry yesterday morning.
"Prince Arnold, you must understand that I am truly flattered that you're worried about me, but there is no need to have violent thoughts for anyone who hurts me. And I don't think I should say what is wrong. It's a bit personal, if you may understand, my lord." Sara tried her best not to sound rude or disrespectful. To herself, she didn't sound disrespectful.
But she never knew if the prince didn't take no for an answer. She gave him a polite smile and allowed him to touch her face.
Love is all we need~
8:16pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ If I poof, it's because I'm once again avoiding packing and if my mom finds me... I won't be smiling anymore. o-o
Oh, admit it. I made your day by dedicating that song to you. ;-; ]]
I frowned at her response. It wasn't like she was a peasant here, and I was her master. If she didn't want to tell me, she had a right to have personal matters that didn't involve me. She was a princess, after all. "I understand, Princess."
With a sigh, I put my hand off her cheek and twirled a strand of her curly blonde hair before putting my hands to my sides.
"If that knight is being of any trouble to you, I will see to it that he is banished. From this kingdom and of this world."
My voice probably held the passion and excitement at doing just that. I didn't like how the man has made this princess feel. I was supposed to be making her smile of love and cry from... What ever he did to make her cry. He isn't supposed to be apart of this princess's romantic notions and thoughts! We were made to marry and I would see to it that we did so.
Whether this Sir Knight liked it or not.
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8:29pm Jun 22 2012
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Ooc:// Alright, alright. You made my day. <3
Forgive me if this is failish. I'm on my phone...
Sara was a bit frightened by his statement of banishing Travis from the world if he troubled her. A tiny bit of fright showed on her face, but the majority of it was held inside. She bit her lip as he twirled a bit of her hair around his finger. If her heart didn't belong to Travis, she might have blushed vibrantly, but only a tinge of pink stained her cheeks.
"Thankyou for understanding, Prince Arnold." She decided it was best not to comment on his threat to Travis. She feared that if she commented, it may have sounded suspicious. She gave the prince a warm smile.
Love is all we need~
8:35pm Jun 22 2012
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[Wolfie never fails. She may have epic failures, but she never 'fails'. |D -tease tease- ]]
I smiled back at the princess. A true beauty I had here. It took everything in me not to tell her that I 'get everything I want'. I was able to admit that I was a spoiled prince, and what I want, I get. Either now or later, I always get what I want. And what I wanted was this blonde - haired, blue - eyed princess that's heart was already given.
And hopefully wasn't received. I'll steal that heart out of the knight's grasp before he could even notice. I could do it. Soon. Not now, but soon enough. The plans were already set.
"Good day, Princess. (-doesn't know the time-)" I said, bowing before leaving the room.
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11:13pm Jun 22 2012
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Ooc:// I am going to choose not to type up a smart-butt remark to that. -.-
Sara was surprised at how Prince Arnold dismissed himself. She would've thought she would actually have to tell him to leave politely by saying something like, "I'm dreadfully tired," or something like that.
She gave him a nod as he looked at her, and she did a curtsy in return to his bow. "Good evening, my lord," she said, her voice wavering slightly. She was still quite intimidated by his speech about hurting someone that hurt her.
While it was true that Travis hurt her, she probably hurt him, too, she decided. She just wished he could decide whether he wanted her to marry the prince or not. The other day he made her promise not to marry him, and threatened to kill himself if she did. But today he acted like he regretted it, but Sara had no such regrets in promising what he asked of her.
Love is all we need~
11:16pm Jun 22 2012
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[ Will Travis actually be a man and knock and apologize first, or will Sara do it? You had said for Sara to do it, but your post didn't do it...
I will say nothing about your epic failures. But... My confusion speaks for itself. <3 ]]
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11:28pm Jun 22 2012
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Ooc:// -.- | -.-' | *~* | TT_TT You make me cry....
Dun mek fun urf meh. For like the.... umpteenth time.
So, I was thinking that Travis could be a man, or at least a fraction of a man, and knock on Sara's door first.
Love is all we need~
11:31pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Pssshhh. He's all man in body and muscle. He can't be a man in the head, it's too much for him. ;D It's either smart or sexy. You choose...
I can't help but make fun of you when your actions scream 'make fun of Wolfe, CH!' xD Post coming tomorrow. Found out I'm not leaving for vacation until tomorrow evening, not tomorrow morning like I was thinking. So I have the whole day to make fun of you.<3 ]
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11:33pm Jun 22 2012
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Ooc:// Travis could have some 'man-in-the-head' for that post. He's mainly sexy, but sometimes smart. XD
And since you have the whole day to make fun of me tomorrow, I have all day to cry. ;~;
Love is all we need~